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Table of Contents
Approval page i
Abstract ii
Certification iii
Acknowledgement iv
Dedication v
1.1 Background of Study.....................................................................................................................5
1.2 Statement of Problem....................................................................................................................7
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study...................................................................................................7
1.4 Significance of the Study...............................................................................................................8
1.5.1 Scope of the Study......................................................................................................................9
1.5.2 Limitations of the study..............................................................................................................9
1.6 Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................................10
2.1 Theoretical review.......................................................................................................................11
2.2 Historical review of mobile payment methods.............................................................................11
2.3 Mobile applications in fintech.....................................................................................................12
2.4 Role of technology in financial transactions................................................................................13
2.5 Mobile payment methods............................................................................................................15
2.6 Offline payment methods............................................................................................................16
2.7 Advantages of offline mobile payment methods to Nigeria’s economy.......................................17
2.8 Research gaps..............................................................................................................................19
3.1 Research design and analysis.......................................................................................................20
3.1 System Architecture....................................................................................................................22
3.1.1 Client Component.....................................................................................................................23
3.1.2 Server Component....................................................................................................................23
3.2 Data Flow....................................................................................................................................24
3.2.1 User Input.................................................................................................................................24
3.2.2 Token Transfer Request............................................................................................................25
3.2.3 Transaction Processing.............................................................................................................25
3.2.4 Transaction Status and Notification..........................................................................................26
3.3 System Requirements..................................................................................................................26
3.3.1 Android Device........................................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Network Connectivity...............................................................................................................26
3.3.3 Security Measures.....................................................................................................................26
3.3.4 Scalability and Performance.....................................................................................................26
3.3.5 Integration with External Services............................................................................................26
3.4 Tools and software involved........................................................................................................27
3..5 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Important Reasoning Element in Offline Token payment method...............................................28
4.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML)diagram...............................................................................29
4.3 My Token App............................................................................................................................29
4.3.1 User Interface...........................................................................................................................30
4.4 Functionality Testing...................................................................................................................39
5.1. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................41
5.2 Recommendation.........................................................................................................................42

List of Figures
Figure 3.1 RAD Diagram 20
Figure 3.2 Offline PAN connection 21
Figure 3.3 System Architecture 21
Figure 3.4 Client Component 22
Figure 3.5 Server Component 22
Figure 3.6 Data Flow Diagram 23
Figure 3.7 Token transfer request 24
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram 28
Figure 4.2 Landing Page 30
Figure 4.3 Login Interface 31
Figure 4.4Registration Page 32
Figure 4.5Homepage/Dashboard 34
Figure 4.6 Buy Tokens 35
Figure 4.7 Payment Methods 36
Figure 4.8 Pay with card 37
Figure 4.9 Send Tokens 38
Figure 4.10 Receive Tokens 39
Figure 4.11 TokenTransact41ion History 40


1.1 Background of Study

In recent years, Nigeria has been actively pursuing the goal of transitioning to a cashless
economy (Ibrahim Abdullahi, 2012). The aim is to reduce the reliance on cash transactions
and promote electronic payment systems, leading to increased efficiency, transparency, and
financial inclusion. While progress has been made in this endeavor, there is a significant
need to incorporate small-scaled businesses and service providers into Nigeria's cashless
economy (Ikechukwu Acha, 2019).

Small-scaled businesses and service providers play a vital role in the Nigerian economy,
contributing to employment generation and economic growth. However, many of these
businesses still heavily rely on cash transactions, hindering their ability to participate fully
in the digital economy. The lack of access to modern electronic payment solutions limits
their market reach, exposes them to security risks, and makes it challenging to track and
manage their finances effectively (Doris Sasu, 2022).

On the 21st of October 2022, the Nigerian government alongside its central bank introduced
her first step towards achieving the vision of Nigeria becoming a cashless economy, which
is the naira redesign policy (The Nation, 2022). The policy which aims to reduce the amount
of cash inflow within the Nigerian banking sector1. and the economy at large was met by
series of challenges. One of these challenges which propagated the unsustainability of this
policy was the inability for small-scaled businesses and service providers to be fully
integrated into the new online-transfer based modus operandi. As cashless transaction is
gradually taken over the globe, cash transaction accounted for just two percent for the
overall point-of-sale payment where credit and debit card accounted for 60% of the
households with income above $60,000 per annum. 10% of the total retail transactions done
in the US will be cash-based if this trend continues at this pace (Alexander E., 2012).

However, this is contrary to what is obtainable in Nigeria with reports indicating that cash
transactions covers over 90% of all customer-activity in Nigeria’s commercial banks with
poor network especially in rural areas in the country proving to be an obstacle (CBN, 2021).

In a research conducted by A.I Ajah in 2014, she attributed these problems to unplanned
downtime due to network failures. These network failures which she related to a
combination of various factors which includes problems in ISP and Telco networks, erratic
power-supply, hardware, inefficiency of banking software, human errors, Terrorism (North
eastern part of Nigeria) and natural disasters. These compounding problems have made it
difficult for small-scaled businesses and service providers in the country to be in businesses
especially during the escalation of the naira redesign policy crisis (Dubbed Naira-
confiscation) in the period of Feb. to April of the year 2023 which crippled quite a number
of these SMEs’ leaving a negative and lasting impact on Nigeria’s ailing economy.

