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Date : 28-10-2023 STD 7 Science Total Marks : 80

nutrition in planta

* Choose the correct alternative from those given below each questions [80]
1. Which one of the following is a parasite?
a. Lichen
b. Cuscuta
c. Pitcher plant
d. Rhizobium

Ans. :
b. Cuscuta
Nepenthes - It is an insectivorous plant.
Rhizobium - Rod shaped, aerobic, Nitrogen fixing bacterium.
Cuscuta - complete stem parasite.
Lichens - Special type of plants formed by the association of algae and fungi.

2. How does photosynthesis help to maintain the percentage of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere?
a. By giving off carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
b. By giving off oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
c. By releasing oxygen and carbon dioxide.
d. By absorbing oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Ans. :
b. By giving off oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
3. Which of the following options can be considered in insoluble form?
a. Vegetables
b. Apple
c. Water
d. Both a and b

Ans. :
d. Both a and b
4. is the primary source of energy:
a. Water
b. Oxygen
c. Sunlight
d. Food

Ans. :
d. Food
5. Which of the following raw material is available in the air for photosynthesis?
a. Oxygen.
b. Carbon dioxide.
c. Nitrogen.
d. Hydrogen.

Ans. :

b. Carbon dioxide.
6. Gas is released by the plants in the process of Photosynthesis:
a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Nitrogen
d. Hydrogen

Ans. :
a. Oxygen
Oxygen is released during the process of photosynthesis.

7. A Plant That Has Both Autotrophic And Heterotrophic Mode Of Nutrition:

a. Sundari plant.
b. Rhizobium.
c. Amarbel.
d. Pitcher plant.

Ans. :
d. Pitcher plant.
Pitcher plant derives nutrition just the way any other plant does. It takes water and
minerals from the soil and food by photosynthesis. But the soil in which it grows
doesn’t has nitrogen so it uses the pitcher for killing small insects and then digesting
them to derive nitrogen from the animal.

8. Choose the correct option from the following:

Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:
a. Roots.
b. Stem.
c. Flowers.
d. Leaves.

Ans. :
d. Leaves.
Green plants obtain their food from:

a. Photosynthesis
b. Saprotrophic process
c. Heterotrophic process
d. Symbiotic process

Ans. :
a. Photosynthesis
Generally, leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll which absorb the sunlight
and makes food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.

10. Which of the following is a nutrient?

a. Fats
b. Vitamins

c. Proteins
d. All of these

Ans. :
d. All of these
11. Cuscuta (Amarbel) is an example of:
a. Partially parasitic
b. Totally parasitic
c. Autotrophs
d. Heterotrophs

Ans. :
b. Totally parasitic
12. The ultimate source of food on earth is:
a. Plants.
b. Sunlight.
c. Animals.
d. Proteins.

Ans. :
a. Plants.
13. When two organisms are good friends and live together and they benefit each other.
Such an association of rganisms is termed as:
a. Saprophyte
b. Parasite
c. Autotroph
d. Symbiosis

Ans. :
d. symbiosis
When two organisms (such as fungus and algae) live as one and also help each other
to survive, then this association is termed as symbiosis.

14. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false:

Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. (T/ F)

Ans. : True.
15. Pitcher plant traps insects because it:
a. Is a heterotroph.
b. Grows in soils which lack in nitrogen.
c. Does not have chlorophyll.
d. Has a digestive system like human beings.

Ans. :
b. Grows in soils which lack in nitrogen.
Pitcher plant is an insectivorous plant that grow only in soils which do not contain
sufficient nitrogen. These plants trap insects by various methods, kill them and digest
then to obtain nitrogen compounds for their growth.

16. Cud is the name given to the food of ruminants which is:

a. Swallowed and undigested.
b. Swallowed and partially digested.
c. Properly chewed and partially digested.
d. Properly chewed and completely digested.

Ans. :
b. Swallowed and partially digested.
The partially digested food in the rumen (part of stomach) of ruminants (e.g. cow,
goat, sheep, etc) is called cud. It is brought back to the mouth in small amounts to be
chewed thoroughly.

17. What Would Happen, If A Goat Eats Away All The Leaves Of A Small Plant:
a. Plant will no more.
b. Remaining leaves and branches will help to sustain the plant.
c. The small plant survived on the food stored in the stem and roots.
d. Soil nutrients will help to survive the plant once again.

