EFPS - eGOV Corporate Enrollment (CMS-060 (12-21) TMP)

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eFPS (BIR) eGOV (SSS, Philhealth, HDMF)

Please read this Enrollment Form carefully and fill out the form completely to ensure accuracy of your online transactions. Indicate "N/A" for items
which do not apply. Any erasure herein will render the form invalid. This document, once signed, shall be deemed valid and enforceable upon
submission to China Banking Corporation for activation. Branch: _______________________________________________
SSS No. (SSS) Tax Identification No. (BIR)

Philhealth No. (Philhealth) HDMF Pag-ibig No. (HDMF


Registered Corporate Name / Business Name CIF No. (For Bank’s Use Only)

Contact Number(s) E-mail Address

Contact Person (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Designation

Account Number(s) to be Linked

Account No. Account Name

Savings Account:

Current Account:

Relationship of the Company / Business and the Account Number(s) to be linked to it CIF No. (For Bank’s Use Only, As applicable)

Parent Company Accounting Firm Others ________________________________________________________________________


For eFPS Only
Corporate User 1 (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) User Name3

Role2 E-mail Address CAN4

Corporate User (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) User Name

Role E-mail Address CAN

Corporate User (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) User Name

Role E-mail Address CAN

A single Challenge Question and Challenge Answer shall be set for each company and shall be entered by all users during the initial log on. It is the responsibility of each user to enter a new Challenge Question and
Challenge Answer, which will serve as his own for the succeeding log ons, and maintain confidentiality of the same.
Challenge Question (Up to 50 Characters) Challenge Answer (5-20 Characters)

Authorization Requirement: All Authorizers Any One Two ________________________________

For eGOV Only

Corporate Administration User (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Designation

Corporate Administration User is the designated personnel to enroll the Maker, Checker and Authorized Approver.
Contact Number(s) E-mail Address

Corporate User / Final Authorizer Government

Role2 CAN 4
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Agency


Corporate Users shall be nominated by authorized signatory(ies), as specified in the Board/Partnership Resolution supporting the online transaction for Corporate BIR Tax Payments via eFPS.
For further information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of this form.
Role: M for Maker M for Maker designated personnel to initiate or encode the payment transaction

A for Authorizer C for Checker designated personnel to verify and approve the payment transaction initiated by the Maker
FA for Final Authorizer AA for Authorized Approver designated personnel authorized to execute final approval and completion of the payment transaction
User Names shall be provided by the Bank upon activation. The password for each user shall be sent via his nominated e-mail address.
The Corporate Access Number (CAN) Card and PIN envelope will be available for pick-up at the China Bank branch of application. It is the user's responsibility to safeguard access and maintain
confidentiality of these codes. Anyone who will have access to the CAN and PIN can authorize the Bank to process instructions.
Note: Should the company’s FA or AA already have existing CAN(s), then the company shall simply indicate which CAN to assign to each government agency.


