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comprehensive guideline for submission of group task:

General Overview
• Project: Magazine Folio
• Scope and Delimitation: Content limited to DDOSC (Davao de Oro State College) and
national news and features.
• Length: 10-15 pages
• Special Requirement: Unique centerfold
• Submission Deadline: May 31, 5 PM
• Submission Platform: Upload in a flipbook website
Content Requirements
1. News and News-Feature Articles
• Total Pages: 3-4 pages
• Content: Timely and relevant news regarding DDOSC and national news that impact the students
and the community.
• Structure: Clear and concise, following the inverted pyramid structure. Include quotes from key
individuals and reliable sources.
2. Feature Articles
• Total Pages: 3-4 pages
• Content: In-depth stories that explore DDOSC initiatives, student achievements, faculty profiles,
and notable national features that resonate with the readership.
• Structure: Engaging narrative style, strong lead, detailed body, and a compelling conclusion. Use
anecdotes and personal stories to enhance readability.
3. Editorials
• Total Pages: 1-2 pages
• Content: Opinion pieces reflecting the stance of the editorial team on pressing issues at DDOSC or
national matters relevant to the student body.
• Structure: Clear argument, supported by evidence and logical reasoning. Persuasive and reflective,
aiming to provoke thought and discussion.
4. Graphics and Visuals
• Total Pages: 2-3 pages (excluding centerfold)
• Content: Infographics, photo essays, and visual illustrations that complement the articles.
• Structure: High-quality images with captions and credits. Ensure visuals are relevant and add value
to the articles.
5. Unique Centerfold
• Total Pages: 2 pages (central spread)
• Content: Creative and visually appealing content that stands out. Could be a large photo spread, a
detailed infographic, or a special feature story.
• Structure: Must capture the reader’s attention and provide an immersive experience.
Formatting and Design Guidelines
• Page Layout: Consistent and professional layout throughout the magazine.
• Fonts: Use readable fonts for body text (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial).
Headlines and subheadings can use more stylistic fonts.
• Images: High resolution, properly credited. Ensure images are relevant and
enhance the content.
• Color Scheme: Maintain a consistent color scheme that aligns with the theme of the
• Headers and Footers: Include page numbers and magazine title on each page.
• Margins and Spacing: Adequate margins and spacing to ensure readability.
Submission Instructions
1. Compile Content: Ensure all articles, graphics, and other content are completed and proofread.
2. Design and Layout: Use design software (e.g., Adobe InDesign, Canva) to compile the magazine.
Ensure the layout is visually appealing and easy to read.
3. Centerfold: Pay special attention to the centerfold to ensure it is unique and engaging.
4. Convert to Flipbook Format (or PDF): Once the magazine layout is finalized, convert the
document to a flipbook format using an online platform (e.g., Issuu)
5. Upload to Flipbook Website: Create an account on the chosen flipbook website (Issuu) if already
done. Upload the flipbook, ensuring all pages are correctly formatted and the flipbook functions
6. Review: Before the final submission, review the flipbook (on Issuu) to check for any errors or
formatting issues.
7. Submit Link: Once the flipbook (Issuu) is ready, submit the link to the designated submission
portal (at GCR) by May 31, 5 PM.

Additional Tips
• Collaboration: Regularly communicate with your team members to ensure all parts of the
magazine are progressing as planned.
• Deadlines: Set internal deadlines ahead of the final submission date to ensure ample time for
revisions and final adjustments.
• Quality Check: Have multiple team members review the final product for any errors or
improvements before submission.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Content Quality: Relevance, accuracy, and depth of articles.
2. Creativity: Originality and engagement level of the centerfold and feature articles.
3. Design: Aesthetic appeal, readability, and consistency of the magazine layout.
4. Adherence to Guidelines: Compliance with page allocation, submission format, and deadlines.

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