My Report Chapter 2 and 3

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On the First day of my internship, that is on the 6 th of April 2022 we arrived at the construction
site where we were to work for our internship period my classmates and I because we were a
group of four students from CUIB. We were brought to the site by the chief technician of the
company the person on the field daily to make sure the construction work goes on well and also
takes part in the construction. The site workers received us well and were happy to have
internship students with them. The project was situated in Buea at Sandpit close to Etta Palace.
The project was a realization of a G+1 (ground floor plus One storied building). When we
arrived on the site the project was still at the very beginning, and nothing had been done yet, and
the site was still covered with grass and some blocks had been placed on the site already for the
construction work. I learned a lot from every activity on site and most especially seeing my
theoretical knowledge in practical phase it was really amazing. My classmates and I were
assigned the same supervisor and that was the chief technician of the company.


These are the tasks or activities carried out the site during my internship period, and the tasks
that I participated in accomplishing. As an internship student I worked on site from Tuesdays to
Fridays and the Saturdays was to take part in the architectural design.
Table: 2.2.1
6th to 9th April
12th to 16th April
19th to 23rd April
26th to 30th April
3rd to 7th May
10th to 14th May
17th to 21st May
24th to 28th May
31st May to 4th June
7th to 11th June
14th to 18th June  Construction of This week I worked in

formwork for all the mutengene on the second
beam of last floor ongoing construction project
 Concreting the beams of the company.
 Placing the parapets I participated in mixing the
 Elevation of the concrete and in casting the
masonry walls of the beams.
last floor up to the And I also laid some blocks
beams to elevate the masonry wall
21st to 25th June  Tying of iron rods to
form beams
 Mounting the beams I have learned how to tie the
on the ground floor iron rods to form beams
 Concreting the beams
 Placing boards that to I have learned how to place
prepare landing place decking blocks and the rib
for rib beams and beam to prepare the floor for
decking blocks. decking
 Preparing rib beams
for decking of the first
 Mounting the rib
 Placing the decking
blocks on the ends of
the rib beam and place
the decking bocks on
the whole floor to be
28th June to 2nd July



During my internship period as I was also learning the architectural design of buildings. I noticed
that all the G+2 , G+3, G+ 4 were design and built just with stairs being the only means of
moving from one floor to another and which at times it makes it very difficult and stressful for
people having disabilities for moving from one floor to another. The movement for people while
they are in good health but having knee problems also find it difficult to move from one floor to
the other. This observation made me to think about designing a residential house in which not
stairs only give access to the next floors but where there can be an elevation system which will
enable people with disabilities to access other floors of the building with ease. This made me




A building is a structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one
place, such as a house or factory. Buildings come in a variety of sizes, shapes and functions, and
have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials
available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground conditions, specific uses and aesthetic
reasons. Buildings serve several needs of society – primarily as shelter from weather, security,
living space, privacy, to store belongings, and to comfortably live and work. A building as a
shelter represents a physical division of the human habitat (a place of comfort and safety) and the
outside (a place that at times may be harsh and harmful).

Buildings are classified based upon its occupancy and structure
 Residential Building: Buildings in which sleeping arrangements are provided with or
without cooking arrangement. It includes single or multifamily dwelling, apartments,
lodgings, restaurants, hostels, dormitories, and hotels.
 Educational building: These Include any building used for school, college, education
 Institutional Building: these buildings used for different purposes, such as medical or
other treatment. They include hospitals, sanatorium, jails, and asylum.
 Assembly Buildings: These are the buildings where group of peoples meet or gather for
amusement, social, religious, political, civil, travel and similar purposes. E.g. Churches,
theatres, motion pictures, houses, assembly halls, restaurants assembly halls.
 Mercantile building: These building are used as shops, stores, market for display and sale
of merchandise either wholesale or retail, office, shops, and storage services.
 Business buildings: These buildings are used for transactions of business, for keeping
accounts and for similar other purposes.
 Industrial Buildings: These are buildings where products or materials of all kinds and
properties are fabricated, assembled, manufactured or processed
 Storage buildings: these buildings are used primarily for the storage or sheltering of
goods, wares or merchandise, vehicles and animals, grains
 Hazardous buildings: These buildings are used for the storage, handling, manufacturing
or processing of highly combustible or explosive materials or products
 Load Bearing Structures: In this type of structures loads from roof slab or trusses and
floors are transmitted through walls to the firm soil below the ground .This type of
structures are adopted where hard strata are available at shallow depth. The structural
elements like beams, slabs rests directly on the walls.
 Framed Structures: Reinforced cement concrete structures are the most common type of
construction today. They consist of a skeleton of beams & columns. The load is
transferred from beams to the columns and column intern transfer the load directly to the
sub soil through footing. Framed structures are suitable for multi-story building subjected

to variety of extreme loads like compressive, tensile torsion, shear along with moment.
The open spaces in the skeleton are to be filled with brick walls or glass panels.

Various loads are considered while designing the foundation of a structure.

