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Exploring the Dynamics of Archicad 25, Site Inspections, and Industry Governance within the
Ministry of Public Works


Table of Contents
COVER PAGE...........................................................................................................................................0
Organizational Background: Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy.........................................4
Infrastructure Development:................................................................................................................4
Transportation Management:..............................................................................................................4
Energy Sector Oversight:....................................................................................................................4
Regulatory Framework:.......................................................................................................................4
Organizational Structure: Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy..............................................5
Deputy Minister(s):.................................................................................................................................5
Permanent Secretary:...............................................................................................................................5
Public Works Department:..................................................................................................................5
Transport Department:.........................................................................................................................5
Energy Department:.............................................................................................................................5
Detailed description of daily activities........................................................................................................6
Week 1....................................................................................................................................................6
First Day: Reporting and Orientation...................................................................................................6
Assignment Submission and Site Inspection.......................................................................................6
Week 2....................................................................................................................................................6
Institution Meeting and Archicad Installation......................................................................................6
Drawing Tips and Plan Assignment.....................................................................................................6
Week 3....................................................................................................................................................7
Ministry Board Meeting and Archicad Training..................................................................................7
Archicad Types and Beam Calculations..............................................................................................7
Week 4....................................................................................................................................................7
Ministry Board Meeting and Advanced Archicad Features.................................................................7
Roof Plan and Slab Research...............................................................................................................7
Week 5....................................................................................................................................................8

Ministry Board Meeting and Continued Archicad Learning................................................................8
Furniture Studies and Door Types.......................................................................................................8
Week 6....................................................................................................................................................8
Ministry Board Meeting and 3D Rendering.........................................................................................8
Furniture Layout and Practice..............................................................................................................8
Week 7....................................................................................................................................................9
Ministry Board Meeting and Practical Applications............................................................................9
Wall Types and Applications...............................................................................................................9
Week 8........................................................................................................................................................9
Ministry Board Meeting and Structural Practice..................................................................................9
Archicad Features and Dimension Insertion........................................................................................9
Week 9..................................................................................................................................................10
Ministry Board Meeting and Column Insertion.................................................................................10
Beam Studies and Grill Placement.....................................................................................................10
Week 10................................................................................................................................................10
Ministry Board Meeting and Project Review.....................................................................................10
Roof Styles and Digital Manipulation...............................................................................................10
Week 11................................................................................................................................................11
Ministry Board Meeting and Project Evaluation................................................................................11
Elevation Studies and Interior Features.............................................................................................11
Purpose of the Attachment........................................................................................................................12
Challenges Faced During the Attachment.................................................................................................13
Resolutions to the Challenges Faced During the Attachment:...................................................................14
Findings from the Attachment Experience................................................................................................15
Recommendations for Future Attachees and Professional Development...................................................16

I, ISAAC PETER ONYANGO declare that this attachment report, entitled "Exploration and
Learning in Construction and Design," faithfully represents my experiences and reflections
during the attachment period as part of my Diploma at SIGALAGALA NATIONAL

Throughout this report, all information is based on my personal experiences, observations, and
interactions during the attachment.

The intellectual content, ideas, and opinions presented in this report are entirely my own, except
where explicitly stated otherwise. The work contained in this report has not been submitted for
any other academic or professional qualification and has not been previously published.

I am fully aware of and understand the academic integrity policies of SIGALAGALA

NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC and I declare that the content of this report adheres to these
principles. I take full responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and authenticity of the
information presented herein.

I acknowledge that any breach of academic integrity, including plagiarism or falsification of

information, may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the policies of SIGALAGALA

Date: ____________________________________

NAME: ____________________________________

Student ID: _________________________________

Signature: __________________________________

Organizational Background: Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy
The Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy holds a pivotal role in overseeing and
managing critical aspects of infrastructure development and public services within Kakamega.
Established with the mandate to enhance the nation's physical infrastructure, transportation
systems, and energy resources, the ministry plays a crucial role in driving economic development
and ensuring the well-being of its citizens.

Infrastructure Development:
The ministry is at the forefront of planning, implementing, and maintaining key infrastructure
projects that contribute to the nation's growth. This includes the construction and maintenance of
roads, bridges, public buildings, and other essential structures. Through strategic initiatives, the
ministry aims to create a robust and sustainable physical foundation that facilitates economic
activities and improves the overall quality of life for the populace.

