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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify the elements and parts of argumentative essay;
2. develop their reasoning and argumentation skills through an
activity, and
3. write an argumentative essay.
Topic: Argumentative Essay (EN10WC-IIh-13)
Reference: English 10 Quarter 3 Module 1 Self-Learning Material (SLM)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Pictures, Glass Bottle, Visual

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Daily Routine
a. Greetings and Prayer

Good morning, everyone. I am your teacher for this

morning, Ma’am Chami. Also, together with my co- Good morning, Ma’am Chami.
teachers Ma'am Lovely, Ma'am Catherine and Ma'am
Cristel. We will teach you a new lesson for today.
Everybody stand up. Let’s start our morning with a (The president of the class leads
quick prayer. Ms. Castro, please lead the prayer. and everybody prays.)
b. Classroom Management

I hope everybody had a great morning like I am.

Arrange your seats properly, put your bags down or at the
back of your seats. Don’t hug your bags okay? This is a
classroom not your bedrooms. You may get your notebooks
or papers and your pens for taking down notes. I don’t want Yes, Ma’am. We understand.
anyone using their phones on class or I will confiscate it.
Do you understand me?
Is everybody finished? Are you all ready for today’s
lesson? Yes, Ma’am!

c. Checking of Attendance

For our attendance, our secretary, Ms. Cutaran, please

make a list of students that are absent for today. I have a list
here of your names. You will sign this as a proof of your
attendance today. Do not sign for your friends that aren’t
here. If I ever find that you do it, you’ll be absent for Yes, Ma’am. We understand.
today’s class regardless of your attendance and participation
in the class. Is that understood?
2. Review

In your previous lessons, you were able to learn how to

formulate a statement of fact, opinion or assertion, claim
which are essential in making your arguments. Everybody
is entitled to take a stand on issues concerning the
happenings in his surroundings. One can convince others to
support his stand or point of view on a particular topic by
presenting reasons and providing evidences that support it.
As a learner, you should be equipped with the skills you
need to know for you to defend your stand and when to take (The class listens.)
your stance. For today's lesson we will tackle about
Argumentative essay.
3. Motivation

We will start our lesson by a short activity. We will call

it “Cryptogram”. I will tell you first the instruction and then (The class listens while the
we can proceed with the game. teacher discuss the instruction for
Cryptogram the activity.)

5 10 8 11 9 6 1 3 5 3 2 7 6
(The activity starts and the
students began to answer.)
6 4 4 5 12

1. A serious disagreement or argument, typically a

protracted one.

/ / 1 / / 2 / 3
2. An attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in
an argument.

4 3 5 1 /
3. The available body of facts or information indicating
whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

6 / 2 / 6 1 / 6
4. To carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover
and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as
to establish the truth.

2 1 7 6 4 3 2 8 5 3 6
5. A way in which a thing is done or happens.
9 5 1 1 6 10
6. A detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or

4 3 11 / 12

B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
Class, I wanted to deepen your thoughts about what
will be our lesson with a game in mind. I called it a "would
you rather" challenge with a twist. Here is my genie in a
bottle. Genie gives me three wishes, and my wishes are that
he will choose three students to answer my questions under
the condition that I will spin him inside his bottle. The
moment he stops, he chooses the lucky student.
Is that clear? Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am!

Let the game begins!

(The teacher will spin the bottle.)
Okay! The bottle stopped with Erwin.
Would you rather have a rewind or pause
button in your life? I would rather have a rewind
button that would allow me to go
back in time and change my
decisions in life. Correcting my
or mistakes, undoing regrets, or
experiencing moments again.

I like your stand. I’m in the same situation as you. There are
times I wish that I could go back in time, change everything
I wanted, and experience my happy moments in life again.

Another! Spin the bottle Erwin. The bottle stopped with

you, Ariela. Would you rather work alone or work in

Ma’am, I would rather work alone

than in a group because my mind
or works when I just feel myself.

That’s good to know. I would also choose the work alone

because it’s my most preferable way to learn.

Last! Spin the bottle Ariela. It stopped with you, Merida.

Now, would you rather have no one show up to your
wedding or have no one show up to your funeral?
For me, I would rather have no
one show up to my wedding
because I think in the near future I
or will not get married.

Why? You don’t believe in marriage?

