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MODULE 6 WON appointments violate Section 15, Article VII of the

1987 Constitution. (YES)

APPOINTMENT WON EO 2 is constitutional. (YES)


GR NO. 203372 The petitions have no merit. All of petitioners'
JUNE 16, 2015 appointments are midnight appointments and are void
for violation of Section 15, Article VII of the 1987
Constitution. EO 2 is constitutional.
all these cases show that "none of the petitioners have
Prior to the conduct of the May 2010 elections, then shown that their appointment papers (and transmittal
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (President letters) have been issued (and released) before the
Macapagal-Arroyo) issued more than 800 appointments ban." The dates of receipt by the MRO, which in these
to various positions in several government offices. This cases are the only reliable evidence of actual transmittal
however falls in the prohibition on midnight appointments of the appointment papers by President Macapagal-
in Section 15, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. Arroyo, are dates clearly falling during the appointment
ban. Thus, this ponencia and the dissent both agree that
Two months immediately before the next presidential all the appointments in these cases are midnight
elections and up to the end of his term, a President or appointments in violation of Section 15, Article VII of the
Acting President shall not make appointments, except 1987 Constitution.
temporary appointments to executive positions when
continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service Constitutionality of EO 2
or endanger public safety.
Based on prevailing jurisprudence, appointment to a
Thus, for purposes of the 2010 elections, 10 March 2010 government post is a process that takes several
was the cutoff date for valid appointments and the next steps to complete. Any valid appointment, including
day, 11 March 2010, was the start of the ban on midnight one made under the exception provided in Section 15,
appointments. Section 15, Article VII of the 1987 Article VII of the 1987 Constitution, must consist of:
Constitution recognizes as an exception to the ban on
midnight appointments only "temporary appointments to 1. The President signing an appointee's appointment
executive positions when continued vacancies therein paper to a vacant office
will prejudice public service or endanger public safety."
2. The official transmittal of the appointment paper
None of the petitioners claim that their appointments fall
under this exception. (preferably through the MRO),

3. Receipt of the appointment paper by the appointee,


4. Acceptance of the appointment by the appointee

evidenced by his or her oath of office or his or her
assumption to office.

Of course the Court is aware of many precedents to the

effect that once an appointment has been issued, it
cannot be reconsidered, especially where the
appointee has qualified. But none of them refer to
mass ad interim appointments (three hundred and
fifty), issued in the last hours of an outgoing Chief
Executive, in a setting similar to that outlined herein. On
President Aquino issued EO 2 recalling, withdrawing, the other hand, the authorities admit of exceptional
and revoking appointments issued by President circumstances justifying revocation and if any
Macapagal-Arroyo which violated the constitutional ban circumstances justify revocation, those described herein
on midnight appointments. should fit the exception.

The petitioners seeks for reinstatement stating that The following elements should always concur in the
appointments were valid and their removal violated the making of a valid (which should be understood as both
Civil Service Rules on Appointment. complete and effective) appointment:

(1) Authority to appoint and evidence of the exercise of Lacson neither accepted the appointment nor assumed
the authority; the office of fiscal of Tarlac. But respondent Romero took
his oath of office (the post of fiscal of Negros Oriental) in
(2) Transmittal of the appointment paper and evidence of Manila on June 16, 1949, notified the Solicitor General of
the transmittal; the fact, and thereafter proceeded to his station.
(3) A vacant position at the time of appointment; and
When petitioner Lacson requested payment of his salary
(4) Receipt of the appointment paper and acceptance of for the period from June 16 to June 23, 1949 as
the appointment by the appointee who possesses all the provincial fiscal of Negros Oriental, Angel Paguia,
qualifications and none of the disqualifications. Provincial Auditor and L. J. Alfabeto, Provincial
Treasurer turned down his claim and instead paid
The concurrence of all these elements should always
respondent Romero the salary for the position of
apply, regardless of when the appointment is made,
provincial fiscal from June 16, 1949, and continued
whether outside, just before, or during the appointment
paying it to him periodically up to the present time.
ban. These steps in the appointment process should
always concur and operate as a single process. There is
The purpose of the present action is to establish the right
no valid appointment if the process lacks even one step.
of the petitioner to the post of provincial fiscal of Negros
And, unlike the dissent's proposal, there is no need to
Oriental and to oust the respondent Romero therefrom.
further distinguish between an effective and an
ineffective appointment when an appointment is valid.

Petitioners have failed to show compliance with all four WON Lacson should hold the office of provincial fiscal of
elements of a valid appointment. They cannot prove Negros Oriental.
with certainty that their appointment papers were
transmitted before the appointment ban took effect.
On the other hand, petitioners admit that they took
their oaths of office during the appointment ban.
The appointment to a government post like that of
provincial fiscal to be complete involves several steps.
Petitioners have failed to raise any valid ground for the
Court to declare EO 2, or any part of it, unconstitutional.
Consequently, EO 2 remains valid and constitutional. First, comes the nomination by the President.

LACSON VS ROMERO Then to make that nomination valid and permanent, the
84 PHIL 740 Commission on Appointments of the Legislature has to
confirm said nomination.
The last step is the acceptance thereof by the appointee
This is a quo warranto proceedings filed directly with this by his assumption of office.
Court is the Office of Provincial Fiscal of Negros, and the
right to said position as between the petitioner Antonio The first two steps, nomination and confirmation,
Lacson and the respondent Honorio Romero. constitute a mere offer of a post. They are acts of the
Executive and Legislative departments of the
Petitioner Lacson was on July 25, 1946, appointed by Government. But the last necessary step to make the
the President of the Philippines, provincial fiscal of appointment complete and effective rests solely with
Negros Oriental. The appointment was confirmed by the the appointee himself. He may or he may not accept
Commission on Appointment on August 6, 1946. He took the appointment or nomination.
his oath of office on August 10, 1946, and thereafter
performed the duties of that office. Consequently, since Lacson has declined to accept his
appointment as provincial fiscal of Tarlac and no one can
Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, on compel him to do so, then he continues as provincial
May 17, 1949, the President nominated petitioner fiscal of Negros Oriental and no vacancy in said office
Lacson to the post of provincial fiscal of Tarlac. On the was created, unless Lacson had been lawfully removed
same date, the President nominated for the position of as Such fiscal of Negros Oriental.
provincial fiscal of Negros Oriental respondent Romero.
Both nominations were simultaneously confirmed by the As to the second question, it is obvious that the intended
Commission on Appointments on May 19, 1949. transfer of Lacson to Tarlac on the basis of his
nomination thereto, if carried out, would be equivalent to
a removal from his office in Negros Oriental. To appoint
and transfer him from one province to another would
mean his removal or separation from the first province. The next question arises as to whether the President
The reason is that a fiscal is appointed for each province even with the concurrence or consent of the Commission
and Lacson could not well and legally hold and occupy on Appointments may remove a provincial fiscal without
the two posts of fiscal of Tarlac and Negros Oriental cause. The Constitution itself denies said right. Article
simultaneously. To be fiscal for Tarlac must mean his XII, section 4 of said instrument provides that "no officer
removal from Negros Oriental. or employee in the civil service shall be removed or
suspended except for cause as provided by law."
"A transfer of a Justice of the Peace outside of the
municipality of which he is appointed is in legal effect a It is contended on of the respondent that the power of
combined removal and appointment." removal is inherent in the power to appoint and that
consequently, the President had the right to remove the
petitioner as provincial fiscal of Negros Oriental and
When the transfer is consented to and accepted by the transfer him to Tarlac. Ordinarily, where there is no
transferees, then there would be no question; but where constitutional limitation the contention of the respondent
as in the present case, the transfer is involuntary and would be tenable; but where as in the Philippines and as
objected to, then it is necessary to decide whether the already stated the Constitution forbids the removal of a
removal is lawful. civil service official or employee like the petitioner except
for cause as provided by law, said right of the Chief
What is the nature of the office of provincial fiscal? Is it Executive is qualified and limited. That constitutional
included in the Civil Service? The answer is, prohibition is a limitation to the inherent power of the
undoubtedly, in the affirmative. Article XII, section 1 of Executive to remove those civil service officials whom he
our Constitution provides that "a Civil Service embracing appoints.
all branches and subdivisions of the Government shall
be provided by law." Section 668 of the Administrative
Before a civil service official or employee can be
Code as amended by Com. Act No. 177, sec. 6, provides
that "the Philippine Civil Service shall embrace all removed, there must first be an investigation at which he
branches and subdivisions of the Government;" and must be given a fair hearing and an opportunity to
section 670 of the same Code provides that "person in defend himself. In the case of petitioner Lacson, the
the Philippine Civil Service pertain either to the classified record fails to show, neither is there any claim that he
or unclassified service." Section 671 of the same code has been charged with any violation of law or civil
as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 177, section 8 in service regulation, much leas investigated and thereafter
part provides as follows: found guilty so as to authorize or warrant removal from
Sec. 671. Person embraced in unclassified. —
The following officers and employees constitute Thus there was no removal of Lacson as provincial fiscal
the unclassified service:.lawphi1.nêt of Negros Oriental.

