298) One Word Substitution PDF 1

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Word Power

One word

By – Nidhi Ma’am
1. Ambulatory - चलनक्षम - Able to walk after being bedridden.
2. Alien - विदे शी - A person residing in a country of which he is not a
3. Anomaly - वनयमहीनता – Where common rules are not followed
4. Amateur - शौविया - One who pursues some art or sport as a hobby.
5. Anarchy - अराजिता - Absence of government.
6. Anonymous - गुमनाम- That does not bear the name of the writer.
7. Antiseptic - रोगाणुरोधि -That which prevents cuts etc. from
becoming infected.
8. Antibiotic - जीिाणुनाशि – A medicine that inhibits the growth of or
destroys microorganisms.
9. Antidote - विषहर औषध – A medicine given or taken to counteract a
particular poison.
10. Antifungal - फंगसरोधी – A medicine used to prevent fungal
11. Aquatic - जलीय - Living in (or near) water.
12. Atheist - नास्तिि - One who does not believe in God.
13. Audience - श्रोता – An assembly of listeners.
14. Autocracy - एितंत्र – A government where powers are
concentrated in the hands of one person.
15. Barometer - िायुदाबमापी - An instrument of measuring
atmospheric pressure.
16. Bibliophile - पुिि प्रेमी – A person who loves or collects books.
17. Botanist - िनस्पवत शास्त्री – One who is well versed in the
knowledge of plants andvegetables.
18. Blonde - सुनहरे बालोंिाला -A lady of fair complexion and golden
19. Catalogue - सूची -A list of the names of books.
20. Cardiologist - हृदय-वचवित्सि – A person who is well versed in the
matter relating to heart.
21. Colleagues - सहयोगी -People working together in the same
22. Contemporary - समिालीन – Persons living at the same time.
23. Combustible - दहनशील - Liable to catch fire easily.
24. Contagious - संक्रामि - A disease communicable by contact.
25. Chronological - िालक्रमबद्ध - According to sequence of time.
26. Cosmopolitan - सिवदेशीय - Free from national prejudices.
27. Credulous - विश्रंभी - One who believes easily whatever told.
28. Customary - ररिाजी - According to custom.
29. Dead letter - बेपता वचट्ठी - A letter claimed by nobody.
30. Democracy - लोितंत्र - Government of the people, by the
people, for thepeople.
31. Dictionary - शब्दिोष - A book which tells what various words
32. Desertion - पररत्याग - Abandonment of one's country or cause
33. Drawn - दोनों पक्ष में समान – A battle or match in which neither
party wins.
34. Domicile - आिास – A place where one lives permanently
35. Edible - खाद्य -Fit to be eaten.
36. Eligible - योग्य - One who is fit to be selected.
37. Ethnic – संजातीय - Being connected with particular racial group.
38. Euphemism - प्रेयोस्ति - Bombastic style of writing.
39. Extempore - वबना तैयारी िे – A speech made without any previous
40. Famous - मशहूर – A person who is known to all.
41. Fatal - घाति – A disease or accident which ends in death.
42. Fatalistic - भाग्यिादी -One who believes in fate.
43. Feminist - नारीिादी – A supporter of the cause of the woman.
44. Fantastic - ज़बरदि - One who enjoys everything carelessly.
45. Fiend - राक्षस - A very cruel man.
46. Finger-post - वफंगर-पोस्ट - A guide-post pointing out the way for a
47. Germicide - िीटाणुनाशी - Substance having power to destroy
48. Gynaecologist - प्रसूवतशास्री – One who is well versed with
the science offemale ailments.
49. Hades - पाताल - Lower world beneath the earth.
50. Homicide - मानि हत्या – The illegal killing of one man by another
51. Homogeneous - सजातीय – Ideas containing elements of same
52. Honorary - सम्मानार्व - A post for which no salary is paid or
gives as anhonour.
53. Hospitable - मेहमाननिाज़ - One who entertains his guests.
54. Hydra- बहुत वसरों िाला सांप - An imaginary serpent with many heads
55. Hypertension - अवतरिदाब - Abnormally high blood pressure.
56. Hypnotism - सम्मोहन - A science of hypnosis by which a
hypnotist caninduce an artificial sleep on others.
57. Inaccessible - दु गवम - Incapable of being approached.
58. Inaudible - अश्राव्य - That which cannot be heard.
59. Incorrigible - असंशोधनीय – That which cannot be corrected.
60. Incredible - अविश्वसनीय - That which cannot be believed.
61. Incurable - लाइलाज - That which cannot be cured.
62. Illicit - अिैध – That which is prohibited by law.
63. Illegal - गैरिानूनी - Contrary to law.
64. Illegible - अस्पष्ट - That which cannot be read.
65. Illiterate - अनपढ़ - One who can neither read nor write.
