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Class 11

Business Studies
Rajesh Gidwani
Chapter - 10

Internal Trade
Tra d e
Tra d e
Trade means buying and selling of goods, which
involves the exchange of commodities for money or
money’s worth

On the basis of scale of operation, internal trade can be

divided into
Wholesale trade and Retail trade
W h o l e s a l e Trade
Buying and selling in large quantities
A wholesaler buys goods directly from the producers and
sells them to the retailers

One who deals in wholesale trade is known as

wholesaler or wholesale dealer
S e r v i c e s of
W h o l e s a l e r s to
M a n u f a c t u r e r s or
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
1 Facilitating large scale production

Bulk orders from wholesalers enable to produce in

large quantity
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
2 Bearing risk
They purchase the entire goods immediately
on production

They take the risk of change in demand, spoilage,

damage, theft etc. during transportation and storage
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
3 Financial assistance

Wholesalers purchase on cash basis and sometimes they

may give advance payment for bulk purchases
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
4 Expert advice

Wholesalers are in constant touch with the retailers, they

can collect information about the tastes and fashion of
consumers and passes it on to producers
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
5 Helps in marketing

Wholesalers take care of distribution of goods, market

research, transportation, warehousing etc.
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
6 Facilitates continuity of production

Wholesalers purchase goods on a real time basis as and

when they produce goods
It helps the manufacturers to carry out continuous
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
7 Storage

The burden of storing goods passes to the

S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s t o P r o d u c e r s
1) Facilitating large scale production
2) Bearing risk
3) Financial assistance
4) Expert advice
5) Helps in marketing
6) Facilitates continuity of production
7) Storage
S e r v i c e s of
W h o l e s a l e r s to
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
1 Availability of goods

Retailers get goods as and when they required as there is a

large quantity stored by wholesalers
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
2 Marketing support

Wholesaler takes all the burden of advertisement and

sales promotion activities, and the retailer enjoys the
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
3 Providing credit facilities

It enables the retailers to conduct their business without

much investment in working capital
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
4 Specialized knowledge
Wholesalers can give expert advice on their
products as they are dealing only a limited line of

They also inform the retailers about new products, their

uses, quality, prices etc.
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
5 Risk sharing

The risk of retailers gets reduced as most of the burden of

marketing such as price fluctuation, loss of goods in
transit, storage etc. is born by the wholesalers.
S e r v i c e of W h o l e s a l e r s to Retailers
1) Availability of goods
2) Marketing support
3) Providing credit facilities
4) Specialized knowledge
5) Risk sharing
Retail Trade
Buying and selling of goods in small

A retail trader buys goods from the wholesalers and

sells them to the customers
Retail Trade
Retail trade includes all activities directly
related to sale of goods or services to
ultimate consumers for consumption
Types of Retail Trade

Itinerant Traders Fixed Shop

Itinerant Traders
Itinerant Traders

Traders are having no fixed place of business

Eg: Hawkers, street traders etc.

Characteristics of
Itinerant Traders
Characteristics of Itinerant Traders
a Small scale operation

Due to limited resource

Characteristics of Itinerant Traders
b Deal in consumer products

Usually they deal in consumer goods of daily use

Eg: Fruits, vegetables, fish, stationery etc.
Characteristics of Itinerant Traders
c Door step service

They provide goods at the door step of the

Characteristics of Itinerant Traders
d Limited stock

As they have no fixed place to operate, they do their

business with limited stock only
Characteristics of Itinerant Traders
a) Small scale operation
b) Deal in consumer products
c) Door step service
d) Limited stock
Kinds of Itinerant Traders
Kinds of Itinerant Traders
1.Hawkers and Peddlers
2.Market Traders
3.Street Traders / Pavement Traders
4.Cheap Jacks
Hawkers and Peddlers
Hawkers are the traders
who carry their products on
carts or bicycles

