De Thi PPNCKH 2020 118

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Học phần: Phương pháp Mã đề: ENDRES118

Mã học phần: 4112792 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 18.12.2020 Thời gian: 45’

Họ tên: ………………. Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ………………….….
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: ………………..
Số báo danh: …………...
Điểm (số) Điểm (chữ) Cán bộ chấm thi 1 Cán bộ chấm thi 2 Số phách

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi.

1. You have identified the problem of your study as mentioned below (3ms)
Difficulties of 2nd year students of UFLs-UD in performing Part III Speaking Test of FCE
1) Write the title for the research with the topic/problem of study (0.5m)
2) Write the aims and objectives of the study for this research (1.5ms)
3) Write the research questions for this research (at least 3 questions) (1m)
1) Title:

2) Aims

3) Objectives

4) Research Questions

Mã đề thi: ENDRES118 Trang 1/4

Học phần: Phương pháp Mã đề: ENDRES118
Mã học phần: 4112792 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 18.12.2020 Thời gian: 45’

Họ tên: ………………. Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ………………….….
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: ………………..
Số báo danh: …………...

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


2. Put each of these characteristics of qualitative method and quantitative method in the right cell of
the box below. (The first one has been done for you as an example)

1 a. Surveys, questionnaires, and reviews of records b. in-depth interviews, and reviews of documents
or documents for numeric information for types of themes
2 a. Primarily deductive process used to test pre- b. Primarily inductive process used to formulate
specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that theory or hypotheses
make up a theory
3 c. More objective: provides observed effects d. More subjective: describes a problem or
(interpreted by researchers) of a program on a condition from the point of view of those
problem or condition experiencing it
4 a. Text-based b. Number-based
5 a. Fixed response options b. Unstructured or semi-structured response options
6 a. data are reported in the language of the informant b. data are reported through statistical analyses
7 a. Less in-depth but more breadth of information b. More in-depth information on a few cases
across a large number of cases

1 e.g. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Qualitative b
Quantitative a

3. How to ensure the reliability and validity of the data collection and data analysis? (2ms)
Validity …………………………………………………………………………………………………………........

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


4. Write the details of the following sources in order in a list of references (2ms)

1. For a book:

Name of author: David Nunan

Year of publication: 1991
Title of publication: Language Teaching Methodologies
Place of publication: Wiltshire
Publisher: Prentice Hall International

2. For a journal article:

Name of author: Charles Leonard Hamblin

Year of publication: 1973
Title of publication: Questions in Montague English
Title of journal: Foundations of Language
Volume number: 10
Issue number: 1
Page number: 41–53


5. Read the extract of the article below and answer the following questions (2ms)

The purpose of this study was to examine students’ perceptions of attitudinal learning outcomes and
instructional activities within a Language and Cultural Exchange (LACE) course at a Midwestern University. In
addition, the study explores whether students’ perceptions of attitudinal learning differ based on their prior
knowledge, major, and/or demographics. A mixed-methods approach was utilized to gather quantitative data
from a survey sent out in weeks 5 and 15 to 137 international students enrolled in multiple sections of a LACE
course that gathered perceptions on attitudinal learning and the most impactful aspects of the course design.
Follow-up structured interviews were conducted with 37 students. Results indicated …

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


1. What is the research aim of this study?

2. What is the sample of the study?

3. What are the instruments for the data collection?
4. Is the data collection qualitative or quantitative or both? Why?

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