66. Immovable - अचल - That which cannot be moved.
67. Indescribable - अिणवनीय - That which cannot be described.
68. Indispensable - अपररहायव - that which cannot be dispensed with.
69. Ineligible - अयोग्य - Not fit to be elected or selected.
70. Infallible - अचूि - A person who cannot make a mistake.
71. Insatiable - लालची - That which cannot be satisfied.
72. Insoluble - अघुलनशील - That cannot be dissolved.
73. Inseparable - अविभाज्य - That cannot be separated.
74. Interfere - हिक्षेप – Intervene in a situation without invitation or
75. Interact - परस्पर प्रभाि डालना – To talk to the other person and
have effect on them.
76. Interrupt - अिरोध – Stop the continuous progress of something.
77. Intercede - मध्यस्र् बनना – Intervene on behalf of others to
mediate between e parties
78. Invincible - अजेय - Incapable of being conquered.
79. Invisible - अदृश्य - That cannot be seen.
80. Irrelevant - अप्रासंवगि - not to the point.
81. Irreparable - अप्रवतिायव - That cannot be repaired.
82. Irritable - वचड़वचड़ा - One who is quick to anger.
83. Jockey races - पेशेिर सिार – A professional rider in horse
84. Jury - न्यायपीठ - Body of persons appointed to hear evidence and
give theirjudgement.
85. Kindergarten - बालिाड़ी - A school for young children.
86. Kidnap - अपहरण िरना -To carry away a person forcibly.
87. Linguist - भाषाविद् - One who knows many languages.
88. Maiden speech - प्रर्म भाषण - A speech made for the first time.
89. Materialistic - भौवतििादी – A social order which values money.
90. Manuscript- हिवलवप - Papers written by hand.
91. Mercenary - लोभी -A man working merely for money.
92. Migratory - प्रिासी -That moves from one place in another.
93. Mimic – अनुिरण िरनेिाला – One who imitates voice, gestures etc.
of others.
94. Misogynist - नारी द्वे षी –A person who dislikes women
95. Misanthropist - मानिद्वे षी – A person who dislikes mankind.
96. Misogamist - वििाह-द्वे षी – A person who dislikes marriage.
97. Neurotic - नसों िे वििार से पीवित – A person who suffers from
nervous disease.
98. Notorious - िुख्यात - Of evil reputation.
99. Omnipotent - सिवशस्तिमान - One who is all powerful. (God)
100. Omnipresent - सिव-भूत - One who is present everywhere. (God)
101. Omniscient - सिवज्ञ - One who knows everything. (God)
102. Opaque - अपारदशी - A body through which light cannot pass.
103. Optician - प्रिाशविज्ञानशास्री - One who prescribes glasses.
104. Optimist - आशािादी - One who takes the bright or positive side of
105. Orphan - अनार् - A child whose parents are dead.
106. Orthodox - रूवढ़िादी - A man of traditional beliefs.
107. Patricide - वपता िा िध – A murder of one’s father
108. Panacea - रामबाण - A remedy for all ills.
109. Pedestrian - पैदल यात्री - One who walks on foot.
110. Pessimist - वनराशािादी - One who takes the dark or negative side
of things.
111. Philanthropist - जनवहतैषी – One who does good to one’s
112. Polygamist - बहुपत्नीिादी – A person who has more than one wife
or husband.
113. Pick-pocket - जेबितरा - One who steals from the pockets of
114. Preface - प्रिािना - Author's explanatory remarks at the
beginning of abook.
115. Popular - लोिवप्रय - One who is liked by the people.
116. Post-mortem - मरणोत्तर - An examination made after the death.
117. Parables - नैवति िहानी - Stories which build morale
118. Quorum - गणपूवतव - Required minimum number of
members to bepresent in the meeting to make official
119. Right - विशेषावधिार - Privilege, enjoyed by citizens.
120. Simultaneously - एि सार् – Taking place or happening at the
same time
121. Scholarship - छात्रिृवत्त - Allowance given to intelligent student.
122. Sarcasm - ताना - Bitter and ironical remark.
123. Stoic - उदासीन - A person who can endure pain
124. Tumor - अबुवद - Abnormal growth in some part of the body.
125. Teetotaller - मद्यत्यागी - A person who abstains from all kinds
of alcoholicdrinks.
126. Theist - आस्तिि - A person who believes in the existence of God.
127. Transparent - पारदशी - That which can be clearly seen through.
128. Truant - अनुपस्तस्र्त रहने – A person who is absent from
the class withoutpermission.
129. Unanimous - एिमत - A decision taken by the votes of all.
130. Vegetarian - शािाहारी - One who eats only vegetables and
abstains frommeat of animals.
131. Veteran - अनुभिी व्यस्ति -A well experienced person.
132. Voluntary - स्वैस्तिि - An action taken at one's own freewill.

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