Transportation Management:
In overseeing the transportation sector, the ministry is responsible for the efficient and safe
movement of people and goods. This involves the planning and maintenance of road networks,
public transportation systems, and other modes of transport. By ensuring a well-functioning
transportation infrastructure, the ministry plays a crucial role in fostering economic connectivity
and accessibility.

Energy Sector Oversight:

The energy portfolio under the ministry encompasses the exploration, development, and
management of energy resources. This includes traditional and renewable energy sources, with a
focus on ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply for both residential and industrial
needs. The ministry works towards fostering energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and
innovation in the energy sector.

Regulatory Framework:
The Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy operates within a comprehensive
regulatory framework. It establishes and enforces standards, codes, and guidelines to ensure the
safety, quality, and compliance of projects within its purview. This regulatory function is vital
for maintaining the integrity of infrastructure, transportation systems, and energy facilities.

Organizational Structure: Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy
The Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Energy operates with a structured organizational
framework designed to oversee and manage key aspects of infrastructure development,
transportation, and energy resources. The organizational structure is as follows:

At the helm of the ministry is the Minister, who provides leadership and strategic direction. The
Minister is responsible for policy formulation, decision-making, and representing the ministry at
higher government levels.

Deputy Minister(s):
Supporting the Minister, Deputy Ministers may be appointed to oversee specific portfolios
within the ministry. They contribute to policy implementation and assist in the day-to-day
operations of their designated areas.

Permanent Secretary:
The Permanent Secretary serves as the chief administrative officer, responsible for coordinating
and overseeing the overall administration of the ministry. They liaise between the political
leadership and the various departments to ensure effective communication and implementation
of policies.

The ministry is organized into distinct departments, each headed by a Director or Commissioner.
Common departments include:

Public Works Department:

Focuses on the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and
government buildings.

Transport Department:
Manages transportation systems, including road networks, public transportation, and aviation.

Energy Department:
Oversees energy-related policies, including the exploration, development, and regulation of
energy resources.

Detailed description of daily activities

Week 1

First Day: Reporting and Orientation

The attachment journey kicked off with an insightful orientation session, shedding light on the
organizational structure and the integral role of the construction and design team. A welcoming
environment was established, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the team. The day
concluded with the assignment of a research project, a pivotal task aimed at understanding the
multifaceted responsibilities of the construction and design team within the organization.

Assignment Submission and Site Inspection

As the week progressed, considerable focus was placed on the research assignment. This
involved a deep dive into the literature, interviews with key team members, and the synthesis of
information into a coherent report. Simultaneously, an enriching site inspection at Mukanga Sub-
county Hospital provided practical insights, aligning theoretical knowledge with on-the-ground

Week 2

Institution Meeting and Archicad Installation

The second week commenced with a comprehensive institution meeting, providing attachees
with a broader understanding of ongoing projects and the collaborative efforts required. A
subsequent class session delved into the theoretical aspects of architectural design. A highlight of
the week was the installation of Archicad 25, a pivotal software tool in the realm of construction
and design.

Drawing Tips and Plan Assignment

The week unfolded with engaging discussions on drawing techniques. Practical application
became the focus as attachees attempted to create simple plans and received assignments to
transition these designs into the digital realm. This marked the initiation of hands-on experience
with architectural software.

Week 3

Ministry Board Meeting and Archicad Training

The third week introduced attachees to the broader organizational context through participation
in a board meeting under the Ministry of Public Works. This exposure provided valuable insights
into the industry's regulatory landscape. The week further unfolded with practical Archicad
training, including software installation and an exploration of different roof types and their
integration into design plans.

Archicad Types and Beam Calculations

Dedicated sessions expanded on Archicad functionality, introducing attachees to the diverse
array of Archicad types used in plan creation. A comprehensive exploration of various beams
followed, delving into calculations for quantities and their strategic placement on walls.