Ans. :
c. The small plant survived on the food stored in the stem and roots.
When a goat eats all the leaves of a small plant. Still new leaves could be seen
sprouting in the plant again. This is just because the small plant survived on the food
stored in the stem and roots. It might have undergone gaseous exchange through
lenticels on stem.

18. About “Photosynthesis”, Which Of The Statements Is Or Are Incorrect?

a. The Solar Energy is captured by the leaves and stored in the form of food.
b. Later on carbohydrate ultimate get converted into chlorophyll.
c. The synthesis prepare of food occurs in the presence of only sunlight.
d. In this process solar energy is converted into chemical energy.

Ans. :
b. Later on carbohydrate ultimate get converted into chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll, sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are necessary to carry out the
process of photosynthesis. During the process oxygen is released. The carbohydrates
ultimately get converted into starch. The presence of starch in leaves indicates the
occurrence of photosynthesis. The starch is also a carbohydrate.

19. Which one of the following cannot be categorized under heterotrophs?

a. Lion
b. Non-green plants
c. Human beings
d. None of these

Ans. :
d. None of thesea
20. Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis ?
a. Stomata
b. Leaf veins
c. Sepals

d. Root hair

Ans. :
d. Root hair
Stomata gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis.

21. Paheli Asked To Boojho That “Can You Solve The Following Riddle – I Am White And Soft.
I Grow Well In The Rainy Season. Children Pluck Me From The Ground And Admire Me.
But I Absorb Nutrients From Dead Animals And Plants”.
a. White Lotus
b. Mushroom
c. Pitcher plant
d. White Marigold

Ans. :
b. Mushroom
22. The external factor affecting the process of photosynthesis is:
a. Chlorophyll
b. Temperature
c. Oxygen
d. None of these

Ans. :
c. Oxygen
The external factor affecting the process of photosynthesis is temperature.

23. Which of the following are partial parasites?

a. Green plants.
b. Non-green plants.
c. Either (a) or (b).
d. Neither (a) nor (b).

Ans. :
c. Either (a) or (b).
24. Which of the following is a nutrient?
a. Protein
b. Fat
c. Vitamin
d. All of these

Ans. :
d. All of these
Nutrient is a necessity for human body to survive, grow and reproduce.
There are six major nutrients: Vitamins, Proteins, Fats, Water, Minerals and

25. Amarbel is an example of:

a. Autotroph
b. Parasite

c. Saprotroph
d. Host

Ans. :
a. Autotroph
Amarbel is an example of Parasite.

26. Green plants use which of the following to prepare food?

a. Carbon Dioxide.
b. Sunlight.
c. Water.
d. All of these.

Ans. :
d. All of these.
27. Rhizobium is a:
a. Bacteria
b. ungi
c. Algae
d. None of these

Ans. :
a. Bacteria
Rhizobium is a bacteria.

28. Yeast, mushroom and bread-mould are:

a. Autotrophic
b. Insectivorous
c. Saprophytic
d. Parasitic

Ans. :
c. Saprophytic
The term that is used for the mode of nutrition in yeast, mushroom and bread-mould
is saprophytic. These are all fungi.

29. Food Is Essential For All Living Organisms Because:

a. It provides energy.
b. It helps in growth and repair cells.
c. It protects our body from various diseases.
d. All of these.

Ans. :
d. All of these.
We know that food is essential for all living organisms and it provides energy to
perform various functions, helps in growth and development. Although, it protects
our body from various diseases.

30. In Photosynthesis Process, Solar Energy Is Converted Into Which Energy:

a. Carbohydrate energy.
b. Growth energy.
c. Chemical energy.
d. Physical energy.

Ans. :
c. Chemical energy.
The leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll. It helps leaves to capture the
energy of the sunlight. This energy is used to synthesise (prepare) food where solar
energy is converted into chemical energy.

31. Green Plants Obtain Their Food From:

a. Photosynthesis.
b. Saprotrophic process.
c. Heterotrophic process.
d. Symbiotic process.

Ans. :
a. Photosynthesis.
Generally, leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll which absorb the sunlight
and makes food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.