Some small-scale business owners may resist adopting online mobile payment solutions due
to concerns about technology reliability, data privacy, and complexity. An offline mobile
payment application simplifies the process and provides a familiar and user-friendly
interface, encouraging adoption (Ogwezzy, C. S., & Ndubusi, N. I., 2018).

In Nigeria, particularly in rural areas, internet connectivity can be unreliable or unavailable.

This poses a significant challenge for small-scale businesses in adopting traditional online
mobile payment solutions. An offline mobile payment application would enable these
businesses to process transactions even without an active internet connection (Olawale F.,

Also, Chen, R., & Sun, Y. (2017) stated that areas with high network congestion or during
peak usage hours, the online mobile payment infrastructure may experience downtime or
slow transaction processing. An offline mobile payment solution would provide
uninterrupted payment services, ensuring smooth transactions for small-scale businesses.

Although various researchers have tried to address these issues on a global scale which
includes the creation of various offline payments platforms, Nigeria can be evidently seen to

be lagging behind in this aspect as there aren’t a lot of research papers and journals carried
out in line with the country’s peculiarities which makes financial exclusion of small-scaled
businesses and service providers imminent and major threat to Nigeria’s proposed cashless
system. In addition, the existing systems being developed are susceptible to some security
problems such as false token generation and indivisibility of tokens (R.S Rasheed et al,

To address these challenges, the development of an Android application can serve as a

practical and scalable solution. By leveraging the widespread use of smartphones in Nigeria,
an Android application can provide a platform that enables small-scaled businesses and
service providers to participate in the cashless economy (Ahmed Fayaz et al, 2020). This
application would facilitate secure, efficient, and convenient transactions between
businesses and consumers, promoting financial inclusion and driving economic growth.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The research problem addressed in this project is the poor internet service in Nigeria and its
impact on users' ability to access information, communicate, and engage in online activities.
Despite the increasing availability of mobile devices, the quality and reliability of internet
connections in Nigeria remain inadequate, leading to frustrating user experiences and
hindering the country's digital progress. Specifically, the problems that are to be addressed
in this research are stated as follows;

I. Non-instant reflection of transaction (Delayed reflection)

II. In-ability to perform transactions due to ISPs (Internet service providers)
III. Failed/unsuccessful transaction
IV. Longer time to process and other efficiency problems in general.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
This research project is aimed at how developing a transactional model of making sales and
purchases offline (without the internet) which can be implemented using a mobile
application that implements fungible tokens, QR scanners and local-area networks.

Specifically, the objectives of this research project are to;

i. Designing and developing an Android app that incorporates innovative features to

enhance transaction accessibility, optimize data usage, and provide a seamless user
ii. Evaluating the effectiveness of the developed app through user testing and feedback,
assessing its impact on improving internet connectivity and user satisfaction.
iii. Making provision of recommendations on ways to further enhance the application and
potential collaboration with ISP’s, Policymakers and stakeholders in addressing the
broader issues of financial exclusion of SME’s and service providers

1.4 Significance of the Study

If the small-scaled business and service providers which makes up about 48% of the
Nigerian GDP (ILO, 2022), can be successfully integrated into the cashless economy, this
would enable Nigeria to benefit from the advantages of being a cashless society which
includes security and stability of the socio-economic system at large. Specifically, the
significant implications of an offline cashless payment system are as stated below;

I. Enhanced financial inclusion: By providing small-scaled businesses and service

providers with access to modern electronic payment solutions, the application can enable
them to reach a broader customer base and participate more effectively in the digital
economy. Many small-scale businesses operate in remote or underserved areas with
limited access to traditional banking services. Offline mobile payment solutions can bridge
the gap by allowing businesses and customers to conduct transactions without relying on
physical cash or continuous internet connectivity (Nambisan, S., & Wang, N., 2019).

II. Improved efficiency and transparency: The Android application can streamline
transactions, reduce reliance on cash, and enhance financial record-keeping, leading to
improved operational efficiency and greater transparency in business activities.
III. Promoting economic growth: Empowering small-scaled businesses and service
providers with digital payment capabilities can stimulate economic growth by facilitating
increased business activity, employment generation, and overall economic development.
IV. Security and risk reduction: By utilizing secure payment mechanisms within the
Android application, the financial risks associated with cash transactions can be
minimized, protecting both businesses and consumers from potential fraud and theft. :
Online mobile payment systems may be susceptible to network vulnerabilities and security
breaches. An offline mobile payment application can store transaction data locally and
implement robust security measures, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access
(Adekunle, Y. R., & Adigun, M. O, 2020).
V. Contribution to technological innovation: The development of the Android
application contributes to the advancement of technology solutions tailored to Nigeria's
unique socioeconomic context, serving as a model for other countries facing similar
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
This section defines the nature of the study which includes contents of the project and
certain constraints and aspect which the project will be limited to.
1.5.1 Scope of the Study
As earlier aforementioned, this research project is concerned with the development of a
mobile application which aims to incorporate small-scaled businesses and service providers
into the Nigeria’s envisioned cashless economy which ensures easy access to financial
services in an economy. This application will involve creation of tokens that can be
transferred offline via a mobile LAN.

