2024 EUIPO CCBE IP Enforcement For Generalist Lawyers Printable Booklet en

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/Scenario 1
Your client was accused of infringing the IP of Six main questions to pose to your client:

another person or company.
In your opinion are the allegations received

Example: your client received a letter from a lawyer or a reasonable? Were proper grounds stated?
court stating that they are in conflict with another
company’s trade mark, patent, copyright, etc. Are the IPRs you are potentially infringing
actually protected? How are these rights used in FOR GENERALIST LAWYERS IN THE EU
the market?
/Scenario 2
A person or a company filed an opposition, Do you own or licence IP on the subject matter,
Intellectual property (IP) is a category of “property” that protects the creations of the
cancellation, or similar administrative procedure and do you openly claim and use them for your human intellect. It can belong to an individual or a company. There is no all-in-one IP
against your client’s IPR application. business? Since when? protection measure that protects everything everywhere; each IP right or other IP protection
Example: your client received an opposition against their What actions have you taken until now to avoid measure serves a specific purpose in a specific country or regional area. The same object
trade mark application from a company claiming to own a infringing others, including the IP in question?
similar earlier sign. may be protected simultaneously by different measures.
Do you use or have trade secrets and domain
/Scenario 3 names covering the subject matter? > Why is IP enforcement important for my client? How can I best protect my client?
Your client considers that there is a risk of What will their company get out of effective IP enforcement?
infringing the IP of another person or company. Are the IPRs or other measures (e.g. trade
secrets or domain names) older than the IP of
the applicant?
Example: your client was inspired by products already on Protection Market identity
the market or wants to use publicly available content in
their marketing on social media.
Exclusive right over a creation of IP strengthens the company’s
the human intellect and the reputation, market position, and
ability to act against infringers. customer loyalty.

Possible next steps for your client as a DEFENDANT Financial attractiveness Monetising

Advise your client to immediately stop the allegedly A business with well-protected IP Companies can sell, license and
infringing activities and analyse the situation.
assets will attract investors more franchise their IP to obtain
Advise your client to consider hiring a lawyer specialised in IP who could assist with: easily. revenue.
responding to cease and desist letters or other infringement allegations by third parties;
negotiating a settlement using, inter alia, mediation and arbitration;
administrative proceedings before IP Offices (oppositions, cancellations, etc); IP INFRINGEMENT, COUNTERFEITING AND PIRACY
civil, administrative or criminal law proceedings (before courts, customs or police). IP OWNERS CAN:
Advise your client to make searches in IP databases to avoid infringing the rights of
others. use, exploit, distribute, and/or reproduce their rights;
sell, license and franchise their IP to others to use them under agreed conditions;
take actions to prevent others from using their IP without authorisation.

USEFUL LINKS Use of IP without the authorisation of the rights holder may constitute an IP infringement.
European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) European Patent Office (EPO) In general, IP infringement breaches civil IP law. If the infringing conduct is serious
euipo.europa.eu epo.org enough, it may also breach administrative or criminal laws. The “ultima ratio” principle
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) should apply.
ccbe.eu wipo.int
Intellectual Property Enforcement Portal (IPEP) European Registry for Internet Domains (EURid) Counterfeiting and piracy are forms of infringement, where the infringer tries to steal
euipo.europa.eu/en/enforce-ip/ip-enforcement-portal eurid.eu
EUIPO’s Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Guide Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
the success of the rightful owner and unduly benefit from their investment.
op.europa.eu/s/yTF4 cpvo.europa.eu
FAQs on Copyright Your national or regional IP office The impact of counterfeiting and piracy goes well beyond the violation of IP rights or other
euipo.europa.eu/en/observatory/awareness/faqs-on-copyright tmdn.org/#/members IP protection measures. It undermines the development of businesses and competition in
EUIPO Mediation Centre all economic sectors and encourages illicit activities, such as breaches of labour laws or
product manufacturing standards, which directly threaten the health and safety of
Application for Action (AFA)
euipo.europa.eu/en/the-office/help-centre/websites/faq-application-for-action-eafa consumers as well as the environment.
What does
your client How can they Geographical
need to protect it? Validity scope Registration /Scenario 1
protect? Your client has evidence or a suspicion that Six main questions to pose to your client:
someone has infringed their IP.
What are the infringing actions (or attempts)
Example: your client is aware that products identical to and how did you find out about them?
Name or logo Trade mark Indefinitely, if In the country or Intellectual theirs are sold on the internet without authorisation, or
(e.g. a new Protects the renewed every 10 regional area Property Office they suspect that an employee has revealed confidential Is the infringement (or attempt) taking place
brand). commercial years. where registered. (e.g. national IP information to a competitor. online or offline?
origin of goods office or EUIPO) /Scenario 2
and/or services. Do you have proof that can be used in legal
Your client believes a third party intends to proceedings (e.g. material proof), or an affidavit
register or has registered an IPR conflicting with from a recognised person (e.g. a bailiff)?
their IP.
Invention Patent Generally 20 In the country Intellectual Do you own or license any registered IPRs?
(e.g. a new Protects products years if or regional area Property Office Example: someone intends to use or register a trade mark
machine or a or processes that renewed where (e.g. national IP or a design that is very similar to your client’s. Do you use or have trade secrets and domain
manufacturing offer a new annually. registered. office or EPO) names?
technical solution. /Scenario 3
technique). Your client considers that there is a high risk that Have you taken any steps to enforce your rights
their IP will be infringed. and/or stop the infringers?

