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MS 2015-1:2017


The purpose of this Malaysian Standard is to provide a guideline of clean, hygienic, user and
environmental friendly, safe and convenient-to-use public toilet facilities of appropriate design
and quality. This Malaysian Standard provides guidance on the basic care and maintenance
of the facilities in public toilets.
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MS 2015-1:2017

Public toilets - Part 1 : Design criteria

1 Scope
This Malaysian Standard covers all public toilets, whether found in stand-alone structures or
inside buildings (used by the occupants or by visitors to the building, or both). It includes
statutory requirements, design, location, number, type and quality of the public toilets.

Guidance is given to the provision of public toilets of various categories and adequacy,
wherever they may be located.
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This standard does not cover supply of water and storage systems for public toilets. Providers
of public toilets will provide systems that are ecologically appropriate to the location and are of
sound construction.

2 Normative references
The following normative references is indispensable for the application of this standard. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the normative reference (including any amendments) apply.

MS 1184 Universal design and accessibility in the built environment - Code of practice

MS 2015-4, Public toilets - Part 4: Code of practice for maintenance

Uniform Building By-Laws 1984

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 accessible route

Continuous unobstructed path connecting all accessible elements and spaces in a building or
facility that can be negotiated safely by persons with disabilities.

NOTE. For non-ambulatory persons, this accessible path may not incorporate any step, drop,
stairway, turnstile, revolving door, escalator or other impediment which would prevent it from being
safely negotiated by such persons. Interior accessible routes include doorways, corridors, floors, ramps,
lifts and clear floor spaces at fixtures. Exterior accessible routes include parking access aisles, curb
ramps, walkways and ramps.

3.2 accessible toilet unit

Toilet unit that has features, which allow the unit to be used by people with disabilities.

3.3 all-gender

No distinction or restriction on access or use made on the basis of sex.

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MS 2015-1:2017

3.4 arrival rate

Percentage of population expected to use the public toilet within a given period.

3.5 attendant

Person dedicated to the supervision of a public toilet and present at all times when the toilet is
available for users. An attendant may also carry out cleaning tasks and merchandising.

3.6 average peak

Average of the maximum values recorded in a survey for a stipulated period of time.
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3.7 cleaning

Process that largely removes visible dirt and smell.

3.8 foyer

Enclosed or semi-enclosed space with entry off a public place and giving access to two or
more toilet units.

3.9 gender ratio

Ratio of male and female in any group of people and expressed in this standard as a

3.10 gender-specific toilet

Toilet facility where male and female users are separated.

3.11 janitor room

Room to place equipment and cleaning chemicals with a proper ventilation system, floor trap,
wash trough, shelves and mop hanger.

3.12 long-term stay

Greater than 2 hour stay.

3.13 main toilet area

Circulation area within toilet facilities.

3.14 medium-term stay

1 to 2 hour stay.

3.15 occupancy time

Total time taken to complete any aspect of toilet use.

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3.16 parenting unit

Enclosed space similar to or within a toilet unit and containing fittings for use when nursing,
feeding children or dealing with their personal hygiene or infant facility.

3.17 performance criteria

Qualitative or quantitative criteria, which public toilets satisfy.

3.18 population

Maximum number of persons who will arrive at and/or gather in the vicinity of a public toilet at
any time and is used only when calculating the number of toilet units required.
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3.19 provider

Any person or organisation, whether corporate or non-corporate, having the control of and the
financial responsibility for the construction, alteration, operation and maintenance of a public

3.20 public toilet

Building or part of a building where the provision of any public toilet which is a requirement
from authorities or where public access to a toilet is ordinarily permitted, conditionally or

3.21 sanitising

Process that removes residual soil, odour and kills bacteria.

3.22 self-contained unit/toilet unit

A self-contained fully enclosed space containing a water closet or urinals, a hand basin, floor
trap and possibly other toilet features.

3.23 short-term stay

Less than 1 hour.

3.24 showering unit

Enclosed space similar to or within a toilet unit and containing fittings for use when showering.

3.25 toilet cubicle

Fully enclosed space within a public toilet facility containing a water closet,
squatting pan, tissue holder, hook, floor trap, shelf and hand bidet or built in bidet.

3.26 toilet facility

Group of more than one toilet units.

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4 Performance requirements
4.1 Function

The function of a public toilet is to provide facilities for the public to use in which they may
urinate, defecate, clean themselves, groom, perform parenting needs (where applicable) and
otherwise attend to bodily needs in a clean, secure, private and hygienic manner.

4.2 Context of use

4.2.1 Public toilets may be found in buildings of all types accessible to the public, in urban
centres, in rural locations near scenic attractions and in parks, highway rest areas and remote
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4.2.2 Public toilets are used by variety of people of all genders and age including elders,
infants and people with mobility disabilities, wheelchair users, sight or hearing disability.

4.2.3 Public toilets may be exposed to the effects of the weather, external loads and
pressures and ground movement. Public toilets shall be designed to withstand weather,
vandalism and undesired activities.

4.2.4 Public toilets are expected to be well located, clean, safe, hygienic, well ventilated,
odourless, properly lighted and always ready for use.

4.3 Performance

4.3.1 Public toilet facilities shall provide for the needs of people of all genders, for parents
and children, for people with disabilities and their carers in all gender combinations.