1.5.2 Limitations of the study

However, this development will be done for devices on the android platform which still
leaves the gap for businesses and service providers using other devices than run on varying

platforms such as Apple Inc.’s iOS and Microsoft’s Windows which limits the general
operational efficiency of the application. Also, the study does not cover the integration of
the application with existing financial systems or the development of the backend

1.6 Definition of Terms

 Application: Software developed for a specific purpose.
 Fintech: Financial Technology, The use of Technological methods for aiding
banking and financial activities for a secured and efficient transaction.
 Tokens: A digital virtual currency that is used as a legal tender in exchange for
goods and services.
 Transaction: A process of making sales or purchases.
 Reflection: A notification confirming the completion (or otherwise) of a transaction.
 Small-scaled businesses: An entrepreneurship ventures which are being
characterized by having a certain maximum amount of employees or start-up capital.
 Service provider: An employee or professional who performs activities in return for
 Purchaser: An entity patronizing a service or buying of goods.
 Vendor: A person who sells goods or provides a form of service as a product.
 Enabled-users: These are users of the application who have not just installed but are
registered users of the application having fulfilled some functional criterion.
 Digital Financial Transaction: Digital financial transaction refers to the electronic
exchange of currency or financial assets using digital platforms, such as mobile
applications, online banking, or other digital means.



2.1 Theoretical review

This chapter presents a comprehensive review of relevant literature related to the
development of an Android application to incorporate small-scaled businesses and service
providers into Nigeria's proposed cashless economy. The literature review aims to establish
a theoretical foundation for the study by exploring key concepts, previous research, and
existing solutions in the field. The review encompasses three main areas: the cashless
economy in Nigeria, mobile application development for small businesses, and electronic
payment systems.

2.2 Historical review of mobile payment methods

In the early 2000s, mobile payment systems emerged as a new way to conduct financial
transactions using mobile devices. One of the earliest examples was the introduction of
mobile payments in Japan through the NTT DoCoMo i-mode platform in 1999 (NTT
DoCoMo, 2002). It allowed users to make payments for various services using their mobile
phones. Another significant development came with the launch of M-Pesa in Kenya in 2007,
which enabled users to transfer money and make payments through their mobile devices (M-
Pesa, n.d).

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology played a pivotal role in advancing mobile
payment systems. In 2011, Google introduced Google Wallet, which utilized NFC
technology to enable contactless payments using Android smartphones. Apple Pay,
launched in 2014, further popularized NFC-based mobile payments by integrating the
technology into its iPhone devices (NFC, n.d).

QR code-based mobile payment systems gained prominence in recent years. China's Alipay
and WeChat Pay revolutionized the mobile payment landscape in the country by introducing
QR code scanning for payments. This technology allowed users to scan QR codes with their
mobile devices to make payments quickly and conveniently (Derrick A. 2017).

The rise of peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps further transformed mobile payments. Venmo,
launched in 2009, gained popularity in the United States by enabling users to send money to
friends and family directly through their mobile phones. Other notable P2P payment apps
include Cash App and PayPal's Venmo competitor, which offer similar functionalities
(Perez Sarah, 2015).

The emergence of cryptocurrencies led to the development of mobile payment apps for
digital assets. Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, introduced a mobile
app that allows users to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies (7). Furthermore, projects like
Electroneum and Pundi X have developed mobile payment solutions that enable transactions
using cryptocurrencies (CoinBase, n.d).

2.3 Mobile applications in fintech

A research paper by Smith J. et al (2018) examines the current trends and challenges
associated with mobile applications in fintech. It discusses the integration of mobile
technology in various financial services, such as payments, banking, lending, and
investment. The authors analyze the benefits and limitations of mobile applications in
fintech and discuss the potential impact on consumer behavior and financial industry

Liébana-Cabanillas et al (2020) explores the cognitive and affective factors that influence
young consumers' use of mobile banking. It presents a model that investigates the impact of
trust, perceived value, enjoyment, and perceived risk on the intention to use mobile banking
among young users.

Wang, T., Lu, Y., & Liu, Y. (2018) examined the factors that influence users' continued use
of mobile payment services from a trust transfer perspective. They investigated how trust in
a particular service or platform affects users' intention to continue using mobile payment

Castellacci, F., & Tveito, V. (2021) focused on the fintech innovation gap and explores the
role of regulatory sandboxes in promoting fintech innovation. They discussed the concept of

regulatory sandboxes and their potential impact on fostering innovation in the fintech

Tannous, O., & Hassanein, K. (2019) investigated the role of trust in influencing users'
continued usage of mobile financial services. It examines how trust affects satisfaction and
subsequently impacts users' intention to continue using mobile financial services.

He, X., Li, Y., Xu, X., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2020): research paper explores the
relationship between trust, satisfaction, and continuance intention in the context of mobile
banking. It presents findings from a two-country study that examines the impact of trust on
users' satisfaction and their intention to continue using mobile banking services.

In an article by Vos G.A et al (2019), they focused on mobile financial services usage across
different socioeconomic groups. It examines the factors that influence the adoption and
usage of mobile financial services among individuals from various socioeconomic

Alalwan et al (2018) article discusses the role of social media in marketing. While not
specifically focused on mobile applications in fintech, it provides insights into the use of
social media platforms for marketing purposes.

A study by Sadi, S., & Hwang, H. (2020) compares the factors influencing the intention to
use mobile payment services in South Korea and the United States. It examines cultural and
contextual differences that affect users' adoption of mobile payment services in these two

These reviews highlight the main focus and findings of each literature, providing a brief
overview of their contributions to the understanding of mobile applications in fintech.