(a) A secretary, a sergeant-at-arm, and such In conclusion, we find and declare the petitioner to be
other officers as may be required and chosen by the provincial fiscal of Negros Oriental, and the
the National Assembly in accordance with the respondent not being entitled to said post, is hereby
Constitution. ordered to surrender to the petitioner all the records or
papers appertaining to said office that may have come
(b) Officers, other than the provincial treasurers into his possession. The respondent provincial auditor
and Assistant Directors of Bureaus or and provincial treasurer, are hereby ordered to pay to
Offices, appointed by the President of the the herein petitioner his salary from June 16, 1949, and
Philippines, with the consent of the Commission
as long as said petitioner continues to be the legal
on Appointments of the National Assembly, and
all other officers of the Government whose incumbent to the office in question.
appointments are by law vested in the President
GR NO. 110598
DECEMBER 1, 1994
(c) Elective officers.
A provincial fiscal who is nominated and appointed by
the President with the consent of the Commission on
Petitioner Mona A. Tomali was appointed Development
Appointments, as was petitioner Lacson, is, under
Management Officer II ("DMO II") in the Office on Muslim
section 671 (b) above-quoted, included in the
Affairs ("OMA"). The appointment was extended by then
unclassified service of the Civil Service.
OMA Executive Director Dimasangcay A. Pundato. She
assumed the duties and functions of the office four
months later, or on 01 November 1990, at which time, provided, shall be submitted to it by the appointing
the appointment had not yet been transmitted to the Civil authority within thirty days from issuance, otherwise
Service Commission ("CSC") for approval. the appointment becomes ineffective thirty days
On 16 July 1991, the new Director of the OMA, Dr. Ali
Basir Lucman, revoking the previous incomplete The Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive
appointment of petitioner, appointed private respondent Order No. 292, also known as the Administrative Code of
Rocaina M. Lucman to the position in question (DMO II). 1987, among other things, provides:
Tomali sent a letter protesting her replacement.
Sec. 11. An appointment not submitted
Private respondent took her oath of office and assumed to the Commission within thirty (30) days
the duties and functions of DMO II. from the date of issuance which shall be
the date appearing to the face of the
appointment, shall be ineffective.
Petitioner reiterated her protest. She filed a case to
the Merit Systems Protection Board ("MSPB"), which
Compliance with the legal requirements for an
dismissed the case. Tomali appealed to the CSC. CSC
appointment to a civil service position is essential in
affirmed MSPB dismissal. order to make it fully effective. Without the favorable
certification or approval of the Commission, in cases
Thus this petition. when such approval is required, no title to the office
can yet be deemed to be permanently vested in favor
ISSUE: of the appointee, and the appointment can still be
recalled or withdrawn by the appointing authority. Until
WON Tomali’s appointment was complete. (NO) an appointment has become a completed act, it would
likewise be precipitate to invoke the rule on security of
RULING: tenure.

The rule has always been that an appointment is

An appointment to a position in the civil service is essentially a discretionary act, performed by an officer in
required to be submitted to the CSC for approval in order whom it is vested according to his best judgment, the
to determine, in main, whether the proposed appointee is only condition being that the appointee should possess
qualified to hold the position and whether or not the rules all the qualifications required therefor. There is nothing
pertinent to the process of appointment are followed; on record to convince us that the new OMA Director has
thus: unjustly favored private respondent nor has exercised
his power of appointment in an arbitrary, whimsical or
despotic manner.
Sec. 9. Powers and Functions of the Commission.
— The Commission shall administer the Civil
Service and shall have the following powers and In sum, we see no grave abuse of discretion on the part
functions: of public respondents in their questioned dismissal of
petitioner's protest.
xxx xxx xxx
143 SCRA 327
(h) Approve all appointments, whether original or
promotional, to positions in the civil service, except
those of presidential appointees, members of the FACTS:
Armed Forces of the Philippines, police forces,
firemen, and jailguards, and disapprove those The Luego was appointed Administrative Officer 11,
where the appointees do not possess the Office of the City Mayor, Cebu City, by Mayor Florentino
appropriate eligibility or required qualifications. An Solon on February 18, 1983. The appointment was
appointment shall take effect immediately upon described as permanent" but the Civil Service
issue by the appointing authority if the appointee Commission approved it as "temporary," subject to the
assumes his duties immediately and shall remain final action taken in the protest filed by the private
effective until it is disapproved by the Commission, respondent and another employee, and provided "there
if this should take place, without prejudice to the (was) no pending administrative case against the
liability of the appointing authority for appointments appointee, no pending protest against the appointment
issued in violation of existing laws or rules: nor any decision by competent authority that will
Provided, finally, That the Commission shall keep a adversely affect the approval of the appointment."
record of appointments of all officers and
employees in the civil service. All appointments Civil Service Commission found the private respondent
requiring the approval of the Commission as herein better qualified than the petitioner for the contested
position and, accordingly, directed "that Felicula Tuozo All the Commission is actually allowed to do is check
be appointed to the position of Administrative Officer 11 whether or not the appointee possesses the appropriate
in the Administrative Division, Cebu City, in place of civil service eligibility or the required qualifications. If he
Felimon Luego whose appointment as Administrative does, his appointment is approved; if not, it is
Officer II is hereby revoked. disapproved. No other criterion is permitted by law to be
employed by the Commission when it acts on--or as the
The petitioner, invoking his earlier permanent Decree says, "approves" or "disapproves" an
appointment, is now before us to question that order and appointment made by the proper authorities.
the private respondent's title.
To be sure, it had no authority to revoke the said
appointment simply because it believed that the private
OSG contends that the petitioner could be validly
respondent was better qualified for that would have
replaced in the instant case because his appointment
constituted an encroachment on the discretion vested
was temporary and therefore could be withdrawn at will,
solely in the city mayor.
with or without cause. Having accepted such an
appointment, it is argued, the petitioner waived his
In preferring the private respondent to the petitioner, the
security of tenure and consequently ran the risk of an
Commission was probably applying its own Rule V,
abrupt separation from his office without violation of the
Section 9, of Civil Service Rules on Personnel Actions
and Policies, which provides that "whenever there are
two or more employees who are next-in-rank, preference
shall be given to the employee who is most competent
ISSUE: and qualified and who has the appropriate civil service
eligibility." This rule is inapplicable, however, because
WON the Civil Service Commission is authorized to neither of the claimants is next in rank. Moreover, the
disapprove a permanent appointment on the ground that next-in-rank rule is not absolute as the Civil Service
another person is better qualified than the appointee Decree allows vacancies to be filled by transfer of
and, on the basis of this finding, order his replacement present employees, reinstatement, re-employment, or
by the latter? (NO, Petitioner is entitled to the office) appointment of outsiders who have the appropriate
208 SCRA 240
The stamping of the words "APPROVED as
TEMPORARY" did not change the character of the FACTS:
appointment, which was clearly described as
"Permanent" in the space provided for in Civil Service SCOPE OF CIVIL SERVICE AND AUTHORITY OG
Form No. 33, dated February 18, 1983. What was THE COMMISSION
temporary was the approval of the appointment, not the
appointment it sell And what made LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT AUTHORITY (LRTA) VS
the approval temporary was the fact that it was made to VENUS
depend on the condition specified therein and on the GR NO. 163782
verification of the qualifications of the appointee to the MARCH 2006
The Civil Service Commission is not empowered to
determine the kind or nature of the appointment
Petitioner LRTA is a government-owned and controlled
extended by the appointing officer, its authority being
corporation. Petitioner METRO, was a qualified
limited to approving or reviewing the appointment in the
transportation corporation duly organized in accordance
light of the requirements of the Civil Service Law. When
with the provisions of the Corporation Code, registered
the appointee is qualified and authorizing the other
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and
legal requirements are satisfied, the Commission
existing under Philippine laws.
has no choice but to attest to the appointment in
accordance with the Civil Service Laws.
Petitioner LRTA constructed a light rail transit in
Kalookan City to Baclaran in Parañaque, Metro Manila.
Indeed, the approval is more appropriately called an
Petitioner LRTA, after a bidding process, entered into a
attestation, that is, of the fact that the appointee is
ten (10)-year Agreement for the Management and
qualified for the position to which he has been named.
Operation of the Metro Manila Light Rail Transit System.
As we have repeatedly held, such attestation is required
of the Commissioner of Civil Service merely as a check
to assure compliance with Civil Service Laws. Petitioner METRO hired its own employees, including
herein private respondents. Petitioner METRO thereafter
entered into a collective bargaining agreement with the Section 2 (1), Article IX – B, 1987 Constitution, expressly
employees. provides that "[t]he civil service embraces all branches,
subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the
LRTA and METRO executed a Deed of Sale where Government, including government-owned or controlled
petitioner LRTA purchased the shares of stocks in corporations with original charters." Corporations with
petitioner METRO. LRTA and METRO continued with original charters are those which have been created by
their distinct and separate juridical personalities. special law and not through the general corporation law.