I believe in marriage, but I just
don’t want the idea of getting
Well, we have different priorities in life, but what matters is married someday.
that we choose what we think is right.

Class, I love your stands and different points of view.

Thank you to those who participated in my activity. This
activity has a connection with what will be our discussion
for today.

2. Analysis

Now based on our activity, what do you think is our topic

for today? Yes, Mark? About opinion, Ma’am.

Another hand? You may answer, Bridgette. Claims and opinion, Ma’am.

Very good! It is connected to sharing your claims and

opinions about something. Anyone else? Yes, Kyla. Our topic is all about an
Great! It is all about an argument. Who can tell me what
argument is? Yes, Jayzel. An argument is an act or process
of arguing, reasoning or
discussing piece of writing that is
Very good! An argument is an act or process of arguing, written to convince someone.
reasoning or discussing. But, have you ever tried to write an
essay in your 9th grade? Yes, Ma’am.

Great! It’s good for you to have an idea how to write an

essay because our discussion for today is all about essay but
this is an argumentative essay.

Now, I want you to behave and listen carefully. Are we

clear, Class? Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, we will now begin our lesson.

3. Abstraction

Good morning, Grade 10! I can’t hear you. Good morning,

Grade 10! Good morning, Ma’am!
I am going to discuss the lesson about Argumentative Essay.
But before that, I am going to teach you a clapping rhythm
that simply goes like this:

Clap (2x), Clap Faster (3x), Stop Signal with one hand and
Quiet Signal with another.

Do you get it? Yes, Ma’am.

Another attention grabber of mine is if you see me, Match

me. You need to repeat my hand signals after me. Let’ try. If
you see me, match me (3x). I am going to use either one of
these along the way. Am I clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Let us begin. Argumentative Essay is a written form of

Argumentation. It is a piece of writing that takes a stance on
an issue. It presents evidences for a claim in order to let the
reader know why it is more favorable.

It says here that in an Argumentative Essay, you are

expected to take a stance. Therefore, you are typically asked
to take a position. You were tasked to apply this in the
previous activity called “Would You Rather” challenge, am
I right? Yes, Ma’am.
With that being said, is the meaning clear to you? It is, Ma’am.
Very well. Now, why do you think that as students, we need
to be able to write an Argumentative Essay? Yes, Shiela.
Because we need to express our
That is correct. However, there is only one important opinion, Ma’am.
purpose of an Argumentative Essay.

•Persuade or convince the reader to agree with the argument

being made.

In order to understand more about our topic, let us dive into

the Six Elements of Argumentative Essay.

•Claim – it s the position or assertion in relation to

an issue. A claim cannot be used to support an argument
because it is a claim that must be defended.
•Argument – statements that support the claim.
•Evidence – the facts or reasons that supports the
•Counter Argument – an opposing argument or
•Rebuttal – logical arguments for rejecting the
•Conclusion – the conclusion restates the claim,
summarizes arguments, restates the counterclaim and
rebuttal and makes any recommendation.

ISSUE: Should people be encouraged to travel by bicycle

rather than by car.
CLAIM: People should be encouraged to travel by bicycle
rather than by car.
ARGUMENT: Maintaining a bicycle is less expensive than
a car.
EVIDENCE: (NOTE) Evidence can be FACTS,
1. The parts of a bicycle are much cheaper than the parts of
a car
2. Fixing a car may require the services of a mechanic who
would charge an expensive amount for labor. On the other
hand, many bicycles can be fixed by the owners themselves.
3. Cars require expensive yearly registration.
COUNTERARGUMENT. Some say that riding a bicycle
would increase travel time and decrease productivity
REBUTIAL Travelling by bicycle would actually mean
avoiding rush hour. Traffic jams.
CONCLUSION: So we encourage people to travel by
bicycle rather than by car to avoid traffic jams during rush
hours to keep and it does not make people from being late
to their appointments.

Since we already knew the elements of the argumentative

essay, shall we now tackle the parts of it? Absolutely, Ma’am.

Parts of Argumentative Essay:

✓ Introduce the ISSUE.
✓ Give background information.

-Present your EVIDENCE (Reason + supporting
(1) Each paragraph must contain one reason and its
supporting details.
(2) The supporting details may include examples,
statistics, personal experiences, or quotations.
•Includes COUNTERCLAIM + rebuttal.

