Chapter 3 BST Private, Public.. Rajesh Sir

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Business Studies
Chapter - 3

Private, Public and

Global Enterprises

Rajesh Gidwani
Private Sector
Private Sector Enterprises

Firms owned, controlled and managed by

private businessmen

The main object of such undertaking is profit

Private Sector Enterprises

Types of Private Sector Enterprises

Sole Proprietorship Concerns

Hindu Undivided Family Business

◆ Partnership Business Organizations

Co-operative Societies

Joint Stock Companies

Public Sector
Public Sector Enterprises

Enterprises owned and managed by

central government or state government
or by both

The basic purpose is to render service to society

E.g. Railways, LIC, FCI, Post Offices etc.
Forms of
Public Sector
Forms of Public Sector Enterprises

1. Departmental Undertakings
2. Public Corporations
3. Government Companies

1 2 3

Post and Telegraph Reserve Bank of India Indian Telephone

Departmental Undertakings

Undertakings created by government

✔ Financed and controlled by government

Managed by government officials

Under the control of a minister

Departmental Undertakings
Examples of Departmental Undertakings

All India Radio Doordarshan

Post and Telegraph Indian Railway

Features of
Features of Departmental Undertakings

a Funding

Financed through budget allocation

Features of Departmental Undertakings

b Audit and Control

They are subject to Government audit

Features of Departmental Undertakings

c Employees

Employees are Government servants

Features of Departmental Undertakings

d Control

Subject to direct control by the concerned ministry

Features of Departmental Undertakings

e Accountability

Accountable to the ministry and the government

Merits of
Merits of Departmental Undertakings

a Control of parliament

Better control over funds and operations as it is

controlled by the ministry
Merits of Departmental Undertakings

b Public accountability

Responsibility to the government

Merits of Departmental Undertakings

c Source of revenue to government

Income earned by these organizations directly

goes to the treasury
Merits of Departmental Undertakings

d National security

Secrecy can be maintained especially in case of

strategic industries such as defence etc.
Limitations of
Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

a Lack of flexibility

Predetermined rules and regulations and

interference from the ministry
Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

b Delay in decisions

Approval from the government is necessary

to take decisions
Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

c Unable to tap business opportunities

Conservative approach of bureaucrats does not

allow them to take risky ventures
Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

d Red tapism and bureaucracy

Results delay in decision making and operations

Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

e Political interference

These enterprises are subject political interference

through the ministry
Limitations of Departmental Undertakings

f Consumer needs

They usually do not give any consideration for

consumer needs
Statutory Corporations
Public Corporations

Rajesh Gidwani
Public Corporations
It is generally created as an autonomous
institution by passing a Special Act in
the Parliament or State Legislature

As a body corporate, it is a separate entity for legal

purposes and can sue and be sued, enter into
contracts and acquire property in its own name
Public Corporations
Some Important Public Corporations

Reserve Bank of India Indian Airlines Corporation

Life Insurance Corporation

Features of
Public Corporations
Features of Public Corporations
a Formed by special Act

Created under a special Act of Parliament or

State Assembly
Features of Public Corporations
b Ownership

Owned by the Government

Features of Public Corporations
c Separate legal existence

It has a separate legal entity, so that it can own

properties and enter into contract in its own name
Features of Public Corporations
d Financial autonomy
Obtains funds through borrowing from treasury or
public and from the sales of goods and services

It has the power to utilize its revenues

Features of Public Corporations
e Employees

Appointed as per the terms and conditions of the

corporation and they are not to be treated as
government servants
Features of Public Corporations
f Independent accounting and audit

It has its own accounting and audit, but not subject

to government audit and budget allocation
Merits of
Public Corporations
Merits of Public Corporations
a High degree of flexibility

It enjoys flexibility of operations and financial and

managerial freedom since it is free from undesirable
government control
Merits of Public Corporations
b Least government interference

As there is no budget allocation for funds from

government there is no much government control
Merits of Public Corporations
c Autonomous status

They can frame their own policies and procedure

within the purview of the Act
Merits of Public Corporations
d Helps in economic development

It contributes towards economic development in a

big way
Merits of Public Corporations
e Stability

Since they are not subject to political changes, they

can take long term business policies
Limitations of
Public Corporations
Limitations of Public Corporations
a Rules and regulations

It does not enjoy much operational flexibility as it is

governed by various rules and regulations of the
Limitations of Public Corporations
b Political interference

In practice complete autonomy is not possible due

to interference from the ministry
Limitations of Public Corporations
c Chances of corruption

Officials may misuse the autonomy status for their

personal gain
Limitations of Public Corporations
d Inefficiency

Absence of competition and profit motive leads to

inefficient operations
Limitations of Public Corporations
e Delay in action

Quick decisions cannot be taken by the officials

because of the involvement of government
nominees in the director board

Rajesh Gidwani
Government Company

Public enterprises organized under the

Companies Act are Government companies

It is a company in which at least 51% of share

capital is held by the Central Government
or by the State Government or both
Government Companies in India

Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.

