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Analysis Of Marketing Communication Tools For An

Academic Institute of Higher Education

1. Mr. Eknath Ghodke 2. Mis. Sonali Jadhav

1. Student Of MBA In Financial Management , Sanjivani College Of

Engineering Kopargaon Dist. Ahmednagar.
Email: -
2. Student Of MBA In Financial Management , Sanjivani College Of
Engineering Kopargaon Dist. Ahmednagar.
Email : -

Dr. V. R. Malkar,
Professor and Head, Dept. of MBA, Sanjivani College of Engineering
Understanding the elements and circumstances that lead to specific market environment conditions is a
fundamental goal of every modern-oriented higher education institution, as it allows for the alignment of
supply and demand as well as the development of appropriate marketing strategies.
In addition to examining existing services, the process of establishing a higher education institution's
strategy includes finding new prospects, analyzing relevant rivals and positioning against them, and other
related activities. The necessity for a change in marketing strategy, or market restructuring in the case of a
higher education institution, is a natural result of economic oscillations caused by market needs and
competition dynamics.

Marketing Mix, Academic Marketing, Media Tools, Etc.

In this way, it becomes a propagator and a dominant force in industrialized nations, demonstrating the need
for it. Of learning about the significance and specifics of the an- the future of marketing in the service
industry. Consider- providing education that is a service activity and its market is impacted by a variety of
factors, administration of educational institutions on an ongoing basis finds itself in the midst of a looming
problem: how to adapt its product and marketing strategy to changing market conditions. Education
management is now seen as a necessity for survival as well as a condition of modern society development.
Only those institutions are referred to as competitive. Adapt to environmental changes as quickly as possible
and be the first to adopt new ideas. The use of a marketing strategy allows for quality improvement in the
higher education system by utilizing the marketing mix in a synergistic manner to provide a service that
meets the expectations of the target market and provides superior value.
Review of Literature
Product/service innovation is the first area of marketing innovation, and it comprises of specific inventive
activities that allow organisations to provide new products and services (Mat et al., 2015). Furthermore,
service and product developments meet the needs of customers. boosting company competitiveness
(Kovanoviene et al., 2021), and raising expectations (Khan et al., 2021). The efficiency with which
marketing communication methods are used determines this enterprises' performance in terms of their
product innovation process (Zauková et al2015). Falcones and Castilla (2020) agree that marketing
techniques are important. have an impact on service innovation Robul et al. (2020) go on to say that while
employing traditional methods, Using digital marketing channels and marketing tools, the creation of new
items is hastened Social networks, for example, are technology-enabled marketing tools that inspire users to
create new products and services (Chia-Liang, 2018)by examining tourism-related businesses according to
Barna and Semak (2020), the use of contemporary technologies in the manufacturing industry Firms'
marketing tools assist them to grab their clients' attention to acquire a product. It has a favourable impact on
customer royalties, brand image, and company revenues. Because certain traditional marketing
communication technologies allow for face-to-face meetings, Firms observe their clients' demands and
difficulties as a result of their contacts with them. that create or upgrade their products and services For
these reasons, the first study was conducted.

1. To find out the students opinion about the various aspect of advertisement in institutes of higher
2. To assess effectiveness of advertisement tools used by higher education of institutes.
3. To analyze the impact of advertisement on student taking admission in higher education institutes.
4. Understand students’ preference for variety of media
5. Understand students primary reasons for selecting HEI
6. To determine the factors impacting students’ decision when it comes to admission in HEI.

Sampling Method:
Non-probability based convenience sampleing
No. of sample
+ area
+ type of students

Propsoed Analsysi
Graphs, Tables, etc.
Proposed Managerial Implication.
This study will help academic insttites to work on appropriate toos for media for marketing related
This study will also hehlp HEI to understand students motivation for joining HEI
This study will also evaluate alternative media tools and their respective effectiveness.
This study is proposed to be conducted among the students of real higher education institute in rural area
of Maharshtra, Hence, it will help the HEI in rural areas to develop their appropriate marketing
campaigns for getting admissions in the rural markets,


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