The applicant (“the Company”) agrees to enroll with China Banking Corporation (“China Bank” or “The Bank”) in Electronic Government System (“eGov”) and/or BIR Electronic Filing Payment
System (“BIR eFPS”), collectively called the facilities (“the facilities”), subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. APPLICABLE RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Company is required to submit an The Company needs to obtain, through the facilities, the prior approval of the Bank and the
original board/partnership resolution or agreement authorizing its enrollment in the facilities, concerned government agency, if applicable, before it will be allowed to continue and complete
designating its deposit account(s) to be accessed and the name(s) and specimen its enrollment in the facilities. Once the required approval is obtained, the
signature(s) of its representative(s) authorized to make such arrangement with the Bank in
connection thereto. Once the said duly signed board/partnership resolution and Company may proceed to create its Corporate eGov and/or BIR eFPS profiles relative to the
documentary requirements are submitted, the Bank may proceed to create and provide the individual agency transactions, map approved card number(s) to be used for each transaction,
authorized representative(s) of the Company with corporate access number(s) (CANs) that create its maker, checker, and approver users to perform transactions with any of the
the Company will be using in connection with its enrollment in the facilities. agency(ies), and define their respective roles. The Company is also required to create an
alternate Corporate Administrator.
Actual enrollment in the facilities is initiated by signing on to the facilities website and
providing the correct corporate details of the Company in the facilities website such as, but This arrangement shall take effect upon approval of the enrollment by the Bank.
not limited to, the company name, address, SSS number or TIN, and security settings
(i.e.,username, password, security question and answer) and details of its appointed For BIR eFPS: In addition to the above requirements, the Company is required to submit to the
Corporate Administrator, CAN, and account type. The Company shall also provide correct Bank the original or certified true copy of the approval for BIR eFPS enrollment of the Company,
information on the government agency(ies) it undertakes to make payments to via the received from the BIR.
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CMS-060 (12-21) TMP
2. USERNAME / PASSWORD / CAN / PIN / ANSWER TO SECURITY QUESTION (for eGov applicable confidentiality and data privacy laws of the Philippines, including subsequent
only). Any transaction entailing the use of the user name, password, answer to security amendments or supplements thereto) of any personal, sensitive personal and privileged
question, CAN and Personal Identification Number (PIN), shall in all circumstances and at all information relating to the Company and its officers, directors, and stockholders, whether
times, whether with or without the Company’s authorization, be conclusively binding on the provided by the Company or coming to the Bank’s possession, and sharing of the said
Company. personal, sensitive personal and privileged information to the Bank, and its offices, branches,
subsidiaries and affiliates (Chinabank Insurance Brokers, Inc., China Bank Securities
A unique username and password shall be generated by the Company through the system
Corporation, China Bank Capital Corporation, China Bank Savings, Inc., China Bank
for each user that the Company creates in the system (for eGov) or for each enrolled
Properties and Computer Center, Inc., and Manulife-China Bank Life Assurance Corporation,
Company authorized representative (for BIR eFPS). The username, password, and answer
among others), accredited third parties or vendors, or other persons or entities that the Bank
to the security question shall be designated for the exclusive use of the Company’s users (for
may reasonably select, personal information processors, credit reporting or credit reference
eGov) or of the authorized representative (for BIR eFPS), and should not be disclosed to any
agencies, credit protection provider, guarantee institution, debt collection agencies,
other person under all circumstances. The Company should ensure that its users agree that
government agencies and private regulatory organizations, and other financial institutions,
it is their responsibility to maintain security of their access rights into the system and
and other outsourced service providers engaged by the Bank as allowed by law and internal
undertake to change their passwords on a periodic basis.
Bank policies, for purposes reasonably required by the Bank such as, but not limited to, its
The CAN and its corresponding PIN shall be designated for the exclusive use of the conduct of everyday business (processing transactions, maintenance of account/s),
Company’s authorized representative and is not transferable. The CAN is the property of the performance of daily technological and operational functions, communications technology
Bank and is liable to be cancelled anytime at the Bank’s sole discretion without giving the services including updates and automation of the systems of CBC group and its affiliates,
Company prior notice or providing any reason therefor. compliance with the law and regulatory organizations, research and statistics including
conduct of surveys, marketing and cross-selling of products and services of the Bank, its
3. CARD OWNERSHIP. The card which contains the CAN is for the exclusive use of the subsidiaries and affiliates, client relationship management, sales lead generation, running
Company and is not transferable. The card is the property of the Bank and is liable to be credit and negative information checks, statistical and risk analysis, data analytics and client
cancelled anytime at the Bank’s sole discretion without giving the Company prior notice or profiling and all other purposes as allowed in the banking industry practice, businesses of the
assigning any reason thereof. Bank’s subsidiaries and affiliates, and by law. The Company shall notify the Bank in writing,