Peddlers carry their products

on their back or head or in
baskets or shoulder bags
Features of Hawkers
and Peddlers
Features of Hawkers and Peddlers

● Generally dealing non-standardized and

low value goods.
● Operates mainly on streets of residential
areas, exhibition grounds, public places
● Supply the goods at the
door step of the consumers.
M a r k e t Traders
These traders sell their articles on fixed
days in different market places
Features of
Market Traders
Features of Market Traders
a)They deal in one particular line of goods. Eg:
toys, garments, crockery etc.
b) Sell products on fixed days in the market.

c)Dealing in Low priced goods.

d) They move from one market to another.

S t r e e t Traders / Pa v e m e n t Traders
These traders generally arrange their articles
at busy street corners, near railway stations
Features of
Street Traders
Features of Street Traders

a) They sell consumer items of daily use.

b) Generally operates near public places.
c) Do not change their places of business
C h e a p Jacks
They usually, hire small shops for a short period of
Depending upon the scope of sale they keep shifting
from one locality to another
Features of
Cheap Jacks
Features of Cheap Jacks
a) They deal in consumer items.

b)Also provide services like repairing watches, shoes,

buckets etc.

c)Move from one area to another depending on sales


d)They also sells goods in temporary sheds during

Itinerant Traders
At a glance

Hawkers and Peddlers

Market Traders
Street Traders / Pavement Traders
Cheap Jacks
Fixed Shop Retailers
Fixed S h o p Retailers

These retailers are those who carry on business by

maintaining a fixed place of business to sell their

They do not move from one place to another

Fixed S h o p Retailers
Depending upon the size of operations,
they can be of two types

Small scale Retailers Large scale retailers

Fe a t u r e s of
Fixed S h o p
Fixed S h o p Retailers - F eatur es
a Large resources
They have a lot of goods compared to itinerant
Fixed S h o p Retailers - F eatur es
b Deal in different products

They deal consumer goods,

both durables and non-durables
Fixed S h o p Retailers - F eatur es
c Credibility
They have greater credibility in the minds of
consumers as they provide services like home
delivery, guarantees, repairs, credit facility etc.
Types of
Fixed S h o p
General Retailers Second Hand
Stores Goods Shop

Speciality Street Stall

Shops Holders
S m a l l S c a l e Retailers

They are running their business on a small

scale and deal in a limited line of goods
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
a General Stores
They are selling all general items of goods such as
groceries, stationery, oils, etc.
Customers can buy most of their requirements at one place

They may also provide free home delivery, credit facilities

etc. to regular customers
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
Features of General Stores
● They stock variety of goods for day to day
● Open for long hours based on the convenience of
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
Features of General Stores
● Provide credit facilities to regular customers.
● Located near residential area.
● Provide service like home delivery etc.
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
b Speciality Shops
They are specialized in a single product of a
certain line
Also known as Single Line Stores

E.g. kids wear shop, computer shop, bookshop etc.

S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
Features of Speciality Shops
● Specialize in one product only.
● Located in central places.
● Keep all brands of a particular product.
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
c Street Stall Holders
They are generally located at street
crossings or in the main street

They usually display their goods on a table, stand

or by fixing a shelf on the wall
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
Features of Street Stall Holders
● Deal in cheaper goods. Eg: toys, soft drinks, hosiery
items etc.
● They mainly attract floating customers.
● The stall is housed in very small area.
● Found in high customer traffic area.
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
d Second hand goods shop
They are dealing in second hand goods such as
books, furniture, clothes, used cars and other
household items
S m a l l S c a l e R et ailers
Features of Second Hand Goods Shop
● Usually found in busy streets.
● Helpful for low income group.
● They often sell antique items and rare object of
historical value.
Departmental Vending
Stores Large Machine

Multiple Super
Shops Bazar

Mail Order
L a r g e S c a l e R et ailers

Large scale retailing may be defined as retail

trade involving operations on a large scale and
sale of goods in small quantities
L a r g e S c a l e R et ailers
a Departmental Stores
It is a large scale retail shop selling a wide variety of goods
in different departments under one roof and one

Textile Department Consumer Goods Department

Each department deals in separate line of goods like

stationery, books, furniture, clothing, footwear etc.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Features of Departmental Stores

Additional facilities like restaurant, telephone booth, rest
room, play area etc.