2.4 Role of technology in financial transactions

This literature review examines the role of technology in financial transactions and its
impact on various aspects of the financial industry. The review analyzes relevant academic
studies published in the past decade to provide an overview of the advancements in

technology and their implications for financial transactions. The findings highlight the
benefits and challenges associated with technological advance3ments, including increased
efficiency, enhanced security, and improved accessibility. Additionally, the review explores
emerging trends such as mobile banking, digital currencies, and blockchain technology,
shedding light on their potential to reshape financial transactions and the broader financial la
The finance industry has been at the forefront of embracing internet and mobile technology,
leading to unprecedented changes in its service delivery (Alkhowaiter, 2020). Financial
institutions have utilized Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to offer
innovative services, with digital payment solutions being prominent among them. Digital
financial transactions (DFTs) refer to any payment or financial transaction initiated,
activated, and confirmed using digital or electronic devices.

DFTs encompass various types of financial transactions made through digital or electronic
mediums, such as online payments, mobile wallets, cryptocurrencies, and electronic
payments (Agarwal and Zhang, 2020; Alkhowaiter, 2020; Choo, 2013; Patil et al., 2017;
See-To et al., 2014; Singh, 2009). Despite being essential in the banking and finance
industry, DFT adoption faces certain challenges. Financial transactions have always been
susceptible to disruptions caused by new technology (He et al., 2020). Therefore,
understanding how users respond to changing demands and technology becomes crucial for
emerging digital businesses and existing institutions (Kizildag et al., 2020; Li´ebana-
Cabanillas et al., 2021; J. Liu et al., 2020; T. Liu et al., 2020; Petralia et al., 2019).

In the past decade, various advancements, such as digital currency, blockchain technology,
crowdfunding, virtual banking, and social media banking, have contributed to a significant
body of knowledge (J. Liu et al., 2020; T. Liu et al., 2020) necessitating the need for the
exploitation of these global trend by the Nigerian economy as previous literatures have
proven that Nigeria can be a global force in the digital transaction sphere of advancing
world technology.

2.5 Mobile payment methods
Mobile payment methods have witnessed significant growth and adoption in recent years,
revolutionizing the way financial transactions are conducted. This literature review provides
an overview of various mobile payment methods, including their characteristics, benefits,
challenges, and adoption factors. The review also examines the impact of mobile payments
on consumers, businesses, and the overall economy. Furthermore, it explores the role of
technology, security, and regulatory frameworks in shaping the mobile payment landscape.
The findings highlight the rapid evolution of mobile payment methods and their potential to
reshape the future of commerce.

The article by Chiu and Wang (2018) explores the factors that influence customers' repeat
usage of mobile payment services, with a focus on the integrated model of privacy calculus
and loyalty. The findings of the study indicate that both privacy calculus and loyalty
significantly influence customers' repeat mobile payment behaviour. Privacy calculus
factors, such as perceived privacy risks and benefits, were found to affect customers' trust in
mobile payment services. Trust, in turn, had a positive impact on loyalty, leading to repeat
usage. The study also revealed that trust plays a mediating role between privacy calculus
and loyalty. In other words, customers' trust in mobile payment services acts as a bridge
between their privacy concerns and their loyalty to the service. The study also revealed that
trust plays a mediating role between privacy calculus and loyalty. In other words, customers'
trust in mobile payment services acts as a bridge between their privacy concerns and their
loyalty to the service.

Overall, the research by Chiu and Wang provides valuable insights into the factors
influencing customers' repeat mobile payment behaviour. By considering the interplay
between privacy calculus, trust, and loyalty, the study offers a comprehensive framework for
understanding customers' decision-making process and provides implications for service
providers to enhance users' trust and loyalty.

The article by Huang et al. in 2020 provides a comprehensive literature review on the
factors that influence the adoption of mobile payment services. The authors aim to
synthesize and summarize the existing research in order to identify the key determinants of
mobile payment adoption. Through an extensive review of academic articles, the authors
identify and categorize the key factors influencing mobile payment adoption into four main
dimensions: individual factors, technology factors, contextual factors, and trust factors

The systematic review by Yousaf et al. (2021) provides valuable insights into the factors
that influence the adoption of mobile banking in developing countries. By synthesizing the
existing literature, the authors offer a comprehensive understanding of the complex
dynamics and challenges associated with mobile banking adoption in these contexts.

2.6 Offline payment methods

With the proliferation of smartphones and the increasing reliance on digital transactions,
mobile payment methods have gained significant popularity. While online mobile payments
are widely used, there is also a need for offline mobile payment solutions that can function
without an internet connection. This literature review aims to explore the concept of offline
mobile payment methods, examining their features, advantages, and challenges. It provides
an overview of existing research and developments in this area.

A study by Chen, R., Qiu, M., Huang, J., & Liu, Y. (2017) presents a comprehensive survey
of offline mobile payment methods, analysing different approaches and classifying them
based on various criteria. It discusses the challenges associated with offline payments and
provides insights into future research directions.

Kwon, D., & Kim, T. (2016) proposed a secure offline mobile payment method that utilizes
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The study focuses on enhancing user
convenience and security in offline transactions and provides a detailed design and
evaluation of the proposed system.

A research paper by Chen, W., Chen, M., & Tang, S. (2017) introduces an offline mobile
payment framework based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. It presents the

system architecture, security mechanisms, and performance evaluation, highlighting the
advantages of using BLE for offline mobile payments.

