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Towards partial fulfilment of Master of Business

Administration (MBA)


Dr. Monika Agrawal Komal Sharma
(Director) Roll No. 2203580700025
MBA-3rd Semester


Session 2022-2024

I, Komal Sharma , a 3rd Sem. student of Rameshwaram Institute of Technology And
Management, Lucknow hereby declare that I have duly completed my project on "Marketing
Strategy and Customer Preferences towards Hyundai Cars in Lucknow City" for the
academic year 2022-2024. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my


Komal Sharma
Roll No. 2203580700025

I acknowledge the sincere assistance provided to me from several rather unexpected quarters

during the course of execution of this study. It would be a mammoth task to place on record

my gratitude to each and every one of them but a whole hearted attempt would be made

nevertheless, least I be branded ungrateful.

I would like to thanks Dr. Monika Agrawal (Director) for support and guidance to complete

this project.


A professional course in (Master Of Business Administration (MBA) is incomplete unless the

theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom is backed up by practical exposure, as

theories alone do not give the perfection to any discipline. The gap between theory &

practiced bridged by the research report, which has been an integral part of the syllabus

This has given us an opportunity to work in a truly professional environment where team

work score over individual effort, where there is a helpful atmosphere. A well planned,

properly executed and evaluated training helps a lot in inoculating good work culture.

I was assigned a project “Marketing Strategy and Customer Preferences towards Hyundai

Cars in Lucknow City” this report is the result of the work done during the training period.

I have tried my level best to be as a systematic as possible and to avoid any sort of biases.






1. Introduction

2. Company Profile

3. Objectives of the study

4. Research Methodology

5. Problems And Limitation

6. Data Analysis

7. Findings

8. Recommendations

9. Conclusion

10. Bibliography

11. Annexure



Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy

product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and

economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually

and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics

and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to

assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups,

and society in general.

Customer behaviour study is based on consumer buying behaviour, with the customer

playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an

influential asset for customer behaviour analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-

discovery of the true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance

of the customer or buyer. A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention,

customer relationship management, personalization, customization and one-to-one

marketing. Social functions can be categorized into social choice and welfare functions.

Each method for vote counting is assumed as a social function but if Arrow‟s possibility

theorem is used for a social function, social welfare function is achieved. Some

specifications of the social functions are decisiveness, neutrality, anonymity,

monotonocity, unanimity, homogeneity and weak and strong Pareto optimality. No social

choice function meets these requirements in an ordinal scale simultaneously. The most

important characteristic of a social function is identification of the interactive effect of

alternatives and creating a logical relation with the ranks. Marketing provides services in

order to satisfy customers. With that in mind, the productive system is considered from its

beginning at the production level, to the end of the cycle, the consumer.

Belch and Belch define consumer behaviour as 'the process and activities people engage

in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products

and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires'.'



- Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they will expose

themselves to.

- Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they will pay attention


- Selective comprehension consumer interpret messages in line with their beliefs,

attitudes, motives and experiences

- Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more meaningful or

important to them

The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional strategy, and select

which sources of information are more effective for the brand.CV


At this time the consumer compares the brands and products that are in their evoked set.

How can the marketing organization increase the likelihood that their brand is part of the

consumer's evoked (consideration) set? Consumers evaluate alternatives in terms of the

functional and psychological benefits that they offer. The marketing organization needs to

understand what benefits consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most

important in terms of making a decision


Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a purchase

decision. Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual purchase. The

marketing organization must facilitate the consumer to act on their purchase intention.

The organisation can use variety of techniques to achieve this. The provision of credit or

payment terms may encourage purchase, or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to

receive a premium or enter a competition may provide an incentive to buy now. The

relevant internal psychological process that is associated with purchase decision is

integration. Once the integration is achieved, the organisation can influence the purchase

decisions much more easily.


It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This

arises from a concept that is known as “cognitive dissonance”. The customer, having

bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these

circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch

brands next time.

To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the

potential customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a

purchase, the customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision. it

is not effected by advertisement.


Human beings may differ because of their differences & uniqueness. People often see the

same situation/ phenomenon differently within the organization & outside the

organization. For example: when there is an accident in the factory, the supervisor may

treat it as the carelessness of worker while the worker may treat it as lack of adequate

provision of security measures. Thus the situation remaining the same, cause has been

assigned differently by different group of people. In order to understand why people see

the same situation differently, one has to understand PERCEPTION & its different aspect.


Perception is a congnitive process. Cognition is basically bit of information; cognitive

process involves the way in which people process/understand that information. Perception

process involves selecting, organising and interpreting the stimulus. Thus perception is

the process selecting, organizing and interpreting or attaching meaning to the events

happening in the environment. However, what one can perceive can be different from

objective reality. Their need not be but there is often, disagreement. For example: it‟s

possible that all the employee in a firm may view it as a great place to work favorable

working conditions, interesting job assignment, good pay and excellent benefit but as

most of us know, it‟s very unusual to find such agreement.


“PERCEPTION may be defined as a process by which individual organize and interpret

their sensory impression in order to give meaning to their environment.”


 Perception is the intellectual process through which a person selects the data from the

environment, organizes it, and obtains meaning from it.

 Perception is a psychological process also. The manner in which people perceive the

environment affects his behavior.

 Perception, being an intellectual and psychological process, becomes a subjective process

and different people may perceive the same environmental event differently.


Perception process is explained by input-throughput-output approach. This approach

emphasizes that there is input which is processed and gives output. Perceptual process

present three elements of perception. These are: existence of stimuli (objects, event,

&people) perceptual mechanism (selecting, organising, & interpretation) and perceptual

outputs (attitude, opinion, & values). Perceptual output along with other determinant of

human behavior affects and shape behavior. Let us see how perceptual process works in

terms of its three basic elements.

1. PERCEPTUAL INPUT: The stimuli in the environment- objects, events, or people-

can be considered as the perceptual inputs. Thus everything in the setting where the

events occur, or which contributes to the occurrence of the events, can be treated as

perceptual input. When the perceiver interacts with a stimulus, sensation take place which

starts perceptual process. (Sensation is described as the response of a physical sensory

organ. The physical senses are vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.)

2. PERCEPION MECHANISM: Perceptual mechanism involves three elements-

selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, and interpretation of stimuli.

3. SELECTION OF STIMULI: After receiving the stimuli from the environment,

some are selected for further processing while others are screened out because it is not

possible for a person to select all stimuli which he see in the environment. There are two

types of factors which affects the selection of stimuli. These are external and related to

stimuli and internal related to the perceiver.

4. ORGANISATION OF STIMULI :After the stimuli are selected these are

organized in some form of in order to make sense out of that. The various forms of

organizing stimuli are figure-ground, perceptual grouping, simplification and closure.

5. INTERPRETATION OF STIMULI: The perceptual inputs that have been

organized will have to be interpreted by the perceiver to extract some meaning of what is

going on in the situation. People interpret the meaning of what they have selected and

organized in term of their own assumption of people, things and situations. They interpret

the things as good/bad, beautiful/ugly, and so on. Interpretation of stimuli is affected by

situation under which perception take place and characteristics of perceiver.

6. PERCEPTUAL OUTPUT :Based on perceptual mechanism which ends with

interpretation of stimuli, perceptual output emerges. The output may be in the form of

attitudes, opinions, beliefs, impression about the stimuli. This output along with other

factors affecting human behavior may result in overt behavior.


Perception is a selective process. While selection, certain aspects of stimuli are screened

out and others are admitted. For example: when people read a newspaper, they do not

read the entire newspaper but read only those news which interest them. This is known as

perceptual selectivity.