Usually located in central place of a big city.

Large scale retail organization, generally formed as joint
stock companies.

Play Area for
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Features of Departmental Stores

Elimination of middlemen – They are making their
purchases directly from the producers.

Centralized purchases and decentralized selling.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Departmental Stores

Central location attracts more and more customers.

Shopping convenience to the customers as they get
different products under one roof.

Consumer services are
provided like free home
delivery, telephone facilities,
restaurants, rest rooms etc.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Departmental Stores

Economies of large scale operation in the matter of
transportation, advertising, purchase etc.

Automatic mutual
advertisement – One
department advertises
the other.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Departmental Stores

Lack of personal attention – as they have to handle a
very large number of customers daily.

High Operating Cost – due to heavy rent, salaries of
experts etc.

High possibility of loss – Lack of personal
They incur high loss due attention
to change in taste and
fashion of consumers, as
they have a large
quantity of stock.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Departmental Stores

Inconvenient Location – The central location of the
store make it inconvenient for the consumers who
reside away from it, also it suffers from traffic
problems and parking difficulties.

Huge investment – It
requires heavy investment
for establishment and
Multiple Shops
Chain Stores
L a r g e S c a l e R et ailers
b Multiple Shops / Chain Stores
It is a system of branch shops operated under a
centralized management and dealing in similar line
of goods
Branches of the shop are
located throughout the
nation under the same
name and management
and they specialize in one
or two lines of goods
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Multiple Shops
Multiple shops are organized by the manufacturers
to eliminate middlemen

Eg. Bata Shoe company, Bombay Dyeing Show Rooms, Big

Bazar, Coffee Day, Raymonds, KFC etc.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Multiple Shops
In a multiple shop there is uniformity in
advertisement, window display and interior display
of goods etc.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Features of Multiple Shops

Convenient location for consumers.

Centralized buying and decentralized selling.

Centralized management and unified system of
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Features of Multiple Shops

Follows cash and carry principle.

Uniformity in shop’s design and lay-out.

Proper inspection from head office ensures the
smooth functioning.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Multiple Shops

Economies of large scale buying – Centralized
purchase attracts higher discount, low transportation
cost, common advertisement etc.

Elimination of middlemen – Direct bulk purchase from

No bad debts – They follow cash and carry system.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Multiple Shops

Diffusion of risk – Loss in one shop may be
compensated by the profits in other shops.

Low cost – Low cost of operation because of
economies of scale.

Flexibility – Unprofitable branches can be shifted to
somewhere else.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Multiple Shops

Limited choice – they deal in one or two lines of goods.

Lack of initiative and motivation – Due to centralized
control, there is only less chance for initiatives from
the part of the branch managers.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Multiple Shops

No personal contact due to large scale operations.

Risk due to change in taste and fashion lead to great
Differences B e t w e e n
Departmental Stores
Multiple S h o p s
D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . Multipl e S h o p s

1 Location

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

Central location Not necessary

D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . M u l t i pl e S h o p s

2 Variety of goods

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

Limited variety of
Large variety of
goods from a
goods from different
specific producer
D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . M u l t i pl e S h o p s

3 Services offered

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

Additional facilities
No such additional
like restaurants, play
facilities are
zone, alteration of
garments etc.
D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . M u l t i pl e S h o p s

4 Pricing policy

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

No uniform pricing
policies, instead they Fixed price and uniform
are giving discounts to pricing policies are
clear the stocks in followed
special occasions
D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . M u l t i pl e S h o p s