32. How does light intensity affects photosynthesis?

a. More is the intensity of the light, the more is the rate of photosynthesis
b. Less is the intensity of light, the more is the rate of photosynthesis
c. More is the intensity of the light, the less is the rate of photosynthesis
d. None of these

Ans. :
b. Less is the intensity of light, the more is the rate of photosynthesis
33. The Food Synthesised By The Plants Is Stored As:
a. Starch
b. Protein
c. Vitamins
d. Dietary fibre

Ans. :
a. Starch.
Chlorophyll, sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are necessary to carry out the
process of photosynthesis. During the process oxygen is released. The carbohydrates
ultimately get converted into starch. The presence of starch in leaves indicates the
occurrence of photosynthesis. The starch is also a carbohydrate.

34. Which Of The Following Statement Is Or Are Incorrect About The Growing Crops Inside
a. A Greenhouse is built of any material through which sunlight can’t pass.
b. The air continues to heat up because it gets confined within the greenhouse.
c. To provide warmer temperature for growing fruit and vegetable plants.
d. Green-house also protect it from high blowing wind and rodents.

Ans. :
a. A Greenhouse is built of any material through which sunlight can’t pass.
A greenhouse is built of any material through which light can pass, such as glass or
plastic. Farmers get many advantages like the crops grow well.

35. Parasites:
a. Live on dead organisms
b. Eat animals
c. Prepare their own food
d. Live on other living beings

Ans. :
a. Live on dead organisms
Parasites live on other living beings.

36. Which part of the plant is called its food factory ?

a. Fruits
b. Seeds
c. Leaves
d. Flowers

Ans. :
c. Leaves
37. If iodine is dropped on the boiled leaf it gives blue-black colour due to the presence of:
a. Starch.
b. Protein.
c. Fat.
d. Vitamin.

Ans. :
a. Starch.
38. The raw materials for photosynthesis are
a. CO2
b. CO2 , O2 , H 2
c. N2 water
d. O2 water

Ans. :
a. CO2
The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the
leaf. Oxygen, a by-product of photosynthesis, and water vapor exit the leaf.

39. The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as:
a. Transpiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Respiration
d. None of these

Ans. :

a. Transpiration
Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants prepare their own food.

40. Which of the following factors affect the process of photosynthesis?

a. Chlorophyll level in the leaf
b. Internal structure of the leaf
c. Age of the leaf
d. All of these

Ans. :
d. All of these
41. Which of the following is insectivorous plant ?
a. Pitcher
b. Fungi
c. Mushroom
d. Cuscuta

Ans. :
c. Mushroom
Pitcher is insectivorous plant.

42. Which of the following is a type of heterotroph?

a. Carnivores
b. Herbivores
c. Omnivores
d. All of these

Ans. :
d. All of these
Why insectivorous plants trap insects?

a. They can’t get sufficient nutrients, as nitrogen, from soil.

b. They want to take sometimes different nutrition as juices of insects.
c. They are autotrophs and some autotrophs are not able to make food.
d. Once in a week, they used their digestive system.

Ans. :
a. They can’t get sufficient nutrients, as nitrogen, from soil.
Insectivorous plant are green and can-do photosynthesis. So, they are called
But they can’t get sufficient nutrients from soil so, they trap insects and digest them.
Due to this, they are called “partial heterotrophs”.

44. Iodine used to detect presence of starch. It gives starch:

a. Blue-black colour
b. Red colour
c. Green colour
d. Colourless appearance

Ans. :
a. blue-black colour
Starch is the storage food reserve of a plant which is mainly present in the leaf. When
its presence is tested by Iodine, It forms a blue- black color complex of starch Iodide.
The iodine/starch complex has energy level spacings that are just so for absorbing
visible light giving the complex its intense blue color.

45. Which Of The Following Is Parasite?

a. Lichens.
b. Algae.
c. Cuscuta.
d. Fungus.

Ans. :
c. Cuscuta.
A yellow tubular structures twining around the stem and branches of a tree. This is a
plant called “Cuscuta” (Amarbel). It does not have chlorophyll. It takes readymade
food from the plant on which it is climbing. As it deprives valuable nutrients, from the
body of host. Hence, it is called a parasite.

46. The process involved in taking food and its utilization by an organism is known as:
a. Nutrition
b. Photosynthesis
c. Respiration
d. Digestion

Ans. :
a. Nutrition
47. Rhizobium is an example of:
a. Symbiosis.
b. Parasites.
c. Insectivorous.
d. None of these.