This is caused by variety of factors which may be grouped into two categories:

1. Extrenal factor

2. Internal factor


The external factors are Nature, Location, Size, Intensity, Repetition, Novelty &

Familiarity, Contrast And Motion. Their impacct on the perceptual selectivity is as


1. NATURE: By nature we mean, whether the object is visual or auditory, and whether it

involves pictures, peoples or animals. It is well known that pictures attract attention more

readily than words.

2. LOCTION: The best location of a visual stimulus for attracting attention is in the

center of the page. When this position is not available in the newspaper or a magazine, a

position in the upper portion of a page is more favorable than on in the lower portion and

left hand side receive more attention than the right hand side.

3. SIZE: Generally objects of larger or bigger size attract more attention than the smaller

ones. For Example: in an advertisement in newspaper full page spread attract more

attention than a few lines in the classified section.

4. INTENSITY: The intensity principle states that more intentse the external stimulus is,

the more likely is to be perceived. A loud sound or bright light is noticed more as

compared to soft sound, or dim light. For Example: advertisement on televisions is

slightly louder than the regular programmers to gain customer‟s attention.

5. REPETITION: The repetition principle states that a repeated external environment is

more attention- getting than a single one. Repetition increase people‟s alertness to the

stimulus. For example: Advertisers use this principle by repeated advertisement of the

same product to attract people‟s attention.

6. NOVELTY &FAMILIAIRTY: Novelty& familiarity principle state that either a

novel or a familiar external situation can serve as attention-getter. New objects or events

in a familiar setting, or familiar objects or events in new setting draw better attention.

7. CONTRAST: Contrast is a kind of uniqueness which can be used for attention getting.

Letters of bold types, persons dressed differently than others, buildings of different colors

in the same locality,etc. get more attention.

8. MOTION: Motion principle states that a moving object draws more attention as

compared to a stationary object. For Example: commercial on televisions (moving ones)

get more attention than print media.


While external factors are related to environment stimuli, internal factors are related to

the individual‟s complex psychological makeup or oneself. People generally select those

stimuli and situation which are compatible to their personality, motivation, and other

personal factors. Such factors are- self-concept, inner- needs response disposition,

individual attitude, interest, learning, and experience. A brief description of their impact

on perception selectivity is as follow:

1. SELF-CONCEPT: The way a person views the world depends a great deal on the

concept or image he has about himself. Knowing oneself makes it easier to see others

accurately. People‟s own characteristics affect the characteristics which they are likely to

see in others. They select only that aspects which they find match with their


2. INNER NEEDS: People‟s perception is determined by their inner needs. The need is

feeling of tension or discomfort when one thinks him missing something or when he feels

he has not quite closed a gap in his knowledge. People with different needs select

different items to remember or respond to. When people are not able to satisfy their

needs‟ they are engaged in wishful thinking, which is a way to satisfy the needs not in

real world but imaginary world , the day dreaming.

3. RESPONSE DISPOSITION: Response disposition refers to a person‟s tendency to

perceive familiar stimuli rather than unfamiliar ones. Thus, a person perceives the things

with which he is familiar. For Example: persons having dominant religious value took

lesser time in recognizing such related word as „priest‟ whereas they took longer time in

recognizing words related with economic value such as „cost‟ or „price‟.

4. INDIVIDIAL ATTITUDE: The person tries to fit his attitude (whether positive or

negative) in the situation and perceive something. For Example: if a person always thinks

negative, he thinks that whatever is happen in his life will be negative, he will perceive

everything in the negative way. On the contrary if he thinks positive, he is an optimistic,

he will perceive everything in a positive way.

5. INTEREST: If a person is interested in something he will perceive that thing in better

way. On the other hand, if the person is not interested in that thing, he will not perceive

that thing in a better way. For Example: children watch television with the good interest

and curiosity, so they perceive quickly whatever is shown in TV.

6. LEARNING &EXPERIENCE: People perceive many things differently according

to their learning and experience of the past. If a person has wrong impression or bad past

experience of something, he see the things negative and he perceive that thing in only

negative way because it is his experience that forces him to perceive in this way.

PERCEPTUAL ORGANISATION People tend to organize the stimuli rather

than perceiving it as a whole. Following ways:

 FIGURE AND GROUND RELATIONSHIPS: The figure represents what

catches your attention as distinct and unique, while the ground indicates what you

perceive as routine.

 GROUPING helps individuals break up information and register it in their memory.

That way, even use of multiple stimuli can work and create several associations.

 CLOSURE is a need of consumers as well. They want to take the message to its logical

conclusion if the stimulus does not give complete information. Teaser ads take advantage

of this.

Does the consumer perceive the stimuli as intended? Perceptual distortion can occur due

to a variety of reasons:

 PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The kind of people you are using in advertisements

will distort perceptions, which has to be used to your benefit.

 STEREOTYPEs that develop can distort perception

 FIRST IMPRESSIONS of a product/service get carried on for a long time.

 JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS: If you cannot present yourself differently, the

prospect can jump to conclusions before you even make a presentation, e.g. tele calling

 HALO EFFECT: One or two dimensions of the stimuli will create broad perceptions

on the product. Brand extension can be an example.


Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your

marketing efforts on one or a few key segments.

The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of

your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. Target marketing is the

selection of customers you wish to service. The decisions involved in it are

 Which segments to target

 How many products to offer

 Which products to offer in which segments

There are three steps to targeting:

 Market segmentation

 Target choice

 Product positioning

One of the first things you need to do is to refine your product or service so that you are

NOT trying to be 'all things to all people‟.

Next, you need to understand that people purchase products or services for three basic


 To satisfy basic needs.

 To solve problems.

 To make themselves feel good.

The next step in creating an effective marketing strategy is to zero in on your target

market. Target marketing is one of corporate America's most effective business strategies.

The idea is to increase sales by first identifying, and then targeting smaller, yet more

profitable customer groups within the total market.


1.GEOGRAPHIC: The location, size of the area, density, and climate zone of

your customers.

2.DEMOGRAPHICS: The age, gender, income, family composition and size,

occupation, and education of your customers.

3.PSYCHOGRAPHICS: The general personality, behavior, life-style, rate of

use, repetition of need, benefits sought, and loyalty characteristics of your


4.BEHAVIORS: The needs they seek to fulfill, the level of knowledge,

information sources, attitude, use or response to a product of your customers.

One of the best ways to identify your target market is to look at your existing customer

base. Who are your ideal clients? What do they have in common? If you do not have an

existing customer base, or if you are targeting a completely new audience, speculate on

who they might be, based on their needs and the benefits they will receive. Investigate

competitors or similar businesses in other markets to gain insight.

 Who are your best customers? Where should you direct your marketing activities?

 Where and how should you allocate your advertising and promotional efforts?

Target Marketing, provides focus for your business. It helps to establish critical

Operational goals and defines what must be done to achieve them


• Marketing is more than an activity, it is an attitude

• Instead of trying to get customers to buy what the firm likes to make, or

happens to have on hand, the marketing oriented firm tries to produce or sell what

its customers want which can be sold at a profit.

• Do not simply throw out everything that you now have and replace goods or

production machinery with completely new items.

However, as you analyze your market and customer profiles, and so gain an

understanding of their wants, desires, and perceived needs, you can begin to reorient your

business over time to take best advantage of these new insights. Consider both the short

term and long-term implications of developing and implementing the right target

marketing strategy for your business.