Coal India Ltd. Steel Authority of India Ltd.

Features of
Government Company
Features of Government Company

a Incorporation

It is incorporated under Companies Act

Features of Government Company

b Separate legal entity

It can own properties, enter into contracts, sue and

be sued in its own name
Features of Government Company

c Management

Management is vested in the hands of Directors,

appointed by Government
Features of Government Company

d Memorandum and Articles of Association

Objects of the company and its rules and

regulations are contained in these documents
Features of Government Company

e Accounting and audit procedure

They are exempted from accounting and audit rules
as per the Act

However government appointed auditor’s report

should be presented in the Parliament or
Legislative Assembly
Features of Government Company

f Funds

Investment in government companies is raised by

government shareholdings and from private
Merits of
Government Company
Merits of Government Company

a Easy formation by registration

No need of enactment of special Act in Parliament

Merits of Government Company

b Separate legal entity

It has separate existence apart from the government

Merits of Government Company

c Quick decisions

Prompt decisions in time as it has autonomy power

Merits of Government Company

d Prevents unhealthy business

It can control unhealthy business practices by

providing goods and services at a reasonable price
Limitations of
Government Company
Limitations of Government Company

a Autonomy is just for name sake

Since the government is the only shareholder in

some companies, provisions of Companies Act have
no relevance.
Limitations of Government Company

b No accountability

Even though major investment is made by the

government, it is not answerable to the Parliament
Limitations of Government Company

c Main purpose is not served

Being the major shareholder, government controls
the affairs of the company

It defeats the main purpose by registering like other

Changing Role of
Public Sector

Rajesh Gidwani
Changing Role of Public Sector

Public sector plays an important role in India’s

economic development

The most important objective of public sector is

economic growth with social justice and providing
service to the society
Importance of
Public Sector
Importance of Public Sector

1 Development of infrastructure
Transportation, communication, fuel and energy,
basic and heavy industries etc. are very essential for
economic development

Government has set up various PSUs in these areas

where private enterprises are unwilling to invest
Importance of Public Sector

2 Regional balance
To maintain balanced regional development the
government has taken initiative to start a number of
public sector units in backward areas
Importance of Public Sector

3 Economies of scale
Government has set up large scale industries in
public sector to take advantages of
economies of scale

Eg. Electric power plants, petroleum refinery,

telephone industries etc.
Importance of Public Sector

4 Check over concentration of economic power

The flow of economic resources to the private sector

entrepreneurs can be controlled up to a
certain extent
Importance of Public Sector

5 Import substitution
Government set up public sector units for production
of capital goods which were imported earlier

Several public sector companies are producing goods

on a large scale, thus playing an important role in
expanding exports of the country also
Government Policy
Public Sector

Rajesh Gidwani
Government Policy

Government of India introduced four major

reforms in the public sector thorough the
Industrial Policy in 1991
Government Policy
Restructure and revive potentially viable
Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
Government Policy
Close down PSUs, which cannot be revived
Government Policy
Bring down government equity
in all non-strategic PSUs to 26% or
lower if necessary
Government Policy
Protect the interest of workers
Measures Taken by
Govt. to Reform
Public Sector
a Measures Taken by Govt.
Reduction in the number of industries reserved
for public sector
●17 industries were reserved for public sector as per
the Industrial Policy 1956.
● It has been reduced to 8 industries in 1991 and

again to 3 industries in 2001.

● They are atomic energy, arms and rail transport.
b Measures Taken by Govt.
●Sale of equity shares of Public Sector Undertakings
to private sector and to the public
● Government holding in such units is thereby
reduced and private participation enhanced

Eg. Sale of shares in Indian Petro Chemicals Ltd.,

Maruthi Udyog Ltd. etc.
c Measures Taken by Govt.
Protection of sick units
Highly sick public enterprises which are unlikely to
be revived will be referred to the Board for Industrial
and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) for
d Measures Taken by Govt.
Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
● To improve the performance of PSUs, government
introduced MOU system by giving clear target and
operational autonomy to achieve those targets
● Here PSUs are accountable for specified results
Global Enterprises

Rajesh Gidwani
Global Enterprises
Multinational Companies
● Company carrying on business in two or more
● Company that operates in several countries

