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(r) Printed Pages :2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions z 9 Sub. Code: 4 8 8 2

Exam. Code : 0 6 7 9

B'A' LL'B' t"'"J;'-t" c ours e'

(Same for B.Com. LL.B.)
Paper : II

Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note :-AttempttrT\rE questions in all. Unit-V is compulsory(each

part is 4 marks i.e.4x5:20). Attempt ONE question each
from Unit I to Unit IV of L5 marks.
1. Discuss in detail about the jurisdictional issues in cyber space.

2. Explain in detail about Electronic contacts and its types.

3. Explain the provisions of creation and verification of digital
signatures under the lnformation TechnologyAct, 2000.

4. Discuss the iegal provisions relating to attribution,

Acknowledgement and dispatch of electonic records under the
Information Technology Ac! 2000.

4882lPT-29427 I tTurn over

5. Explain the Intermediaries not to be liable in certain cases with
the help of case laws.

6. Discuss in detail the various Cyber contraventions and penalty

under the lnformation TechnologyAct, 2000.

7. Discuss the various Copyright issues in Cyberspace.
B. (a) Investigation andprocedure ofsearch and seizure
O) Shafhi Mohammad vs. The State of HP'

9. (") Virus.

(b) Justice K S Puttaswamy v. Union of India Q0t7)-

(c) CyberAppellateTiibunal.

(d) Tampering with computer source documents.

G) Shreya Singhat V. Union of India (2015)

4882tPT-29427 1000
(r) PrintedPages :2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions z 9 Sub. Code : 4 8 8 2

Exam. Code : 0 6 7 9

B'A' LL'B' t"'"J;'-t" c ours e'

(Same for B.Com. LL.B.)
Paper : II

Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note :- Attempt trTlrE questions in all. Unit-V is compulsory (each

part is 4 marks i.e.4x5:20). Attempt ONE question each
from Unit I to Unit IV of L5 marks.
1. Discuss in detail about the jurisdictional issues in cyber space.

2. Explain in detail about Electronic contacts and its types.

3. Explain the provisions of creation and verification of digital
signatures under the lnformation TechnologyAct, 2000.

4. Discuss the iegal provisions relating to attribution,

Acknowledgement and dispatch of electonic records under the
Information Technology Ac! 2000.

4882lPT-29427 I tTurn over

5. Explain the Intermediaries not to be liable in certain cases with
the help of case laws.

6. Discuss in detail the various Cyber contraventions and penalty

under the lnformation TechnologyAct, 2000.

7. Discuss the various Copyright issues in Cyberspace.
8. (a) Investigation andprocedure ofsearch and seizure
(b) Shafhi Mohammad vs. The State of HP'


9. (a) Virus.
(b) Justice K S Puttaswamy v. Union of India Q0t7).

(c) CyberAppellateTiibunal.

(d) Tampering with computer source documents.

(e) Shreya Singhat V. Union of India (2015)

4882tPT-29427 1000
(i)PrintedPages:31 RollNo' =;=;;;
4 8 7 lrl
Sub'Code:14lUl/ 5
(ii) Questions :91
Exam' code ' IT]617T-9.I

B.A. LL'B. (Hons') 5

"at;tl';, ioirt- it*"tttt

(Same for B'Com' LL'B')
PaPer : II

Max. Marks : 80
Time : 3lloursl
in all' including Question
Note :-Attempt five qtestions
is compulsory' selecttng
No. 9 from Unit V which
one ftom each Unit I-IV'
Unit-I t5 each

notes on the following

1. Write short
(a) Evolution of cYber law
(b) Aims and objectives of the

TechnologY Act' 2000'

(1) Turn Over

2. Whether internet technology is a boon or bane ?
Unit-fl 15 each

3- 'What is e-governance ? Explain provision of IT Act,

2000 relating to it. Also explain various
e-govemance projects in India-
4. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Functions of the Controller of the Certifying
(b) Acknowledgement and dispatch of e-record.

Unjt-I[ 15 each
5. Write comprehensive note on cyber offences
incorporated by the IT(Amendment) Act, 2008.

6. A sends e-record to B through e-device of C.

Who is C ? Can he be held liable for objectionable

information sent by A to B.
Unit-IV 15 each

7. Write comprehensive note on copyright issues in

cyber space.

8. What is domain name ? Briefly explain domain name

disputes/issues in cyber space and their resolution.

N-271 (2 )
(Compulsory Question)
9. Write short notes on the follorving :

(a) Asymmetric crypto system

(b) Electronic signative
(c) Cyber contraventions under sec. 43 of IT Act,
(d) Legal recognition of e-evidence. 5x4=20

N-271 (3)
(i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.
(ii) Questions z 9 Sub. Code 4 8 9
Exam. Code 0 6 7 9

B.A. LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course, 10th Semester

(Same forB.Com. LL.B.)
TimeAllowed : Three Hoursl [Maximum Marks: 80
Note :- Attempt five questions in all, including question no. I
(Unit-I) which is compulsory and selecting one question each
from Ilnit-Il to Unit-V.

l. Write short notes on :

(a) Vrus
(b) Acknowledgement and dispatch of e-record

(c) CyberTerrorism
(d) Grey Areas of IT Act, 2000. 5x4

2. Write a comprehensive note on ffirmationtechnology and evolution
of Cyber Law. 15

3. "Internet Technology is advantageous to us but sometime it is

misused by criminal". Comment. 15

4897tFQZ-l8949 [Turn over

4. "Main objective ofE-govemance SMARI governance."
is to provide

Comment and explain Provisions of IT Act, 2000 relating to

e-govemance. 15

5. "The Controller ofthe CertiffingAuthorities has endless powers

under ITAct, 2000". Comment. Briefly explain his function also.

6. Write a comprehensive note on penalties, compensation and
adjudication under the ITAct, 2000. l5
7. "Intermediary is generally not liable for 3'd party information".
Comment. 15

8. What are various copyright issues in cyber space ? Explain law.

9. "Today there are various domain name issues in cyber space for
whichresolutions are also provided." Comment. l5

4897|FQZ-I8949 1000

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