Climate and Weather

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HIGH SCHOOL 7 - Copper 1 1 3:00-4:00 PM

A. Content Standards The learners will be have a knowledge on the Climate and Weather.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to Define and Enumerate kinds of weather
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
A. Define climate and weather and its types.
B. Describe the different weather instruments used in weather forecasting.
C. Appreciate the importance of weather forecasting; and
D. Present a weather report through personal observation of the current weather
II. CONTENT Types of Weather, Weather forecasting and Weather instruments.
A. References

1. Learners Materials Learning Modules, visual aids, markers

2. Learning Resources Images and information from

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson or ELICIT (5 minutes)
presenting the new lesson A. Greetings
“Good afternoon class” “Good afternoon Ma’am Rica”

B. Prayer
“Before anything else. Let us pray” (One student leads the prayer)

C. Set house rules

“I want you to be aware of our classroom

Classroom Rules
 Respect one another
 Answer only when recognized
 Participate in the class
 Be kind
” Are we clear about the classroom
rules?” “Yes ma’am”

D. Recalling the past lesson.

“What was our topic last
meeting?” (student’s answer what was their last topic
last meeting)

“Ma’am our last topic last meeting is all

about the layers of the earth”.

“Very good!
What are the layers of the earth?” “Ma’am, the layers of the earth are the
crust, mantle, inner core and outer core.”

Exactly, you have listened carefully last


“Today, before we start our lesson lets

have an activity first.”

Activity 1. Let’s Dance!

“How’s the Weather?”

“I am going to let you listen and watch a

video song, and afterwards let us sing
and dance it together.”

“How’s the Weather?”

How’s the weather? (students listen the song.)

It’s windy, It’s windy. It’s windy.
How’s the weather?
It’s windy.

How’s the weather?

It’s rainy. It’s rainy. It’s rainy.
How’s the weather?
It’s rainy. (Oh, no!) (students will sing and dance.)

It’s sunny. It’s sunny. It’s sunny.

How’s the weather?
It’s sunny. (Horay! Let’s play!)

“Alright! Wonderful!”
“Please settle down now.”

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson ENGAGE

a. Topic presentation

(Teacher presents the topic)

“Our topic this meeting is all about the

Climate and Weather.”

b. Presentation of the lesson


“Now, before we engage deeper into

our lesson, I will introduce to you
first our lesson objectives.
At the end of the lesson the students are
expected to:
A. Define climate and weather and
its types.
B. Describe the different weather
instruments used in weather
C. Appreciate the importance of
weather forecasting; and
D. Present a weather report through
personal observation of the
current weather condition.
c. Presenting examples/ instances of
the new lesson Insert activity 2
“Activity 2”. Oral recitation.

The teacher will post a picture of Kim

Atienza and ask a questions to the

Who’s the person in the picture?

What does he do?
Have you watched the weather forecast (students answers may vary.)
in the news before going to school?
Do you listen to weather reports?
How will you differentiate climate from

d. Discussing new concepts and EXPLORE (10 minutes)

practicing new skills #1 and 2
Okay class, eyes on this picture.

What have you observe? What pictures

shows about?


CLOUDY DAY ( students answer’s may vary)



e. Developing Mastery (leads to EXPLAIN (20 minutes)

Formative Assessment 3) On your own understanding what is
weather and climate? Is there any
differences between the two?

What kind of weather do we have today?

Types of Weather
Depending on the condition of the
atmosphere, the weather for a day may
be described as sunny, cloudy, rainy, or
stormy and windy.

Sunny- when the sun shines brightly.

The sky is clear and usually shows the
presence of cirrus clouds in the sky. The
wind is calm during sunny day.

Cloudy- when there are many clouds in

the sky and the sun is covered with

Rainy- comes with dark clouds that

bring rain. The sun is also covered with
clouds, it is dark even if it is daytime
because the sun’s light cannot pass
through the thick rain clouds.

Stormy- there are heavy rains and strong

winds during a stormy weather. The air
feels cold too. Sometimes we see
lightning and hear thunder where there is
a storm.

Windy- simply characterized by strong

winds that usually happen anytime with
any type of cloud.

The teacher will show a picture of Kim

Atienza and ask a questions to the

Who’s the person in the picture?

“Ma’am the person in the picture is Mr.

What does he do? Kim Atienza.”

Have you watched the weather forecast “He is a news caster.”

in the news before going to school?
“Yes, ma’am”.
Do you listen to weather reports?


“Aren’t you curious as to how these

weather forecasters know the weather?
Not only today’s weather, but also the
rest of the weeks?”

“Let us discuss about how weather

forecasting is done.”

“What is weather forecasting?”

“Who can read the definition?”
“Ma’am, Weather forecasting is defined as
the application of science and technology to
predict the state of the atmosphere for a
“Okay, thank you”. given location.”

“In addition, weather forecast are made

by collecting quantitative data about the
current state of the atmosphere on a
given place and using scientific
understanding of atmosphere will evolve
on that place.”

“In the past, ancient weather forecasting

methods usually relied on observed
patterns of events, also termed pattern

This experience accumulated over the

generations to produce weather lore.

An example of weather lore is when one

predicts that tomorrow’s weather will be
fine because one sees plenty of stars at
However, these are often times in
accurate and have been disproven many
times through statistical evidences and

“Do you know other examples of

weather lore?”
(student’s respond)
“Let’s watch a short video about weather

(plays video)

“What do you call study of the weather

and the different weather conditions?”

