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15th August 1947 is the day embossed in the golden history of India. It is the day when
India got its freedom from the 200 years of British rule. It was a hard and a long non-
violent struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men sacrificed their lives for
our beloved motherland. Independence Day is like the birthday of our country. We
celebrate 15th August every year as our Independence Day. It is celebrated as a national
holiday throughout the country. It is called the red-letter day in the history of our


Britishers have ruled in India for almost 200 years. Under British rule, the lives of the
people were miserable. Indians were treated as slaves and had no rights to say anything
to them. Indian rulers were mere puppets in the hands of British officers. Indian
soldiers were treated inhumanely in British camps, and farmers were dying of
starvation as they could not grow crops and had to pay heavy land taxes.
Our freedom fighters struggled for India’s Independence. Famous leaders like Mahatma
Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal
Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji fought fearlessly against
the Britishers. Many of them also sacrificed their lives to make India free from British
rule. Their contribution and effort are remembered in India’s Independence history.

To relive the moment and to enjoy the spirit of freedom and independence we celebrate
Independence Day. Another reason is to remember the sacrifices and lives we have lost
in this struggle. Besides, we celebrated it to remind us that this freedom that we enjoy is
earned the hard way.
Apart from that, the celebration wakes up the patriot inside us. Along with celebration,
the young generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived at that


Although it’s a national holiday the people of the country celebrate it with great
enthusiasm. Schools, offices, societies, and colleges celebrate this day by organizing
various small and big events. Every year at Red Fort the Prime Minister of India host the
national flag. In the honor of the occasion, 21 gunshots are fired. This is the begging of
the main event. This event is later on followed by an army parade.The school and
colleges organize cultural events, fancy dress competitions, speech, debate, and quiz


Every Indian holds a different viewpoint about Indian Independence. For some, it’s a
reminder of the long struggle while for youngsters it stands for the glory and honor of
the country. Above all, we can see the feeling of patriotism across the country.
The Indian’s celebrate Independence Day with a feeling of nationalism and patriotism
across the country. On this day every citizen echoes with festive feeling and pride in the
diversity and unity of the people. It’s not only a celebration of Independence but also of
the unity in diversity of the country.
Independence day generates a feeling of patriotism among people. It unites the people
and makes them feel that we are one nation with so many different languages, religions
and cultural values. Unity in diversity is the main essence and strength of India. We feel
proud to be part of the largest democratic country in the world, where the power is in
the hands of the common man.

Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January every year. This day is celebrated with
fervour and pride across India. On this day, the Constitution of India came into effect. It
marks the day when India got truly independent and attained the historic Purna Swaraj.
We became a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic country on 26 January
1950, almost three years post-independence. Here, we have provided an Essay on
Republic Day. Students can go through it to get an idea on how to write an essay on
Republic Day during the exam. Then, they can try to write an essay in their own words.


Republic Day is of great historical importance. We got freedom from the British on 15
August 1947, but we were not having any form of government or constitution or political
parties. On 26th January 1950, India implemented the Constitution. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
was elected as the President of Indian National Congress and Poorna Swaraj was declared
on 26th January 1930. However, we got independence on 15 August 1947.
After independence, a special constituent assembly was appointed for making the
Constitution of India. Dr B.R Ambedkar led the constitution drafting committee. While
creating India’s constitution, other countries’ constitutions have also been referred to, so as
to create the best constitution. After 166 days, the Constitution of India was finally made. It
was created in such a manner that all citizens of India could enjoy equal rights pertaining to
their religions, culture, caste, sex and creed. On 26th January 1950, the Constitution of India
was adopted and implemented, and the day is referred to as Republic Day. Moreover, it
marks the end of the British rule and birth of India as a Republic State.

People across the country celebrate Republic Day with much zeal, fervour, and great
excitement, especially in the capital, New Delhi. The ceremony commences with the
President’s speech to the nation. He unfurls the National Flag as the National Anthem is
played and twenty-one gun salutes are given. The President gives away the medals of
bravery like Ashok Chakra and Kirti Chakra to the people from the armed forces for
their exceptional courage in the field and also to the civilians, who have distinguished
themselves by their exclusive acts of valour in various situations.
The Prime Minister honours the sacrifice of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for
the country by laying a floral wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, a memorial to all the brave
soldiers at the India Gate, followed by two minutes of silence in the memory of the
sacrifice of the soldiers.


