Lost Omens Firebrands Errata

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 Page 51: In the fourth paragraph, remove Yana Mashilene's micro stat block and
replace it with "(see page 31)"
 Page 75: The Thrill-Seeker background incorrectly lists Athletics as one of the two
boosts. Replace "Athletics" with "Strength"
 Page 76: It was a bit unclear as to when you could be using Rolling Landing. In the
second sentence, after "If you fall" add "more than 5 feet"
 Page 78: In the second sentence of the critical success line of the Devrin's Cunning
Stance feat, add the word "successfully" before the word "Strike"
 Page 81: Acknowledge Fan was a bit more powerful than desired. Add the
incapacitation trait to the feat. Add the following sentence to the end of the feat
description: "Regardless of the result, the target becomes temporarily immune to
Acknowledge Fan for 1 minute." Finally, add the word "temporarily" before the word
"immune' in both the critical success and success lines.
 Page 81: Quick Spring's wording allowed for more movement than intended. Change
the feat description to the following: "Ishii Bunji is a skilled tumbler, and learning his
technique allows you to push yourself off a foe and propel yourself across the
battlefield faster. If you succeed at an Acrobatics check to Tumble Through an
enemy’s space, you can Stride again as a free action after you complete your current
 Page 85: The cape of grand entrances incorrectly grants a circumstance bonus.
Change the circumstance bonus to an item bonus.
 Page 89: Change the flashy disappearance spell from one-action to two-actions and
add a somatic component. Change the second sentence to read "You become
undetected to all creatures that rely on visual senses unless they can see invisible
 Page 89: Change the instant parade spell to 3rd-level. Change the third sentence in
the first paragraph to read "You and other creatures can Hide and Sneak inside the
crowd, though creatures that disbelieve the illusion still see creatures within as
normal." Remove the fourth and fifth sentences from the first paragraph.
 Page 90: The musical accompaniment spell became too easy to leave "on" at higher
levels. Remove the Heightened (3rd) and Heightened (5th) lines from the spell.

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