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' l Yl~l'a. .!' 't-C'f W\)fj'

"T~ t.. h \.!' \:O I~ of- pre~l l,., ~J
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c-..o\ ven Ot tUY-0 re c.,nJ '

rt.., t 1>r1n~ tr,!) f-Y .1l \)1 lnofi'~ WC'JJ

'o.-o gn \:" b~:,- POJ ht lJ ~Jt. ' i~L [n1 l1'J 'h.
Ecu\. lri ol 1'a. (_ t)YYI

\...\p 0.. p-Ytn\:)n9 p-reiJ in I be- 4,

~\T.Sr r)ttJOJfttre-v ,., Jnot,~A ~O.l ft..Cb-ltJI,()"'-. b..:,

~qme.~ Au.~t-\l\:U~ l--\-t'L tt!Lf in l~ it> ,1\.\t. YlO .'""lt. o{ )~ f"'fti
I .,!>
W'l.s 'th4- '3-e~·l.1~\ (i, ct?-.e-tte... oY ·\ruH-ct ·C,e°r\lY-a\ Aclv, di.Je.t.
f-o-r ,~ O~~sro .\l('Yl (yf~\C.(J M oi ' \vjt '~Ve,.-()vn(\r,\.,, .)\'.- LO~J

Set1-e d. 1'1 ,~~cil.,

Soon o... to1~~ V\t.O-l'lbe-r c ft4h1,\tQ~1•onJ (!Omo.. ~t' .

rt~t. ~Qt,u-ttet V7ll2.~ .
""e U'l•i ~ , LMo.ol,cr.r c.oun'e1 ( 11~1) / .
"thL EoYnh Q..!, H-e m tel. Cl , ·Q-t,) , ~ck , Mol+" 1 of- I~ rm °' vo( dt> a.I
c. t eiJ h ,,dd~ \~ t 0\ Dve...- I"\ mo.,~ · 001 & Q l'VY\t' ol - t : .l ,' n le llr tl,uq I
~n~e 1 to.1Y1mllr'\l- 6\. fu'Y't>teotoYU ·
~t.... Unv,ran~.1 J off,' tty-3 _w~tC! t,OOY'fl<?~ f>\Q~ 1fi~liL

l'le.t-0 Jt o. pO'
YVJ~i) h 1,- .te_a.t h ' U>fl ol." 'a.-. d e 1.. r o•• 1,,,,., >'
'm\".tdt> in~.s ~ inu~ I M'~!1 ~~"" ttfe. ' ~C>Y- (IU"tbl b~JK·t..

p'Ct s J

® u,,d We\\tS\t'lf -enat\-<'ol h,t renfo1..rhi'f Atl/ 11tl~.

,' tv\ \" 0 .\ e o\ °'' WI Ol t t-0 Q v \:: \ tvl f
"lf e J tl1"t Hcm) o-n H,c p..-eJJ /
. ~()l'{t1.'p01l:.1n~-· ·fnnth. '""{c,Jro _" '

® 1ht. u·te.n .!~"~ ~e_~l,f\C\tlO'nJ 't>.\ \%ol.i €"1at~d

jt,h() .Ad~m.f ,w~v:c. ~heLtc'cl c"1 ,· ei1'1 o.10i1n,r.

M :.O.s rq pt I 1 pi.t b1iJ 'r,e a '" I ., di C/,; -~Q~ 9 \.I"'~ u '"
e..ol,~~ol \:,~ Jnolta~-
® . -1\, • l're~J At~ o Ii 3s ,1 e ncr H• ol b \j .!: t Y 41Y,o, lt1J
(_Q\ ~e. l\otool l~t .Re~~l~\:t·on.J ol \g~J> -'
e.n., nt cl Iv\~ tt~ I\~ e. pt1 I,i; t l o{ t ti'lot re. tor a\ I,;, tndt'q11 p.,_.., '.
U'l'\olut. t"tHfQrt.nU \n )n"t. Pll\.b)1~\.'\6n wc,s 3.+oppe.J,
ld0 '1he. emQ~9ent!J C.C-11..ueof b!1 1,~e. f.(Qbtll1··0Yl 0 ~ '\.