Ans. :
a. Symbiosis.
48. __________ is a saprophyte?
a. Venus flytrap.
b. Mushroom.
c. Lichen.
d. Dodder.

Ans. :
b. Mushroom.
49. Which energy is stored in the food material?
a. Solar energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Physical energy
d. Light energy

Ans. :
b. Chemical energy
50. Product of photosynthesis are:
a. Carbohydrate and carbon dioxide
b. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
c. Carbohydrate and oxygen
d. None of these

Ans. :
b. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
Carbohydrate and oxygen are product of photosynthesis.

51. Pitcher plant traps insects because it:

a. Is a heterotroph.
b. Grows in soils which lack in nitrogen.
c. Does not have chlorophyll.
d. Has a digestive system like human beings.

Ans. :
b. Grows in soils which lack in nitrogen.
52. Pitcher is an example of:
a. Insectivorous plant.
b. Leguminous plant.
c. Algae.
d. Fungi.

Ans. :
a. Insectivorous plant.
53. The symbiotic association is seen in which of the following?
a. Lichens.
b. Algae.
c. Fungi.
d. Bacteria.

Ans. :
a. Lichens.
54. Human beings can be categorised as
a. heterotrophs
b. autotrophs
c. parasites
d. saprotrophs

Ans. :
a. heterotrophs
Humans are heterotrophs. They cannot synthesize their own food and hence,
dependent on other sources (plants and animals) for nutrition.

55. Which of the following class of organisms belongs to saprotrophs?

a. Fungi
b. Algae
c. Lichens
d. Bryophytes

Ans. :
a. Fungi
Fungi are saprotrophs. Saprophytes are the organisms which grow and depend on
dead and decaying matter.

56. Which of the following is an insectivorous plant?

a. Pitcher plant
b. Cuscuta
c. Algae
d. Lichens

Ans. :
a. Pitcher plant
57. Chlorophyll is found in oval-shaped structures called as:
a. Stomata
b. Stoma
c. Chloroplast
d. Centrioles

Ans. :
c. Chloroplast
58. The life processes that provides energy is/ are:
a. Nutrition.
b. Respiration.
c. Both nutrition and respiration.
d. Transpiration.

Ans. :
b. Respiration.
59. The gas used from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is:
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Oxygen

Ans. :
a. Hydrogen
Carbon dioxide is the gas used from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

60. Choose the right option. Green plants are:

a. Herbivores.
b. Autotrophs.
c. Hetrotrophs.
d. Omnivores.

Ans. :
b. Autotrophs.
Note: Here Green plants are mentioned. Non Plants (both green + non-green)
together are autotrophs and hetrotrophs.

61. Tiny pores present on the surface of leaves through which gaseous exchange occurs
are called:
a. stomata
b. guard cells
c. food holes
d. gas holes

Ans. :
a. stomata
The pores through which leaves exchange gases is Stomata. They are the small
openings present on the inner surface of the leaves. Stomata can be opened and
closed. During night when no photosynthesis take place the plant breathe in oxygen
and breathe out carbon dioxide through stomata.

62. Which of the following is not required for photosynthesis:

a. Sunlight
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide

Ans. :
a. Sunlight
Carbon dioxide is not required for photosynthesis.

63. In Non-Green Plants And Animals, Their Mode Of Nutrition Is:

a. Saprophytic.
b. Parasitic.
c. Heterotrophic.
d. Autotrophic.

Ans. :
c. Heterotrophic.
The process by which living organisms obtain their food is called “mode of nutrition”.
In non-green plants and animals, their mode of nutrition is “heterotrophic”, as they
obtain food from plants or other animals.

64. Amarbel (Cuscuta) is an example of:

a. Autotroph.
b. Parasite.
c. Saprotroph.
d. Host.

Ans. :
b. Parasite.

65. Green plants are:
a. Herbivores.
b. Autotrophs.
c. Hetrotrophs.
d. Omnivores.

Ans. :
b. Autotrophs.
66. Which of the following is true about saprophytes?
a. They trap insects to meet their nitrogen requirement.
b. They live on decaying organic matter
c. They share their food and shelter
d. Saprophytes contain chlorophyll.

Ans. :
b. They live on decaying organic matter
A saprophyte or saprotroph is an organism that gets its nutrition and energy from
dead and decaying organic matter. These may be decaying parts of plants or
animals. This means that saprophytes are heterotrophs. They are consumers in the
food chain. This is a phenomenon observed in Fungi.