which must be acknowledged by the Bank, if the Company does not consent to the processing
4. ONLINE ACCESS. The Company may perform electronic submission of required data and
and disclosure of said information with the Bank’s representative offices, subsidiaries,
payment of the same using the facilities.
affiliates, agents and accredited third parties/vendors or other persons or entities that the
By performing transactions in the facilities, the Company agrees that it has read and fully Bank may reasonably select. The Company further acknowledges its right to information,
understood the terms and conditions on this enrollment form, and unconditionally binds itself access, correction, rectification, erasure of personal, sensitive personal and privileged
to these terms and conditions. information, data portability, objection to processing, and to file complaint under the Data
In the event of any dispute or discrepancy between the records of the Company and the Privacy Act.
records of the Bank, the records of the Bank shall prevail. The Company agrees that the Bank may retain personal and account information for as long
The transaction shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Republic Act No. 8792 (E- as necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which it was collected and such other
Commerce Act) and such regulation(s) / changes(s) / amendment(s) of the Bank/Bangko purposes that the Company may have consented to from time to time, as required by pertinent
Sentral ng Pilipinas/Bankers Association of the Philippines, and the Company hereby agrees laws and regulations, and provide information when required to do so in accordance with RA
to be governed by these regulation(s) / change(s) / amendment(s). No. 1405, RA No. 6426, RA No. 8791, RA No. 9510, RA No. 9160, RA No. 10173, and
amendments thereto, other applicable laws, by court order, and jurisprudence.
For eGov: The data and payment shall be uploaded and authorized by the Company’s duly
designated representative. The data file must strictly comply with the format and The Company agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the
specifications as provided by the Bank. The Bank shall not be responsible in determining the Bank’s disclosure of customer and account information for above purposes.
validity and accuracy of any information uploaded in the system and for any changes made
therein by the Company’s authorized users. 8. SERVICE CHARGES. To compensate the Bank for the Service rendered, the Company
agrees to maintain an ADB of:
5. ONLINE PAYMENT. The Company holds the Bank and/or any of its directors, stockholders,
officers or representatives free and harmless from any and all losses, claims, damages,
liabilities, choses in action, fees, expenses, etc., for failure to effect payment under this PHP
arrangement due to causes not attributed to it or beyond its control, including, but not limited AMOUNT IN FIGURES
to, causes due to offline condition or when the system becomes non-operational due to any
reason, or in cases of natural disasters or calamities, fortuitous events, force majeure, and Failure to maintain the agreed monthly ADB shall automatically authorize the Bank to collect
other unforeseen events or emergencies. a penalty fee from the Company. The penalty fee to be collected from the Company shall be
computed as follows: ADB Shortfall x 5% Penalty Rate.
The Bank shall neither be answerable for discrepancies committed by the Company nor shall
the Bank be held liable for any action, controversy or issue, such as payments made on Notwithstanding the above, the Bank reserves the right to impose new service and
overdue or past due accounts, that may arise between the government agency concerned maintenance charges and change existing charges within the limits allowed by law. The rate
and the Company. The Company hereby agrees to bind itself and undertakes to indemnify of such charges, period, and method of payment shall be posted in product fees form/posters
and hold the Bank free and harmless from any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, of eFPS/eGOV conspicuously displayed the Bank premises and bank website which shall be
choses in action, fees, expenses, etc., for adverse action/consequences instituted against binding to and payable by the Company if the service is still being retained/availed of and/or
the Bank as a result of the foregoing. used after the announcement, whether the Company has knowledge of the announcement or
The Company hereby authorizes the Bank to electronically debit the enrolled / nominated not.
deposit account corresponding to the amount of payment simultaneously upon authorization
9. HOURS OF AVAILABILITY. The hours of availability of the facilities are subject to the
of the transaction without prior notice to the Company.
schedule set exclusive of any scheduled system downtime for maintenance, or computer,
Payments shall be made by the Company within the Bank’s cut-off time. Payments made telecommunication, electrical, or network failure, or in cases of natural disasters or calamities,
after the Bank’s cut-off time or on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays shall be considered fortuitous events, force majeure, and other unforeseen events or emergencies, and/or any
transactions made the following banking day. Payments shall be deemed final once the other reasons beyond our control. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss the Company may
system has successfully executed the instructions/transactions. incur due to the unavailability of the facilities.
Only cleared and withdrawable balances of the Company’s enrolled/nominated account(s)
shall be considered and shall be available for payments subject to limits that may be set by 10. SERVICE CANCELLATION. The Bank reserves the right to cancel the service granted to the
the Bank. In case of insufficient funds in the Company’s account and/or violation of limits, the Company for any reason including, but not limited to, improper handling, with proper written
system will not allow Company’s payment request to proceed. notice to the Company, or if the balance of the enrolled / nominated account drops to zero.

