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Hi, I'm Amar. I'm a Senior Engineering Program Manager at Google Shopping.

On a
day-to-day basis, I drive programs which spans across multiple
products at Google. The way I look at
program management, it's more like, life is
program management. Everything in life is program; having kids, building
a house, buying car. Everything we do there's
a start and end deal. What we see across the board in anything
and everything we do, there's a tremendous amount
of friction in the system. In the decision-making, in the budgeting,
everything in life. That applies equally to
software program management, or even if you are in the
construction industry. If you see right from starting
the construction project, to really getting the
bids and all the stuff. There's a tremendous
amount of chaos from the perspective of
that you know, are the right people connected? Are the right decision-making
people in the meeting? Are there the right number of approvals that we
have in a timely basis? There are many of these things that I had witnessed during
my career and the previous
companies and even at Google, that those were not efficient and those were really
adding a huge risk or exposing the risk late
in the development cycle. That is what I had seen
as a chaotic world. I really felt that you know what? I can really help out in
solving some of that chaos. On a day-to-day basis, I work on bringing
order into chaos. There's chaotic world out there in the software
program development, so we as a program manager, make sure that we
bring that together. When I started my program
management journey, one of the main thing, what I was looking for, (and thanks to
the mentors, I really cherish the mentors) one of the thing they taught
me, that you know what? "Amar, when you're coming
to work every day, ask what are the top
three challenges that you want to solve today?" To date, I follow... I always
follow... think about what are
the top three things that I want to address today? Big ones, impactful ones, as
well as I also
look at and also help my team understand
on a weekly basis, how success looks like. Every Monday morning, I'll have meeting
with the strategy folks. Very strategic discussions on how the success looks
like in this week. How would we define the
week is successful? That is how I start my week. It works miracles in the program
and overall in life. I love those aspects.

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