For a long time, people have believed that advertising can be used to change

people's minds about what they want. This is an incredibly difficult process at best, and

an extremely expensive one. Because of these two factors, it is a process that smaller

firms simply cannot afford to pursue. Instead, it is much more productive for any size

firm to tune in to target customer attitudes as they currently exist. Once they have

identified the actual prevailing attitudes, they can begin to organize company resources

needed to constructively address and satisfy these attitudes the key question is,

"What are the existing customer attitudes?

With this as an objective, developing an understanding of existing customer attitudes

becomes essential, and their identification becomes an important part of the marketing

process. Once these customer attitudes, needs or preferences are identified, the entire firm

can then organize itself to satisfy these needs as completely and efficiently as possible.


In India, there are 100 people per vehicle, while this figure is 82 in china. It is expected

that India automobile industry will achieve mass motorization status by 2014.

Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (Bombay) in 1898, the Automobile

Industry of India has come a long way. During its early stages the auto industry was over

looked by the government and the policies were also not favorable. The Liberalization

police and various tax reliefs by the Govt. of India in recent years have made remarkable

impact on Indian Automobile industry. Indian auto industry, which is currently growing

at the pace of around 18%per annum, has become a hot destination for global auto player

like Volvo, general motors and ford.



Hyundai Motor Company

Headquarters (right) in Seoul, South Korea

Industry Automotive

Founded 29 December 1967; 56 years ago

Founder Chung Ju-yung

Headquarters Seoul, South Korea

Area served Worldwide

Key people  Chung Eui-sun (Chair)

 Chang Jae-hoon (President and CEO)
 SangYup Lee (Chief Designer)
Production 4,858,000 units (2016)
Revenue ₩117.61 trillion (2021)
Operating ₩6.68 trillion (2021)
Net income ₩5.69 trillion (2021)
Total assets ₩233.95 trillion (2021)
Total equity ₩82.61 trillion (2021)
Owners Hyundai Mobis (21%)
National Pension Service (9%)
Chung Mong-koo (5%)
Chung Eui-sun (3%)
Number of 104,731 (2013)

Parent Hyundai Motor Group
Divisions  Genesis
 Ioniq
Subsidiaries show
Korean name
Revised Hyeondae Jadongcha Jusikhoesa
McCune– Hyŏndae Chadongch'a Chushikhoesa

Hyundai Motor India Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hyundai Motor Company

headquartered in South Korea. It is the second largest automobile manufacturer with

16.2% market share as of February 2019 and US$5.5 billion turn-over in India.

Hyundai Motor India Limited was formed on 6 May 1996 by the Hyundai Motor

Company of South Korea. When Hyundai Motor Company entered the Indian

Automobile Market in 1996 the Hyundai brand was almost unknown throughout India.

During the entry of Hyundai in 1996, there were only five major automobile

manufacturers in India, i.e. Maruti, Hindustan, Premier, Tata and Mahindra. Daewoo had

entered the Indian automobile market with Cielo just three years back while Ford, Opel

and Honda had entered less than a year back.

For more than a decade till Hyundai arrived, Maruti Suzuki had a near monopoly over the

passenger cars segment because Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra were solely

utility and commercial vehicle manufacturers, while Hindustan and Premier both built

outdated and uncompetitive products. The company is looking its future business growth

in Mobility and has invested $14 million in Delhi based car rental platform Revv. With

this strategic investment in Revv, Hyundai Motor will work to co-develop the company's

new growth engine by developing innovative mobility services that combine technologies

such as autonomous driving and artificial intelligence with the sharing economy to

transform people's lives.


MIF was formed in the year 2006 with the purpose of 'giving back' to society and to

initiate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the areas of Community

Development, Health Care, Educational and Vocational Training, Environment, Road

Safety, Art, Science, Technology, etc.


Hyundai Motor India Ltd, the country's leading premium car manufacturer and the

largest passenger car exporter launched its CSR initiative 'Safe Move-Traffic Safety

Campaign' in association with Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

Safe Move is one of the key pillars of Hyundai's global CSR campaign on Traffic

Safety Campaign. Under the aegis of "Safe Move", HMIL in association with the

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways will promote the best practices of road and

traffic safety habits among children. Mr Shah Rukh Khan to participate in Hyundai‟s

CSR initiatives as Hyundai‟s Corporate Brand Ambassador. Mr Khan has been

associated with Hyundai since 1998 in India and has been instrumental in

strengthening Hyundai brand in India.

The Safe Move official Traffic Safety Campaign educates the children on the Traffic

Safety. Along with the TV airing, special School Contact and RWA (Residential

Welfare Association) programs have been designed to reach out and spread the

Traffic Safety message across the multiple cities in India. A „Kids Hyundai‟ website

(, a specially designed website for children on Traffic Safety

is developed. In order to enjoy all the convenience and joys of driving, we need to

ensure a safe environment for drivers and pedestrians alike.


Hyundai Motor India Ltd, the country‟s second largest car manufacturer and the

largest passenger car exporter launched global CSR campaign- Happy Move in India.

Hyundai Motor India in association with Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) will

spread awareness on the Indian heritage monuments.

Happy Move is an integral part of Hyundai‟s efforts to create a safe and happy world.

The theme of Happy Move program this year is “Save Our Heritage” and in this

program Hyundai conducted awareness drive (Jan11- 21, 2016) with 100 Happy

Move Global Youth Volunteers (80 from Korea and 20 from India) at the heritage

sites of Safdarjung Tomb, Firozshah Kotla, Qutub Minar and Old Fort. At these

heritage sites, the volunteers undertook activities to upkeep the amenities,

maintenance of gardens and will conduct awareness activities to educate the visitors

on the value of heritage.

Further to spread the message amongst children, volunteers also conducted school

contact programme at Sarvodaya schools at Chanakya Puri, Pandara Road, Mehrauli

and INA colony. As part of the initiative volunteers also undertook school premises

cleaning, school wall designing, maintenance of gardens and design competitions for

a positive and conducive study environment.


Hyundai India Motor Ltd.


Mr. Y K Koo is the Managing Director of Hyundai Motor India Limited. He joined

Hyundai Motor Company, South Korea in 1984.

His experience with Hyundai Motor is over a period of 31 years, working on different

assignments with HMC at various Global Locations.

Mr. Y K Koo has global experience in Sales and Marketing in world markets. Prior to

Hyundai Motor India he was the General Director & COO of Hyundai Motor (CIS) for 5


He had served in Hyundai Motor India in his earlier stint for over 9 years in two different

roles during the period of 1997-2001 and 2008-2011 respectively. He was one of the

founder members of Hyundai Motor India‟s operation in 1997 and played a key role in

building Sales and Marketing operation from 2008-2011.

Mr. Y K Koo - Core area of expertise includes:

 Sales & Sales Planning, Product Planning

 Network Expansion & Development

 Sales Strategy & Marketing Strategy Development

 Marketing, Brand Promotions & PR

 Corporate & Rural Sales, Retail & Channel Finance

 Used Cars Business, Customer & Channel Satisfaction, Sales & After Sales Service

Process Improvement

 Sales Training & Development, After Sales Service

 Sales Distribution & Logistics, Management Information System & Dealer Management


Hyundai Motor India Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hyundai Motor Company

in India. It is the second largest automobile manufacturer in India.

Hyundai Santro Xing/Atos Prime is made only by Hyundai Motor India Limited.

Hyundai Motor India Limited was formed on 6 May 1996 by the Hyundai Motor

Company of South Korea. When Hyundai Motor Company entered the Indian

Automobile Market in 1996 the Hyundai brand was almost unknown throughout India.

During the entry of Hyundai in 1996, there were only five major automobile

manufacturers in India, i.e. Maruti, Hindustan, Premier, Tata and Mahindra. Daewoo had

entered the Indian automobile market with Cielo just three years back while Ford, Opel

and Honda had entered less than a year back.

