Food and Restaurants: Preview

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4 Food and Restaurants


preview B 2:20 Vocabulary

teaching time:
Your actual
teaching time:
Before Exercise A, give students a few minutes of silent time
to observe the menu. Vocabulary Flash Card Player

A Read the menu . . . • Have students point to the words on the menu as they
Suggested 10 Your actual hear them.
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
Language and culture
• Ask students What’s the name of the restaurant? • Each category of the menu (appetizer, salad, entrée,
(World Café.) etc.) is called a course. The word entrée occasionally means
• Review the names of each pictured menu item as a class. first course, but in this context it means main course. The
Point out that beverages are not pictured. meaning varies according to the country or region in
• To familiarize students with new vocabulary, have them which the restaurant is located.
circle new words and ask you questions about them. To
help students formulate questions, write the following on
C Pair work
the board:
Suggested 2–3 Your actual
What is ? teaching time: minutes teaching time:
What are ?
• Write a few model sentences on the board to guide the
• Point to the photos to help explain your answers. (Every
students’ conversations. For example:
food item has a corresponding photo.)
A: I like . What about you?
• Make sure students understand the word spicy. Say B: I like the but I don’t like the .
Spicy food has a strong taste. It feels hot in your mouth.
• After students speak with their partners, have several
pairs report to the class. Possible responses: We both like
What kinds of food are spicy?
ice cream. / Both of us like ice cream. He likes fish, but I
Do you like spicy food?
don’t. Note: Students practiced language for comparing
What is a spicy dish that you like?
in Unit 3, page 32.
• To check students’ understanding of the beverages, ask
questions such as:
Do you like coffee or tea?
D Notepadding
Do you drink soft drinks? Suggested 7 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
What’s your favorite soft drink?
What type of fruit juice do you like? • Students may name dishes that don’t have an English
Do you like still or sparkling water? equivalent. That is OK at this point in the unit. The
Option: (+5 minutes) Challenge your students by asking purpose of this exercise is for them to categorize foods
them to find three words on the menu that describe they know according to this new course vocabulary.
how the food is prepared (fried, grilled, roast[ed]). Some Option: (+5 minutes) For additional practice, call out the
students may be able to explain the meaning of each (fried names of dishes from the students’ home country and have
= cooked in hot oil; grilled = cooked on a hot surface, such as them decide in what category the dish fits.
a pan; roast[ed] = cooked in a hot, dry oven).
Option: (+5–10 minutes) To expand the activity, have students
Language and culture work in pairs to plan a menu for a delicious dinner with one
• Soft drinks are carbonated nonalcoholic beverages. food item for each category, which they then present to the
Depending on where a person is from, there are variations class. For example:
of the term soft drinks. Some are: soda, pop, soda pop. In appetizer: fish soup
British English they are called fizzy drinks. Bottled water salad: tomato salad
with bubbles is called sparkling water. It’s also sometimes entrée: grilled chicken
called seltzer or club soda. dessert: chocolate ice cream
beverage: water and then coffee with dessert


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