1. Dead Load: Dead load comprises of the weight of all walls, partitions, floors, and roofs
including all other permanent construction in the building.
2. Live Load: Live Loads consist of moving or variable loads due to people or occupants,
their furniture, temporary stores, machineries.
3. Wind load: It is considered as basic wind pressure which is equivalent static pressure in
the direction of the wind.
Wind pressure = k*v2 Where k = co-efficient, 0.006 and V= wind velocity
Wind pressure always acts in the vertically exposed surface of the walls and columns.
4. Earthquake load: an earthquake load produced waves in every possible direction below
ground. As per intensity or scale of earthquake, jerks and shocks are acting on the earth.
As per the location of the building in the prescribed zone of earthquake coefficients of
earthquake loads are decided
5. Erection Load: All loads required to be carried by the structure or any part of it due to
storage or positioning of construction material and erection equipment including all loads
due to operation of such equipment, shall be considered as ‘erection loads.



The superstructure is that part of the building which is above the ground, and which
serves the purpose of building’s intended use.
 Plinth: Plinth is that part of the building between surrounding ground surface and
floor space immediately above the ground. Plinth resists the entry of rainwater
entry inside the building, entry of animals, insects & Rodents. General plinth
height is 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 cm.
 Wall: The walls are building blocks of bricks, stones, or concrete blocks. They
divide the building space into various space into various rooms. They support
slabs and beams. They safely transmit the loads coming on them from beams and
slabs to the foundation. They provide privacy and protection against heat, cold,
rain, noise, dust winds. The walls may be of Brick masonry, Stone masonry,
Concrete blocks masonry.

 Columns: are vertical members along which beams, and slab or roof is supported They
are square, rectangular, and circular in shape.
 Beams: beams are horizontal members above which the slabs are provided. The beams
are instead supported on walls and columns
 Floor: A floor is a plane area to support; occupants, furniture’s, and equipment’s.
 Roof: The upper most part of the building constitutes the roof. The Slab and roof
enclose the space and offers protection from rain, heat, snow, wind, sound, fire.
 Doors and windows:-A door provides a connecting link between rooms, allowing easy
free movement in the building. Window are opening provided in walls. Doors and
windows provide lighting and ventilation. The provide resistance to weather, sound,
and heat. They provide security and privacy.
 Steps and Stairs: • Steps and stairs are meant to provide access between different levels.
Stairs should be properly located to provide easy access and fast services to the
 .Lintels and arch: Lintel is a horizontal member which is placed across the opening. •
An arch is normally a curved member comprising of wedge-shaped building blocks
holding each other with mutual pressure.
 Parapet: Parapet is generally 10 cm thick partition wall constructed above slab to
enclose the terrace open to sky. Thickness is 10 to 15 cm height is 1.0 m to 1.2 m
The substructure is the lower portion of the building, which is located below ground level
which transmits the load of the superstructure to the sub soil. Substructures consist of the

 Foundation
A foundation is the lowest part of a structure, sandwich between the building and the
ground. Its goal is to distribute the load from the building to the sub soil.
Types of foundation • Foundations may be broadly classified as
(a) Shallow Foundation
(b) Deep foundation
(a) Shallow Foundation:

o Spread footing: Spread footings are those which spread the super-imposed
load of wall or column over larger area. Spread footing support either
column or wall. It may be of the following kinds: Single footing for
column, Stepped footing for a column, Sloped footing for a column, Wall
footing without step , Grillage foundation
o Combined footing: A spread footing which supports 2 or more columns is
termed as combined footing.

3.1.6 Principles and Building Planning

The term planning of a building refers to mean the arrangement of all the units of a building on
all the floors and at all the levels. • There are certain general principles which as a engineer
should bear in mind while planning a building. The general principles are;

 Aspect : Aspect different rooms of the buildings are placed and located accordingly to the
functional utility in such a way that maximum advantage of natural elements like sun,
wind, can be obtained. To obtain sufficient sunlight inside the room windows are placed in
external walls.
 Kitchen aspect: Kitchen should have window in east because morning sun kills the
germs. So kitchen should have eastern aspect.
 Bed room aspect: Bed room is a unit of residential building generally used in night time,
for sleeping so evening sun rays, which are cool in nature should enter the bed room to
create cheerful atmosphere. So bed room should have western aspect, south-western or
north-western aspect.

