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What is a microscope?

A microscope is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye.

2. What is the type of microscope you are using in the lab?.

compound microscope

3. What are the various objective lenses seen in your microscope?

 X10-Low power objective

 X45-High dry objective

 X100-Oil immersion objective.

4. What is the use of X10 objective?

To select the field.

5. What is the use of x45 objective?

To grade pus cells, to observe wet mount preparations

6. What is the use of oil immersion objective?

To view stained preparations in a higher magnification

7. What are the microscopic adjustments for low power objective?

• Close the diaphragm.

• Concave mirror as light source.

• Lowering the condenser.

8. What are the microscopic adjustments for high dry objective?

• Partially open the diaphragm.

• Concave mirror as light source.

• Slightly raising the condenser.

9. What are the microscopic adjustments for oil immersion?

• Open the diaphragm.

• Plane mirror as light source.

• Raising the condenser.

10. How will you clean new glass slide?

• Wiping with the cotton ball.

• Showing the flame of Bunsen burner both sides.

11. What are the advantages of smear fixation?

• Fixing the bacterial cells over the glass slide against the chemical

treatment or by heat fixation.

• Killing the pathogens-safety for handling.

12. Why the cedar wood oil is used in oil immersion?

• To focus the light rays with in the objective lens.

• The cedar wood oil has the same refractive index as that of the glass slide.

13. What do you understand by “Resolution power” of a microscope?

The ability or the power of microscope to clearly delineate two closely situated objects is

called Resolving power, which is inversely proportional to the wave length of the light


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