Week 4

Ministry Board Meeting and Advanced Archicad Features

The fourth week commenced with active participation in a board meeting under the Ministry of
Public Works, fostering a deeper understanding of governmental roles in construction and
design. Archicad 25 was further unraveled, with a focus on advanced features such as Atlantis.
Concurrently, attachees conducted research on columns used in construction plans, broadening
their understanding of structural elements.

Roof Plan and Slab Research

The latter part of the week was dedicated to extensive research on roof plans, encompassing
types and features. Simultaneously, attachees delved into the nuanced study of slabs and color
applications in construction planning, recognizing the aesthetic and functional aspects of
architectural design.

Week 5

Ministry Board Meeting and Continued Archicad Learning

The fifth week opened with another immersive board meeting under the Ministry of Public
Works. Building upon previous Archicad learning, the focus shifted to the features of Archicad
25, with a particular emphasis on Atlantis. The theoretical understanding gained was translated
into practical skills through the construction of external walls.

Furniture Studies and Door Types

Studies expanded beyond software applications as attachees delved into different types of
furniture in Archicad, recognizing the significance of furniture layout in interior design.
Simultaneously, the distinctions between internal and external doors were explored,
acknowledging their role in defining the spatial dynamics of architectural plans.

Week 6

Ministry Board Meeting and 3D Rendering

The sixth week commenced with active participation in the ministry's board meeting. Practical
skills took center stage as attachees learned the intricacies of photo rendering plans in a 3D view.
This immersive experience was complemented by a deep dive into the construction of multi-
story buildings, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application.

Furniture Layout and Practice

To reinforce acquired skills, dedicated sessions focused on furniture layout. Practical exercises
included the application of furniture features in a digital context, fostering a comprehensive
understanding of the symbiotic relationship between functionality and aesthetics in architectural

Week 7

Ministry Board Meeting and Practical Applications

Another board meeting under the Ministry of Public Works marked the initiation of the seventh
week. Practical applications were at the forefront as attachees explored interlocking brick and
block road paving, honed skills in inserting floors on plans, and studied various types of furniture
applicable to both office and home settings.

Wall Types and Applications

The week concluded with an in-depth study of wall types and their specific applications in
construction planning. This knowledge laid the foundation for understanding the structural
integrity and visual impact of different wall designs in architectural plans.

Week 8

Ministry Board Meeting and Structural Practice

The eighth week commenced with active participation in the ministry's board meeting. Practical
skills were honed through the construction of multi-story structures and the meticulous trimming
of walls in a cable house. This hands-on experience allowed attachees to grasp the intricacies of
structural design and detailing.

Archicad Features and Dimension Insertion

In-depth learning about Archicad 25 features, such as Atlantis, continued. Sessions were
dedicated to the insertion of dimensions on plans, emphasizing precision and accuracy.
Theoretical knowledge gained earlier in the attachment was now being refined through practical
exercises, ensuring a holistic understanding of architectural design.

Week 9

Ministry Board Meeting and Column Insertion

Participation in the ministry's board meeting initiated the ninth week. Practical exercises
involved the insertion of columns in plans, emphasizing their structural significance. This
marked a crucial phase in the attachment, as attachees were actively engaged in manipulating
spatial elements within architectural plans.

Beam Studies and Grill Placement

Studies extended to beams, their application in plans, and the strategic placement of grills in
various structures. A comprehensive review of Atlantis features served as a refresher, ensuring
that attachees were well-versed in the advanced functionalities of Archicad 25.

Week 10

Ministry Board Meeting and Project Review

Participation in the ministry's board meeting marked the beginning of the tenth week. The intern
actively engaged in the collective review of projects and their implementation. This phase
allowed for reflective analysis, highlighting areas of success and potential areas for improvement
in the design process.

Roof Styles and Digital Manipulation

Studies encompassed diverse roof styles and types, providing attachees with a nuanced
understanding of the aesthetic considerations associated with architectural design. Practical
sessions involved the digital manipulation of walls and roofs, including dragging, copying, and
pasting elements in Archicad, refining proficiency in software use.

Week 11

Ministry Board Meeting and Project Evaluation

The eleventh week commenced with active participation in the ministry's board meeting. The
intern reviewed previously drawn projects, gaining valuable insights into the iterative nature of
the design process. This phase of the attachment allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of
individual progress and growth throughout the entire experience.