 Drawing room aspect: It is a room which is used by the occupants for maximum hours of
the day. To achieve good sunlight it should be placed in south or southeast or north-east.
Windows should be provided in external walls
 Study room aspect: Windows in this room should be in northern side to obtain sufficient
light throughout the day. So aspect of this room is north.
 Verandah: there should be sufficient light in the above unit throughout the day so they
should be placed with opening in north-direction.
 Prospect It is related with the views as seen of the outside from doors and windows in the
external wall. For pleasant atmosphere view of a garden, hill and a river, etc. is a good
prospect. Towards these objective doors and windows should be provided in the external
wall of the building. Undesirable views like a small nallah, slum area, drainage disposal
unit, garbage collection centers should be concealed by not providing windows in that
 Prospect of living room should be toward the main road to keep control on the plot.
Prospects of bed should be on the rear side of the building so that to avoid disturbance
due to noise.
 Privacy This is very important factor to be considered while planning both residential as
well as public building Privacy of one room from another in a building as well as privacy
of the whole building with other building should be achieved.
 The privacy of residential building as a whole can be achieved by planting trees, and by
providing entrance. Even the compound wall of required height can be constructed to
provide privacy of trespassers.
 Privacy in different rooms can be achieved by providing doors in such a way that
minimum view of room is seen when shutter is opened. Privacy is very important in bed
rooms and wick. And the view of bed room should not be visible from any other room.
 Grouping: is the arrangement of various rooms with respect to their functions, In case of
residential building to achieve maximum efficiency of the plan the grouping should be
done as follows.
 Verandah should be the first unit after the entrance of the house
 Living room and dining room should be close next to verandah
 Kitchen and dining should be close to each other

 Sanitary arrangements should be close to bed rooms.
 Staircase should be approachable from each room
 Passages connecting various rooms should be well lighted and ventilated
 Roominess: This principle of planning is directly related to dimensions of the room. A
rectangular room is found more convenient as compared to a square room of the same size.
Hence length to width ratio should be 1.2 to 1 or 1.5 to 1 if the ratio is greater it will give a
tunnel effect to the room. Height of doors and windows, ceilings, floorings, color treatment
also affect the roominess of the building unit. Light color give effect of more space
whereas dark color makes the room look smaller. Height of ceiling should be low as more
height gives a feeling of a cave.
 Flexibility means a room which was planned for one function can be used for other, if so
required. If rooms are big enough and are having a minimum width of 3m are more flexible
and even the activities of various rooms can be exchanged.
 Furniture requirement one of the most important requirements of a building planner, is to
know how much space is needed by each function in a particular building. The room sizes
for a particular function can be completed on the basis of permanent furniture's to be used
in the room. Hence while planning a building furniture arrangement must be shown.
 Circulation: Circulation is the access into or out of a room. It is the internal movement
inside the building and the area earmarked for it.
 Circulation area should be straight, short, bright, lighted.
 Circulation should not affect the privacy of a room nor interfere with the utility
 Circulation in a building is of two types
 Horizontal circulation and vertical circulation
 Circulation within a floor is called horizontal circulation
 And circulation between different floors is called vertical communication.
 Lighting It can be natural light as that obtained from the sun during the day or artificial
light. Adequate illumination is essential in day-to-day activities to execute the safety and
comfort and efficiency.
 Good visibility is a must for accident prevention, comfortable watching and reading to
reduce fatigue, avert confusion, and efficient security.

 Elegance: it refers to the planning of elevation and layout of the plan to give an
impressive appearance to the building. The proper width, height, location of doors and
windows materials employed in construction of exterior walls etc. create elegance. The
result of elegance is aesthetics of building.
 Economy: Building planning should be carried out in the financial limit of the client. An
engineer should know in advance, the client intends to spend for the building and
accordingly material of construction, finishing items, stage of construction should be
suggested. By estimation proposed amount should be derived and as per that progress
should be followed to avoid delay in work progress.
 Sanitation: Provision for cleanliness, lighting and ventilation in sanitary units avoid
growing of bacteria’s and spread of diseases and give hygienic condition. In bath and
w.c. glazed tiles and dado should be provided on wall to maintain clean condition. The
ventilator in bath, w.c. permit sunlight and air collation to maintain hygienic condition.
The flooring material s should be easy to clean, skirtings should be provided in rooms.
Bathtubs, w.c. , kitchen sink should be made of ceramic material to maintain clean easily.
 Living Room: living room should be the very first room of a house as we enter
 The minimum area should be 15 to 20 sq. m
 General sizes: 3.5m x 5.5 m
 Ventilation in living rooms: Minimum window area should never be less than 10
% of floor area but 20 % is preferred
 Dining Room: It is a place where families take their breakfast, lunch, dinner
 Minimum Size: 3 m x 3 m
 Size: 4 m x 3 m
 Kitchen: A Kitchen is a place where food is prepared and stored for consumption
 Minimum Size: 3 m x 3 m
 Size: 4 m x 3 m
 Ventilation in kitchen: window area should be at least 15 % of floor area
 Bedroom: A man spends major part of the day in the bedroom either sleeping or relaxing.
A minimum floor area of 10 sq. m should be provided •
 Sizes: 4 m x 3 m

