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We, the Heirs of HOMER BARQUE, hereinafter referred to as the

PROMISSORS, to wit, ESTRELLITA BARQUE-NEIS, of legl age, Filipino
and a resident of No. 14 Pound Street, Meralco Village, Taytay, Rizal;
HOMER BARQUE, JR., of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of No. 9
Pluto St., Greenland Villae Rosario, Pasig City; and RONALDO R.
BARQUE, of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of Meralco Village,
Angono, Rizal, represented by TERESITA BARQUE-HERNANDEZ, of
legal age, Filipino and a resident of No. 9 Pluto St., Greenland Villae
Rosario, Pasig City, by virtue of the Special Power of Attorney executed
by her aforementioned co-heirs, copy of which is attached as Annex “A”
and made an integral part hereof, do hereby promise to pay
___________________ and/or ATTY. ANTONIO VILAR, both of legal age
and with postal address at 4F Emmanuel House Building, 115 Aguirre
Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City, their respective authorized
representatives, heirs, assigns, and/or successors-in-interest, hereinafter
referred to as the PROMISEES the amount of ONE HUNDRED FORTY
MILLION PESOS (Php 140,000,000.00), representing the contingent
attorney’s fees for services rendered in connection with the cases pending
before the Supreme Court entitled, “SEVERINO MANOTOK IV, ET AL.,
VS. TERESITA BARQUE HERNANDEZ”, docketed as G. R. NO. 162335
& 162605, which shall be payable upon demand, whether verbal or
written, subject to the following conditions:

1. Demand for payment shall not be made

earlier than six (6) months from the date of release of the
reconstituted title/s of the property subject matter of the
aforementioned cases, provided, however, the
PROMISORS hereby allow the PROMISEES to assign,
partially or in full, the amount due herein to any third
person, natural or juridical, who shall be bound by the
same conditions herein setforth.

2. By way of security of the payment of the

amount of obligation herein stipulated, the PROMISORS
hereby assign an equivalent amount of herein obligation
the amount due them from MR. ALFRED COH arising from
the Memorandum of Agreement executed by the
PROMISORS and MR. ALFRED COH dated 22 February
2007, which is attached as Annex A and made an an
integral part hereof. For this purpose, the PROMISORS
hereby authorize the PROMISEES to send notice of
demand of payment of the obligation stipulated herein
directly to MR. ALFRED COH; or in the alternative, in case
the said Memorandum of Agreement is cancelled by either
party therein, a mortgage shall be constituted over at least
five (5) hectares of the properties subject matter of the
aforesaid two (2) cases in the Supreme Court for which the
attached Real Estate Mortgage has been executed and
signed simultaneously with the execution of this Promissory
Note subject to the condition that it shall automatically
become effective once the said Memorandum of

Agreement between PROMISORS and MR. ALFRED COH
is cancelled or terminated by any of the parties for any
reason, whatsoever. The PROMISSORS shall inform the
PROMISSEES of the termination/cancellation/expiration of
the said Memorandum of Agreement within three (3) days
from the termination/cancellation/expiration thereof. It shall
be understood that in case the PROMISEES have
assigned part of the herein obligation in accordance with
the paragraph 1 hereof, only the unassigned portion shall
be the subject of the remedies under this paragraph.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties affix their signatures this

____ day of September, 2007 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines.


For and in behalf of the Heirs of Homer Barque
in her capacity as the Attorney-in-Fact

_______________________ ATTY. ANTONIO VILAR

Promisee Promisee




BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in _______________, Metro

Manila, Philippines, on this ______ day of _____________, personally
appeared the following persons:

Name CTC No. Date/Place of Issue

TERESITA BARQUE HERNANDEZ ________ ________________

ATTY. ANTONIO VILAR ________ ________________

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the

foregoing Promissory Note consisting of two (2) pages including this page
whereon this acknowledgment is written and they acknowledged to me
that the same is their own free and voluntary act and deed and that of the
institution they represent.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at the place and on the date first
hereinabove written.


Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 2007.

Barque: Promissory note

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