“Very good!
And the people who study meteorology “Meteorology ma’am.

Very good! “Ma’am meteorologist”.

Exactly! But what is the difference

between climatology and meteorology?

“ Ma’am Climatology focuses on how

atmospheric changes define and alter the
world’s climate.
Additionally, both climatology and Aeronomy is the study of the upper parts of
meteorology investigate weather and the atmosphere, where unique chemical and
atmospheric conditions, climatology is physical processes occur. Meteorology
focused on long term changes and focuses on the lower parts of the
consistencies associated with weather, atmosphere, primarily the troposphere,
while meteorology focuses on short-term where most weather takes place.
weather. Both scientific fields are
focused on making predictions.

“Meteorologist make weather

observations by collecting data from
different weather instruments from
different weather stations.”

“In the Philippines we have the

“Does anybody know what PAGASA
stands for?”

“Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and

“Okay, that is correct.” Astronomical Services Admistration”.

“The Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration is a national institute
dedicated to provide flood and typhoon
warnings, public weather forecasts
advisories, meteorological, astronomical,
climatological and other specialized
information and services primarily for
the protection of life and properly and in
support of economic productivity and
sustainable development.

“So, what information do we acquire

from weather forecast?

 If a low pressure are has become a

 If a typhoon is expected to enter the
PAR and when.
 What provinces are on the predicted
path of the typhoon.
 How strong the typhoon will be .
 When the typhoon is expected to
leave the PAR.
 How the typhoon will affect
Okay, can you give me an examples of people’s activities and plans.
typhoon here in the Philippines that has
females name?
“Ma’am, Typhoon Yolanda, Typhoon
Odette, Typhoon Glenda, Typhoon Ineng,
Okay, very good! Typhoon betty.”
“Why are typhoons in the Philippines
named after females?”

“What are the different weather

instruments that help in the accuracy of
weather forecasts?”

“Can you give me one?”

“Okay, that is right. A thermometer is an

example of a weather instrument.” “Thermometer.”
The following are the commonly weather
1. THERMOMETER- measures the
air temperature. Most
thermometers are closed glass
tubes containing liquids such as
alcohol or mercury. When air
around the tube heats the liquids,
the liquids expands and moves
up the tube.
A scale then shows what the
actual temperature is.

2. BAROMETER- measure air

pressure. It tells you whether or
not the pressure is rising or
falling. A rising barometer
means sunny and dry conditions,
while a failing barometer means
stormy and wet conditions.
An Italian scientist named
Evangelista Torricelli built the
first barometer in 1643.

measures relative humidity,
using the cooling effect of
evaporation. Two thermometers
used in a sling psychrometer.
Wet the cloth of one of the
thermometers and swing the
psychrometer around a few
times. Water evaporates from the
cloth, causing the temperatures
on that thermometer to be lower
than the other.”
4. HYGROMETER- measures the
water vapour content of air or the
5. RAIN GAUGE- measures the
amount of rain that has fallen
over a specific time period.

“How about a wind vane? How

does it work?”
6. WIND VANE- instrument that
determines the direction from
which the wind is blowing.

“What is the difference between a wind

vane and an anemometer?’
7. ANENOMETER- measures
wind speed. The cups catch the
wind, turning a dial attached to
the instrument. The dial shows
the wind speed.
We also have have the basic instrument
in weather forecasting, it is the……
8. WEATHER MAPS- indicate
atmospheric conditions above a
large portion of the Earth’s
Then, we have the weather balloon. Who
can read what a weather balloons does?
measures weather conditions
higher up in the atmosphere.

“Okay, but how does it performs

such task?”
10. A COMPASS is navigational
instrument for finding directions.
“And lastly, we have the Weather


used to photograph and track
large-scale air movements. Then
meteorologists compile and
analyze the data with the help of
“Okay, so weather forecasts are very
important and very helpful to us. It
informs us on what kind of weather to
expect so that we can make future
preparations before such disasters
happens. Accurate weather forecasting
can save a lot of lives and properties.”

f. Finding practical applications of ELABORATE (10 minutes)

concepts and skills in daily living 1. Enumerate the types of
2. Explain what a weather
forecast means? (Student’s answers may vary)
3. How is a weather forecast
4. What do you call the people
who studies weather
5. What are the different
instruments used in
predicting weather? Give at
least three and state their
g. Making generalizations about the “Can anyone give me the summary of
lesson our lesson today” (students answers may vary)
h. Evaluating learning EVALUATE (5 minutes)
Name: ______________Year &

1. It measures the air temperature.

a. Compass b. Barometer
c. Thermometer

2. It measures the air pressure.

a. Barometer b. Wind vane c. Rain

3. It measures the amount of rain

fallen over a specific period of
a. anemometer
b. rain gauge
c. c. weather cap
4. It is an instrument that
determines the direction from
which the wind is blowing.
a. anemometer
b. compass
c. wind vane
5. It is used to photograph and track
large-scale air movements. satellite
b. compass
c. thermometer
Enumarate the types of weather. (5 pts.)
Additional activities for application EXTEND (2 minutes)
or remediation Reflective Writing

What is the most valuable information

you have learned from today’s lesson?
Write your reflection in a one half cross
wise sheet of paper to be passed

A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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