For more than a decade till Hyundai arrived, Maruti Suzuki had a near monopoly over the

passenger cars segment because Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra were solely

utility and commercial vehicle manufacturers, while Hindustan and Premier both built

outdated and uncompetitive products.


Hyundai has 6 centres worldwide, located in Korea (three offices), Germany, Japan and

India. Additionally, there is an American design centre in California that develops designs

for US markets.

Hyundai has made an app with augmented reality, showing users how to operate and

maintain the car.


In 1998, after a shake-up in the Korean auto industry caused by overambitious expansion

and the Asian financial crisis, Hyundai acquired the majority of rival Kia Motors.

Currently Hyundai owns 33,88% of Kia Motors.

In 2000, the company established a strategic alliance with DaimlerChrysler and severed

its partnership with the Hyundai Group. In 2001, the Daimler-Hyundai Truck Corporation

was formed. In 2004, however, DaimlerChrysler divested its interest in the company by

selling its 10.5% stake for $900 million.

Hyundai has invested in manufacturing plants in North America, India, the Czech

Republic, Russia, China and Turkey as well as research and development centres in

Europe, Asia, North America and the Pacific Rim. In 2004, Hyundai Motor Company had

$57.2 billion in sales in South Korea making it the country's second largest corporation,

or chaebol. Worldwide sales in 2005 reached 2,533,695 units, an 11 percent increase over

the previous year. In 2011, Hyundai sold 4.05 million cars worldwide and the Hyundai

Motor Group was the world's fourth largest automaker behind GM, Volkswagen and

Toyota - a distinction it earned when it surpassed Ford Auto Group in 2009. Hyundai

vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 5,000 dealerships.

The Hyundai brand power continues to rise as it was ranked 65th in the 2007 Best Global

Brands by Interbrand and BusinessWeek survey, with brand value estimated at

$5.0 billion. Public perception of the Hyundai brand has been transformed as a result of

dramatic improvements in the quality of Hyundai vehicles. As of 2011, it is the world's

fastest growing car brand for two years running.

“Hyundai” a name to be reckoned in the World Automobile industry is Korea‟s number

one automaker. Hyundai has established an enviable record for growth both in

quantitative and qualitative terms transforming itself from a domestically oriented

manufacture into a global player and leading contributor to Korea‟s economic and

industrial development. Hyundai Motor Company is steadily accelerating to achieve the

status of world-class automobile company.

In December 1967, Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) was born out of the Hyundai

Business group, the nation‟s largest conglomerate with the purpose of entering the

automobile industry to meet the growing domestic demand for cars. Since then, HMC has

played a major role in providing transportation to further Korea‟s economic growth and




Hyundai established its presence in India by opening a subsidiary called “Hyundai Motor

India Limited” with a total investment of US$ 614 Millions. The Hyundai project is the

largest to be made by an MNC in the automobile sector. The plant near Chennai, in the

state of Tamil Nadu is the largest manufacturing plant of Hyundai motors outside Korea

and contains nearly all facilities necessary for a self sufficient manufacturing and

production site for developing cars. This assembly plant not only boasts its own assembly

facilities but also a R&D center, a performance experimenting and testing center, and a

driving testing ground. As such, the India plant represents a family-type combined

automobile assembly facility, capable of all production processes, research and

development, testing of products, marketing for sales and provision of after sale service in

India. In 1997, Hyundai Motor India limited launched “Santro” the best small car at its

worldwide debut in New Delhi. Santro is basically a face lifted version of the “Atos”.

Santro was introduced in three different models having varying features. Santro was a

runaway success in the India market and became famous as the Tall Boy car. It topped the

volumes year after year in its segment.


The products that come out of the Hyundai Motor‟s desk are

1. Santro Zing

2. Accent

3. i20

4. Sonata

5. i10 (kappa 1.2)

6. Getz

Santro Zing is a small segment car, with four different versions, and is priced between

3.38 Lakhs to 4.32 Lakhs. The four versions are named.

1. Santro Zing XE

2. Santro Zing XT

3. Santro Zing XG

4. Santro Zing XS

5. Accent is medium-sized car coming in six different versions, and is priced between

5.63Lakhs to 7 Lakhs. The six versions are named.

1. Accent CRDI

2. Accent GVS

3. Accent GLX

4. Accent GLS

5. Accent GPX Tornado

6. Accent VIVA 5-door petrol.

I20 is medium size car coming in three different versions, and is priced between

4.79Lakhs to 5.81Lakhs. The Three versions named

1. Magna

2. Asta

3. Asta(O)

Sonata is a luxury car priced between 14Lakhs to 18Lakhs.

I10 is a small car coming in the nine different versions, and is priced between

3.29Lakhs to 5.36Lakhs. The nine versions named

1. D-Lite (1.1)

2. Era (1.1)

3. Magna

4. Magna AT

5. Sportz

6. Sportz (AT)

7. Asta

8. Asta SR

9. Asta SR (AT)

Getz is medium car coming in the seven different versions, and is priced between

3.59Lakhs to 5.48Lakhs. The Seven versions named.

1. GLE 1.1

2. GVS 1.1

3. GVS 1.1 (175 Tyre + rear spoiler)

4. GVS 1.3

5. GLS 1.3

6. GLX 1.3

7. GVS CRDI 1.5


A management motto at Hyundai is “Customer first, best in technology, best in quality

and best value for human beings”. Hyundai as a company is dedicated to create new value

for its customers. Hyundai Motor Company‟s target is to care for the environment and

devote attention to the future of our children and their ability to inhabit a clean, pollution

managed world. Hyundai believes that they have achieved the current status as a world-

class company by faithfully enforcing seven management principles and creating an

atmosphere where by each and every member of the company is able to work for the

benefit of common future. As a result, Hyundai motor company is committed to its social

responsibilities as it fulfills its mission with dedication and strength of purpose.




The success story is scripted through hard work, determination and unitiring efforts of the

Chairman Mr.Rama Mohana Rao. Being an engineer who was savvy of automobiles, he

started his career with A.P. Scooters dealership and because of the dedicated

performance was allotted with Hero Honda dealership in 1987. The success of these

dealerships led to the entry into the four wheeler segment. In the year 1998. We were

appointed as the first dealer of Hyundai Motors

The Hyundai showroom was inaugurated by the dynamic Sri. NaraChandrababu


The show rooms are situated in prime locations and are one of a kind. The strength of

Hyundai and Honda technology and the dynamism of Mr.Rama Mohana Rao have helped

the Hyundai Group scale new frontiers and exceed limits.

The flagship of Hyundai Group

 Hyundai Motors inaugurated in 1989 in an area of 12000 sft.

 Sri Hyundai Motors inaugurated in 1996 in an area of 15000 sft and an extension of the

same at Vanasthalipuram in an area of 6000 sft.

 Hyundai inaugurated in 1998 with technologically advanced service centers at Banjara

Hills, Kukatpally and L.B.Nagar.


We at Hyundai are continuously striving to be in tune with technology, provide products

and services of the highest quality, meet the performance and price aspirations of our

customers and while doing so, maintain the highest standard of ethics and social


Constantly look to improve the quality of our services and process and look for constant

development with a focus towards customer delight. To always fulfill the commitment to

the people dealing with us with a fair mind and conscience.


Hard work heralds success, this is true in every walk of life. The success story of the

Hyundai Group is also scripted through hard work , determination and untiring efforts of

Our Chairman Sri K. Rama Mohana Rao , a qualified Engineer , Member of

Parliament , a successful entrepreneur and above all a man with a heart.