The Union filed a Notice of Strike with the National As a rule: under the present state of the law, the test in
Conciliation and Mediation Board – National Capital determining whether a government-owned or controlled
Region against petitioner METRO on account of a corporation is subject to the Civil Service Law is the
deadlock in the collective bargaining negotiation. manner of its creation such that government
corporations created by special charter are subject to its
provisions while those incorporated under the general
Sec. Laguesma issued on that same day an assumption
Corporation Law are not within its coverage.
of jurisdiction order directing all the striking employees
"to return to work immediately.
Here should be no dispute then that employment in
petitioner LRTA should be governed only by civil service
Despite the issuance workers failed to return to
rules, and not the Labor Code and beyond the reach of
work. Respondents here were considered dismissed
the Department of Labor and Employment, since
from employment for failure to follow directives.
petitioner LRTA is a government-owned and controlled
corporation with an original charter
Respondents filed a complaint for illegal dismissal before
the NLRC which rendered a judgement in their favour.
In contrast, petitioner METRO is covered by the Labor
On appeal, the NLRC found that the striking workers
Code despite its later acquisition by petitioner LRTA.
failed to heed the return to work order and reversed and
set aside the decision of the labor arbiter.
Petitioner METRO was originally organized under the
Corporation Code, and only became a government-
NLRC denied workers MR hence this petition.
owned and controlled corporation after it was acquired
by petitioner LRTA. Even then, petitioner METRO has no
Petitioner LRTA argues that it has no employer- original charter, hence, it is the Department of Labor and
employee relationship with private respondent workers Employment, and not the Civil Service Commission,
as they were hired by petitioner METRO alone pursuant which has jurisdiction over disputes arising from the
to its ten (10)-year Agreement for the Management and employment of its workers. Consequently, the terms and
Operation of the Metro Manila Light Rail Transit System conditions of such employment are governed by the
with petitioner METRO. Private respondent workers Labor Code and not by the Civil Service Rules and
recognized that their employer was not petitioner LRTA Regulations.
when their certified exclusive collective bargaining
representative, the Pinag-isang Lakas ng Manggagawa
We therefore hold that the employees of petitioner
sa METRO, Inc. – National Federation of Labor,
METRO cannot be considered as employees of
otherwise known as PIGLAS-METRO, INC. – NFL –
petitioner LRTA. The employees hired by METRO are
KMU, entered into a collective bargaining agreement
covered by the Labor Code and are under the jurisdiction
with petitioner METRO. Piercing the corporate veil of
of the Department of Labor and Employment, whereas
METRO was unwarranted, as there was no competent
the employees of petitioner LRTA, a government-owned
and convincing evidence of any wrongful, fraudulent or
and controlled corporation with original charter, are
unlawful act on the part of METRO, and, more so, on the
covered by civil service rules.
part of LRTA.

In sum, petitioner LRTA cannot be held liable to the

Petitioner LRTA further contends that it is a government-
employees of petitioner METRO. The contention of the
owned and controlled corporation with an original
petitioner that the private respondents abandoned their
charter, Executive Order No. 603, Series of 1980, as
position is also not acceptable. An employee who
amended, and thus under the exclusive jurisdiction only
forthwith takes steps to protest his lay-off cannot by any
of the Civil Service Commission, not the NLRC.
logic be said to have abandoned his work.
Metro Transit Organization, Inc. liable for the illegal
dismissal of private respondents and orders it to pay
WON the NLRC has jurisdiction. (CSC has jurisdiction) them their benefits and full back wages and moral

PEZA BOARD OF DIRECTORS VS MERCADO Section 27 (1), of the Civil Service Law provides:
GR NO. 172144
MARCH 9, 2010 (1) Permanent status. – A permanent appointment shall
be issued to a person who meets all the requirements for
FACTS: the position to which he is being appointed, including
the appropriate eligibility prescribed, in accordance with
Mercado was appointed as Group Manager for Policy the provisions of law, rules and standards promulgated
and Planning of PEZA. Her appointment was temporary in pursuance thereof.
in nature.
Clearly, for an examinee or an incumbent to be a
Mercado was promoted to the position of Deputy member of the CES and be entitled to security of tenure,
Director General for Policy and Planning. Her she/he must pass the CES examinations, be conferred
appointment indicated the same as on permanent basis, CES eligibility, comply with the other requirements
but with the following annotation: NO SECURITY OF prescribed by the CES Board, and be appointed to a
ELIGIBILITY. CESO is the acronym for Career
Exercutive Service Officer, while CSEE is the acronym At present case, admittedly, before and up to the time of
for Career Service Executive Eligibility. the termination of her appointment, respondent did not
go through the four stages of CES eligibility
petitioner Lilia B. de Lima, in her capacity as PEZA examinations.
Director General, by letter of even date, advised
respondent of the termination of her appointment By respondent’s attainment of an MNSA degree, she
effective on the closing hours of the day. They passed a was not conferred automatic CES eligibility. It was, as
resolution appointing Otaliz , a CESO eligible, as Deputy above-quoted portions of CESB Resolution No. 204
Director General for Policy and Planning effective state, merely accredited as "equivalent to passing the
immediately. Management Aptitude Test Battery." For respondent to
acquire CES eligibility and CES rank, she could
Mercado filed a case stating that her degree in Master in "proceed to the second stage of the eligibility
National Security Administration (MNSA) automatically examination process . . . and the other stages of the
conferred upon her Career Executive Service (CES) examination . . . in accordance with existing policies and
eligibility; that Republic Act No. (R.A.) 8748, which regulations"; and that if respondent as MNSA degree
amended R.A. 7916 or the PEZA Charter, did away with
holder passed the three other stages of the CES
the CES eligibility requirement for the position of Deputy
eligibility examinations and is conferred CES eligibility,
Director General; and that the termination of her
appointment was actuated with bad faith to entitle her to she could "qualify for appointment to CES ranks,"
moral and exemplary damages. PROVIDED that she meets and complies "with other
requirements of the CES Board and the Office of the
Petitioners countered that respondent’s MNSA degree at President to qualify for rank appointment."
best merely granted her a CESO rank, not eligibility, and
since she had not acquired CES eligibility, she had no Mercado did not undergo the second, third and fourth
security of tenure with respect to her position and could, stages of the CES eligibility examinations prior to her
therefore, be replaced at any time by Ortaliz who is a appointment or during her incumbency as Deputy
CES eligible. Director General up to the time her appointment was
terminated, she was not a CES eligible, as indeed
RTC held that he passage of R.A. 8748 notwithstanding, certified to by the CES Board.
the CES eligibility requirement for the position of Deputy
Director General remains. CSC VS CA
GR NO. 185766
The trial court, concluding that since respondent did not NOVEMBER 23, 2010
have the required eligibility for the position, held that her
appointment was merely temporary and had no security FACTS:
of tenure thereto, and that, therefore, it was deemed to
have expired upon the appointment of Ortaliz. (This is a 2 consolidated case) The Board of Directors of
PCSO resolved to appoint Josefina A.
ISSUE: Sarsonas (Sarsonas) as Assistant Department Manager
II of the Internal Audit Department (IAD) of PCSO under
WON Mercado had security of tenure. (NO, she is not temporary status. Thus, on the same day, PCSO
CES eligible)
General Manager Rosario Uriarte issued a temporary
appointment to Sarsonas.
SEC. 8. Classes of Positions in the Career Service. -
CSC-field (CSC-NCR) office however, disapproved the (1) Classes of positions in the career service
temporary appointment of Sarsonas as she failed to appointment to which requires examinations shall be
meet the eligibility requirement for the position. grouped into three major levels as follows:

PCSO filed an appeal with the CSC-National Capital (a) The first level shall include clerical, trades, crafts,
and custodial service positions which involve non-
Region (CSC-NCR), then to CSC which rendered a
professional or sub professional work in a non-
decision of affirming Sarsona’s appointment.
supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less than
four years of collegiate studies;
PCSO filed an MR but was denied.
(b) The second level shall include professional,
In the second case, PCSO Board of Directors resolved technical, and scientific positions which involve
to appoint Lemuel G. Ortega (Ortega) as Assistant professional, technical or scientific work in a non-
Department Manager II of its Planning and Production supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring at least
Department. four years of college work up to Division Chief level; and
CSCFO-OP disapproved the temporary appointment of
Ortega for his failure to meet the eligibility requirement (c) The third level shall cover positions in the Career
for the position. CSCFO-OP further reasoned out that Executive Service.
there were other qualified third-level eligibles working in
(2) Except as herein otherwise provided, entrance to
PCSO who were willing and available to be appointed to
the first two levels shall be through competitive
the subject position, namely, Mercedes Hinayon and
examinations, which shall be open to those inside
Reynaldo Martin. and outside the service who shall meet the minimum
qualification requirements. Entrance to a higher level
CSC-NCR affirmed CSCFO-OP's disapproval of does not require previous qualification in the lower
Ortega's temporary appointment on the ground that he level. Entrance to the third level shall be prescribed by
failed to acquire the required eligibility despite the four- the Career Executive Service Board.
year period within which he could have done so.
(3) Within the same level, no civil service examination
CA ruled that in both cases, position of Assistant shall be required for promotion to a higher position in
Department Manager II requires CSE one or more related occupation groups. A candidate for
eligibility, rendering improper the temporary promotion should, however, have previously passed the
appointments of Sarsonas and Ortega, respectively. examination for that level. (Emphasis provided.)

Section 7 of the same code specifically delineates the

ISSUE: coverage of the Career Executive Service, thus:
WON Sorsona and Ortega requires third level eligibility
to hold as an Assistant Department Manager II. (NO, SEC. 7. Career Service. - The Career Service shall be
they are not appointed by the president thus CES is NOT characterized by (1) entrance based on merit and fitness
required) to be determined as far as practicable by competitive
examination, or based on highly technical qualifications;
RULING: (2) opportunity for advancement to higher career
positions; and (3) security of tenure.
The CES covers presidential appointees only. Corollarily,
as the position of Assistant Department Manager II does The Career Service shall include:
not require appointment by the President of the
Philippines, it does not fall under the CES. Therefore, the (1) Open Career positions for appointment to which prior
temporary appointments of Sarsonas and Ortega as qualification in an appropriate examination is required;
Assistant Department Manager II do not require third
(2) Closed Career positions which are scientific, or highly
level eligibility pursuant to the Civil Service Law, rules technical in nature; these include the faculty and
and regulations. academic staff of state colleges and universities, and
scientific and technical positions in scientific or research
Executive Order No. 292 or the Administrative Code of institutions which shall establish and maintain their own
1987 provides for three (3) classes or levels in the career merit systems;
service. Book V, Title I, Subsection A, Chapter 2, Section
8 thereof provides: (3) Positions in the Career Executive Service; namely,
Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, Bureau Director,
Assistant Bureau Director, Regional Director, Assistant JANUARY 29, 2001
Regional Director, Chief of Department Service and
other officers of equal rank as may be identified by the FACTS:
Career Executive Service Board, all of whom are
appointed by the President; Respondent Ramon S. Roco was appointed by then
President Ramos as Regional Director of the land
(4) Career officers, other than those in the Career
Transportation Office (LTO) in Region V, a position
Executive Service, who are appointed by the President,
equivalent to CES rank level V. He forthwith began to
such as the Foreign Service Officers in the Department
of Foreign Affairs; assume and discharge the duties and responsibilities of
the said office. Subsequently, then President Estrada re-
(5) Commissioned officers and enlisted men of the appointed him to the same position on. At the time of
Armed Forces which shall maintain a separate merit respondent's appointment in 1996 and 1999, he was not
system; a CES eligible. However, during his incumbency, or on
August 13, 1999, he was conferred CES eligibility by the
(6) Personnel of government-owned or controlled Career Executive Service Board.
corporations, whether performing governmental or
proprietary functions, who do not fall under the non- On September 7, 1999, petitioner Luis Mario General,
career service; and who is not a CES eligible, was appointed by President
Estrada as Regional Director of the LTO in Region V, the
(7) Permanent laborers, whether skilled, semi-skilled or
same position being occupied by Roco.
unskilled. (Emphasis provided.)

Clearly, although the Administrative Code gives the Aggrieved, respondent Roco filed before the Court of
CESB jurisdiction over entrance to the third level or the Appeals a petition for quo warranto with prayer for the
CES, the officers should be all "appointed by the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and/or
President." temporary restraining order. The Court of Appeals issued
a TRO enabling respondent Roco to re-assume the
in order for a position to be covered by the CES, two disputed office. After the lapse of 60 days, there being
elements must concur. First, the position must either be no writ of preliminary injunction issued, petitioner
(1) a position enumerated under Book V, Title I, General again assumed the said office.
Subsection A, Chapter 2, Section 7(3) of the
Administrative Code of 1987, i.e. Undersecretary, The Court of Appeals rendered a decision affirming the
Assistant Secretary, Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau appointment of respondent Roco to the Office of
Director, Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director, Regional Director of the LTO, Region V, nullified the
Chief of Department Service, or (2) a position of equal appointment of petitioner General and ordered him to
rank as those enumerated, and vacate the subject post in favor of respondent Roco.

identified by the Career Executive Service Board to be From the decision of the CA, 2 separate cases were
such position of equal rank. Second, the holder of the filed. All against Roco.
position must be a presidential appointee. Failing in any
of these requirements, a position cannot be considered The thrust of respondent's argument is that a career
as one covered by the third-level or CES. executive service (CES) eligibility is all that an employee
needs to acquire security of tenure in the service; and
In the case at bench, it is undisputed that the position of that appointment to a CES rank is not necessary for the
Assistant Department Manager II is not one of those acquisition of such security of tenure. On the other hand,
enumerated under the Administrative Code of 1987. petitioners in G.R. No. 143524 and G.R. No. 143366,
There is also no question that the CESB has not claim that CES eligibility alone will not suffice. Petitioners
identified the position to be of equal rank to those contended that unless and until an employee in the
enumerated. Lastly, without a doubt, the holder of the career executive service is appointed to the appropriate
position of Assistant Department Manager II is appointed CES rank, he acquires no security of tenure.
by the PCSO General Manager, and not by the
President of the Philippines. Accordingly, the position of ISSUE:
Assistant Department Manager II in the PCSO is not
covered by the third-level or CES, and does not require WON Roco can be removed from office.
CSE eligibility.
GR NO. 143366 & 143524 Section 27 (1), of the Civil Service Law (Subtitle A, Title
I, Book V of E.O. No. 292), provides:
(1) Permanent status. – A permanent if level of managerial responsibilities I
appointment shall be issued to a person who are comparable to that of an
meets all the requirements for the position to Undersecretary
which he is being appointed, including the
appropriate eligibility prescribed, in accordance If comparable to that of an Assistant II
with the provisions of law, rules and standards Secretary
promulgated in pursuance thereof.
if comparable to that of a Bureau III
In the career executive service, the acquisition of Director, or a Department Regional
security of tenure which presupposes a permanent Director
appointment is governed by the rules and regulations if comparable to that of an Assistant IV
promulgated by the CES Board, thus: Bureau Director, Department
Assistant Regional Director or
Career Executive Service Eligibility Department Service Chief