 3.5 m x 3.5 m
 Ventilation: Minimum window area of 10 % of floor area.
 Bath and W.C(Water Closet): Bathroom is a place where inmates take bath, and the
wastewater is collected and conveyed off.
 Water Closet is the place of collection of human discharge
 A minimum floor area of 3 sq. m
 Floors of Bath and W.C should not be less than 3 m2 with minimum width of 1.5
 W.C should have a minimum width of 1.2 m and minimum length of 1.5m
 A minimum floor area of 1.8 sq. m is to be provided for W.C
 Ventilator of 700 mm x 700 mm is to be provided at a height of 1.5 from floor
 Storeroom: It is to store Items like food grains cylinders, utensils etc.
 Floor area 15 sq. m to 20 sq. m
 Verandah: It is area open on 1 side, 2 sides or 3 sides. •
 Minimum width 1.5 m.
 Minimum length 1.2m.
 Study room: It is place where study material are stocked and read
 Area of study room should be 10 m2 to 12 m.
Any construction begins with the layout of the building or structure followed by the
design and Analysis of the structure which is followed by the cost estimation and planning for
the said project. For the drafting and design of my building I used AutoCAD and more precisely
AutoCAD Architecture 2020.
AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer aided design
and drafting for various fields in engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, automation,
AutoCAD Architecture allows designers to draw 3D objects such as walls, doors, and windows,
with more intelligent data associated with them rather than simple objects. The data can be

programmed to represent products sold in the building industry, or it can be extracted into a file
for pricing material estimation.
In my project AutoCAD has been used extensively for the architectural drawing and the
modelling of the structure.
The drawing was made in AutoCAD Architecture 2020 using the design tool such as
wall, windows, doors, openings, slab, stairs.
The drawing unit is meters with an accuracy of 0.00.
The Ground floor plan of the residential building is shown below;

Fig.2a. Ground Floor Plan

The Details of the proposed Residential building are as follows;

 G+3 building that is 3 storey building a building with 3 floors. Added to the ground floor
 3 apartments in each of the floors

 2 rooms per apartment
 2 toilets in each apartment
 One dining Room and One kitchen in each apartment.
They have the following dimensions;
 The walls have a thickness of 15 cm
 Living Room : 4m x 5m
 Dining room : 3m x 3m
 Kitchen : 3m x 3m
 Rooms: 3.5m x 3.5m
 Toilets: 2m x 1.5m
 Main Doors : 1.2 x 2m(height)
 Doors for all Rooms and kitchen: 0.8m x 2m(height)
 Doors for toilets: 0.6m x 2m
 Main Window(For Living Room): 2m(width) x 1.5m(height)
 Rooms, Kitchen, Dining Windows: 1.5m x 2m
 Toilets window: 70cm x 70cm

Fig.2b.Ground floor plan showing all the dimensions
A foundation is the lowest part of a structure, sandwich between the building and the
ground. Its goal is to distribute the load from the building to the sub soil. It is imperative that it
can withstand the weight of the building. Without a strong foundation, your building will be
dangerous and unreliable and not last a long time. It is vial to ensure that the structure is
earthquake resistant, as well as rain and wind resistant.
The foundation plan shows
 the location and size of the footings
 Location of pillars, columns
 Foundation walls
 Supporting beams.
 The excavation for footings and for foundation walls
The foundation plan of my designed building is shown below;

Fig.3a.Foundation Plan
The dimension of pillar and footing
 Pillars: 15cm x 45cm
 Footings: 1m x 1m
 Excavation for foundation walls: 45cm
 Foundation walls: 15cm (width)
The foundation plan also dimensionalized to know the distance between the successive
footings, and dotted lines are also drawn to ensure that the foundation walls, pillars are
aligned in a straight line

Fig.3b.Foundation Plan with dimensions and alignment lines
Formwork Drawing contains the framework of structural drawing with the superstructure
element and infrastructural element which are : beam, pillar, floor thickness.
They represent the shape of the formwork or mold in which concrete is poured to produce the
desired component. The formwork drawing serve as a means of communication between the
planner and the constructor. Therefore the type of drawings as well as the number and
position of the sections should be always specified so that the constructor has a clear picture
of the component’s shape.
A plan of formwork represent the work to be done in order to come out with the pillars,
beams and floors.
The formwork plan of m building is shown below;

Fig.4a. Formwork Drawing just showing Beams and Pillars

Fig.4b.Complete FORMWORK PLAN

The complete formwork plan shows
 Floor thickness of each room which is 20cm.
 Dimension of all the 40 beams: 15cm x 40cm
Elevation drawing represents the information of openings, size and shape of external
surface, height of building and finish of the building after completion. These drawings are made
by having aesthetic view of the building
Here are the different elevations of my building;




The 3D floor plan is a virtual model of a building floor plan.
Here is the view of my building;






My building does not just have stairs as a means of moving from one floor to another,
there is an elevator also called Lift which has been placed close to the stairs in order to
help disable people to move easily from one floor to another.
An elevator(or lift) is a form of vertical transportation between building floors, levels or
decks, commonly used in offices, public buildings, and other types of multi-storey
Elevators’ planning in building projects is dependent on the “traffic analysis” study
which varies according to the type and usage of the building. For example, an office
building typically requires more elevators than an apartment building due to heavier loads
& traffic. Elevator professionals often use building type to assist in recommending
solutions based on different types of building traffic. Traffic analysis is the study of the
population distribution and their predicted pattern of flow within the day. It helps in

 The correct number and type of transportation devices

 The right sizes and speeds of the transportation devices
 The proper control systems and features to optimize and synchronize traffic flow
 The optimum layout for the transportation devices and correct positioning in the
building and in relation to one another.
 Easy access to buildings and a smooth flow of people and goods.