Inspire of his busy schedule in the service of his country , he personally oversees the

interests of his customers. Customers relationship is the mantra he believes and does not

compromise on any issue with regard to customer service. Mr. Rama Mohana Rao very

modestly accords a great deal of credit for his success to his team.

Mr. Rama Mohana Rao works on some simple but effective principles:

 A humane approach to business.

 A practical approach of problem solving.

 Concern towards other's problems.

He has inculcated discipline, service orientation, and above all importance to customer

satisfaction to his entire staff and with this encouragement and support the staff has been

performing out of their skin to see Hyundai Group where it should be. At the top.

Above all, his leadership has earned him great respect and he has been personally

responsible for the success story.



Customer service is a task, other than proactive selling, that involves interactions with

customers in person, by telecommunications, or by mails. It is designed, programmed and

communicated with two goals in mind: operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

A typical categorization of the services based on who performs the action within the

services cape can be

1. Self-service (customer only)- ATM, Movie Theater

2. Interpersonal services-banks, restaurants

3. Remote services (employee only) – telephone mail order desk.

The superiority of the product has to be complemented with a high quality of services,

which gives a competitive edge to the organization. A high standard of service is what

sets apart one organization from another, and ultimately attracts the customer to the


Services at the showroom fall in the second category where there is a high complexity of

interaction and hence it becomes necessary for the personnel to be adept in responding to

the customer cognitively, emotionally and psychologically.

The various aspects and characteristics of service provision, which have been taken into

consideration of a customer care team/ sales consultant are

1. Politeness

2. Courteousness

3. Product knowledge

4. Process knowledge

5. Communication skills

6. Responsiveness and supportiveness.


Consumers obtain information about products and services from personal sources (friends

and experts) and from the non-personal sources (mass and selective media).

When purchasing goods, consumers employ both personal and non-personal sources since

both effectively convey information about search qualities.

This is especially true for high involvement products such as cars, two-wheelers, durables


Mass media can convey information about search qualities but can convey a little about

experience qualities. Also, mass media cannot elaborate on the finer aspects and hence it

becomes imperative for a showroom to provide the complete information about the

product, pricing and the offers.

The showroom can provide information by adopting the below mentioned list

1. Broachers, leaflets and pricelists – easy reference and handy.

2. Sales consultant

3. Test drive – hands-on experience.

Broachers, leaflets and pricelist are the basic sales tools, which elaborately give the

product specifications, promotional offers and schemes at hand and the pricing of various

models at display.

Sales consultant has to be knowledgeable to understand the nuances of the specification

and should be able to convey the same to the prospective customers. The sales consultants

handle the various queries (technical and commercial) and clears the impending doubts of

the inquisitive customer.

Test drive – the last part in providing information to the customer and gives the customer

a hands – on experience of the product performance


One of the factors, which has to match the eagerness and the enthusiasm of the customer

is quick and prompt delivery of the service.

After the customer has made a decision to go ahead with the purchase the next logical

sequence of steps would be a process the required documents, book the order, confirm the

order, inform the customer about the date of delivery and prepare the required documents

for the delivery of the vehicle.

Order booking-This is the process where the onus lies completely on the personnel

dealing with the customer. The customer has to be given the right information regarding

the documents, time taken to process the documents and close the deal.

It is also the responsibility of the various departments involved to provide a quick service

to ensure that the customer has a good and satisfying experience.

Delivery on date and time- once the product is delivered it can be assumed that a sale has

been done. The paper work to be carried out has to be done at a quick pace. This can be

observed in the responses of those 25% of customers who reported a slack in the delivery

process. Deviation from promised date and time can lead to a lot of inconvenience to the

customers, thereby leading to a bad experience.


“Nothing is consistent by change.”

Consistency is a matter of experience. The expectation of service grows from every

experience the customer has during the sales process. For egg., the customer would

expect the same responsiveness from the sales person during the order processing as it

was during the pre-sales, any aberration would create a sense of insecurity and would

thereby breach the bond of trust established between them.

Inconsistency in service is caused by ever changing expectations of the customer. This

poses a challenge of maintaining the quality of service in every “encounter”. The

expectations are not just related to the profile of the customer but also to the occasion and

moods, service firms find it difficult to meet the expectations of the customers all the time

without affecting the quality of service.

Furthermore, the characteristic of perish ability makes the service non-storable. They

exist while they are being delivered / consumed. This poses the management, problem of

managing the match and capacity planning.

In the analysis we have chosen to analyze the consistency maintained in offering services

relating to the human interaction as well as the processing of the documents. This

becomes important in the light of these services being offered in pre-sales and post sales

scenario, and gauging the consistency levels at these two stages gives a fair idea of the

consistency maintained in the services offered.

Consistency in human interaction is observed in the pre-sales, order processing and post

sale stages.


The objective of the customer care personnel is to provide convenient and comfortable

service and not to push the customer to make the purchase. While basic facilities are

made available, the customer care personnel have to make sure that customer doesn‟t feel

any inconvenience while the sales process is on.

Convenience does not only refer to the physical comforts such as seating, availability of

rest rooms etc. but also to mental convenience a in helping out the customer to reach a

decision, providing relevant information to the customer for evaluating the various

options, making sure that it is one-stop shop (additional accessories being made available

like stereo systems, reverse gear buzzers etc.) explain the basic functionally of the

product etc.

It is helpful to offer customers information in printed form; good signing is very

important at service delivery points and on self-service equipment. The customer care

personnel have to make the first move and approach the visitors instead of making the

visitors ask for some guidance. The visitors have to be communicated how to use and

how not to use the facilities at offer.

The concentration has been focused on checking the convenience of the customers on

aspects such as

1. Timings

2. Test drive

3. Availability of accessories

4. Sufficient fuel to reach the nearest petrol station

5. Wide range of finance options made available at the showroom

6. Imparting the basic mechanical functionalities of the car.


Hyundai Motor Co. is a South Korean automobile MNC which started its operation in

1967 and it never looked back. It is mainly in manufacturing and marketing of

automobiles, commercial vehicles and engines in 195+ countries worldwide.

Being majorly in the economy segment, in many developing nations it is in leadership

positions while in some it is in 2nd position. Due to stagnant growth rate, fuel price

volatility, government regulations and environmental conditions; automobile industry is

facing downturn and that‟s why the company like Hyundai is focusing on satisfying

customer needs through improving in product performance, design & service.



Hyundai uses behavioural & psychographic segmentation variables to segment the market

in homogeneous groups. It is majorly in an economic segment and is entering the

premium segment through its offerings in SUV‟s segment and new showroom setup i.e.

Hyundai Motorstudio.

Differentiated targeting strategy is used by Hyundai to target the customers and satisfy

their needs and wants.

Positioning is the most important aspect that is driving the market forces. Hyundai uses a

mix of product & value-based positioning strategies to create an experience for their

customers rather than just selling its products.

Vision- “Together for a better future”

Tagline-“New Thinking New Possibilities”.



Hyundai motors have created a customer-centric smart service which is helping it in

increasing the credibility and efficiency in the after-sales service. It has developed IT-

enabled ecosystem which is making services available anytime, anywhere on a real-time


One of the competitive advantages of Hyundai is its R & D centres which are situated in

the key regions and is helping the company to understand different markets & changing

customer preferences.

Hyundai group is operating in-vehicle segment, financing segment, and R & D segment

and it is helping the company in aligning the main line automotive business with the

company‟s vision.



Its passenger cars segment having hatch-backs, sedan in its portfolio is starred in BCG

matrix, as some of its offerings like i10, i20, Accent, & Elantra are popular offerings that

are driving the sales volume.