Jin, H., Xu, C., & Shi, L. (2017) propose an offline mobile payment method based on quick
response (QR) codes. The study presents the system design, security analysis, and
performance evaluation, emphasizing the convenience and efficiency of QR code-based
offline payments.

Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Huang, L., & Zhou, J. (2019) paper presents an offline mobile
payment system that utilizes sound wave communication. The study discusses the system
architecture, security mechanisms, and performance evaluation, highlighting the feasibility
and security of sound wave-based offline payments.

Du, Y., Zhang, W., & Wang, H. (2018) propose an offline mobile payment method based on
a secure element and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. The study presents the
system design, security analysis, and performance evaluation, demonstrating the feasibility
and security of the proposed approach.

A study by Al-Ashrafy, M., Elmusharaf, T., & El-Azeem, M. S. (2017) presents a

framework for secure offline mobile payment transactions using both QR codes and NFC
technology. The authors discuss the system design, security features, and evaluate the
proposed framework's performance and security.

Offline mobile payment methods provide a convenient and secure alternative to traditional
payment systems, especially in situations where an internet connection is unavailable or
unreliable. This literature review has highlighted various approaches to offline mobile
payments, including NFC, Bluetooth Low Energy, QR codes, and sound wave
communication. Each method has its advantages and challenges, and researchers continue to
explore new techniques to enhance the security, efficiency, and convenience of offline
mobile payments.

2.7 Advantages of offline mobile payment methods to Nigeria’s economy
Offline mobile payment methods offer several advantages to Nigeria's economy. These
methods enable financial inclusion, enhance efficiency, and contribute to the growth of the
digital economy.

I. Increased Financial Inclusion: Offline mobile payment methods allow individuals who do
not have access to traditional banking services to participate in the formal financial system.
By using mobile phones as payment devices, people can easily make transactions, store
value, and access financial services. This leads to greater financial inclusion, empowering
individuals and businesses to participate in economic activities. (The World Bank, 2020)

II. Enhanced Efficiency: Offline mobile payments offer convenience and speed in
transactions, improving efficiency in financial operations. By eliminating the need for
physical cash, these methods reduce the costs and risks associated with cash handling,
transportation, and storage. Additionally, offline mobile payment platforms can automate
processes, streamline record-keeping, and enable quick reconciliation, benefiting businesses
and government agencies. (United Nations Capital Development Fund, 2018)

III. Digital Economy Growth: Offline mobile payment methods contribute to the growth of
the digital economy. As more individuals and businesses adopt these methods, digital
transactions increase, leading to a shift from cash-based to digital-based transactions. This
shift fosters transparency, reduces corruption, and strengthens the formal economy. It also
creates opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of new financial
services and solutions. (PwC., 2020)

IV. Financial Sector Development: The adoption of offline mobile payment methods
stimulates the development of the financial sector. It encourages the establishment of digital
payment infrastructure, such as mobile money platforms, payment gateways, and digital
wallets. These developments attract investments, foster competition, and drive technological
advancements in the financial sector. Moreover, they encourage partnerships between
financial institutions, telecom operators, and technology companies, leading to a more
robust and inclusive financial ecosystem. (Enhancing Financial Innovation & Access, 2016)

V. Economic Growth and Job Creation: The widespread use of offline mobile payment
methods has the potential to contribute to economic growth and job creation. By promoting
financial inclusion, improving efficiency, and driving the digital economy, these methods
can facilitate business growth, increase productivity, and create new employment
opportunities in various sectors. Furthermore, the development and maintenance of digital
payment infrastructure require skilled professionals, fostering job creation and skills
development. (Financial Sector Deepening Africa, 2018)

2.8 Research gaps

Review existing literature, it can be clearly deciphered that there is not significant literature
on mobile payment systems, including online payment platforms, especially in the context
of developing countries like Nigeria. The literature also lacks sufficient studies on how to
effectively integrate small-scale businesses and service providers, such as local vendors,
micro-entrepreneurs, and artisans, into a cashless economy using mobile payment

In conclusion, the existing literature does not adequately address the unique challenges
faced by Nigeria in transitioning to a cashless economy, such as infrastructure limitations,
low digital literacy, and regulatory hurdles.

Research and Methodology
3.1 Research design and analysis
The chosen research methodology for this project is Rapid Application Development (RAD).
This selection is based on the methodology's rapid prototyping nature, allowing early-stage
application development to address user requirements effectively. RAD facilitates faster
product development, ensuring higher quality. Time constraints, with an allocated 8-month
period for the project, further justify RAD's selection, as it expedites application
development and produces quick results. The methodology's advantage lies in developers
quickly delivering parts or functionality to users. Involving users in development stages
enhances product quality.

Figure 3.1: Figure 3.1 Source: NIX 2023.

The primary motivation behind the adoption of RAD lies in the dynamic nature of modern
business environments. In today's fast-paced markets, where requirements evolve swiftly,
traditional models struggle to keep up. RAD addresses this challenge by providing a
framework that readily adapts to changing specifications, accommodating alterations even
in the later stages of development. This agility is particularly crucial in industries where
time-to-market is a critical factor for success.

The benefits of Radiated beyond its speed and adaptability. The approach fosters
collaboration between development teams and end-users, breaking down the
communication barriers that can hinder project success. Active user involvement
throughout the development process ensures that the final product not only meets the
technical specifications but also aligns seamlessly with the practical needs and expectations
of the end-users.