Passing the CES examination entitles the if comparable to that of Bureau V

examinee to a conferment of a CES eligibility Regional Director
and the inclusion of his name in the roster of if comparable to that of a Bureau VI
CES eligibles. Conferment of CES eligibility is Assistant Regional Director
done by the Board through a formal Board
Resolution after an evaluation is done of the
examinee's performance in the four stages of
the CES eligibility examinations.
As a general rule, a CES eligible will be
xxx xxx xxx recommended for appointment to the rank
equivalent of the level of his managerial
Appointment to CES Rank responsibility if his performance rating is
Satisfactory or higher. If the performance rating
is Outstanding, he will be recommended one
Upon conferment of a CES eligibility and
rank higher than his level of managerial
compliance with the other requirements
prescribed by the Board, an incumbent of a CES
position may qualify for appointment to a CES
rank. Appointment to a CES rank is made by the two requisites must concur in order that an employee in
President upon the recommendation of the the career executive service may attain security of
Board. This process completes the official's tenure, to wit:
membership in the CES and most
importantly, confers on him security of a) CES eligibility; and
tenure in the CES.
b) Appointment to the appropriate CES rank.
There are six (6) ranks in the CES ranking
structure. The highest rank is that of a Career In addition, it must be stressed that the security of tenure
Executive Service Officer I (CESO I), while the of employees in the career executive service (except first
lowest is that of CESO VI. and second-level employees in the civil service), pertains
only to rank and not to the office or to the position to
The appropriate CESO rank to which a CES which they may be appointed. Thus, a career executive
eligible may be appointed depends on two major service officer may be transferred or reassigned from
qualification criteria, namely: (1) level of one position to another without losing his rank which
managerial responsibility; and, (2) performance. follows him wherever he is transferred or reassigned. In
fact, a CESO suffers no diminution of salary even if
Performance is determined by the official's assigned to a CES position with lower salary grade, as
performance rating obtained in the annual he is compensated according to his CES rank and not on
CESPES. On the other hand, managerial the basis of the position or office he occupies.
responsibility is based on the level of the general
duties and responsibilities which an eligible is In the case at bar, there is no question that respondent
performing, as follows: Ramon S. Roco, though a CES eligible, does not
possess the appropriate CES rank, which is – CES rank
Levels of Duties and Responsibilities Rank level V, for the position of Regional Director of the LTO
Equivalen (Region V). Falling short of one of the qualifications that
t would complete his membership in the CES, respondent
cannot successfully interpose violation of security of
tenure. Accordingly, he could be validly reassigned to Petitioners assail the validity of CSC Memorandum
other positions in the career executive service. Circular No. 22, on the ground that its issuance
amounted to an abuse of CSC’s power to promulgate
It is settled that a permanent appointment can be issued rules and regulations pursuant to the Civil Service Law.
only "to a person who meet all the requirement for the
position to which he is being appointed, including the This originated from a case decided by this court in
appropriate eligibility prescribed." Davao City Water District vs. CSC, which employee
positions in the Metropolitan Cebu Water District
At best, therefore, his appointment could be regarded (MCWD) were re-classified to conform with position
only as temporary. And being so, it could be withdrawn descriptions and corresponding salary grades in the civil
at will by the appointing authority and "at a moment's service. The the restructuring was conducted, three of
notice," conformably to established jurisprudence. the petitioners in this case, applied for promotional
appointment to the position of "Secretary to the Assistant
Under the mobility and flexibility principles of the General Manager" or "Private Secretary C", as the
Integrated Reorganization Plan, CES personnel may be position later came to be known. At the time of their
reassigned or transferred from one position to another, application, petitioners had been occupying the position
of "Department Secretary".

e. Assignments, Reassignments and Transferees … When their appointments were forwarded to the CSC
field office, they refused to approve petitioners’
Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, appointments as "permanent" on the ground that the
members of the Career Executive Service may be position applied for was a "primarily confidential" and
reassigned or transferred from one position to another "co-terminous" position. This is because of the CSC
and from one department, bureau or office to another; memo 22 classified private secretary positions as
provided that such reassignment or transfer is made in primarily confidential in nature. The term of office of the
the interest of public service and involves no reduction in appointees to said positions shall be coterminous with
rank or salary; provided, further, that no member shall the official they serve.
be reassigned or transferred oftener than every two
years; and provided, furthermore, that if the officer In this case, petitioners argue that memo circular 22,
concerned believes that his reassignment or transfer is
unduly amended and expanded the scope of the non-
not justified, he may appeal his case to the President.
career service under Section 6, Article IV of the Civil
Service Decree, P.D. 807, which appears almost
Respondent capitalizes on the fact that petitioner Luis
identical to Section 9, Chapter 2, Book V of the 1987
Mario M. General is not a CES eligible. The absence,
However, of such CES eligibility is of no moment. As Administrative Code.
stated in Part III, Chapter I, Article IV, paragraph 5(c), of
the Integrated Reorganization Plan – They contend that respondent abused its power to
promulgate rules and regulations by issuing the
"…the President may, in exceptional cases, challenged circular, because the grant of rule-making
appoint any person who is not a Career power to respondent did not authorize it to amend the
Executive Service eligible; provided that such law by adding to the statutory enumeration. Petitioners
appointee shall subsequently take the required conclude that since said memorandum circular was
Career Executive Service examination and that issued in excess of the powers granted to respondent, it
he shall not be promoted to a higher class until is null and void and consequently, the assailed CSC
he qualified in such examination." resolution has no leg to stand on.

Evidently, the law allows appointment of those who are ISSUE:

not CES eligible, subject to the obtention of said
eligibility, in the same manner that the appointment of WON CSC memo is valid. (YES)
respondent who does not possess the required CES
rank (CES rank level V) for the position of Regional RULING:
Director of the LTO, is permitted in a temporary capacity.
In the present case, there is no clear and persuasive
MONTECILLO VS CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION showing that respondent grossly abused its discretion or
GR NO. 131954
exceeded its powers when it issued the assailed circular.
JUNE 28, 2001
On the contrary, respondent was expressly empowered
to declare positions in the Civil Service as may properly
be classified as primarily confidential under Section 12,
Chapter 3, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987.
co-terminous employees like himself enjoy security of
To our mind, this signifies that the enumeration found in tenure as embodied in the Constitution.
Section 6, Article IV of the Civil Service Decree, which
defines the non-career service, is not an exclusive ISSUE:
list. Respondent could supplement the enumeration, as
it did when it issued Memorandum Circular No. 22, s. of WON employees in the public service, regardless of their
1991, by specifying positions in the civil service, which status of employment, are protected by the tenurial
are considered primarily confidential and therefore their security right embodied in the Constitution. (Petitioner
occupants are co-terminous with the official they serve. was validly terminated for cause.)

The assailed memorandum circular can not be deemed RULING:

as an unauthorized amendment of the law. On the
contrary, it was issued pursuant to a power expressly It is undisputed that petitioner's employment with
vested by law upon respondent. As such, it must be CCPAP is contractual and co-terminous in nature. Such
respected by this Court as a valid issuance of a a co-terminous employment falls under the non-career
constitutionally independent body. service classification of positions in the Civil Service:

ORCULLO VS CSC Sec. 9. Non-Career Service. - The Non-Career

GR NO. 138780 Service shall be characterized by (1) entrance
MAY 22, 2001 on bases other that those of the usual tests of
merit and fitness utilized for the career service;
FACTS: and (2) tenure which is limited to a period
specified by law, or which is coterminous with
Orcullo, jr. was hired as Project Manager IV by the that of the appointing authority or subject to his
pleasure, or which is limited to the duration of a
Coordinating Council of the Philippine Assistance
particular project for which purpose employment
Program (CCPAP)-BOT Center effective march 11,
was made.
1996. His employment was contractual and co-terminous
with the said project.
The Non-Career Service shall include:
Undersecretary Francisco F. del Rosario, Executive
Director of CCPAP, confirmed petitioner's termination as
project manager of CCPAP.
(4) Contractual personnel or those
whose employment in the government is
Aggrieved by his dismissal, petitioner appealed the same
in accordance with a employment in the
to the Civil Service Commission (CSC). government is in accordance with a
special contract to undertake a specific
CSC dismissed petitioners appeal since the appointment work or job, requiring special or
is contractual and co-terminous with the Philippine technical skills not available in the
Assistance Program Support Project and that it carries employing agency, to be accomplished
the stipulated condition "Unless terminated sooner." The within a specific period, which in no case
latter condition has not been qualified by any safeguard. shall exceed one year, and performs or
Appellant Orcullo, when he accepted said contractual- accomplishes the specific work or job,
co-terminous anytime. He is, thus, not protected by the under his own responsibility with a
security of tenure clause of the Constitution. The minimum of direction and supervision
contract is the law between the parties. And whatever is from the hiring agency.
stipulated therein governs the relationship between the
parties. The co-terminous status may thus be classified as
Orcullo filed and MR but CSC denied said motion. Thus
this petition. (1) Co-terminous with the project - when the appointment
is co-existent with the duration of a particular project for
which purpose employment was made or subject to the
Petitioner argues that, contrary to the findings of the
availability of funds for the same;
CSC, the phrase "unless terminated sooner" refers not to
the duration of his employment, but the duration of the
(2) Co-terminous with the appointing authority - when
PAPS support project itself. He claims that since the
appointment is co-existent with the tenure of the
PAPS project was still ongoing, his services cannot be
appointing authority or at his pleasure;
terminated without just cause and without the
observance of due process. He asseverates that even
(3) Co-terminous with the incumbent - when the backwages plus all tips, bonuses and other benefits
appointment is co-existent with the appointee, in that accruing to his position and those received by other
after the resignation, separation or termination of the casino operations managers for the period starting
services of the incumbent the position shall be deemed January 5, 1998 until his actual reinstatement. Petitioner
automatically abolished; and filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied thus
this petition.
(4) Co-terminous with a specific period - appointment is
for a specific period and upon expiration and upon PAGCOR insist that respondent is a primarily
thereof, the position is deemed abolished. confidential employee. Hence, he holds office at the
pleasure of the appointing power and may be removed
A perusal of petitioner's employment contract will reveal upon the cessation of confidence in him by the latter.
that his employment with CCPAP is qualified by the Such would not amount to a removal but only the
phrase "unless terminated sooner." Thus, while such expiration of his term.
employment is co-terminous with the PAPS project,
petitioner nevertheless serves at the pleasure of the ISSUE:
appointing authority as this is clearly stipulated in his
employment contract. We agree with the appellate WON Whether Rilloraza's position as a casino
court's interpretation of the phrase "unless terminated operations manager qualifies as primarily confidential,
sooner" to mean "that his contractual job as Project justifying his dismissal based on loss of confidence. (his
Manager IV from March 11, 1996 to January 30, 2000 position was not primarily confidential position)
could end anytime before January 30, 2000 if terminated
by the other contracting party-employer CCPAP. RULING:

Furthermore, records will show that petitioner garnered The Civil Service Commission did not err in declaring
an unsatisfactory rating during the probationary period of that Rilloraza was liable only for simple neglect of duty
his employment. (good faith was appreciated here). In the first place,
there is no evidence to sustain a charge of dishonesty.
PAGCOR VS RILLORAZA Thus the CA’s decision was proper.
GR NO. 141141
JUNE 25, 2001
Justice Regalado’s incisive discourse yields three (3)
important points: first, the classification of a particular
position as primarily confidential, policy-determining or
highly technical amounts to no more than an executive
Administrative charges for dishonesty, grave
or legislative declaration that is not conclusive upon the
misconduct, conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
courts, the true test being the nature of the position.
service, and loss of confidence, were brought against
Second, whether primarily confidential, policy-
respondent Carlos P. Rilloraza, a casino operations
determining or highly technical, the exemption provided
manager of petitioner PAGCOR.
in the Charter pertains to exemption from competitive
examination to determine merit and fitness to enter the
He failed to stop a top-ranking officer from placing bets
civil service. Such employees are still protected by the
over and above the allowable limit of P5,000.00 per deal,
mantle of security of tenure. Last, and more to the point,
he failed to stop the same officer from playing in the big
Section 16 of P.D. 1869, insofar as it declares all
tables and lastly, he allowed the same officer to play
positions within PAGCOR as primarily confidential, is
beyond the allowable time limit of 6:00 a.m.
not absolutely binding on the courts.
PAGCOR Board handed down a Resolution dismissing
The Supreme Court has constantly held that whether or
respondent and several others from PAGCOR, on the
not a position is policy-determining, primarily confidential
grounds of dishonesty, grave misconduct and/or conduct
or highly technical, it is determined not by the title but by
prejudicial to the best interest of the service and loss of
the nature of the task that is entrusted to it.
As casino operations manager, Rilloraza’s duties and
Respondent appealed to the Civil Service Commission.
responsibilities are: controls and supervises the
CSC dismissed Rilloraza. The Commission filed for MR
Operations Division of the branch. He reports directly to
but was denied.
the Branch Manager or to the Branch Manager for
Operations in Metro Manila branches.
Court of Appeals affirmed the resolution of the
Commission.4 The appellate court ordered petitioner to
Undoubtedly, respondent’s duties and responsibilities
reinstate private respondent with payment of full
call for a great measure of both ability and dependability.
They can hardly be characterized as routinary, for he is a vested right to her permanent appointment as
required to exercise supervisory, recommendatory and provincial administrator and is entitled to continue
disciplinary powers with a wide latitude of authority. His holding this office despite its subsequent classification as
duties differ markedly from those we previously ruled as a coterminous position. The conversion of the provincial
not primarily confidential. administrator position from a career to a non-career
service should not jeopardize Gonzales’ security of
In this sense, he is a tier above the ordinary rank-and-file tenure guaranteed to her by the Constitution. As a
in that his appointment to the position entails faith and permanent appointee, Gonzales may only be removed
confidence in his competence to perform his assigned for cause, after due notice and hearing. Loss of trust and
tasks. Lacking, therefore, is that amplitude of confidence is not among the grounds for a permanent
confidence reposed in him by the appointing power appointee’s dismissal or discipline under existing laws.
so as to qualify his position as primarily confidential.
Petitioners contend here in this petition the provincial
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF CAMARINES administrator position has been converted into a highly
NORTE VS BEATRIZ GONZALES confidential, coterminous position by RA 7160. Hence,
GR NO. 185740 Gonzales no longer enjoyed security of tenure to the
JULY 23, 2013 position she held prior to RA 7160’s enactment.


Gonzales was appointed as the provincial administrator. 1. WON Congress has re-classified the provincial
Her appointment was on a permanent capacity. administrator position from a career service to a primarily
Governor Jess B. Pimentel sent Gonzales a confidential, non-career service position. (YES)
memorandum directing her to explain in writing why no
administrative charges should be filed against her for 2. WON Gonzales has security of tenure over her
gross insubordination/gross discourtesy in the course of position as provincial administrator of the Province of
official duties, and conduct grossly prejudicial to the best Camarines Norte. (NO)
interest of the service.
After Gonzales submitted her comment, an Ad Hoc
Investigation Committee found her guilty of the charges 1. Congress has reclassified the provincial administrator
against her, and recommended to Governor Pimentel position as a primarily confidential, non-career position.
that she be held administratively liable.
As the CSC correctly noted, the administrator position
Governor Pimentel adopted the Ad Hoc Investigation demands a close intimate relationship with the office of
Committee’s recommendation and dismissed Gonzales. the governor (its appointing authority) to effectively
develop, implement and administer the different
Gonzales appealed Governor Pimentel’s decision to the programs of the province. The administrator’s functions
Civil Service Commission (CSC). CSC modified and are to recommend to the Sanggunian and to advise the
found Gonzales guilty of insubordination and suspending governor on all matters regarding the management and
her for six months. This decision was appealed by administration of the province, thus requiring that its
Governor Pimentel, which the CSC denied. occupant enjoy the governor’s full trust and confidence.