Can be:
•a general statement that supports your claim or
thesis statement.
•a quotation or call to action

So class, what could be parts of an Argumentative Essay?

Yes, Jhewena? Introduction, Body and
Conclusion may be parts of it,
That's correct. Thank you, Jhewena. Let's continue.

Now that we already identify the parts of argumentative

essay, let's take another issue as an example in order for us
to better understand it.
4. Application

Let us now apply what you've learned from our lesson

earlier through an activity. Are you ready? Yes, Ma'am.
Activity 1:
PART 1: Identifying the Parts of an Argumentative Essay
When you write an argument, you are trying to convince
your reader that your opinion is correct. In this activity only
5 elements were included in this argumentative writing.
1. Claim: I think we should get a
pet dog.
2. Evidence: Dogs make great
pets because they are loyal. They
help deter criminals, like thieves.
They also help boost people's
moods because they are friendly
Direction: Underline each part of the following argument and playful. Doctors have even
using the colors listed above. found that owning a dog can
improve a person's health. They
reduce the risk of cardiovascular
Dear Mom, disease and they help prevent
I think we should get a pet dog. Dogs make great allergies, asthma, and eczema in
pets because they are loyal. They help deter criminals, like children!
thieves. They also help boost people's moods because they 3. Counter-Argument: You might
are friendly and playful. Doctors have even found that think that I am not responsible
owning a dog can improve a person's health. They reduce enough to have a pet dog.
the risk of cardiovascular disease and they help prevent 4. Rebuttal: But, I have
allergies, asthma, and eczema in children! You might think demonstrated responsibility by
making my bed every morning
that I am not responsible enough to have a pet dog. But, I
have demonstrated responsibility by making my bed every and doing my homework every
morning and doing my homework every afternoon. I know afternoon. I know that I would be
that I would be responsible for walking our pet dog and responsible for walking our pet
cleaning up after it. Getting a pet dog would be good for our dog and cleaning up after it.
whole family! 5. Conclusion: Getting a pet dog
would be good for our whole
Love, Natalie family!

Part 2: Role Play Activity

The class will be grouped into four (4). I will give you a
role-playing card that contains the scenario that each group
should do. You will be given 5 minutes to discuss with your
groupmates then later on, you will present your activity in
Group 1 Argument between lovers
Group 2-Argument between mother and father
Group 3-Argument between besties
Group 4-Argument between students and teacher
This is the rubrics to help you with your presentation.
Okay class, the group 1 will be the first line the Group 2 (The students will go to their
will be the second line the group 3 will be from the third group.)
line the last group is from the fourth line. You may now go
to your respective group.
Are you done class? Times up! Yes, Ma'am.
Okay class present your work. Let's start with group 1
(Group 1 will present their work)
Very good! Group 1
(Group 2 will present their work)
Let's have the Group 2. Please present you work.
Wow! Good job! Group 2
(Group 3 will present their work)
Group 3. Present you work.
Wow! Group 3 that was very interesting!
And last but not the least please present your work Group 4 (Group 4 will present their work)
Wow! It was great Group 4.
Class did you enjoy our activity? Yes, Ma'am.

IV. Evaluation
1. Multiple Choice: Which element of an argumentative essay presents the writer's
stance or overall argument?
a. Reasons b. Counter argument c. Rebuttal d. Claim
2. Fill in the Blank: The thesis statement is part of the paragraph in an argumentative
3. True or False: Evidence presented in the rebuttal section of an argumentative essay
supports the writer's claim.
a. True b. False
4. Short Answer: Provide one way to make the introductory paragraph of an
argumentative essay engaging for the reader.
5. Multiple Choice: What is the purpose of the body paragraphs in an argumentative
a. To introduce the topic
b. To present evidence supporting the counterclaim
c. To support and develop the thesis statement
d. To conclude the essay
Answer Key:
1. d. Claim 2. Introductory 3. b. False 4. Answers may vary 5. b. reasons
V. Assignment
For your assignment make an argumentative essay about "Catch-Up Friday". Follow the
provided guide to outline an argumentative essay in 2 steps.
1. Write an outline for an argumentative essay on a topic.
2. Include the following sections:
•Introductory paragraph.
•Thesis statement
•Body paragraphs (with supporting points)

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