This chapter focuses on the system design and architecture of the Android application for
offline token transfers. This chapter outlines the high-level structure of the application,
including the key components, data flow, and system requirements. The system design aims
to provide a secure, reliable, and efficient platform for online payment transactions.

Functional requirement

1. The application shall provide user to create their own account for their application

2. The application shall be able to check the username and password inserted are correct

3. The homepage (dashboard) should display the day’s transaction (sent and received)

4. The application should provide the functionality to view all transaction history

5. The application should provide the functionality to enable user buy and share token

6. The buy token functionality should enable user purchase token using a secured
payment gateway, USSD, or bank transfer.

7. The share token functionality should enable users redeem their tokens back to any
financial institution or other token app users

8. A receive token functionality should be made available for users. This creates a
wireless connection between devices

9. The share token functionality should provide the users the ability to input recipient
details and amount

Non-functional requirement

1. The application shall provide user authentication

2. The application shall be available at all times

3. The application shall provide a simple and structured interface to the end user

4. The application should provide support for concurrent users

5. The application should be able to run on android version 2.3 or later

This chapter focuses on the system design and architecture of the Android application for
offline token transfers. This chapter outlines the high-level structure of the application,
including the key components, data flow, and system requirements. The system design aims
to provide a secure, reliable, and efficient platform for online payment transactions.

Figure 3.1: Tokens Mobile Application Architecture

3.1 System Architecture

The system architecture defines the overall structure and organization of the application. It
includes the various components and their interactions. The Android application for token
transfers follows a client-server architecture, where the client runs on the user's Android
device, and the server manages the backend infrastructure. The key components of the
system architecture are:

3.1.1 Client ComponentFigure 3.2: Overview of Client-Server Architecture
The client component represents the Android application installed on the user's device. It
provides the user interface for initiating and managing token transfers. The client component
communicates with the server component to perform various actions such as requesting
token transfers, retrieving transaction history, and managing account settings.

Request token

Retrieve transaction history

User account settings


Figure 3.3: Client component of Token Mobile Application

3.1.2 Server Component

The server component acts as the backend infrastructure for the application. It handles the
processing of token transfer requests, manages user accounts and balances, and ensures the
security and integrity of the system. The server component interfaces with external services
such as payment gateways or block chain networks to facilitate token transfers.


Token Account and Payment

Transfer Balance gateways

Figure 3.4: Overview of server component of Token Mobile Application

3.2 Data Flow

The data flow diagram illustrates the movement of data within the system. It helps to
identify the inputs, outputs, and processes involved in the token transfer application. The
key data flow components are:

Figure 3.5: Data Flow of Token Mobile Application

3.2.1 User Input
User input refers to the information provided by the user through the client application. This
includes details such as the recipient's account information, the amount of tokens to transfer,
and any additional transaction instructions.

3.2.2 Token Transfer Request

The token transfer request is generated by the client application and sent to the server
component. It contains the necessary details of the transfer, including the sender's account
information, recipient details, and the amount of tokens to be transferred.


Input amount
to transfer

Payment N Amount < Y

gateway balance?

Scan recipient


Stop another


3.2.3 Transaction Processing

Upon receiving the token transfer request, the server component processes the transaction. It
verifies the sender's account balance, performs any necessary security checks, deducts the
transferred amount from the sender's account, and updates the recipient's account balance
accordingly. The server component also records the transaction details for future reference.

3.2.4 Transaction Status and Notification

Once the transaction processing is complete, the server component sends a response to the
client application, indicating the status of the transaction. The client application can then
display the transaction status to the user and provide appropriate notifications or alerts.

3.3 System Requirements

The system requirements outline the necessary hardware, software, and network
infrastructure for the Android application. The requirements ensure that the application
operates efficiently and reliably. Some of the key system requirements include:

3.3.1 Android Device

The client application should be compatible with a range of Android devices, considering
different screen sizes, processing power, and memory requirements.

3.3.2 Network Connectivity

The application requires a stable connection to communicate with the server component and
external services. It should be able to handle both Wi-Fi and mobile data connectivity in
other to communicate with the payment gateways for the instances of token procurement.

3.3.3 Security Measures

The system should implement appropriate security measures to protect user data, including
encryption of sensitive information, secure communication protocols, and authentication
mechanisms. Also, the payment gateway been employed is flutterwave to ensure secure
token purchase process.

3.3.4 Scalability and Performance
The server component should be designed to handle a growing number of users and
transaction volumes. It should be able to scale horizontally or vertically to meet increasing

3.3.5 Integration with External Services

If the application interfaces with external services like payment gateways or block chain
networks, proper integration and compatibility should be ensured.

3.4 Tools and software involved

a) Android enabled devices
Tecno Camon 11pro and Infix Hot30i mobile phones was used in testing of the developed
mobile application
b) Visual paradigm
Thesis used to create and develop the unified modeling language (UML) to document the
end user requirement
c) Android studio
This stands as the primary integrated development environment (IDE) for building android
application. Developed by google, it provides a comprehensive and user friendly platform
that caters tithe diverse needs of developers in the line of android mobile application
3..5 Conclusion
Chapter 3 discussed the system design and architecture of the Android application for online
token transfers. It presented the client-server architecture, data flow diagram, and system
requirements. The system design aims to provide a secure and efficient platform for users to
transfer tokens online. The next chapter will focus on the implementation details of the key
system components.