5 Class of customers

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

Suitable for middle and
High income group who
low income group who
care more for the
are more concern about
services rather than the
quality products at
price of products
reasonable price
D e p a r t m e n t a l S t o r e s V s . M u l t i pl e S h o p s

6 Credit facilities

Departmental Stores Multiple Shops

Sometimes to Strictly on cash

regular customers basis
Mail Order
L a r g e S c a l e R et ailers
c Mail Order Houses
It is a form of retailing where the business
transactions are done through post or by mail

There is not direct personal contact between the

buyer and the seller
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Mail Order Houses
Under this system, receipt of orders, delivery of
goods and payment etc. are done through the mail

E.g. VPP (Value Payable Post). This system is also

called shopping by post.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Mail Order Houses – Mode of Operation
1.Giving advertisement in various media.

2.Preparing a mailing list of prospective customers.

(Data may be collected from telephone directories,
social media etc.)
3.Approaching the
prospective customers by
sending circulars, catalogues
etc. by post.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Mail Order Houses – Mode of Operation
4.Receiving of orders from
5.Execution of orders by sending the
goods through post office.
6.Receiving payment – It may be in different forms
such as advance payment at the time of placing
orders, VPP or payment through bank.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Suitability of Goods for Mail Order Houses
1.Graded and standardized goods.
2.Easily transported at low cost. Eg: light in weight.

3.Goods having ready demand in the market.

L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Suitability of Goods for Mail Order Houses
4.They should be available in large quantity
throughout the year.

5.Goods which are having least competition in the


6.Goods which are not available in the local

L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Mail Order Houses
1.Limited capital – It does not require huge
buildings, furniture etc.
2. Elimination of middlemen – Hence the cost of
operation is minimized
3. No bad debt – No credit facilities are allowed to
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Advantages of Mail Order Houses
4. Wide reach – The area of operation is not
5. Convenience in buying – i.e. delivery of goods
are made at the door steps.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Mail Order Houses
1. No personal contact – Customers do not have
a chance to examine the products.
2. High promotion cost – Heavy expenses on
3.No after-sales service.
4.No credit facilities.
L a r g e S c a l e Retailers
Limitations of Mail Order Houses
5.Delay in delivery.
6. Possibility of abuse – Dishonest traders may
cheat the customers.
5.High dependence on postal
services – Success of the
business depends on the
efficiency of postal department.
G o o d s and Service
G o o d s a n d S e r v i c e Tax

1. Introduced by Government of India on 1st July 2017

2. One Nation One Tax

3.It is a destination based single tax on the supply of goods

and services from the manufacturer to the consumer
G o o d s a n d S e r v i c e Tax

4.Replaced multiple taxes levied by central and state


5.Reduced tax burden by eliminating tax on tax

G o o d s a n d S e r v i c e Tax
6.GST consists of CGST and SGST, which are applicable in
case of intra-state supply of goods and services and IGST
in case of inter-state supply of goods and services

7.Tax liability arises

when the taxable
person crosses the
limit of 20 lakhs turn
over per year.
F e a t u r e s of
G o o d s a n d S e r v i c e Tax
F ea t u r es of G o o d s a n d Ser v i c e Tax
a)GST is applicable to the whole country including
Jammu and Kashmir.

b) It is a destination based consumption tax.

c)Import of goods are treated as inter-state supplies and

hence IGST is applicable for for such goods.
F ea t u r es of G o o d s a n d Ser v i c e Tax

d)CGST, SGST and IGST are levied at rates mutually

agreed by the Centre and the State based on the
recommendations of GST Council.

e) There are four tax slabs: 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%
F ea t u r es of G o o d s a n d Ser v i c e Tax
f) Export and supplies to SEZ are zero-rated.

g)Tax payer can remit the tax amount through different

payment gateways such as Net Banking, Debit/Credit
Card, NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) and RTGS
(Real Time Gross Settlement.

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