The efficiency of an elevator system is defined in terms of the quantity of service

(handling capacity) and quality of service (passenger waiting time).

The handling capacity of elevator system is the total number of passengers that the
system can transport within a certain period of time, (usually 5 minutes i.e. 300 seconds)
during the peak traffic conditions (usually the morning up-peak*) with a specified
average car loading (usually 80% of the rated capacity of the elevator). The handling
capacity is usually expressed in percentage and is calculated as:
0.8 × 300× RC 240× RC
HC= =
I×P I ×P
 HC = Handling Capacity(percent)
 RC = Rated Capacity of the elevator
 I = Interval(seconds)
 P = Number of passengers carried on a round trip (the number of passengers
carried on a round trip is established by the designer for each project and is
typically obtained by dividing elevator capacity by 150 pounds or 70kg per

The purpose of the Handling Capacity requirement is to allow designer to experiment

with different lift system configurations and to determine the optimum size, speed
and number of elevators for a building based on its peak use periods. If the handling
capacity of a lift system is too small, there will be lot of people queuing for the lifts
during up peak. Also, the lift cars will have to go more round trips in order to clear
off the queue. ELEVATOR CAPACITY

The elevators capacity is derived from up-peak traffic analysis. The nominal capacity of
the elevator and the rated maximum passenger capacity is than known from
manufacturer’s catalogues.

The general rules of thumb for estimating the number of elevators are:
 For buildings with 3 or less elevator stops and gross area of less than 5,000 m 2, provide a
single elevator. (Note however, if one elevator would normally meet the requirements in
the facility where elevator service is essential, two elevators shall be installed to ensure
continuity of service. If financial limitations restrict the inclusion of a second elevator,
as a minimum, a hoist way for a future elevator is recommended).
 For buildings with 4 or more elevator stops and the gross area above 6000 m 2 provide
two elevators. If the gross area of the building exceeds 10,000 m 2 provide a group of
three elevators. SPEED OF ELEVATORS
Elevator speed is determined by travel distance and standard of service. Car speed is
chosen so that the driving motor can be run at full speed for much of the running time to
maximize the efficiency of power consumption. The overall speed of operation is
determined by the acceleration time, braking time; maximum car speed; speed of door
opening; degree of advanced door opening; floor leveling accuracy required; switch
timing and variation of car performance with car load. The general rules of thumb, for
the recommended elevator speeds for various travel distances are:

Floors Car speed

2-4 0.75
9 2
15 3
Over 15 5-7
The table above applies principally to commercial buildings; speeds in residential and
institutional buildings may be subject to local design regulations. LOCATION OF ELEVATORS

The location of elevators shall be such that they are easily accessible and convenient to
circulation routes. When planning the location of elevators, the following principles shall
be observed:

 Elevators should be located so that the building entrances with the heaviest traffic
shall have adequate elevator service. Elevators should be as near to the center of
the building area served as practicable, taking into consideration the distance from
the elevator bank or banks to the most distant functional areas do not exceed a
maximum of 45 meters.

 Elevator lobbies generate noise and shall be acoustically isolated from areas
sensitive to noise and vibration. Elevators shall not be placed over occupied
spaces as this shall require counter-weight safeties and reinforced pits

 Where elevators are accessed from corridors, they shall be located on one side of
the corridor only and shall be set back from the line of circulating corridors. ELEVATOR DOORS

The doors protect riders from falling into the shaft. The door opening shall be capable of
opening doors at the rate of 0.9 m/s. This is a capability speed, with actual speed being
adjusted to meet the requirements of the specific installation. All power operated doors
shall be equipped with an automatic reopen device for passenger protection.
The most common door configuration is to have two panels that meet in the middle, and
slide open laterally.
o Single-speed bi-parting doors are typically used in the larger capacity ranges and
when dictated by the shaft and platform arrangement. Their operating speed is
generally faster than side-acting doors.
o Two-speed bi-parting doors have the fastest action and are used where a wide
opening is required; they are common on large passenger elevators and service
The two main types of elevators are hydraulic and traction. The main design
considerations for choosing either electric traction drive or hydraulic for a particular

project are: the number of floors, the height of the building, the number of people to be
transported, desired passenger waiting times and frequency of use. Selection of the best-
suited type of elevator considers initial cost of the elevator plus the building structure
needed to house the lift, maintenance costs over the life of the building and running

Fig.7.Traction Elevators

Traction elevators are the most popular form of elevator designs used widely across the
world. These consist of the elevator car and a counterweight held together by steel ropes
looped around the sheave. The sheave is a pulley with grooves around its circumference.
The sheave is driven by the AC or DC motor. The sheave grips the hoist ropes so that
when it rotates, the ropes move, too. This gripping is due to traction.


