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Resin finishing thro’ foam application on monforts finishing range.


The resin can be applied to denim fabric uniformly across the width.

One passage on stenter is omitted like normal resin padding.

The resin can be applied on singed or desized or merc. Fabric.

The migration of resin leading to center-selvage variation in bleach wash is not in

foam application as resin is being applied with very low quantity of water.

The route of finishing in normal process and this is as below.

Normal Process Thro’ Foam

Singeing Singeing

Desizing Desizing(Only singed fabric may also be


Resin padding on stenter Resin application on Monforts foam finish


Curing on stenter Curing on Stenter

Compacting on Monforts/wet finishing Compacting on Monforts/wet finishing

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