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Nicole Salditos BSEd-English 2

Using the Three-Dimensional Grammar Framework, answer the following questions

about Teaching Grammar:

1.Should we teach grammar or simply create the conditions by which learners learn

In my way of thinking, I think the teacher should teach the grammar instead of creating
conditions in which learners learn naturally because, for me as a student, the best way
for me to learn is with the help of teachers. Students can't correct their errors without a
teacher, so, in other words, the teacher should teach proper grammar so the students
can do better and they can correct their errors by getting feedback, which can really help
the students. Creating conditions would not be enough, so students should have
guidance from teachers.

2.What grammar should we teach?

The grammar that we should teach is the three-dimensional grammar framework, which
is morphosyntax (form), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (use), because it
discusses how to form a sentence, give it meaning, and how to use it.

3. When should we teach grammar? Is it best to teach grammar when learners first
start to learn an L2 or to wait until later when learners have already acquired some
linguistic competence?

I think grammar should be taught when learners first start to learn an L2, because it is
best to teach grammar at an early stage. I believe that students can learn by being
taught step by step, especially if they are not exposed to L2, so it is better to teach them
from the start in order for them to learn. And if they are aware of the grammar, they can
probably know how to use it.

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