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Nilai Guru Orang Tua

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Day/date : …………………
Teacher : …………………
Name : …………………

Perhatian a. Sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal peserta membaca do’a.

b. Semua jawaban dikerjakan dilembar soal.
c. Nomor peserta dan nama siswa ditulis pada lembar soal.
d. Gunakan waktu yang tersedia dengan sebaik-baiknya.


1. You and I . . . . . three motorcycle

2. Chandra . . . . . the most expensive car

3. Tiger . . . . . a pig to eat

4. . . . . . three balls and she . . . . . four

5. Indonesia . . . . . five planes

6. A Woman just . . . . . one man

7. Earth . . . . . an amazing ocean

8. We . . . . . the best teacher in the whole wide world

9. we never . . . . . friends, if we always hope someone without guiltiness or wrongness

10. She doesn’t . . . . . handphone anymore since she give it to her brother

11. She and I . . . . . the same hobbies

12. John . . . . . a smart cute dog

13. I don’t . . . . . an English dictionary

14. They must . . . . . one of the stories

15. He always . . . . . funny stories to tell


16. Mr. Clark asked me to ... the school assignment.

17. Sita and I do the group project together, I do the research, and she ... the writing.

18. My parents ... the house work together.

19. My cat ... its funny habit, it catches her tail.

20. My brother cooks for dinner, and I ... the dishes to help him.

21. We ... not want to buy the snack.

22. Dad ... not know that I am home.

23. I want to go the Italian restaurant, but she ... not want to go there.

24. William does like spaghetti, but I ... not like it.

25. The boss ... not want to raise the salary.

26. ... you know that Michael was here yesterday?

27. I do not want that, ... she want that?

28. ... Mr. Harold like the cake?

29. Hello Mr. Fitzgerald, ... you have appointment?

30. Lukas, ... Emma like coffee?

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