Its SUV, MPV/Bus and truck are the question mark in BCG matrix as due to the presence

of a large number of well-established players in the market, Hyundai is unable to rule the

market in these segments.



Hyundai is making its offerings available to the market through its 6,000 showrooms &

dealerships. Hyundai is going through a paradigm shift in delivering the value

proposition through Hyundai Motorstudio, a new setup of showrooms creating customer

engagement opportunities & delivering revolutionised brand experience.



Associating itself with some of the well-known international events like FIFA, UEFA,

ICC matches in T20 and one-day match format and various other events have helped the

company in creating high visibility.



The automotive market is overcrowded with local & national players who are following

red ocean strategies rather than innovating itself. Companies like Honda, Suzuki, Ford,

Fiat and many others are giving head-on competition to each other resulting in eating up

each other share.



With a global market share of only 6% company is redesigning its marketing strategies to

target the upper strata or upper-income group customers by introducing its offering in

premium segment which is the fastest growing segment in the emerging economies. The

automotive market is facing a stagnant growth rate in the economy segment so focussing

more on customer serviceability, brand awareness, tapping/ penetrating the growing

markets will help the company in sustaining itself in the highly competitive market.



Customers of Hyundai are the middle-income group who want to purchase a car for

family purpose and is looking for a value for money offering.


Hyundai Motor Company is a multinational corporation that has its headquarters based in

Seoul in South Korea and is associated with automotive industry. It was founded in year

1967 by Chung Ju-yung along with its subsidiary Kia Motors and both of them together

form the Hyundai Motor Group. Hyundai is a public company and has its origins in South

Korea. In year 2008, Hyundai Motor, without its subsidiary Kia Motors, was declared

eighth-largest automaker and in year 2012, Hyundai Motor Group, along with its

subsidiary Kia Motors, was declared fifth-largest automaker in terms of annual sales of its

vehicles in global market. Total sales of vehicles of Hyundai in year 2012 were estimated

at 7.12 million. In terms of popularity it is one of the most common and popular brands

in automobile industry. In year 2015, company introduced a new brand of luxury cars

titled Genesis Motors. Hyundai faces stiff competition in global market and some of its

main competitors are as follows-

 Ford

 Volkswagen

 Toyota

 Skoda

 Tata Motors

 Maruti Udyog

 Mitsubishi

 Fiat

 Chevrolet

 Nissan Motors

 Honda


First model of Hyundai Motor Group was Cortina in year 1968 and it was co-produced

with Ford Motor Company. In year 1975, company launched its first solo-effort car Pony

and started its export to different countries like Ecuador and later to Canada. In 1986,

Hyundai launched its vehicles in United States and its car Excel was declared one of the

best ten products. Currently Hyundai‟s product folio includes engines, commercial

vehicles and automobiles and some of the most popular ones are as follows-

 Sedans, sports car and hatchbacks like Aslan, Accent, Genesis, Eon, Elantra, i20, I10,

Marcia, Santa Fe, Xcent and Hyundai Sonata

 Vans and SUVs include Tucson, Terracan, Santa Fe Sport and Porter 2

 Commercial vehicles include Hyundai 1620 urban bus, Aero City, Chorus, e-Mighty,

HD160, Mega Truck, Mighty II, Super Truck and Universe

 Concept car include Vision G, Clix, Excel Electric-vehicle, Sonata Electric-vehicle, TB

Concept Car and i-oniq

Note that within the above product lines, there are various product depths and product

length as well. So an I20 will also have an I20 asta, I20 Magna and other variants. The

low value, medium value and high value variants are present in most cars of Hyundai.


Hyundai is fourth-largest manufacturer of vehicles in global market in 2016 and has

largest manufacturing facility for integrated automobile in world. It is located in Ulsan, in

South Korea and has 1.6 million units of production capacity on annual basis. Hyundai

believes in its own qualitative products and services and hence has opened various

manufacturing plants in different regions. Its European plant is located in Nosovice and

has a capacity of manufacturing 300,000 vehicles annually. Company has also opened

R&D facilities in places like Hyderabad which employs nearly 450 engineers to provide

engineering and technical support in development of vehicles.

Vehicles belonging to Hyundai Motor Company are sold in nearly one hundred and

ninety three countries in and across globe. It has a proficient distribution channel that

comprises of dealers, salespersons, retailers and all these are possible because of nearly

5,000 showrooms and dealerships. Company employs nearly 75,000 employees, who are

competent enough to manage good revenues. Hyundai has to penetrate all markets and

hence has undertaken numerous steps to reach rural parts of every country with a number

of dealership outlets.

Important in the place element of Hyundai is also the fact that their dealerships have

beautiful outlets. Most of the dealerships have multiple sales personnel to attend to the

numerous customers walking in. Once the customer walks in, a sales person presents all

the options of cars with them and also understands the customers demography and

requirement. Accordingly, the deal is finalised. The sales executives are well trained with

ample competitive knowledge to close the customer who has walked in. The company

takes care of the training. The same outlet also acts as service center so that the customer

feels confident about the service part as well.


Hyundai is a global brand that has been tapping the emerging markets successfully.

Its pricing policies have helped it to maintain its position as one of the best automakers in

industry. In order to cater to different sections of society it has manufactured numerous

vehicles and kept varied pricing policies for them. Some of its cars belong to competitive

pricing category, whereas others like luxury car Genesis belongs to premium

pricing category.

In order to make its penetration policy successful it has managed to keep its prices

affordable for consumers. Hyundai has been known for supplying value-based products

and its prices have been set at a competitive rate when compared to competitors. It can

also be said to be value based pricing, because as the value provided in each model

changes, the price of the car rises. It gives several trade benefits as well to its dealers to

promote the products from time to time.



Hyundai recognises the potential of promotional activities and hence has always gone for

different and varied marketing strategies to create positive brand awareness. In year 2012,

company started a brand campaign globally that emphasised on its Modern Premium

thinking process.

Hyundai wanted each and every customer to relate his/her vehicle with moments of

happiness and good memories. Company has been associated with different sports to

create its brand visibility. It has entered motorsport in year 1998 and 1999, competing

in world Rally Championships. It has various sponsorship deals in sports like FIFA, A-

League, Korea Football Association, Brisbane Lions and Hyundai Hockey Helpers.

In year 2015 Santa Fe became Pope-mobile officially for Pope Francis. Hyundai has

made various ads and commercials that are telecast on television, radio, print media like

magazines, newspapers, hoardings. It has also started utilising online facilities for

promoting its products as it realizes it‟s true potential. Superstar Shahrukh Khan has been

associated with Hyundai as its brand ambassador.