● Company has factories, branches or offices in

more than one country

● Branches are also called Majority Owned
Foreign Affiliates (MOFA)
Global Enterprises
Multinational Companies
It is also known as Multinational corporation,
Transnational Corporation, Global Giant, World
Enterprise, International Enterprise, MNCs etc.
Global Enterprises

Multinational Companies – Examples

Features of
Global Enterprises
a Features of Global Enterprises
Huge capital
They have large capital investment as they are
running large scale business units

Investors and financial institutions of the host

country will be ready to invest in MNCs because
of their credibility
b Features of Global Enterprises
Foreign collaboration
Global enterprises usually collaborate with Indian
companies, both private and public sector, by this
both the parties will be benefited by sharing
technology, brand name etc.
c Features of Global Enterprises
Advanced technology
MNCs are able to provide world class products
of international standards by using advanced
technology in the areas of production,
marketing etc.
d Features of Global Enterprises
Marketing strategies
They adopt aggressive marketing techniques
to increase the sales in a short period

They have advanced marketing information

system, advertising and sales promotion
techniques and a good brand name
e Features of Global Enterprises
Expansion of market territory
They can extent their markets very easily to
the foreign countries as they are running the
branches in various nations
f Features of Global Enterprises
Product innovation
Their products are always highly innovative as they
are running their own research and development
wing for developing new products and superior
designs for existing products
g Features of Global Enterprises
Centralized control
The headquarters of an MNC can exercise better
control over the operations of its branches in
various countries as they operate within the policy
framework of the parent organization
Joint Ventures


Rajesh Gidwani
Joint Ventures
An association of two or more individuals or
organizations formed by agreement for a common
purpose or mutual benefit is called a joint venture

These organizations may be private, government or

a foreign company
Joint Ventures
Usually JVs are formed to share strengths,
minimize risks and to increase competitive
advantage in the market place

Eg. Bajaj Allianze Insurance Co., Mahindra –

Renault Ltd, Air Asia India, Maruthi and Suzuki,
Yamaha and Mahindra.
Benefits of a
Joint Venture
Benefits of Joint Ventures
1 Increased resources and capacity

JVs can easily expand their business and they are

able to face market challenges, reap the benefits of
economies of scale
Benefits of Joint Ventures
2 Access to markets

When a foreign company enters into JV with an

Indian company, they gain access to the vast
Indian market
Benefits of Joint Ventures
3 Access to technology

Technology adds to efficiency and effectiveness and

thus reduces the cost
Benefits of Joint Ventures
4 Innovation
● JVs comes up with some new ideas and
● Especially foreign partners can introduce innovative
products in the market based on their experience
Benefits of Joint Ventures
5 Low cost of production

When two firms join hands, they can operate on

large scale and reap the benefits of
economies of scale
Benefits of Joint Ventures
6 Established brand name
● Goodwill of one party can be enjoyed by the other
party also
● New organization need not take much effort to

establish their new brand

Eg. Toyota Kirloskar, Maruthi Suzuki etc.

Types of Joint Ventures
Types of Joint Ventures
Types of Joint Ventures
1. Contractual Joint Ventures (CJV)
In this case a new entity is not created
There is only an agreement to work together
The parties do not share ownership of the
business but exercise some elements of
control in the joint venture

Franchisee relationship is
Franchise Business
a typical example for
contractual joint ventures
Types of Joint Ventures
2. Equity Based Joint Venture (EJV)
In this case a separate business entity is formed
jointly owned by two or more parties based on an

Formed by: Bajaj Finserve Ltd. Bajaj

Group of India and Allianz SE a
European financial services company

The ownership of this organization is shared by

these parties
Examples of JVs

No. Name of JV Established Joint Venture Holders

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd and NYCO SA

1. AVI Oil India Pvt. Ltd 1993

2. Green Gas Ltd 2005 GAIL (India) Ltd. and IOCL

Delhi Aviation Fuel

3. 2010 BPCL and DIAL
Facility Pvt. Ltd
Private Public Partnership

Rajesh Gidwani
Private Public Partnership

It is a relationship between public and private

entities in the context of infrastructure and
other services
Private Public Partnership

Under PPP model public sector plays an

important role and ensures that the social
obligations are fulfilled and public investments
are successfully met

The public partners in PPP are Government

entities like ministries, government
departments, municipalities etc
Private Public Partnership

The government’s contribution to PPP is in the

form of capital for investment and transfer of
assets that support the partnership


The role of private sector is to make use of its

expertise in operation, managing tasks and
innovation to run the business efficiently
Private Public Partnership
Power generation and distribution, water and
sanitation, pipelines, hospitals, school
buildings and teaching facilities, stadiums, air
traffic control, prisons, railways, roads, billing
and other information technology system,
housing etc. are the major sectors in which
PPP operates

Power generation

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