4.3.2 Public toilets shall be safe, private and hygienic and should be conveniently located,
structurally sound and vandal resistant.

4.4 Structure

Public toilets are either buildings or part of a building. As such they shall comply with the
statutory and requirements of authorities. The performance requirements for the toilet building
and sanitary fixtures within it will be the same regardless of the location.

4.5 Number

Sufficient public toilet units shall be provided:

a) to meet the requirements of the locality; and

b) to meet the requirements of the expected gender ratio.

For recommended number of toilet cubicles, see Annex D.

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4.6 Public toilets

Public toilets shall provide:

a) a safe and private environment;

b) facilities where users may carry out personal hygiene and grooming tasks in privacy;

c) a hygienic environment unlikely to cause infection, disease or soiling of clothes;

d) all likely users of any gender, age, or combination of gender and age including parenting
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e) the needs of disabled people and their carers, if any;

f) the requirements and expectations of users;

g) convenient and user friendly facilities and fittings;

h) construction and fittings that are structurally sound and materials that are durable and
with ease of maintenance;

i) fittings that are vandal resistant;

j) well lighting and good ventilation (natural or mechanical);

k) parenting unit, where it is deemed necessary e.g. at shopping complexes, rest and
recreation areas and transport terminals;

l) use of environmental friendly resources; and

m) the right gender cleaning operator.

5 Design of public toilets

5.1 Guide for design brief preparation

Reference to this standard in the order listed as per Table 1 will assist providers to prepare
public toilet design briefs.

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Table 1. Design guide

Clause Action
Clause 6: Location - Select location.

Clause 7: Number of toilet units - Determine the likely population;

- Determine the length of stay;
- Determine the arrival rate;
- Determine the gender ratio;
- Decide if all-gender or gender-specific toilet
- Facilities are to be provided; and
- Consider a provision for expansion.
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Annex C: Number of toilet units - Determine the number of toilet units required;
- Determine the number of accessible toilet
units; and
- Determine the number of shower units and
parenting required.
Clause 5: Design of public toilets - Decide on the arrangement of the toilet units
and and if the number of units shall be varied in
Annex E: Public toilet facilities – order to meet changing population demand.
Examples of layouts
Annex A: Design features and - Decide which features are to be provided.
Annex B: Toilet fittings and criteria - Decide which fittings are to be provided
Annex F: Guide plans for toilet units - Consult guide plans for layout of features and
fittings in all-gender toilet units.
Annex D: Sanitary accommodation - Based on type of occupancies and area.

5.2 Design considerations

5.2.1 Safety and security

Public toilet facilities and their entrances shall be obvious to the passing public and shall not
be concealed. Safety and security will be affected by:

a) location;

b) siting;

c) entrance orientation;

d) absence of dead ends and loitering spaces;

e) use of fully enclosed, self-contained toilet units;

f) latch or lockable doors to toilet units;

g) a means of rescue from toilet cubicles;

h) use of all-gender toilets;

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i) an attendant (where appropriate and of the right gender);

j) multiple entrances to unattended foyers;

k) illumination levels (minimum 200 lux);

l) signage indicates slippery floor during cleaning (hazardous);

m) non-slip material flooring; and

n) material/colour contrast when there is level change.

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1. Toilets placed in hidden and obscure locations have a greater potential to host undetected and
unwanted activities. Users should be safe from harassment or assault when using public toilets.

2. For the safety of toilet users, the toilet doors and the approaches to them should not be restricted in
terms of surrounding space, nor should they be secreted away from public view.

3. Where toilets occur within view of residential or commercial neighbors there may be a conflict of
interests in some situations over the placement of the toilet doors.

5.2.2 Privacy

Users shall be able to carry out personal hygiene and grooming tasks in private. Privacy will
be affected by:

a) vision, sound and odour isolation;

b) fully enclosed, self-contained toilet units; and

c) lockable doors/latch to toilet units.

5.2.3 Hygiene

Users shall be provided with a hygienic environment unlikely to cause infection, disease or
soiling of clothes. Hygiene will be affected by:

a) appropriate toilet fittings;

b) cleanliness and working order;

c) easily cleaned toilet fittings and surfaces;

d) provision of cleaning facilities;

e) an effective cleaning schedule;

f) ventilation levels;

g) generous space for unwanted user contact avoidance;

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h) fittings, which avoid unwanted bodily contact;

i) appropriate position of fittings (i.e. hand bidet on the right hand side of the wall); and

j) pests control (see MS 2015-4).

5.2.4 Equality

Public toilets shall cater for all users of any gender and irrespective of physical disability.
Equality will be affected by provision of:

a) accessible toilet units;

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b) gender-specific toilet units;

c) parenting facilities;

d) fittings suitable for children;

e) fittings for different cultures or religion; and

f) users/carers of different gender.

5.2.5 Convenience

Convenience of use of public toilets will be affected by:

a) location;

b) operating hours;

c) number of toilet units;

d) provision of appropriate features;

e) provision of appropriate fittings; and

f) signage (i.e.,directional, gender and for people with disabilities) (see MS 1184).

5.2.6 Vandal resistance

Public toilets shall resist vandalism so as to remain available for use and to provide pleasant
surroundings. Vandal resistance will be affected by:

a) location;

b) siting;

c) entrance locations;

d) illumination (200 lux) levels;

e) awareness signage to educate user i.e.,no smoking and no littering;

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