Appearance of Design 25 years if In the country or Intellectual Example: your client plans to sell their new clothing
a product Protects the renewed every regional area Property Office collection on online marketplaces or social media, or has
appearance of 5 years. where registered. (e.g. national IP developed an innovative technology, or will unveil new
(e.g. a new shirt office or EUIPO) products at a fair.
or a tea set). a product or a
part of it.
Possible next steps for your client as a CLAIMANT
Confidential Trade secret Indefinitely, as Territorial limits No registration
information Protects long as it do not apply. process. Non- Advise your client to take action against the infringer
(e.g. know-how, confidential remains secret. disclosure (or in some cases third parties) and to consider hiring a lawyer specialised in IP who could assist with:
a recipe or a business agreement can be sending a cease and desist letter or starting notice and takedown actions;
information. signed.
client list). negotiating a settlement using, inter alia, mediation and arbitration;
initiating administrative proceedings before IP Offices (oppositions, cancellations, etc);
Product from Geographical Indefinitely Territory defined Competent assessing the situation from an international perspective.
a specific indication (subject to by international national Advise your client to consider using monitoring services to detect online infringements.
geographical Protects products, different conventions. authority or the
area (e.g. a whose qualities are legislations). European
linked to the area Commission. If the above steps do not prove sufficient, advise your client to consult a lawyer
cheese, wine). of production. specialised in IP about starting civil proceedings.

Creative work Copyright Author’s life In the EU + non- Formalities not If counterfeiting and piracy activities are involved, advise your client to consult a lawyer specialised
(e.g. a new song, Protects original +70 years. EU countries with required. in IP about starting civil, criminal and/or administrative proceedings. This could be done through the
movie or expressions of signed *Voluntary relevant law enforcement authorities (customs/police). Your client could request customs to take action with
photograph). creative activity, (e.g. agreement. registration systems respect to goods suspected of infringing their IPRs, by filing an Application for Action (AFA) through IPEP (the
artistic, literary, and in some MS.
scientific works). IP Enforcement Portal), the free, multilingual and secure EU platform that deals with IPR enforcement

A website’s Domain name Indefinitely, as Worldwide An accredited

Internet Protocol Identifies a long as there is a (internet) registrar
(IP) Address
valid contract
with a registrar.
*Depending on
Social media: Your client’s social media content is IP and as such it needs to be protected, but it should also
Technical Utility model Generally 10 In the country or Intellectual not infringe the IP of others. Your client should be aware of the usefulness of IP monitoring services to
invention Protects inventions years if regional area Property Office
with less stringent renewed where registered. *If available in the detect IP infringement online and subsequently initiate notice and takedown actions.
(e.g. the shape
of a handle). requirements than annually. relevant MS. E-commerce platforms: When infringement is detected your client should first get the listings removed by
using the systems that the e-commerce platforms have in place, such as notification systems and IP
protection programmes.
New plant Plant variety 25 years (or 30 for In the country or National
Protects new or Mobile apps: Your client might create apps, or might hire creators to develop apps for them. Apps are
variety (e.g. a specific varieties), if regional area authority or
improved varieties renewed annually. where registered. CPVO complex multimedia products combining different types of IP (trade marks, copyright, patents, designs) that
new species of
flower, fruit tree of plants. should be protected (e.g. with an NDA with the software developer) and maintained.
or vegetable). Generative AI: Publishing content generated by auto-generative chat programmes, such as ChatGPT, may
infringe the copyright of others if based closely on existing works and will not be considered protected as
your client’s copyright.

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