Every year a grand parade is held in the capital, Delhi, from the Rajghat, along the
Vijaypath to mark the importance of this occasion. The various regiments of the Indian
Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air force perform their drill in all their regalia
and official trinkets. The President of India, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the
Indian Armed Forces, takes the salutation. Even the horses of the cavalry are
attractively ornamented for the occasion. It is followed by a breathtaking fly-past in the
sky by the Indian Air Force pilots making the parade more fascinating. The N.C.C cadets
selected from all over the country consider it an honour to participate in this event.
Several school children from various schools in the capital perform various dance forms
in the parade. They spend many days preparing for the event.
The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from different states of the
country. Each display of jhankis, folk dances bring out the diversity and richness of the
culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. Another
important aspect of the Republic Day celebration is the presence of a chief guest. Since
1950, India has been inviting the head of state of another country as the guest of
honour. The guest is chosen after deliberation on strategic, economic, and political
The parade and the ensuing pageantry are telecast on the National Television and are
watched by millions of viewers in every corner of the country.
The Beating Retreat Ceremony officially marks the end of Republic Day festivities and it
is conducted on 29th January, the third day after the Republic Day parade. The bands of
the three wings of the military: the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force
perform the ritual.

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated as a national occasion on October 2 every year to mark the
occasion of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Renowned as Mahatma Gandhi, he is one of
those few leaders whose persistent efforts left an imprint on India’s young generation.
His legacy is still remembered till date.
Gandhi Jayanti is followed by prayer services and tributes across the nation. The prime
minister of India and other eminent politicians visit Gandhi’s memorial Raj Ghat in New
Delhi where he was cremated to pay their respects. Educational institutions, colleges
and universities celebrate Gandhi Jayanti through prayer meetings or watching
documentaries on his life or any other cultural activities.
In many places in India, people decorate the Gandhi statues to pay respect with flowers
and garlands. Another observance is to avoid eating meats or consume alcohol on this
special occasion.


Gandhi Jayanti is one of the major national festivals/ holidays which is celebrated all
over the country and even outside India as well i.e. South Africa, United States, United
Kingdom, Geneva, Denmark. Furthermore, October 2 is also announced as International
Day of Non-Violence by the United Nations. The festival is certainly a momentous
occasion in India. This is certainly one of the great occasions in India.
Every year on Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary, his ideas are revisited by the
Indians as many take pledge to follow the similar ideologies as shown by the greatest
leader of masses. His non-violent ways to protest (Ahimsa) will always be indebted
forever amongst his followers and Indian citizens across the globe.
Mahatma Gandhi’s efforts were not restricted to Indian independence only. The man
also fought various kinds of social evils. These social evils were untouchability,
casteism, female subjugation, etc. Furthermore, he also made significant efforts to help
the poor and needy.

First of all, Gandhi Jayanti is nothing but a grand commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi Jayanti is certainly one of the national holidays of India. This patriotic occasion’s
celebration is held in every State and Union territory.
Prayer services and tributes take place on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. These prayer
services and tributes take place all over the country. Furthermore, various prayer
meetings and commemorative ceremonies also occur on Gandhi Jayanti. These events
take place in schools, colleges, government, and private institutions. Most noteworthy,
people from all walks of life take part in such events.


Competitions of painting, essay, etc. take place everywhere. Furthermore, there is a
distribution of awards for such competitions. Students in many schools and colleges
also watch documentaries and performances on Mahatma Gandhi’s life. Consequently,
there is a promotion of a non-violent way of life among the youth. There are also singing
events of Gandhiji’s favourite Bhajan( Hindu devotional song). Another observance is
the decoration of Gandhi statues with flowers and garlands. Finally, some individuals
avoid eating meat or drinking alcohol on Gandhi Jayanti.
Gandhi Jayanti honors the great personality of Mahatma Gandhi. It’s an opportunity to
reflect and cherish the life of this great personality. Furthermore, everyone must try to
live like him on this day. Gandhi Jayanti is certainly a very patriotic day in India.


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat in
the British-ruled India. Gandhi’s family belonged to the merchant class.
At the age of 24, he travelled to South Africa in order to pursue law. At that time, he also
raised his voice against racism as he himself was subjected to racial segregation system
while travelling on a train. He was thrown out of a first class railway compartment as he
was of Indian descent and did not belong to white race.
Gandhi was bestowed the title of ‘Mahatma’ (which means ‘Great Soul’) by the greatest
poet Rabindranath Tagore as he sacrificed his entire life, opted for a simplest of lifestyle,
gave up his career just to fight against the foreign oppressors and achieve independence
for his country and country people.

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