In accepting payments, the Bank hereby acts as a conduit for the Company and the The Company’s use of the facilities shall take effect upon the Bank’s approval of the
government agency (the payee). Company’s enrollment and shall be subject to the facilities availability and the Company’s
The Company agrees that the use of online channel is at its own risk and shall assume all compliance to the terms and conditions, sufficiency of the Company’s available funds, limits
risks, errors, omissions and delays incidental to or arising out of the use of online channel. regardless of sufficiency of balance of the Company’s account(s), service charges or fees,
turnaround time, and existing and future cut-off time(s) that may be set by the Bank on the
6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSACTIONS. The Company shall not hold the Bank liable in Company as user, on the enrolled / nominated account(s) or its status and qualification(s) for
any way for any loss, damage, or injury arising from the use of the facilities however caused such transactions, and/or on the availability of the participating government agencies’ online
by any mechanical defect or malfunction of the system. services, until the Bank receives from the Company a written notice of its termination or
cancellation or the enrolled / nominated account(s) is/are closed or become(s) dormant,
The Company shall accept full responsibility for all transactions made in the facilities with or garnished, escheated or whatever reason, or if the Company fails to comply with the Bank’s
without its knowledge or authority, including the accuracy and completeness of the policies and standard operating procedures relating to the account(s), if the Company fails to
Company’s instructions, such as, but not limited to account information, account numbers show activity in the account, or if the Bank deems that the Company’s continued access of
with payee government agencies, and any other information that the Company provides to the facilities may adversely affect the Bank’s system credibility or security.
the facilities based on the Company’s transaction instructions or files uploaded to the system.
The Bank shall not be responsible for checking the accuracy and validity of the information 11. COST AND VENUE OF SUIT. In case of any litigation arising from this arrangement, the
included in the Company’s transaction instructions. In the event that any incorrect information Company shall pay the cost and expenses of litigation and attorney’s fees equivalent to 25%
is provided by the Company with respect to its account(s) with concerned government of the amount involved and in any case not less than Ten Thousand Pesos (PHP 10,000.00),
agency(ies) it wishes to be credited for the payments, the Bank shall bear no liability and any legal action in connection herewith shall be filed in the proper court of Metro Manila
whatsoever for any loss or damage which the Company may suffer as a result thereof. only.
The Company shall communicate discrepancies noted by accomplishing the proper form or
document as required by the Bank. The Company shall accept the Bank’s record of 12. SEVERABILITY PROVISION. Should any of the stipulations herein be held invalid, the
transactions in relation to any transaction made by the use of the facilities as conclusive and legality and enforceability of the remaining stipulations shall not in any way be affected or
binding for all purposes. The Company further agrees to waive any and all rights and impaired.
remedies against the Bank in connection thereto.
13. AMENDMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Bank hereby reserves the right to amend
The Company fully understands the corresponding risks entailed in using the facilities and the foregoing terms and conditions as it may deem necessary for the best interest of the Bank
unconditionally agrees that its use of the system is at its own risk and it shall assume all risks, and the Company. The amended terms and conditions, rules and regulations arising
errors, omissions, and delays incidental to or arising out of its use. therefrom shall be communicated to the Company through customer letters to be sent by mail
and/or by posting notice of such amendment in any conspicuous place at the offices of the
7. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. The Company hereby consents and/or was authorized to Bank or in such other form or manner determined by the Bank.
give consent to the collection, retention, processing, disclosure (as provided under

Affixing your signature(s) indicate that you have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of China Banking Corporation's eFPS/eGOV Corporate Enrollment
Form, including the assignment of the CAN to the Corporate User and the Government Agency indicated in this form.

Signature(s) Over Printed Name(s) / Title or Designation / Date


Received By / Date Reviewed By / Date Approved By / Date ISSUANCE
Issued By / Date Received By / Date Issued By / Date Received By / Date
(For Bank’s Use Only) (For Bank’s Use Only)

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CMS-060 (12-21) TMP

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