4.1 Important Reasoning Element in Offline Token payment method

Based from the interview session with appropriate stakeholder which includes small scaled
business owners and service providers, experts in digital financial transactions and other
online sources, there are eight reasoning element that need to consider for offline token-
based mobile payment application. The important reasoning elements which are:

i. Usability and User Experience (UX):

Reasoning: Prioritize a seamless and intuitive user interface for offline transactions.
Considerations: Streamlined workflows, clear error messages, and easy navigation
contribute to positive user experience.
ii. Security Protocols:
Reasoning: Implement robust security measures to protect offline transactions.
Considerations: Encryption, secure key management, and protection against common
security threats (e.g., replay attacks) are essential.
iii. Offline Token Generation:
Reasoning: Develop a method for generating and storing tokens securely on the device.

Considerations: Ensure the generation process is secure, and stored tokens are resistant to
unauthorized access.
iv. Transaction Reliability:
Reasoning: Address potential issues that may arise during offline transactions.
Considerations: Implement effective error handling and recovery mechanisms to enhance
the reliability of transactions.
v. Data Consistency:
Reasoning: Guarantee consistency between offline and online transaction data.
Considerations: Implement synchronization processes to reconcile offline and online
transaction records.
vi. Performance Optimization:
Reasoning: Optimize app performance to provide a responsive offline experience.
Considerations: Minimize processing time, reduce resource consumption, and ensure the
app performs efficiently in various network conditions.
vii. Testing Strategies:
Reasoning: Establish comprehensive testing methodologies to identify and address potential
Considerations: Conduct thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and user
acceptance testing, to validate the offline functionality.
viii. User Education and Guidance:
Reasoning: Provide clear instructions and guidance for users engaging in offline
Considerations: Include in-app tutorials, tooltips, or concise guides to assist users in
understanding and utilizing the offline payment feature.

4.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML)diagram

There is one actor included in the use case diagram which is the user. The user is associated
with the Create account and Log-in use case. Other than that, the user is also associated with
the Buy token, share token and Receive token functionalities. Additionally, the user can also
associate with the View transaction history and View balance use cases.

Create account/Login

Buy Token

Share Token

Receive Token

29 View Transaction History

View Token Balance

4.3 My Token App
A preliminary prototype was developed to analyze and test the functional requirement that
have been identified in the requirement process. The preliminary app was built using Gradle

The prototype is initial model of the application, the proposed of the prototype into design,
develop and test the functional requirement of the particular application to identify the error
and improvement about the application involved.

4.3.1 User Interface

Figure 4.2: Landing page

Figure 4.2 Shows the Token App Landing page. This is displayed at launch.

Figure 4.3 Login Interface

The figure 2 shows the User Login interface design for the prototype. Login interface allows
users to insert their username and password. It also provides the ability for a new user
without an account to create one.

Figure 4.4 Registration Page

Figure 4.4 demonstrate how a user can create an account as a new user. It allows a user
inserts his Full Names, Phone Number and Tag Name. It also provides a text box where the
user can set his password and then register the account. It also provides a link back to the
Log in page in instances where an existing user mistakenly clicks on create account.

Figure 4.5: Homepage/Dashboard

Figure4.6: Buy TokensFigure4.5 demonstrates the user interface for the Token App
Homepage (Dashboard). The Homepage displays the users name and the available Token
balance. It also contains the Buy Tokens and Share Tokens functionality buttons. The
dashboard displays the summary of the total transactions carried out that day by the user
which are transactions received and transactions sent. Also on the Homepage of the Token
App is the Send Tokens and Receive Tokens functionality button to enable users efficiently
transact. Lastly, the Homepage contains the History button in which the user can view the
comprehensive list of transactions conducted on the account.

Figure 4.6: Buy Tokens

Figure 4.6 demonstrates the Buy Tokens interface. Here the user can select the amount
worth of tokens he intends to purchase or can manually insert the amount to proceed to the
payment gateway.

Figure 4.7: Payment Method

Figure 4.7 demonstrates how a user can select a payment method that is best convenient.
The methods include Pay with account, pay with Card, pay with Bank Transfer, and Pay
with USSD

Figure 4.8: Pay with Card

Figure 4.8 explains how a user can make payment for tokens using Card payment. It
contains where a user can input card number, card validity and card CVV. It also provides a
functionality that allows a user save card details for future token purchases. This activity is
powered and secured by Flutter wave to ensure user safety.

Figure 4.9: Send Tokens

Figure 4.9 demonstrates how a user transfers tokens in a transaction. It establishes a

connection with the receiver and displays the total tokens transferred in that session.

Figure 4.10: Receive Tokens

Figure4.10 demonstrates the Receive Tokens interface. It displays the total amount of token
received by the user for a particular session.

Figure 4.1Token Transfer History

Figure4.11 demonstrates how a user can access the history of all the transactions conducted
on the account.

4.4 Functionality Testing

The purpose of the functionality testing is to check the fulfillment of functionalities based
on the requirement. Table 1 shows the functional testing of the Token Mobile Android
Application. The functionality test covers all four major functionalities of. the Token App.
In which 10 individuals consisting of 5 students, 3 small business owners and 2 transport
service providers were involved in the testing exercise.