CSC issued a reinstatement since he had already served To emphasize the close relations that the provincial
her six-month suspension. Governor Pimentel reinstated administrators’ functions have with the office of the
Gonzales as provincial administrator on October 12, governor, RA 7160 even made the provincial
administrator position coterminous with its appointing
2000, but terminated her services the next day for lack of
confidence. CSC ruled that the provincial administrator
position is highly confidential and is coterminous in
Thus provincial administrator position primarily
confidential under the non-career service category of the
civil service.
It clarified that while the Local Government Code of 1991
(Republic Act No. RA 7160) made the provincial
Congress’ reclassification of the provincial administrator
administrator position coterminous and highly
position in RA 7160 is a valid exercise of legislative
confidential in nature, this conversion cannot operate to
power that does not violate Gonzales’ security of tenure
prejudice officials who were already issued permanent
appointments as administrators prior to the new law’s
effectivity. According to the CSC, Gonzales has acquired
2. Having established that Congress has changed the results in the termination of employment. In the present
nature of the provincial administrator position to a case where the trust and confidence has been
primarily confidential employee, the next question to irretrievably eroded, we cannot fault Governor Pimentel’s
address would be its impact on Gonzales’ security of exercise of discretion when he decided that he could no
tenure. According to the petitioner, Gonzales lost her longer entrust his confidence in Gonzales.
security of tenure when the provincial administrator
position became a primarily confidential position. PACETE VS CHAIRMAN COA
Gonzales, on the other hand, retorted that the 185 SCRA 1
conversion of the position should not be retroactively
applied to her, as she is a permanent appointee. FACTS:

The nature of a position may change by law according to Petitioner Elias V. Pacete was appointed by the then
the dictates of Congress. The right to hold a position, on Mayor Antonio C. Acharon of General Santos City as
the other hand, is a right that enjoys constitutional and City Attorney of the said city.
statutory guarantee, but may itself change according to
the nature of the position. Mayor Acharon was charged with murder, and was
detained without bail. A few months later, on Mayor
Security of tenure in public office simply means that a Acharon ran for and was reelected as City Mayor of
public officer or employee shall not be suspended or General Santos City pending the criminal case against
dismissed except for cause, as provided by law and after him and even while he was in jail. Mayor Acharon issued
due process. It cannot be expanded to grant a right to Administrative Order No. 1 designating Vice Mayor
public office despite a change in the nature of the office Erlindo R. Grafilo as Acting Mayor. Acharon, while still in
held. In other words, the CSC might have been legally prison, issued another memorandum which had the
correct when it ruled that the petitioner violated effect of revoking the AO 1.
Gonzales’ right to security of tenure when she was
removed without sufficient just cause from her position, Acharon filed two cases with the Supreme Court
but the situation had since then been changed. In fact, challenging the authority of Acting Mayor Grafilo to act
Gonzales was reinstated as ordered, but her services as such, claiming that notwithstanding the fact that he
were subsequently terminated under the law prevailing was confined as a detention prisoner due to the murder
at the time of the termination of her service; i.e., she was charge against him. Acharon may lawfully discharge the
then already occupying a position that was primarily duties and functions of the Office of the Mayor of
confidential and had to be dismissed because she no General Santos City. Both were dismissed.
longer enjoyed the trust and confidence of the appointing
authority. Thus, Gonzales’ termination for lack of In the meantime, acting Mayor Erlindo Grafilo suspended
confidence was lawful. She could no longer be reinstated petitioner Elias V. Pacete as City Attorney for a period of
as provincial administrator of Camarines Norte or to any ten (10) days. Finally, on July 20, 1972, notice was
other comparable position. This conclusion, however, is served on petitioner that he had been removed as the
without prejudice to Gonzales’ entitlement to retirement City Attorney on the ground of loss of confidence.
benefits, leave credits, and future employment in Ostensibly, the Acting Mayor's loss of confidence in
government service. petitioner was the result of the legal opinion of the latter
impugning the authority of Acting Mayor Grafilo to act as
To be sure, both career and non-career service such and upholding the authority of Mayor Acharon to
employees have a right to security of tenure.1âwphi1 All discharge the functions of the Office of the Mayor even
permanent officers and employees in the civil service, while the latter was in prison.
regardless of whether they belong to the career or non-
career service category, are entitled to this guaranty; Petitioner appealed to the Civil Service Commission the
they cannot be removed from office except for cause termination of his services as City Attorney. The Acting
provided by law and after procedural due process. The Commissioner on Civil Service in an indorsement
concept of security of tenure, however, labors under a directed Acting Mayor Grafilo to allow Atty. Pacete to
variation for primarily confidential employees due to the continue in service as City Attorney pending resolution of
basic concept of a "primarily confidential" position. the merits of his appeal. Acting Mayor Grafilo
Serving at the confidence of the appointing authority, the disregarded the directive of the Civil Service
primarily confidential employee’s term of office expires Commissioner branding the same as an illegal order and
when the appointing authority loses trust in the subsequently appointed Atty. Hilarion Polistico as City
employee. When this happens, the confidential Attorney of General Santos City.
employee is not "removed" or "dismissed" from office;
his term merely "expires" and the loss of trust and Petitioner filed with the City Treasurer a claim for the
confidence is the "just cause" provided by law that payment of his back salaries in the amount of P2,275.00
invoking in support of his claim the aforementioned
directive of the Commission on Civil Service. Petitioner's Hence, the Court must rule that petitioner is not entitled
voucher was forwarded by respondent City Treasurer to to the backwages claimed. Moreover, having determined
respondent City Auditor who in turn referred the same to the legality of petitioner's termination from service as
the Auditor General in an indorsement for decision. The City Attorney.
Auditor General referred the claim to the Office of the
President for opinion. The respondent Assistant CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD VS CIVIL
Executive Secretary, by Authority of the President, SERVICE COMMISSION
rendered an opinion stating that: (1) the termination of GR NO. 196890
petitioner's services as City Attorney by Acting Mayor JANUARY 11, 2018
Grafilo was in accordance with law and; (2) Atty. Pacete
may not rightfully demand payment of back salaries for FACTS:
the period during which he was out of the service and
was physically and legally not discharging his duties as Respondents Lodevico was appointed by then President
City Attorney of General Santos City. Arroyo as Director III, Recruitment and Career
Development Service, CESB. Lodevico possesses a
ISSUE: Career Service Executive Eligibility since November 29,
2001, as evidenced by the Certificate of Eligibility issued
WON the termination of the services of the petitioner as by the CSC.
City Attorney is legal.
OP promulgated the Implementing Guidelines of MC 1,
WON the position of City Attorney is confidential, for which states that all non-Career Executive Service
which loss of confidence is a valid ground for termination Officers (non CESO) in all agencies of the Executive
Branch shall remain in office and continue to perform
RULING: their duties until July 31, 2010 or until their resignations
have been accepted and/or their replacements have
In Besa v. PNB, the Court ruled that the position of Chief been appointed or designated, whichever comes first.
Legal Counsel of the Philippine National Bank is both
confidential and technical in nature. In Claudio v. Subido, Acting pursuant to MC 1 and its implementing guidelines,
the Court likewise ruled that "[t]he position in question, Chairman Abesamis of the CESB issued a Memorandum
that of the City Legal Officer, in one that requires the which informed Lodevico that she shall only remain in
utmost confidence on the part of the Mayor." office and continue to perform her duties and
responsibilities until July 31, 2010.
The tenure of officials holding primarily confidential
positions ends upon loss of confidence, because their Meanwhile, Memorandum Circular No.2 (MC 2), which
term of office lasts only as long as confidence in them extended the term stated under MC 1 to October 31,
endures; and thus their cessation involves no removal. 2010, was issued on July 29, 2010. The same circular
provides that all non-CESO occupying Career Executive
When such confidence is lost and the officer holding Service (CBS) positions in all agencies of the Executive
such position is separated from the service, such Branch shall remain in office and continue to perform
cessation entails no removal but an expiration of the their duties and discharge their responsibilities until
term. October 31, 2010 or until their resignations have been
accepted and/or until their respective replacements have
In the case of Hernandez vs. Villegas, it was held: It is to been appointed or designated, whichever comes first,
be understood of course that officials and employees unless they are re-appointed in the meantime. However,
holding primarily confidential positions continue only for any official whose service has been terminated or whose
so long as confidence in them endures. The termination resignation has been accepted on/or before July 31,
of their official relation can be justified on the ground of 2010, but whose replacement has not yet been
loss of confidence because in that case their cessation appointed or designated shall be deemed separated
from office involved no removal but merely the expiration from service as of the date of termination or acceptance
of the term of office — two different causes for the of resignation.
termination of official relations recognized in the law of
Public Officers. Lodevico filed her appeal on the Memorandum issued by
Chairperson Abesamis before the CSC.
The position of Legal Counsel or City Attorney is
confidential in nature, for which loss of confidence is a CSC rendered the assailed Decision which granted the
valid ground for termination. Hence, the Court must rule appeal of Lodevico and declared null and void the
that petitioner is not entitled to the backwages claimed termination of her services.
The CSC ruled that CESB Chairman Abesamis has no As to employment status and security of tenure,
power to terminate the services of Lodevico. As the latter appointment in the career service shall be either
was a presidential appointee, only the President has the permanent or temporary.
authority to do so. Lack of civil service eligibility makes an appointment a
temporary one and without a fixed and definite term and
dependent entirely upon the pleasure of the appointing
CESB filed for MR, was denied thus this petition.
On the other hand, the acquisition of security of tenure is
ISSUE: governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by
the CESB.
WON dismissal of Lodevico as Director III, Recruitment
and Career Development Services from the CESB, In sum, for an employee to attain a permanent status in
proper. (YES, he had no security of tenure, removal was his employment, he must first be a CES eligible. Such
proper) eligibility can be acquired by passing the requisite civil
service examinations and obtaining passing grade to the
RULING: same. "At present, the CES eligibility examination
process has four stages, namely:
The Civil Service Law classifies the positions in the civil (1) Written Examination;
service into career and non-career, to wit: (2) Assessment Center;
(3) Performance Validation; and
(4) Board Interview."
The career service is characterized by (1) entrance
based on merit and fitness to be determined as far as After completing and passing the examination process,
practicable by competitive examinations, or based on said employee is entitled to conferment of a CES
highly technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for eligibility and the inclusion of his name in the roster of
advancement to higher career positions; and (3) security CES eligibles. Such conferment of eligibility is done by
of tenure; while a non-career position is characterized the CESB through a formal Board Resolution after an
by (1) entrance on bases other than those of the usual evaluation is done of the employee's performance in the
tests of merit and fitness utilized for the career service; four stages of the CES eligibility examinations.
and (2) tenure which is limited to a period specified by
law, or which is coterminous with that of the appointing
authority or subject to his pleasure, or limited to the Conferment of a CES eligibility does not complete
duration of a particular project for which purpose one's membership in the CES nor does it confer
employment was extended. security of tenure. It is also necessary that an
individual who was conferred CES eligibility be
There are also three levels of positions in the career appointed to a CES rank. Such appointment is made
service, namely: by the President upon the recommendation of the
CESB. Only after such process will the employee’s
(a) the first level shall include clerical, trades, crafts and appointment in the service be considered as a
custodial service positions which involve non- permanent one, entitling him to security of tenure.
professional or sub-professional work in a non-
supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less than
The position of Director III, equivalent to Assistant
four years of collegiate studies;
Bureau Director, is considered as a Career Executive
(b) the second level shall include professional, technical, Service position, belonging to the third-level. Lodevico
and scientific positions which involve professional, met the first requisite as she is a CES eligible, evidenced
technical or scientific work in a non-supervisory or by a Certificate of Eligibility. However, the second
supervisory capacity requiring at least four years of requisite is wanting because there was no evidence
college work up to Division Chief level; and which proves that Lodevico was appointed to a CES
(c) the third level shall cover positions in the Career
Executive Service. Being CES eligible alone does not qualify her
appointment as a permanent one, for there is a
Under the third level, such positions in the Career necessity for her appointment to an appropriate CES
Executive Service are further classified into rank to attain security of tenure.
Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, Bureau
Director, Assistant Bureau Director, Regional Director,
That being said, We consider Lodevico's appointment as
Assistant Regional Director, Chief of Department Service
and other officers of equivalent rank as may be identified mere temporary. Such being the case, her services may
by the Career Executive Service Board, all of whom are be terminated with or without cause as she merely
appointed by the President. serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
GSIS FAMILY BANK VS VILLANUEVA shares did not automatically place the bank under the
GR NO. 210773 operation of Republic Act No. 10149.

