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Power BI Scenario Based


Sushant Singh Chauhan

Scenario: You have a dataset with multiple tables, and you need
to establish relationships between them. How would you
determine the appropriate relationship type (e.g., one-to-one,
one-to-many, many-to-many) in Power BI?

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze sales performance

across different regions, but the region names in the dataset are
inconsistent. How would you standardize the region names for
accurate analysis?

Scenario: You have a dataset with millions of records, and the

data refresh is taking too long. What strategies would you
employ to optimize the data refresh performance in Power BI?

Scenario: A client wants to track social media engagement

metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, in real-time using
Power BI. How would you accomplish this real-time data
integration and visualization?

Scenario: You need to calculate the cumulative sales for each

product category over time. How would you create a measure in
Power BI to achieve this calculation?

Scenario: A business user wants to visualize geographical data on

a map in Power BI. How would you geocode the location data and
display it accurately on the map?

Scenario: Your organization wants to create a Power BI report

that displays the top five products by sales in each category.
How would you design a visual that dynamically updates to show
the top products?

Scenario: A client wants to implement a self-service BI solution

using Power BI, but they have concerns about data security. How
would you address their security concerns and ensure data

Scenario: You need to import data from a web page into Power BI.
How would you extract the data using web scraping techniques?

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze customer satisfaction

ratings over time. How would you create a line chart in Power BI
that displays the trend of customer satisfaction?
Scenario: You have a dataset with multiple date fields, and you need to
create a single date table in Power BI. How would you approach this

Scenario: A client wants to monitor real-time stock prices and display

them in a Power BI dashboard. How would you integrate live data from
a stock market API into Power BI?

Scenario: You have a dataset with missing values. How would you
handle missing values in Power BI to ensure accurate analysis?

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze sales performance by

different product attributes, such as color, size, and brand. How would
you design the data model in Power BI to support this analysis?

Scenario: You have a dataset with unstructured text data, such as

customer feedback comments. How would you perform text analytics
and sentiment analysis in Power BI?

Scenario: A client wants to track website traffic and user behavior

using Google Analytics data in Power BI. How would you connect Power
BI to the Google Analytics API and extract the data?

Scenario: You have a dataset with sales data, and you need to calculate
the year-to-date sales for each product. How would you create a
measure in Power BI to calculate the year-to-date sales?

Scenario: A business user wants to create a Power BI report that

displays sales by different customer segments. How would you design
a slicer to allow the user to select and filter specific segments?

Scenario: You have a dataset with multiple tables, and you need to
merge them into a single table in Power BI. How would you perform
data merging and create relationships between the tables?

Scenario: A client wants to implement a drill-through functionality in

their Power BI reports, allowing users to navigate from a summary
report to a detailed report. How would you enable this drill-through
Scenario: You need to create a calculated column in Power BI that
concatenates two text columns. How would you write the DAX
formula for this concatenation?

Scenario: A business user wants to visualize customer

demographics using a bar chart in Power BI. How would you
aggregate and display the demographic data effectively?

Scenario: You have a dataset with currency values, and you need
to convert them to a different currency in Power BI. How would
you perform currency conversion using exchange rates?

Scenario: A client wants to monitor sales performance on a daily

basis and send automated email notifications when certain
thresholds are exceeded. How would you set up automated email
notifications in Power BI?

Scenario: You have a dataset with hierarchical data, such as

product categories and subcategories. How would you create a
drill-down hierarchy in Power BI to navigate through the levels of
the hierarchy?

Scenario: A business user wants to calculate the market share for

each product category based on sales. How would you create a
measure in Power BI to calculate the market share?

Scenario: You have a dataset with sales data, and you need to
calculate the average sales per day of the week. How would you
create a measure in Power BI to calculate the average sales per

Scenario: A client wants to implement row-level security in their

Power BI reports based on user roles stored in an external
database. How would you set up dynamic row-level security using
external roles?

Scenario: You need to create a Power BI report that displays sales

performance for the current year compared to the previous year.
How would you design the report to show the year-over-year

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze customer retention

rates over time. How would you calculate the retention rate in
Power BI and visualize it using a line chart?
Scenario: You have a dataset with customer addresses, and you need
to plot them on a map in Power BI. How would you geocode the
addresses and display them accurately on the map?

Scenario: A client wants to implement a dynamic dashboard in Power

BI that updates based on the user's selection. How would you design
the dashboard to respond to user interactions and filters?

Scenario: You need to create a measure in Power BI that calculates

the running total of sales over time. How would you write the DAX
formula for this running total calculation?

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze sales performance by

different sales representatives. How would you design a report that
allows filtering the data by individual sales representatives?

Scenario: You have a dataset with sales data for multiple years, and
you need to create a measure in Power BI that calculates the year-
to-date growth compared to the previous year. How would you write
the DAX formula for this calculation?

Scenario: A client wants to visualize product sales across different

regions using a heat map in Power BI. How would you design the heat
map to highlight the sales distribution effectively?

Scenario: You have a dataset with customer purchase history, and

you need to create a measure in Power BI that calculates the average
time between purchases. How would you write the DAX formula for
this calculation?

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze sales performance by

different time periods, such as month, quarter, and year. How would
you design the data model in Power BI to support this analysis?

Scenario: You have a dataset with multiple fact tables and shared
dimensions. How would you model the data in Power BI to handle the
relationships between the fact tables and dimensions?

Scenario: A client wants to visualize sales performance using a

funnel chart in Power BI. How would you design the funnel chart to
represent the different stages of the sales process?
Scenario: You need to create a measure in Power BI that
calculates the average sales per customer. How would you write
the DAX formula for this average calculation?

Scenario: A business user wants to compare sales performance

across different regions and visualize the results using a
treemap in Power BI. How would you design the treemap to
display the sales distribution effectively?

Scenario: You have a dataset with customer feedback ratings on

a scale of 1 to 5. How would you create a measure in Power BI that
calculates the average rating and displays it as a star rating

Scenario: A client wants to implement a Power BI solution that

integrates data from various cloud-based data sources, such as
Azure SQL Database and SharePoint Online. How would you
connect Power BI to these cloud-based data sources?

Scenario: You have a dataset with sales data, and you need to
identify outliers and anomalies. How would you use Power BI to
perform outlier detection and visualize the anomalies?

Scenario: A business user wants to create a Power BI report that

displays sales performance by different product attributes, such
as color, size, and brand. How would you design a report that
allows filtering by these attributes?

Scenario: You need to create a measure in Power BI that

calculates the percentage contribution of each product
category to the total sales. How would you write the DAX formula
for this calculation?

Scenario: A client wants to visualize sales performance across

different product categories using a stacked column chart in
Power BI. How would you design the stacked column chart to
represent the sales distribution effectively?

Scenario: You have a dataset with sales data, and you need to
calculate the rolling average of sales over a specific period. How
would you create a measure in Power BI to calculate the rolling

Scenario: A business user wants to analyze customer behavior

based on the recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM) of
their purchases. How would you create RFM segments and
visualize them in Power BI?

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