Elevation Studies and Interior Features

Studies expanded to include elevation considerations, focusing on the cardinal points. The intern
delved into the design of different parts of a house, including washrooms and kitchens, exploring
the features integral to these spaces. This holistic approach ensured that attachees were equipped
not only with technical skills but also with a keen eye for the functional and aesthetic aspects of
architectural design.

Purpose of the Attachment
The attachment serves the following purposes:

 Supplementary Information: It provides additional details, data, or information that

supports and enriches the content of the main document.
 Reference and Evidence: Acts as a reference point, offering evidence, examples, or
supporting documentation to validate claims, statements, or findings in the main
 In-Depth Analysis: Allows for a more in-depth analysis of specific aspects, offering
readers the opportunity to delve deeper into particular topics or sections as needed.
 Visual Aid: Includes visual elements such as charts, graphs, images, or tables to enhance
the visual representation of complex information, making it more comprehensible.
 Legal or Technical Details: Contains legal, technical, or complex details that might be
crucial for a thorough understanding but could potentially overwhelm the main
 Comprehensive Reporting: Enables a comprehensive reporting approach by segregating
detailed or extensive information, ensuring the main document remains concise and
 Documentation of Research: Serves as a repository for detailed research data,
methodologies, or raw data that supports the findings and conclusions presented in the
main document.
 Accessibility and Optional Reading: Offers readers the choice to delve into additional
material based on their interest or the need for a deeper understanding, maintaining
accessibility without overwhelming all readers.
 Citations and Sources: Provides a space for citations, references, or sources, ensuring
transparency and allowing readers to trace the origins of the information presented in the
main document.
 Facilitation of Review: Aids reviewers or stakeholders in comprehensively assessing the
document by presenting detailed information separately, promoting clarity and
facilitating a more efficient review process.

Challenges Faced During the Attachment
The attachment experience within the construction and design sector brought forth a series of
challenges that, while demanding, also presented valuable opportunities for learning and
professional growth. These challenges encompassed various aspects of the attachment, including
technical, collaborative, and time management facets:

 Complexity of Design Software: The utilization of Archicad 25, while essential for
creating intricate architectural plans, posed a notable challenge due to its complexity.
Learning to navigate and leverage the full spectrum of features required dedicated time
and effort.
 Balancing Theory and Practice: The transition from theoretical knowledge gained in
academic settings to the practical application of skills in a professional environment was
a nuanced challenge. Bridging this gap necessitated adaptation to real-world scenarios
and industry-specific processes.
 Meeting Project Deadlines: Engaging in hands-on assignments and site inspections
added a practical dimension to the attachment but also introduced the challenge of
meeting project deadlines. Balancing the depth of research and the timely submission of
deliverables required effective time management and prioritization.

 Integration into a Professional Team: Integrating into an established professional team

presented a social challenge. Understanding team dynamics, communication protocols,
and adapting to the professional culture of the workplace required proactive engagement
and effective interpersonal skills.

 Board Meeting Participation: Attending board meetings under the Ministry of Public
Works, while providing invaluable insights into industry regulations, also presented a
challenge. Understanding the nuances of governmental proceedings and contributing
meaningfully required a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

Resolutions to the Challenges Faced During the Attachment:
Complexity of Design Software:

 Resolution: Engaged in supplementary training sessions and online tutorials to deepen

proficiency in Archicad 25. Seeking guidance from experienced team members facilitated
a smoother learning curve, and consistent practice enhanced software navigation skills.

Balancing Theory and Practice:

 Resolution: Actively sought mentorship from senior team members to bridge the gap
between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Engaged in collaborative
projects to gain hands-on experience and receive constructive feedback.

Meeting Project Deadlines:

 Resolution: Implemented effective time management strategies, including setting realistic

milestones, breaking down tasks, and prioritizing assignments based on urgency and
complexity. Regular check-ins with project supervisors ensured alignment with

Integration into a Professional Team:

 Resolution: Proactively engaged with team members, participated in team-building

activities, and sought opportunities for informal interactions. This facilitated a smoother
integration into the professional team and promoted open communication.