 Hyundai India has such a brand equity that it is almost assumed to be an Indian brand,

with lot of good accolades for being India‟s second most selling brand next to MUL in

market share

 Hyundai Motor India limited is the largest car exporter from Asian Market which showed

a 10% growth compared to last FY

 The domestic sales is increasing at an average rate of 19.1%

 HMIL is known for its quality products which has better performance and it has

constantly been ahead in the race with Maruti Udyog limited in many parameters

 The product length includes around 8 cars, starting from new Eon in small car segment to

SUV segment Santa Fe

 Among the automobile players only HMIL is known for its CSR activities

 Hyundai products never fail to win laurels in each segment from various automobile

ratings ever since its operations in India

 Hyundai , has the largest network of showrooms and service station next to Maruti in


 An article in Economic times quoted that “Hyundai Eon launched , treads on Alto

territory” indicated that Eon will act as a threat to reduction in Alto‟s market share

Weaknesses in the SWOT analysis of Hyundai

 HMIL took a long time to gain the market share as its not the first mover in India

 In terms of most reliable and trusted brand; Maruti is more strong in Indian subcontinent

 Spare parts of Hyundai vehicles are comparatively priced higher and spare parts do not

have PAN India presence

 In SUV segment both Tucson and its next model Santa Fe didnt make a major impact

 Increase in commodity prices such as steel, aluminium and ancillary parts has affected


 Since HMIL concentrates on both domestic and International sales there are higher risks

of exchange rate fluctuations

 As Hyundai majorly concentrates on quality, most of its product are in premium category

in each segment. Hyundai is still struggling to make a better impact in small car segment

in terms of cost efficiency like other manufactures

 Hyundai doesn‟t have any product match to compete in Corporate orders like Tata Indica

V2, Tata Sumo, Tata Indigo, Chevy Tavera, Ford Fiesta etc. These vehicles are most

preferred in both cab segment and government booking for bulk orders


 SIAM – Society of Indian automobile Manufacturers, have stated that there is steady

increase in Car sales both Domestic and Indian contributing a valuable share in India‟s


 The export markets growth rate is 22.30% compared to last fiscal year

 The saving consumption pattern of India is an added advantage for any segment doing

business in India. This was one of the major reason for Indian market to survive amidst

global recession

 There is more scope of HMIL to enter into small car segment as its has dedicated R&D

plant in Hyderabad, India. Hyundai is one of the very few companies that has widest

R&D network across the world located in Korea, Europe, India, US, Japan

 Hyundai has very good opportunity in entering into commercial vehicles and Recreational

vehicles as they are already doing well outside India. Currently HMIL has its focus only

on Passenger car segment


 Though Hyundai claims itself to have no direct competitors other than MUL, there are

Indian players like Tata, Mahindra imposing a strong threat for Hyundai Motors India to

expand its product category

 Foreign Direct Investments flowing in Indian automobile space are not good signs for

already existing Giants like MUL and Hyundai.

 Almost all major automobile players have started invading India to open up their market

and their manufacturing plant in India.”Chennai” is referred to as the Detroit of Asia!

 Hyundai faced a slight decline in market share due to tough competition from Ford‟s Figo

and Volkswagen- Polo

 Many manufacturers have started to concentrate on small car segment as an alternative to

Nano. These will slowdown the expected sales of Eon.



 To Study the factors impacting the willingness of buying the Hyundai Motors Cars

 To Study the different criteria that the customer undertakes while purchasing the cars.

 To study the customer satisfaction level to state the current market position

 Also the study will provide detail about the automobile sectors and the position of the

company will be known.


The research will be done through survey method. The collection of data will be done

through questionnaire, interview and related websites

The sample size taken for this research is 100 customers.

The area of this survey consist of Lucknow city

The collection of data will be done with the help of a structured questionnaire. The designing

of questionnaire needs precision and classification of the subject, so that the respondents can

easily understand the question and can answer it sincerely and correctly.



Primary data consists of original information for the specific purpose at hand. It is first hand

information for the direct users of respondents. The tools used to collect the data may vary

and can be collected through various methods like questionnaire, personal interview


Secondary data is the data which is already been collected and assembled. This data is

available with the companies or firms and it can be collected from newspapers, periodicals,

magazines, websites etc.


Descriptive Research – Descriptive research has been conducted as the primary data was

studied and analyzed according to the need of the study.


The method of data collection is questionnaire method.


Each respondent was considered as a single unit in the survey.


The sample was done taking 100 units


Mostly, the information which has been collected is primary in nature. Some secondary

data have also been extracted from the various websites, published journals, magazines,

and newspapers.


The data analysis instrument used for conducting the research is Tabulation, Bar Chart,

Line Chart and Pie chart.


Survey was conducted in Lucknow City.



It is well known fact that constraint and limitations are bound to be present in any

study do this also has some limitation as:-

 We considered Lucknow region only because of limited time duration.

 Due to this, the sample size is only 100, which is not very large.

 All the respondents could not fill their questionnaire on their own due to language

problem, time constraints and lack of positive behavior.

 Respondent may give biased answer due to some lack of information about other


 Findings of the study are based on the assumption that the respondents have given

correct information.



Table showing the genders of the respondents

Category Percentage
Male 85
Female 15
Total 100




 85% of the respondents are male

 15% of the respondents are female.


Table showing distribution on the basis of the occupation

Occupation Percent
Professional 35
Govt. employer 15
Private employer 10
Businessman 35
Other 05
Total 100



Private Govt. Employee

Employee 15%


 35% are Professionals , 15% are Govt. Employee,10% are private Employee
 35% are Businessman and 05% are other.


This table showing Source of Finance

Model Of Purchase
Loan 85
Cash 15
Total 100

Loan Cash




In source of finance 85% respondent are buy car by loan which is very high & then by cash
which is15%, deference between this is very high.


Table showing the reasons of purchase from (authorized dealer).

Reason Of Purchase Percentage

Quick Delivery 20
Customer Care 35
After Sales service 40
All 05
Total 100

5% Percent
Quick Delivery

After Sales
40% Customer


 20% respondent are satisfactory with Quick deliver.

 30% respondent are satisfactory with Customer care.
 40% respondent are satisfactory with After sales service
 05% respondent are satisfactory with All


This table showing about price of HYUNDAI CAR when compared with its facility

Facility Percentage
High 10
Normal 80
Low 10
Total 100

10 10



Here we can see that 80% respondent give normal, and then second high which is 10% , so
performance of Hyundai Car is best.


This table showing satisfaction with Hyundai Car

Satisfaction Percentage
Yes 60
No 40
Total 100

Yes No




 60% respondent are satisfied with Hyundai Car

 40% respondent are unsatisfied with Hyundai Car


Attribute Percentages
New model & design 30
Mileage 40
Pick-up 20
Other 10
Total 100




New model & design Mileage Pick-up Other


In most features that in first is mileage which is 40%, then on second is new model and
design which is 30% & on third pick up which is 20%, out of 100 respondents. So mileage is
most features selected by respondents.


This table showing the maintenance cost of Hyundai Car

Maintenance Cost Percentages

Medium Cost 60
Low Cost 35
High Cost 05
Total 100



Medium Cost Low Cost High Cost


 60% responders are satisfied because of medium maintains cost

 05% responders are unsatisfied because of high cost of maintains.


This table showing performance of Hyundai Car

Performance Percentages
Excellent 30
Good 55
Poor 15
Total 100

Excellent Good Poor




Out of 100 responders 30% are feel its excellent performance and 55% responders are feel
it‟s good performance and remaining 15% feel its poor performance.


Table showing the satisfied with service provided by (authorized dealer)

Service Percentages
Yes 71
No 29
Total 100

Yes No




 71% Are satisfied with service provide by dealer and 29% not satisfied


This table showing satisfaction with Hyundai Motors responding to customers‟ needs

Satisfaction with company Percentages

Yes 67
No 33
Total 100

Yes No




This chart shows that 33% customers are unsatisfied with car, 67% customers are satisfied.


Table showing, satisfy the quality of workmanship of Dealer workshop

Quality of workmanship Percentages

Highly Satisfied 10
Satisfied 65
Not Satisfied 25
Total 100

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied




 10% responders are highly satisfied with service quality provide by Dealer, 65%
responders are satisfied and 25% responders unsatisfied with service quality provide by
Dealer workshop.


Table showing the reasons to go for Hyundai Car

Category Percentages
Price 00
fual efficiency 25
traveling comfort 54
brand name 17
Other 04
Total 100

price fual efficiency traveling comfort brand name other

4% 0%

17% 25%



 25% of responders prefer Hyundai Car for fuel efficiency

 54% of responders prefer Hyundai Car for Traveling comfort
 17% of responders prefer Hyundai Car for brand name
From the above statement it is clear that maximum no of responders chose Hyundai Car for
traveling comfort.