When the traction drive is rotated, power is transferred from the traction drive to the
elevator car and counterweight. The counterweight adds accelerating force when the
elevator car is ascending and provides a retarding effort when the car is descending. The
counterweight is normally sized equal to the weight of the car plus approximately half its
maximum rated capacity. That is Counterweight = weight of Car + approximately 50%
of the total weight it can carry.
It saves energy equivalent to the unbalanced load between the elevator and the
counterweight both when the car is travelling full and empty. The counterweight also
ensures that the elevator cannot fall out of control while the cable is intact.

Hoist Mechanisms

An elevator's function is to convert the electrical power, which runs the motor, into
mechanical power. There are two types of hoisting mechanisms: Geared and Gearless


In a geared machine, the motor turns a gear train that rotates the sheave. Geared traction
machines are used for medium-speed applications and have effective speeds from 0.5
m/s (100 fpm) to 2.0 m/s (400 fpm). The slower speeds are for freight operation, while
the higher speeds are typically used for passenger service in mid-rise buildings of ten
stories or less. The geared elevator system most commonly use a worm gear reducer,
which is composed of a worm gear, typically called the worm, and a larger round gear,
typically called the worm gear. These two gears which have rotational axes
perpendicular to each other that not only decreases the rotational speed of the traction
pulley, but also change the plane of rotation. By decreasing the rotation speed, we are
also increasing the output torque, therefore, adding the ability to lift larger objects for a
given pulley diameter. A worm gear is chosen over other types of gearing possibilities
because of its compactness, precise speed control, quite operation and its ability to
withstand higher shock loads. It can also be easily attached to the motor shaft and has
high resistance to reverse shaft rotation.


In gearless elevators the motor turns the sheave directly. A brake is mounted between the
motor and drive sheave to hold the elevator stationary at a floor. This brake is usually an
external drum type, which is actuated by spring force. Gearless traction elevators are
specified for high-speed applications having effective speeds varying from 2.5 m/s (400
fpm) to 10.0 m/s (2000 fpm). These are generally used on taller structures with more
than 10 stories. In terms of energy performance, gearless drive has no gear transmission
loss thus have a transmission efficiency of 100%.


The elevator car itself is constructed with a steel framework for durability and strength.
A set of steel beams above the car, called the crosshead, span the elevator shaft from side
to side and hold the pulley for the hoist cable. A steel structure, called the sling, extends
down the sides of the car from the crosshead and cradles the floor, or platform. The sides
of a passenger elevator car are usually made from steel sheet and are trimmed on the
inside with decorative paneling. The floor of the car may be tiled or carpeted. Handrails
and other interior trim may be made from stainless steel for appearance and wearability.
A suspended ceiling is usually hung below the actual top of the car and may contain
fluorescent lighting above plastic diffuser panels. The elevator controls, alarm buttons,
and emergency telephone are contained behind panels in the front of the car, next to the

In a simple installation, the lift shaft of concrete or masonry forms the part of service
core. Guide rails run the length of the shaft to keep the car and counterweight from
swaying or twisting during their travel. Steel guide rollers or guide shoes are attached to
the top and bottom of the sling structure to provide smooth travel along the guide rails.
The emergency brake mechanism consists of two clamping faces which can be driven

together by a wedge to squeeze on the guide rail. The wedge is activated by a screw
turned by a drum attached to the emergency cable HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS

Hydraulic elevator systems lift a car using a hydraulic ram, a fluid-driven piston
mounted inside a cylinder. All the weight of the elevator cab is supported on the piston.
The cylinder is connected to a fluid-pumping system (typically, hydraulic systems like
this use oil, but other incompressible fluids would also work). The hydraulic system has
three parts:
 A tank (the fluid reservoir)
 A pump, powered by an electric motor
 A valve between the cylinder and the reservoir

The pump forces fluid from the tank into a pipe leading to the cylinder. When the valve
is opened, the pressurized fluid will take the path of least resistance and return to the
fluid reservoir. But when the valve is closed, the pressurized fluid has nowhere to go
except into the cylinder. As the fluid collects in the cylinder, it pushes the piston up,
lifting the elevator car.

When the car approaches the correct floor, the control system sends a signal to the
electric motor to gradually shut off the pump. With the pump off, there is no more fluid
flowing into the cylinder, but the fluid that is already in the cylinder cannot escape (it
can't flow backward through the pump, and the valve is still closed). The piston rests on
the fluid, and the car stays where it is.

To lower the car, the elevator control system sends a signal to the valve. The valve is
operated electrically by a basic solenoid switch. When the solenoid opens the valve, the
fluid that has collected in the cylinder can flow out into the fluid reservoir. The weight of
the car and the cargo pushes down on the piston, which drives the fluid into the
reservoir. The car gradually descends. To stop the car at a lower floor, the control system
closes the valve again. The electric motor is redundant during descend.

