15 Marks Agency Management

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15 marks

1. Sales Promotion & 2 Methods (Trade oriented & consumes Oriented)

2. GAP Model of Service delivering [with diagram]
3. Marketing plan plan - 7 steps
4. Analyze any 2 award inning ad of any 2/3 of given ad agencies.: JWD , OGILVY, FCB etc

7/8 mks
5. Account planning process
6. * DA GMAR
7. * AIDA
8. * Means - end - theory
9. * Role of Account planner.
10. Types of ad agencies - 7 types
11. * Structure / Departments of ad agency
12. * 3 Theories of entrepreneurship
13. * Functions of entrepreneur
14. A Stages in client. agency relationship
15. * compensation method
16. * 3 stages of buying behavior (cognitive, affective , corporative )
17. Objectives of trade /consumer oriented sales promotion, pros & cons
18. Evolution of ad agency l services offered by ad agency.
19. * Financial Sources of capital
20. * Ways to gain clients explain speculative pitches in detail ?

Short notes
1. Social CRM?
2. Virtual ad ?

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