Functions Expected outcome Testing Failure Success
Launch Display the Token App logo then 10 10
application proceed to the login page

Login button Navigate to the Token App 10 10


Create Navigate to the account creation 10 10

account page for new user

Buy Token Navigate to the Buy Token page 10 10

button where users can purchase Tokens

Input amount Navigate to the payment gateway 10 10

and "Next where a user selects a payment
“button method

Share Tokens Navigate to the page where a user 10 10

button selects either to share to other users
or any financial institution

"To another Navigates to the page where a user 10 10

User" button inputs recipient’s details and amount
to send. Insufficient balance will
keep the send button inactive

"Send to Navigates to send to bank page 10 10

bank" button where user inputs the recipient
account details

."Send Establishes a LAN connection then 10 10

Tokens" prompts user to input other Token
Button App user details and amount

"Receive Navigates to the Receive Token page 10 10

Tokens" where the total amount of tokens
received is displayed and a button to
10establishconnection is made

Table 4.1


5.1. Conclusion
Chapter Five culminates in a pivotal exploration of the Android payment app's offline token
transfer feature, strategically designed to empower small-scale businesses and service
providers in Nigeria's envisioned cashless economy. This innovative functionality addresses
the connectivity challenges often faced by these entities, ensuring seamless transactions
even in areas with limited internet access. By embracing offline token transfers, the app
not only enhances financial inclusivity but also aligns with the overarching goal of fostering
a cashless ecosystem in Nigeria. The emphasis on adaptability and user-friendliness is a
deliberate effort to cater to the diverse needs of small businesses, service providers, and
the Nigerian citizens at large

By enabling transactions without a constant internet connection, the app becomes a

practical tool for businesses operating in areas with limited network access. This
adaptability aligns with the goal of fostering financial inclusion, allowing a broader
spectrum of entrepreneurs to participate in and contribute to Nigeria’s cashless economy.

As the project advances, the offline token transfer feature emerges as a key differentiator,
positioning the app as a comprehensive solution catering to the diverse needs of
businesses across the country. The emphasis on user-friendly design and reliability
reinforces its potential to bridge the gap between traditional cash transactions and the
digital era, ultimately propelling the integration of small-scale businesses into Nigeria's
cashless economy.

As a result of allowing transactions to occur offline, our app empowers businesses in areas
with intermittent connectivity, a prevalent issue in certain regions of Nigeria. This not only
enhances the accessibility of digital transactions but also ensures the inclusivity of
businesses that might otherwise struggle with the limitations of a purely online system.

In conclusion, Chapter Five showcases our commitment to creating a technology-driven

solution that not only meets the specific needs of small-scale enterprises but also plays a
vital role in propelling Nigeria towards a more inclusive and resilient cashless economy.

5.2 Recommendation
The improvement in features can be added to the Token App in the future in order to make
it more reliable and effective to efficiently serve the Nigerian economy and enable a
smooth integration of the application to the financial space of the country are concisely
stated as follows:
1. Collaboration with Regulatory Bodies:
Engage with relevant regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with local financial
regulations and standards. This collaboration can foster trust among users and streamline
the integration of the app into Nigeria's financial ecosystem.
2. Feedback Mechanism:
Implement a robust feedback mechanism within the app to collect user opinions and
suggestions continuously. This information can be invaluable for making informed updates
and improvements to enhance user satisfaction.
3. Partnerships with Financial Institutions:
Explore partnerships with local banks or financial institutions to facilitate seamless
integration with existing financial systems. This collaboration can enhance the app's
credibility and accessibility.
4. Community Engagement:
Foster community engagement through outreach programs and community events.
Building a strong community around the app can contribute to its acceptance and long-
term success.
By incorporating these recommendations into the project strategy, you can enhance the
overall effectiveness, sustainability, and acceptance of the Android payment app for small-
scale businesses in Nigeria's cashless economy.

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intention in mobile banking: A two-country study. Information & Management, 57(2),

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banking use among young consumers: A cognitive–affective model. International Journal of
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Internet and Mobile Banking. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 28(5), 178–188.

Ogwezzy, C. S., & Ndubusi, N. I. (2018). An empirical investigation of perceived barriers to
mobile payment adoption in Nigeria. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies,
9(1), 41-55.

Olawale, F. (2019). E-commerce adoption in Nigeria: Issues and prospects. European

Journal of Business and Management Research, 4(5), 33-40.

Onyekachi, Eze Richard, and Nwanko Odi. (2012). Electronic Payment in the Cashless
Economy of Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. Journal of Management Research, 5(1), 138–

PwC. (2020). Building the Digital Economy in Africa: The Role of Governments and

Rasheed, Raes Saeed, et al. (2022). Blockchain Mobile Wallet with Secure Offline
Transactions. Computers, Materials and Continua, 75(2), 2906–2919.

Sadi, S., & Hwang, H. (2020). Factors affecting the intention to use mobile payment
services: A comparison between South Korea and the United States. Journal of Retailing
and Consumer Services, 54, 102057.

Tannous, O., & Hassanein, K. (2019). The role of trust in fostering the continuance usage of
mobile financial services. Information & Management, 56(6), 103153.

The World Bank. (2020). Financial Inclusion in Nigeria: A Policy Note.

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Wang, T., Lu, Y., & Liu, Y. (2018). Investigating factors influencing users' continuance
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se mobile payment services: A trust transfer perspective. Information & Management, 55(6),


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