Board Meeting Participation:

 Resolution: Prepared thoroughly for board meetings by staying informed about the
agenda, industry regulations, and ongoing projects. Engaged in discussions with
colleagues and sought guidance to contribute meaningfully during board meetings.

Findings from the Attachment Experience
The attachment experience within the construction and design sector yielded several key
findings, shedding light on various aspects of the industry, professional development, and the
practical application of academic knowledge. These findings contribute to a holistic
understanding of the field and provide insights into the challenges, successes, and opportunities
encountered during the attachment.

Integration of Theory and Practice:

 Finding: The attachment underscored the importance of bridging the gap between
theoretical knowledge acquired in academic settings and its practical application in a
professional environment.
 Significance: The ability to seamlessly integrate theoretical foundations with hands-on
experience is crucial for effective performance in the construction and design industry.

Significance of Archicad 25 Proficiency:

 Finding: Proficiency in utilizing Archicad 25 is integral for effective architectural design,

drawing, and project planning.
 Significance: A strong command of design software such as Archicad 25 is a valuable
skill, enhancing efficiency in project execution and contributing to the overall quality of
architectural plans.

Collaboration and Communication Skills:

 Finding: Effective collaboration and communication within a professional team are

paramount for successful project execution.
 Significance: Building strong interpersonal relationships and maintaining open
communication channels are essential for a cohesive team dynamic and the successful
completion of projects.

Understanding Industry Regulations:

 Finding: Participation in board meetings under the Ministry of Public Works provided
insights into industry regulations, governance, and the broader societal impact of
construction and design projects.

Recommendations for Future Attachees and Professional Development
Based on the findings and experiences gained during the attachment in the construction and
design sector, several recommendations are offered to enhance the effectiveness of future
attachments and support ongoing professional development:

Early Familiarization with Design Software:

 Recommendation: Future attachees should consider familiarizing themselves with design

software, such as Archicad 25, before the start of the attachment. Early exposure can
expedite the learning curve and allow attachees to maximize their practical contributions.

Proactive Engagement in Professional Networking:

 Recommendation: Actively engage in professional networking opportunities both within

the organization and the broader industry. Attend industry events, seminars, and connect
with professionals to broaden perspectives and build a robust professional network.

Structured Time Management Strategies:

 Recommendation: Develop structured time management strategies from the outset to

balance theoretical learning, practical assignments, and site inspections. Establishing a
clear schedule and task prioritization can enhance efficiency and ensure timely project

Continuous Skill Enhancement:

 Recommendation: Recognize the importance of continuous skill enhancement.

Proactively seek out opportunities for skill development, attend workshops, and explore
additional training resources to stay abreast of industry advancements and emerging

Thorough Preparation for Board Meetings:

 Recommendation: Prioritize thorough preparation for board meetings by staying

informed about industry regulations, ongoing projects, and relevant topics. This will
enable active participation and contribute to a deeper understanding of the industry's
regulatory landscape.

The attachment in the construction and design sector has been a transformative and enlightening
experience, providing valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of the industry. As the
attachment comes to a close, several key conclusions emerge, shaping the understanding of the
field and influencing future endeavors:

Integration of Knowledge and Practice:

 The integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application is fundamental. The

attachment emphasized the significance of translating academic concepts into tangible,
real-world solutions. This synthesis is pivotal for success in the construction and design

Professional Networking's Crucial Role:

 Professional networking emerged as a crucial aspect of career development. Engaging

with diverse stakeholders, from colleagues to industry professionals, not only broadened
perspectives but also provided avenues for collaboration, mentorship, and future

Adaptability and Flexibility is Key:

 The dynamic nature of the construction and design industry demands adaptability and
flexibility. The ability to navigate design changes, evolving project requirements, and
unforeseen challenges proved essential for maintaining project momentum and ensuring
successful outcomes.

Emphasis on Continuous Learning:

 The attachment highlighted the imperative of continuous learning. In an industry marked

by technological advancements and evolving best practices, adopting a mindset of
ongoing education is paramount for staying relevant and innovative.
 Efficient time management emerged as a cornerstone of successful project execution.
Balancing theoretical learning, practical assignments, and site inspections necessitated
strategic planning, prioritization, and a disciplined approach to deadlines.


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