Fig.8.Hydraulic Elevator


The hydraulic lifts are of two types. They are

1.Direct-acting hydraulic lift, and

2.Suspended hydraulic lift

1. Direct acting hydraulic lifts:
The system consists of a ram which slides inside a fixed cylinder. The cylinder has suitable
openings at the bottom for the hydraulic fluid to enter and also suitably designed to allow the
ram to slide up and down. The ram is attached to the top of the car, which acts as a capsule
carrying people or goods. The ram is pushed up by the pressure of hydraulic fluid acting
beneath. Thus the cage moves up to various floors as per the need. The cage is moved in
downward direction by allowing oil to get drained from the cylinder back to the oil reservoir.

Guide rails are required to guide the ram in a vertical plane. Car speed up to 125 feet per minute
(38.1 meters per minute) is attained and maximum travel length is 12 feet (3.6m).

Working: When the pump delivers oil to the bottom of the cylinder, as the valve meant for the
re-circulation remains closed, the oil beneath the bottom of the ram gets pressurized and this
pressurized oil lifts the ram (cage). When the cage has to be lowered, the oil is drained back to
the oil reservoir by keeping the valve open. The time for which the valve is kept open is decided
by the electro-magnetic switch, which gets its signal from the people who use the lift.

2. Suspended Hydraulic Lifts:

It has a cage (on which people can stand or goods can be placed), which is suspended from a
wire cable, and a jigger consisting of a fixed cylinder, a sliding ram, and a set of two pulley
blocks, which is provided at the foot of the hole of the cage. One pulley block is movable while
the other one is fixed. The sliding ram end is connected to the movable pulley block. The cage is
suspended from the other end of the rope. The raising or lowering of the cage of the lift is done
by the jigger. This arrangement is used to increase the speed of the lift by a 2:1 roping ratio. Car
speed up to 150 feet per minute is attained and maximum travel length is 48 feet (14m).

Working: Water or any hydraulic fluid at a high pressure is admitted into the fixed cylinder of
the jigger. This high-pressure hydraulic fluid pushes the sliding ram to move towards left side as
shown in the figure. When the sliding ram moves towards the left side, the distance between the
fixed and movable pulleys increases and thus the cage is lifted up. When the water or the
hydraulic fluid under high pressure inside the cylinder is released, then the distance between the
two pulleys decreases and thus the cage comes down. Thus the suspended-type hydraulic lifts
are more popular than direct type lifts.

Besides the above basic arrangements, hydraulic elevators can also be installed with more than
one cylinder. On some, the hydraulic piston (plunger) consists of telescoping concentric tubes,
allowing a shallow tube to contain the mechanism below the lowest floor. On others, the piston
requires a deeper hole below the bottom landing, usually with a PVC casing (also known as a
caisson) for protection.


The motor component of the elevator machine can be either a direct current (DC) motor or an
alternating current (AC) motor. A DC motor had a good starting torque and ease of speed
control. An AC motor is more regularly used because of its ruggedness and simplicity. A motor
is chosen depending on design intent for the elevator. Power required to start the car in motion is
equal to the power to overcome static, or stationary friction, and to accelerate the mass from rest
to full speed. Considerations that must be included in the choice of an acceptable motor are good
speed regulation and good starting torque. In addition, heating of various electrical components
in continuous service should not be excessive.

Choice Between Hydraulic and Traction Elevators

Hydraulic Elevator

Hydraulic elevators operate at slower speeds and serve up to 14 meters of travel. These are
recommended for light usage – low height installations.


 Lower ownership costs;

 Quick installation;

 Doesn’t need a penthouse or overhead support to house the machinery;

 Flexibility in the location of the motor room;

 Upon power failure the lift lowers to the ground floor and releases the door.


 Noisy, slow and poor ride quality;

 High on energy consumption;

 May cause potential environmental damage from leaking hydraulic fluid.

Traction Elevator

Roped traction elevators are much more efficient and safer. Geared traction elevators typically
serve mid-rise buildings with speeds ranging 0.5 to 2.0 m/s and gearless traction elevators can
serve buildings of any height with speeds of 2.5 m/s and higher.


 Faster and smoother ride;

 More energy efficient;

 Cost little more to buy.


The speed of the elevator shall be within the following ranges and chosen to suit the specific
building requirements as part of the elevator traffic analysis:

 Hydraulic passenger elevators - 0.25 to 0.75 m/s;

 Geared traction passenger elevators - 0.5 to 2.0 m/s;

 Gearless traction passenger elevators - 2.5 m/s and greater.


The lift of the elevator shall be within the following ranges and chosen to suit the specific
building requirements as part of the elevator traffic analysis:

 Hydraulic passenger elevators – 15 meter rise up to 5 storeys

 Geared traction passenger elevators – 30 meter rise up to 10 storeys.

