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- Polite
- Good morning
- Good afternoon
- Good evening
- How do you do?
- Informal
- Hello
- Hi
- Others

- Long time no see
- How are you today?
- How are you keeping?
- How are you?
- How are you doing?
- How have you been?
- How are things?
- How’s everything?
- Others

- I’m very well, thanks.
- I’m fine, thank you.
- I’m quite well, thanks.
- So-so, thanks.
- Great, thanks
- Pretty good, thank you.
- Not good
- I’m not very well. I have a cold.
- I’m not fine.
- I’m not ok.
- Thank you. How about you?
- Thank you. And you?
- Thank you. How about yourself?
- Others

- Let me introduce myself. My name is ….
- May I introduce myself? My name is …
- Hello. I’m …
- Hi. I’m …
- What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- I’m from …
- Where do you live?
- I live in …
- Others …

- Do you know each other?
- Have you ever met each other before?
- Let me introduce you to …
- May I introduce you to …?
- I’d like you to meet …
- This is my friend. Her/ His name is …
- Others …


- It’s nice talking to you
- It’s nice to see you
- I’m happy to see you
- I’m pleased to meet you
- I enjoyed meeting you
- It’s nice to meet you.
- I'm glad to meet you.

- I’m afraid I have to go
- It’s time to go
- I must be going
- I have to go now
- Goodbye. See you soon.
- See you again
- See you next time
- See you tomorrow
- Good night
- Taking care of yourself
- Look after yourself
- Have a good time
- Have a good day
- Good luck to you
- Have a nice trip
- Bon voyage
- Others

- Thank you very much
- Thanks
- Thank you
- Many thanks
- Thanks a lot
- Thank you for …
- Others
- It was my pleasure
- You’re welcome
- No problem
- Don’t worry about it.
- It does not matter
- That’s all right
- That’s okay
- Not at all
- Never mind
- Others
- I’m sorry. I have kept you waiting.
- I’m sorry to have troubled you.
- I’m sorry, but I can't help you.
- I'm sorry. I’m late.
- I’m terribly sorry. It was my fault.
- I’m sorry, I don't want to cause you any trouble.
- I’m very sorry. IT was my carelessness,
- I’m really sorry. Please forgive me.
- Excuse me. May I …?
- Excuse me. Could you ..?
- Excuse me. Is there ..?
- Excuse me for a moment.
- That’s alright
- Never mind
- Certainly
- Of course
- No problem
- That’s all right. But don't do it again.
- Don’t mention it
- Don’t worry.
- Others

- Excuse me, I did not hear you well.
- I’m sorry. I did not catch that.
- I beg your pardon.
- Please say that again?
- Could you repeat that again?
- Could you speak louder?
- Could you speak up?
- Please speak more slowly.
- I’m sorry. I did not get it.
- I don't understand what you mean
- Pardon? What does it mean?
- Others

○ A dog’s life →
○ A bad workman always blames his tools =
○ Be about to do something →
○ Beggars can't be choosers =
○ Call a halt to something →
○ Cast pearls before swine =
○ Dead to the world →
○ Disease of the soul are more =
○ Eat one’s word →
○ Easier than done =

Fill in the gaps and read along.

Everybody knows that bears love 1. __________ One day Mr. Bear looks in his
cupboard and he can’t find any honey. “Oh no! No honey!” he says. So, he goes into
the 2. __________ to find some. He sees a beehive in a tree. He smells the honey.
“Hmmm! Honey!” He sticks his 3. __________ into the beehive and ZZZZZZZ! A bee flies
out. “Hey, bear! Go away!” say the bee. “This is not your honey!” Mr. Bear is annoyed. “I
am bigger than you,” he says. “And I am 4. __________ than you too.” I can do what I
want. Now buzz off! Mr Bear sticks his paw into the beehives again and ZZZZ ZING!
The bee stings him right on his nose! My nose, my nose! Ohh I’m so angry!” growls Mr
Bear. He finds a big stick. He tries to hit the bee. He 5. __________ and he swings, but
the bee is too fast! Mr Bear gets angrier and angrier. GARRRGH! I will squash you.
Come here! The bee flies back into the beehive. “AH HAH! Now you’re trapped!” yells
Mr Bear. He swings his stick at the beehive. Smash! Smash! Smash! He 6. __________ it
to pieces! Then he hears strange sound. It gets louder and louder. ZZZZZZZ!
Thousands of bees fly out of the smashed beehive. They fly around Mr Bear’s head.
ZZZ ZING! They sting him on his ear. They sting him on his elbow. They chase Mr Bear
through the forest. They sting him on his arms, his legs, his hands and especially on
his 7. __________ ZING! ZING! ZING! Mr Bear runs all the way home and 8. __________
the door shut. BAM! Then he hears a voice behind him. It’s Mrs. Bear. “You did it
again, didn’t you?” she says. “You lost your temper.” “Yes,” he says as he 9. __________
and counts his bee stings. “Here’s the bee-sting medicine,” says Mrs. Bear. “Also, we
have honey in the cupboard.” “It’s behind the flour.”


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