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When we talk about cause and effect in English, we use certain words and phrases
to express, such as: because, since, as, owing to, due to, because of, thanks to,
as a consequence of, as a result of, for, therefore, so

Rumus: Signal phrase+ Cause + Effect

Here are examples:


1. Because The police arrested him because he broke into a bank.
2. Since The picnic was canceled since the rain was coming
3. as She can't read the letter as she is illiterate
4. owing to David could not attend owing to his illness
5. due to Due to John's laziness, he did not pass the English
6. because of, He failed the test because of his bad study habits test.
7. thanks to Thanks to his hard work, he got a raise.
8. as a consequence of He was fired as a consequence of tardiness (being late).
9. as a result of As a result of the rain, we canceled the picnic
10. for He can't run fast for he is too fat
11. therefore I was busy this evening. Therefore, I couldn’t come to your party
12. so I love you, so I will do everything to make you happy.

Due to John's laziness, he did not pass the English

 Signal phrase: Due to

 Cause: John's laziness
 Effect: He did not pass the test

Penggunaan Cause and Effect Sentences dalam Bahasa Inggris

Istilah cause and effect atau sebab dan akibat adalah istilah yang sudah anda
dengar sejak SD, tapi penggunaanya dapat dipakai hingga dunia kerja. Kalimat yang
mengandung unsur sebab-akibat biasanya melibatkan sebuah kegiatan yang
membuat sesuatu terjadi, dan akibat dari kegiatan tersebut.
Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa inggris,
simak penjelasan di bawah:

a. (noun) seseorang atau sesuatu yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.
Contoh: The cause of the flood was the massive of amount garbage thrown in
the river. (Penyebab dari banjir itu adalah banyaknya sampah yang dibuang
ke sungai.)
b. (verb) sebuah kegiatan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.
Contoh: The massive amount of garbage thrown in the river caused the flood.
(Banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai menyebabkan banjir ini.)

(noun) sebuah perubahan yang merupakan hasil dari sebuah kegiatan atau
Contoh: The rain had an effect on her mood. (Hujan mempunyai pengaruh
pada mood-nya.)
effect digunakan sebagai verb, kata tersebut berubah menjadi affect.
(verb) untuk menghasilkan sebuah efek; menyebabkan terjadinya sesuatu.
Contoh: The rain affected his mood. (Hujan mempengaruhi mood-nya.)

Kalimat Sebab-akibat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Anda biasanya dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung
hubungan sebab-akibat bila dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat kata atau frasa seperti:
• Due to
• Because of
• Owing to
• Thanks to
• As a consequence of
• As a result of
• Because
• Since
• As
• For
• therefore
• so .

Untuk mengekspresikan cause dan effect dalam bahasa inggris, kalimat atau frasa
di atas biasanya akan diikuti dengan kata benda (noun) atau kata kerja (verb).

Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh noun

Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan noun atau noun phrase biasanya
menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phrase) seperti :
• Because of
• Thanks to
• As a result of
• Due to
• As a consequence of
• Owing to
Di contoh berikutnya noun atau noun phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab atau cause
selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phase) seperti contoh di atas.
Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:
Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect


Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause

1. Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not pass the driving test.
(Karena kegugupan Bella, dia tidak lulus ujian menyetir)
• Signal phrase: due to
• Cause: Bella’s nervousness
• Effect: She did not pass the driving test
2. He’s always late because of his gaming habits
(Dia selalu telat karena kebiasaan bermain game-nya)
• Signal phrase: Because of
• Cause: His gaming habits
• Effect : He’s always late
3. As a result of the rain, we canceled the outing.
(Karena hujan, kita membatalkan pikinik itu)
• Signal phrase: As a result of
• Cause: the rain
• Effect : we canceled the outing
4. Dennis could not sing owing to his sore throat
(Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya)
• Signal phrase: owing to
• Cause: his sore throat
• Effect : Dennis could not sing
5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance
(Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya)
• Signal phrase: as a consequence of
• Cause: her ignorance
• Effect : She was dismissed

Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh verb

Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan subjek + verb atau verb phrase biasanya
menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :
• Because
• Since
• As
• For

Di contoh berikutnya subjek + verb atau verb phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab
atau cause selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phase) seperti
contoh di atas. Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:
Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect
Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause
1. Because Bella was nervous, she did not pass the driving test
(Karena Bella gugup, dia tidak lulus ujian tes mengemudi)
• Signal phrase: because
• Cause: Bella was nervous
• Effect: She did not pass the driving test
2. He’s always late because he always stay up at night
(Dia selalu telat karena dia selalu begadang)
• Signal phrase: Because
• Cause: he always stay up at night
• Effect : He’s always late
3. The outing was canceled since it’s raining
(Piknik itu dibatalkan karena hujan)
• Signal phrase: since
• Cause: it’s raining
• Effect : the outing was canceled
4. Dennis could not sing for his throat is sore
(Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya)
• Signal phrase: for
• Cause: his throat is sore
• Effect : Dennis could not sing
5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance
(Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya)
• Signal phrase: as a consequence of
• Cause: her ignorance
• Effect : She was dismissed

Your TASK:
Berikan 2 contoh (selain dari contoh di atas) dari masing-masing words and phrases berikut ini,
jelaskan signal phrases, cause and effectnya:
Due to John's laziness, he did not pass the English
 Signal phrase : Due to
 Cause : John's laziness
 Effect : He did not pass the English

1. Because
2. Since
3. As
4. owing to
5. due to
6. because of,
7. thanks to
8. as a consequence of
9. as a result of
10. for
11. therefore
12. so

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