Table showing opinion on the information given by sales representative

Category Percentages
Satisfactory 45
Convincing 29
Unsatisfactory 16
Bad 10
Total 100

satisfaction convincing unsatisfactory bad





 45% of responders are satisfactory on the information and demonstration given by

sales representative.
 29% of respondent are convincing on the information and demonstration given by
sales representative.
Maximum no of responders are satisfactory on the information and demonstration given by
sales representative.


Table showing whether Hyundai has to increase its services centers both in Rural and Urban

Category Percentages
Yes 89
No 11
Total 100

yes no




 89% respondent say YES regarding whether Hyundai has to increase its services
centers both in rural and urban areas.

Maximum no of responders say YES regarding whether Hyundai has to increase its services
centers both in rural and urban areas.



 Maximum number of respondent have chose Hyundai Cars, as it is well suited for traveling

both in rural and urban areas. The maximum numbers of respondents are very much satisfied

with the overall performance of Hyundai Cars.

 Most of the customer has the opinion that looks of Hyundai Cars leads to their satisfaction.

Some customers are extremely satisfied with safety and comfort & some are neutral in their


 Maximum number of customers are of the wish that not to recommend Hyundai Cars to

others. Customers are much satisfied with the information and demo given by sales


 Most of customers are of opinion that Hyundai should increases its service centers in rural

and urban areas.



The study is aimed at analyzing marketing and customer satisfaction with sample 100

members, which has helped in getting an overall view of customer satisfaction toward

Hyundai Cars considering different criteria.

Recommendation Hyundai Motors has to implement good customer relationship

management strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level.

 The company can undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which field helps increase

in the customer satisfaction.

 The company should promote about the entire feature offered by it.

 As majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied is the factors, services and

design of the product of the company should taken not only maintain the existing standard

but also enhance them.

 To increase the mileage efficiency.

 To provide mobile services where one should be able to reach the spot in case of any break


 To bring down the cost of spares and improve.

 Customer care is the best way to build long term relation, because they also have emotional

and psychological needs when they purchase a car.

 Hyundai Motors should increase the dealerships / channel partners for the rural marketing. In

case of non viability should force the old dealerships to open a branch & increase the market

share in that market.

 Large range of products is increasing the gap b/w supply & demand. Hyundai

Motors should standardize the products. Product should be available at the time

of demand, sales & marketing should be pro active & should plan before the

demand by estimations.

 Territory Infringement: division of the territories of the dealership is not properly done and

also the company does not take any action against the practice of territory infringement.

Hence it becomes difficult for some dealers to manage the customers in their territory and

also it de-motivates them. This affects the sales of the product in a major way. The Territory

Infringement should imposed on dealership strongly.

 Lack of spare parts: certain bus fleet operators complained of paucity of spare parts with the

sales office. The spare parts how so ever small they may be were not available at certain

times which led to the loss of revenue being generated by the bus on daily basis.

 Non- availability of product: Bus fleet operators are not getting delivery of the product asked

by them because of the non-availability of the products with the dealer. In that case after

waiting for some time customers moved to competitor‟s product. This comes as a cause of

major concern because the actual sales of that particular product suffered leading to loss of

revenue for the organization.

 Product Improvements: Till now only few models are coming with radial tyres as

standard fitments. Need to work on automatic transmissions, Common rail

Engines & many more technology advancements



Today, businesses around the world, both large and small, cannot ignore the impact that the

global economy is having on their performance. Globalisation, the internet, and information

transparency have led to an increasingly mobile workforce, ever more fickle customers, and

rapidly changing technologies and business models. One result of this seemingly inexorable

trend is that companies are less able to predict - let alone control - the short-term shape of

their own markets.

As a result, more and more organisations are choosing to adopt a marketing-led philosophy

to enable them to win market share and capture and retain the hearts and minds of current

and prospective customers. Marketing is becoming more important as organisations around

the world strive to develop products and services that appeal to their customers and aim to

differentiate their offering in the increasingly-crowded global marketplace.

These complex issues heighten the need for effective marketing whilst expanding its scope

beyond the „marketing function‟. Put simply, marketing is no longer the sole prerogative of

a single „function‟, even if the leadership on marketing comes from that function, together

with the framework within which marketing strategies are conceived, developed, planned,

executed, reviewed and improved.

We have discussed marketing strategies of Hyundai Motors and have conducted various

tests like SWOT Analysis, PEST ANALYSIS etc.. to conduct this study and we conclude

that Hyundai Motors has one of the best marketing strategies in automobile industry. Its

customers are well satisfied.

Hyundai Motors is able to maintain, as well as increase, their market share by capitalizing on

their core competencies. Hyundai Motors is active, competitive, and dynamic in all aspects

of the automotive industry, which means that there must be many different activities going

on in all areas of the company. As a result of the ever evolving automotive industry Hyundai

Motors must always be changing and one way to stay at the forefront of the industry is to

make continuous improvements in technology through research and development. One way

that Hyundai Motors has done this is by producing one of the most efficient and low cost

vehicles on the market. Acquisitions, mergers, and expansion is another core competency

that Hyundai Motors has is embedded in their company structure and philosophy. Another

core competency that Hyundai Motors holds is being located in the India. This location has

allowed them to understand not only the Indian market but also the dynamics of emerging

and developing markets. This market understanding and knowledge allows Hyundai Motors

to manufacture their products at lower costs, sell them to emerging markets while making

profits as well as take advantage of the strong labor base in India. From this project we

conclude that the marketing strategies of Hyundai Motors are according to market. They

always look after their consumers and their needs.They make changes in their product what

consumer wants, that‟s why most of the consumers, are satisfied from the company.

Company wants that every people can purchase their product so, they have product from low

price to high price with number of different styles and designs without compromising

product quality. Company is also providing good services to their customers. Company has

its own show rooms and service centers in different places so customers can‟t face many

difficulties to purchase their products.


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Vehicle number:



a) Professional

b) Govt. employee

c) Private employee

d) student

e) Business

f) Others


a) Below Rs-75000

b) Rs 75000 to Rs 125000

c) Rs 125000 to 150000

d) above Rs 150000


a) Loan

b) cash

4. Mention reason to purchase the vehicle from (HYUNDAI MOTORS AUTHORISED


a) Quick delivery

b) Customer care

c) After sales service

d) All

5. What do you feel about the price of HYUNDAI CAR when compared with its


a) High

b) Normal

c) Low

6. Do you satisfied with your HYUNDAI CAR?

a) Yes

b) No

7. What attribute made you to purchase?

a) New model & design

b) Mileage

c) Pick-up

d) Others

8. What is the maintains cost of your Hyundai Car?

a) Medium cost

b) Low cost

c) High cost

9. Please specify the overall performance of your Hyundai Car?


b) Good

c) poor

10. Do you satisfied with the services provided by (Hyundai Motors Authorized


a) Yes

b) No

11. Do you satisfied with (Hyundai Motors Authorized Dealer) responding to your


a) Yes

b) No

12. Do you prior appointment for your service and maintenance?

a) All the time

b) Sometime

c) Never

13. Are you satisfied with the workshop service?

a) All the time

b) Sometime

c) Never

14. Are the opening and closing time of our workshop convenient?

a) Yes

b) No

15. Do you satisfy the quality of workmanship of our workshop?

a) Highly satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Not satisfied

16. Do you think HYUNDAI MOTORS has to increase its services center both in Rural

and Urban areas?

a) YES

b) NO


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