Lesson Plan 1

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Date: 30.01.

Grade: 4 “B”
Unit 4. Wild animals
Lesson 1. Wild animals vocabulary

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: - to learn new vocabularies of wild animals and increase translating skills of students.
Developing: - to enable pupils to say the days of the week in order that were taught in the last lessons ; to enable students to say wild
animals in English.
Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of different pronunciation of the letter Ii and single pronunciation of – Jj.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- recognize, say and write the letters Ii and Jj; - learn new vocabularies of wild animals;
- recognize different pronunciation of the letter Ii and single pronunciation of – Jj;
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed.
Method of the lesson: individual work, pair work.
Equipment: Workbooks, textbooks, computer, a projector, cards with letters.
The Procedure of the Lesson:
№ Steps Time Teacher Pupils Blackboard &
1 Organizational 8:00 - 8:02 -Good afternoon children! -Good afternoon teacher! The 30th of
moment (2 min) -Who is on duty today? Sherzod: I am on duty today. January
-What date is it today? Sherzod: Today is the 30th of Monday
-What day of the week is it today? Sherzod: Today is Tuesday.
2 Warming up 8:02 - 8:05 -Today we`ll learn a song called “Wheels on the Children are watching the video and Computer
(3 min) road”. singing the song. Projector
Teacher shows the video of the song. Video

3 Checking home 8:05 – 8:10 -Let`s check your home task. Workbooks
assignment (5 min) -What was your home task? Fotima: Our home task was to do
Teacher goes through lines, checks pupils` exercises 1 and 2 on page 43 and to
workbooks and asks vocabularies about days of the learn by heart new words.
week that were given in the last lesson.

4 Explanation of a 8:10 – 8:30 -Ok pupils, today`s topic is “Wild animals”. Theme: Wild
new topic (20 min) Open the page 44 and look at the exercise 2a. animals
-Now, I`ll show you the video of this exercise.
Computer, video,
Teacher shows the video about wild animals … ball, cards with
Children are watching the video. letters, textbooks
-Now, students let`s play a game. Stand up children and workbooks.
and make a circle. I`ll throw a ball and show a Children are making a circle.
picture of a wild animal and the one of you who
catches the ball say what animal is it. Then the pupil
who catches the ball should answer like this: It is a
lion. -Yes!
-What animal is it? Anvar: It is an elephant.
-What animal is it? Bahora: It is a fox.

-Please, take your seats and open the page 45. Today
we`ll learn the letters Ii and Jj.
-What kind of words do you know starting with -jam, jump, ice…
these letters?
Teacher shows visual aids with more words starting Children are listening the teacher and
with these letters. repeating the new words after her.
-Now, open your workbooks on page 42 and write Children are writing.
down these letters.
5 Consolidation 8:30 – 8:40 -Now, open your textbooks and look at the exercise Textbooks
(10 min) 2c on page 45. It is another game. You should work
in pairs. Children are listening the rules of the
Teacher points to pupils from the first desk and game.
explains. One of you should show an action and the Children are playing.
other should call the action. Malika is showing the action of a
Please, Malika shows an action. bear.
-Good job! Olim: It is a bear!
6 Home assignment 8:40 - 8: 42 -Open your daybooks and write down the home Pupils are writing down the home
(2 min) task. task to their daybooks. Exercises 1 and
-These are exercises 1 and 2 on page 46. 2. Page 46.

7 Assessing 8:42 – 8:44 -Malika your mark is 5. You were very active during Pupils are listening their marks. Daybooks
(2 min) the lesson.
-Sherzod you were not attentive at the lesson, so
your mark is 4.
-Bring your daybooks. I`ll put your marks.
8 End of the lesson 8:44 - 8:45 -Our lesson is over. -Good bye!
(1 min) -Be ready for the next lesson! -See you!
-Good bye! See you next lesson.

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