\\?s-1 \~cl h\e ~ov~ "f 11 YY'\~1'1 t' I: o ')'"() l'MfOH! 'Y(>J tYt' r t,uY)J O"Y)

1ha ~TQJS },y 1"5(_) Lic.,()J)n" Alt,, t er':/- ·

NQ.>t{,.,,o.~(~'YY\ C1nol ll-1t /ncA,~0t-n p~

{:y 2-,0,...Mlt)
----{I,,_._ e. o-r '4 ph ei 1 ._ 0 Y\ "'le,' o-.i a'II , t mo"" n,i, 'l I-/\- f o tu ~,e J
mo T{ 0.,, r~ h V1 tct \ e. cl ut_Oi \:f\1 'n Of,,.., ol r~ tan d
to 1 mo, 't ( <>-n a" d p..-o ptt ~a\'.: t'o n e, noJ:t'o n t11 O l: tdudo 8 !:1 a,,., J
tYO\ \ n , n _g , f"Yl1) b,) b t l lf't1 Gl.Y\ cl C:.o ·ru 1> H d .cd: 1' o "". o f-
Pl-f \:,' i L C, ?'' '1MY1 • ,f ()y \ ~' J f U"f r" J e 'f>"t't.1 t e,v 'l J t>t C ') u n 'tt ,
'{-ot> \ -~\) 1 \~e.. e~,t~ n ~t:,i>0ah"J ~J. 1ht.. ,n~i'a.n t\1~tl6'tl"'l
tt>n9"'u.r .
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\t.J t'()\htq\ ol~y1 cu~ d. u{ e r-'"~1 J +o
,pn>fCl ~"-L-e. . i\:J _ ~e_JOlub)v)J l3tfl d.. p'Yo e ol ,t1 . ··
A nu W1b<2r , or- ; )"-Cl pe .,~ .e\"Y'I~ '"be cl olrAYln~

c"he~ jeo y J · un d e·v M. ei n p:t) m, ner) t . an d. ohi t: 1n9tAfJ}..,J

jotA"("~'iJlJ • ihue. were..·.. -
4n ~"' <n, gl.t\:.Tq f"n a t"l1'\~
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.r a. -n Cf f'\ o\.. M c?\ vrT o.
tt C\ •• 8 : V> , '"U l Q t .
s~nJ ~:\ u ·. ~t;\'r.en otrd n \h ~Y') PYJ e.x...
A'f'Y'l'Yl"t°' aa..3 " ., f> ci t-o' t "' ,_ . ~, , ,.,, t<wf'(. o ,

·yr,, U- In o\rc-, \ 'DJt>.b'h oti No.DYOi ,'

\i1.dt'on Mino...- : 1'}.f\}£e"

~,h u-t. r1 e. w J lo. ye. v-..t wt> re. no l:: e.i ~Otb 1i.t'hC' d cu p)'b 11 L-
~C\ \t In 1> · t;:,\,(.ri"r,t.J!S veY)t.Urt?J bt.t.l: we~e .!e12n ' 0 t A1ndr,1n_,

nqt\.O't'\q l an al fLlblul 1-eN{CJ__. 1hdt 1 IGY) ra. Lt- w~ ~' l--

)Y) ,rit e, 'rle:9 1 touH"I.S nd. -evfv·"\..,J~<!.. "lre'Y"Ylb v,'1tQ1eJ ,
Nt.wt po. pu,.. i~ Te.o.c\1"6 llnol olf.1tu111' ,n . b~tllr,,r 4
to·¥YVI . o,t -f~\,8t.4l r~y~ft,' fct\:l' GI) Qn c1 (!)pipo1,'\:lbY) fcl
Vl O'\[TY )))'Y)(?,, t .
o'\/e T'r)m lll l- 0
le.. w 1 £'1.t th tt.J

G\ O\'t\:Yl't. l- M.Ct~ft\:TC;\l~ C.041d. lti;\,\f1'e 0. p11~\.t"Y '8o en~Y

)'t'jlo Cl bo1l&., r...,b\fn' bi~1ne, "1i"M hot +o yor,tQ1'l!:,J~1~9
w\,u't"' ~t>1.nol t1t'lti'tc. ¥e«-\tl"'l~ <>\ d1\ q~ \t"tb·o~,

t-, l\.,o -r{Je d lo

TuL p'Ti'nce_r wets t31¥~n ,w~ opl:l°ot1 g\41.,'W'l,~#lri~

p..,.-00{ •
C'-1),-ro,\.e. tH.\:fC>-n wen {t"'d1C41 ct1r1o\ no ~J)ft?t:t\ ~~~tcl!.e.
mCldi.~ Q ~utl:- t>~ l~I..O

ti) \n ~c, 1e. ob t~1\u-r@ 6, ~\:Cl,,db~ h!iL ~nol~ytq~, ., 5 J

~t.. S'eturn t!:, chpo~,· t woJ \01 \e,te ol.

cf~.t '/t."f'i\tH.ula, ~YesJ ~t.t" WOt~ AtptC!f\~o\ in 6 11 JV>e.
(A ov -. " vn {I n o\ lot- ol f.z {' \'>OY> •

~k- f\\t.tAJ~ r pe '( l Atb (fqo~) / %,.,- 1ttd.1'01" ~M! An ~~1b_) j

1h--L \r,.,\fl!lin }'Yt.-1J Lt~trgentH Powe,) Att(\q3\) wev-e o\'l,t•f
IO'Y'lfb-<tant- AtlJ --eV1~tlC!.ol to "rel t""c~ \Ht at t\V\\:f~ \~

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