67. Which of the following is an insectivorous plant?

a. Lichens.
b. Venus Fly trap.
c. Euglena.
d. Amoeba.

Ans. :
b. Venus Fly trap.
68. Which of the following raw material is available in the air for photosynthesis?
a. Oxygen.
b. Carbon dioxide.
c. Nitrogen.
d. Hydrogen.

Ans. :
b. Carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is the raw material of photosynthesis that is available in air. It is taken
by the plant through the tiny pores, called stomata, present on the surface of leaves.
The other necessary conditions are the presence of water, chlorophyll and sunlight.
(Oxygen is released during the process hydrogen comes from water and nitrogen
has no role in photosynthesis.

69. Paheli Wants To Know That Some Plants Have Deep Red, Violet Or Brown Colored
Leaves But Can These Leaves Perform The Process Of Photosynthesis?
a. Yes, because they have different coloured as they trapped more solar energy.
b. No, because green pigment is not present in different coloured pigment.
c. Yes, because chlorophyll is hiding with leaf colour.

d. No, because they get nutrients from the soil and different colour attracts many

Ans. :
c. Yes, because chlorophyll is hiding with leaf colour.
Yes, because the chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis is hiding within the leaf
colour. Plant leaves contain chlorophyll as “Carotenoids” and “Anthocyanins”. These
assist chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis.

70. Tick the correct answer:

Cuscuta is an example of:
a. Autotroph.
b. Parasite.
c. Saprotroph.
d. Host.

Ans. :
b. Parasite.
71. Where we can see Rhizobium bacteria?
a. Dead matter.
b. Decaying matter.
c. Both a and b.
d. None of these.

Ans. :
c. Both a and b.
In soil, the Rhizobium live freely and feed on dead and decaying matter. However,
they also form symbiotic association with the roots of legumes like pea plant.

72. Algae And Fungi Are:

a. Autotroph and Parasite.
b. Heterotroph and Saprotroph.
c. Heterotroph and Parasite.
d. Autotroph and Saprotroph.

Ans. :
d. Autotroph and Saprotroph.
We see slimy, green patches in ponds or in other stagnant water bodies. These are
generally formed by the growth of organisms called “algae”. They contain
chlorophyll. Algae can also prepare their own food by photosynthesis, so they are
known as “Autotrophs”. We have also seen fluffy patches of white, green, brown color
growing on rotting wood during the rainy season. These organisms are called
“fungi”. They take in nutrients in solution form from dead and decaying matter,
called “Saprotrophs”.

73. Which Of The Following Statement Is Or Are Correct?

a. All green plants can prepare their own food and oxygen is liberated during
b. Most animals are autotrophs.

c. Most animals are autotrophs and carbon dioxide is not required for
d. All green plants can prepare their own food and most animal are autotrophs.

Ans. :
a. All green plants can prepare their own food and oxygen is liberated during
All green plants are autotrophs. They can make their own food from simple
substances like CO2 and H2O by the process of photosynthesis. Oxygen gas
produced during this process is liberated into the air. The other statements in correct
form are: Most animals are heterotrophs and CO2 is essential for photosynthesis.

74. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Heterotrophs cannot prepare their own food.
b. Dodder is an example of parasite.
c. Saprophytes are green.
d. Pulses and Beans are legumes.

Ans. :
c. Saprophytes are green.
75. What does troph means in heterotrophs?
a. Starvation
b. Nourishment
c. Other
d. Self

Ans. :
b. Nourishment
76. Insectivorous plant among the following is:
a. Lichen.
b. Cuscuta.
c. Pitcher plant.
d. Bread mould.

Ans. :
c. Pitcher plant.
77. The food making process in plants is called as
a. Glycolysis
b. Photosynthesis
c. Photolysis
d. Chemosynthesis

Ans. :
b. photosynthesis
This process, called photosynthesis, produces food for the plant and release oxygen
into the air.

78. Farmers use manure and fertilisers to:

a. Replenish plant.
b. Replenish soil.
c. Replenish air.
d. Replenish fungi.

Ans. :
b. Replenish soil.
79. Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?
(A) Root hair (B) Stomata (C) Leaf veins (D) Sepals

Ans. : Stomata
80. Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:
(A) roots (B) stem (C) flowers (D) leaves

Ans. : leaves
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