FACTS: GSIS Family Bank's refusal to negotiate a new collective

bargaining agreement, the GSIS Union filed a Complaint
Royal Bank was incorporated as a thrift bank. They before the National Conciliation and Mediation Board,
applied for appointment of conservator with Central Bank later on they strike. They aimed to compel GSIS Family
but was denied. They were placed under receivership. Bank to abide by the provisions of their existing
Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Ultimately there was a amicable settlement between
Royal bank and Central bank that led to transferring of Petitioner contends that GSIS Family Bank does not
all its shares to Commercial Bank of Manila (subsidiary perform functions for public needs since it was created
of GSIS). Royal savings Bank was renamed Comsavings "by private individuals in their own private capacities
bank. Later on Comsavings Bank and the GSIS pursuant to the provisions of the Corporation Code, to
executed a Memorandum of Agreement where the latter advance their own private, personal and economic or
committed to infuse an additional capital of P2.5 billion financial and business needs or interests.
into Comsavings Bank. After the infusion of funds, the
GSIS effectively owned 99.55% of Comsavings Bank's Petitioners argued that GSIS owning the majority of
outstanding shares of stock. GSIS Family Bank's shares of stock, the bank did not
automatically fall within the ambit of Republic Act No.
Comsavings Bank changed its name to GSIS Family 10149. Further, the law's enactment did not
Bank. automatically convert it into a government-owned or
controlled corporation or a government financial
Acting on a request for opinion from GSIS Family Bank, institution.
the General Counsel of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
opined that GSIS Family Bank could not be categorized Finally, petitioner stresses that as a private corporation
as a government bank. One of the reasons is because at established under the Corporation Code, GSIS Family
its inception, the bank was set up for private needs. Bank and its employees are covered by the applicable
provisions of the Labor Code, not the Civil Service Law.
Later on, then President Aquino issued an EO which Thus, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between
placed an indefinite moratorium on increases in salaries petitioner and GSIS Family Bank cannot be impaired by
and benefits of employees in government-owned or Republic Act No. 10149.
controlled corporations and government financial
institutions (this was in RA 10149). ISSUE:

Benitez, GSIS Family Bank's president, sought opinion WON GSIS Family Bank, a non-chartered government-
from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas as to whether GSIS owned or controlled corporation, can enter into a
Family Bank may be considered as a government-owned collective bargaining agreement with its employees.
or controlled corporation or government bank under
Republic Act No. 10149. RULING:

Governance Commission clarified that GSIS Family To clarify which of the government entities could be
Bank was classified as a government financial institution classified as a government-owned or controlled
under Republic Act No. 10149. But GC as a government corporation.
financial institution, GSIS Family Bank was
unauthorized to enter into a collective bargaining A government-owned or controlled corporation is:
agreement with its employees "based on the
principle that the compensation and position (1) established by original charter or through the general
classification system is provided for by law and not corporation law;
subject to private bargaining.
(2) vested with functions relating to public need whether
GSIS Union alleged that Republic Act No. 10149 does governmental or proprietary in nature; and
not apply to GSIS Family Bank, as it was a private bank
created and established under the Corporation Code. It (3) directly owned by the government or by its
asserted that even if the Government Service Insurance instrumentality, or where the government owns a
System owned a majority of GSIS Family Bank's majority of the outstanding capital stock.
outstanding capital stock, the change in ownership of
Possessing all three (3) attributes is necessary to be terms with its employees. Unless directly challenged in
classified as a government-owned or controlled the appropriate case and with a proper actual
corporation. controversy, the constitutionality and validity of Republic
Act No. 10149, as it applies to fully government-owned
There is no doubt that GSIS Family Bank is a and controlled non-chartered corporations, prevail.
government-owned or controlled corporation since
99.55% of its outstanding capital stock is owned and
controlled by the Government Service Insurance

In National Housing Corporation vs. Juco (L-64313,

January 17, 1985, 134 SCRA 172), we laid down the
doctrine that employees of government-owned and/or
controlled corporations, whether created by special law
or formed as subsidiaries under the general Corporation
Law, are governed by the Civil Service Law and not by
the Labor Code.

Thus, under the present state of the law, the test in

determining whether a government-owned or
controlled corporation is subject to the Civil Service
Law is the manner of its creation such that
government corporations created by special charter
are subject to its provisions while those
incorporated under the general Corporation Law are
not within its coverage.

While the right to self-organization is absolute, the right

of government employees to collective bargaining and
negotiation is subject to limitations.

Collective bargaining is a series of negotiations between

an employer and a representative of the employees to
regulate the various aspects of the employer-employee
relationship such as working hours, working conditions,
benefits, economic provisions, and others.

Relations between private employers and their

employees are subject to the minimum requirements of
wage laws, labor, and welfare legislation. Beyond these
requirements, private employers and their employees
are at liberty to establish the terms and conditions of
their employment relationship. In contrast with the
private sector, the terms and conditions of employment
of government workers are fixed by the legislature; thus,
the negotiable matters in the public sector are limited to
terms and conditions of employment that are not fixed by

Government employees may, therefore, through their

unions or associations, either petition the Congress for
the betterment of the terms and conditions of
employment which are within the ambit of legislation or
negotiate with the appropriate government agencies for
the improvement of those which are not fixed by law.

GSIS Family Bank could not be faulted for refusing to

enter into a new collective bargaining agreement with
petitioner as it lacked the authority to negotiate economic

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