 Gearless traction passenger elevators – above 10 storeys. MACHINE ROOM LESS ELEVATORS

All elevators, whether traction or hydraulic, require a machine room to store large electric
motors (or hydraulic pumps) and a controller cabinet. This room is located above the
hoist way (or below, for hydraulic elevators) and may contain machinery for a single or a
group of elevators.
The most significant development in the recent history of elevators has been the
introduction of Motor Room Less (MRL) elevators. Most MRL solutions are based on
gearless technology. Traditionally in motor room configurations the sheave, motor and
control system are all housed in a machine room above the elevator shaft but in MRL
elevators, the machinery is installed in the elevator shaft itself.
This was made possible by the development and application of permanent magnet (PM)
system technology in the lift motor that reduced the size of the motor by up to four times.
For example, a 6.5kW motor used in a MRL configuration can perform the same task as a
conventional 16.8kW traction machine. Smaller motors also use less energy. Technical
developments such as increasing the density of the armature winding in the PM and
applying their own proprietary joint-lapped core, further reduced the motor dimensions
while improving its power output. To date the focus from all manufacturers has been on
maximizing the power output of the motor while reducing its physical size.
MRL installations are generally cheaper to install, give greater architectural flexibility
and increased lettable space. Presently the speed and number of floors limit their
installation - MRL solutions range up to 30 floors and can reach up to speeds of 2.5m/s.
Since the application of MRL technology is relatively new and due to the very fact that
each of the major manufacturers provides propriety products, maintenance needs careful
consideration. Therefore when evaluating the technical aspects the end-user or building
owner should be aware of the potential pitfalls of being trapped into a high-cost
maintenance contract and left with no alternative.

The elevator cars are built at the elevator manufacturer's plant using standard metal
cutting, welding, and forming techniques. The rest of the elevator is assembled on the
building site. Elevator shafts are sized according to car shapes and sizes and door sizes,
with due consideration given to space requirements for guide rails and brackets,
counterweight systems, running clearances, and ancillary equipment. Sufficient air space
should always be provided around cars and elevator counterweights to minimize
buffeting and airborne noise during operation.
The building design integrates the elevator shaft from the beginning, and the shaft grows
as the building is erected. The walls of the shaft are poured concrete, and the shaft
straightness and other dimensions are carefully monitored as each floor goes up.
Guide rails, switch ramps, service ladders, and similar support equipment are bolted into
the shaft after the shaft walls are complete, but before the shaft is roofed. While the shaft
is still open at the top, a crane raises the counterweight to the top of the building and
lowers it into the shaft along its rails. The crane then lifts the elevator car and inserts it
partly into the shaft. The guide wheels connect the car to the guide rails, and the car is
carefully lowered to the bottom of the shaft.
The shaft is then roofed over, leaving a machine room above the shaft. The hoist motor,
governor, controller, and other equipment are mounted in this room, with the motor
located directly over the elevator car pulley. The elevator and governor cables are strung
and attached, the electrical connections completed, and the controller programmed.
Fire Alarm and Detection
Dual-contact smoke detectors or addressable fire alarm system smoke detectors and
control modules shall be provided at:
 All elevator lobbies
 Top of the hoistway(only if sprinklers are provided at the top of the hoistway)
 Elevator machine room
Smoke detectors, which are required in all elevator lobbies and elevator equipment
rooms, must be connected to the elevator controllers directly by means of auxiliary
contacts and wiring, or indirectly by means of output signals from the fire alarm control

panel. If a smoke detector goes into alarm, it signals the elevator to go into “Fire Recall
Function,” at which point the controller directs the elevator cab to travel to its pre-
programmed designated landing, open its doors, and remain stopped there until the alarm

If a hydraulic elevator loses power because a heat detector goes off — or for any other reason —
it could trap occupants for an unpleasant amount of time. To avoid this situation, designers can
specify elevator controls with a safety feature commonly called a rescuvator. Upon loss of
power, the rescuvator controls the cab, lowers it to the designated floor, and opens its doors. If
you specify a rescuvator, you must also specify a disconnect switch with an auxiliary contact
that opens when the disconnect arm moves to the open position but stays closed when the OCPD
trips. This switch shall ensure that the elevator won't descend into the elevator pit and allow
maintenance people to work safely in the area beneath the cab.


Myth: Many people believe elevators are held up by only one rope that can break, leaving
passengers trapped in a falling car.

Truth: Elevators are supported by multiple steel cables. Each cable alone can support a fully
loaded car.

Myth: Some people believe that an overcrowded elevator will fall.

Truth: This will not happen. An overloaded elevator will usually not move. The doors will stay
open, and a buzzer may ring until enough people get off the elevator to reduce the weight.

Myth: Some people believe they have been in an elevator where the elevator car fell several
floors and then "caught itself".

Truth: This feeling is a mystery. Elevator experts believe people may think this happened
because they 1) got on an elevator going in a different direction than expected, or 2) saw the
elevator floor indicator lights flash by quickly which gave the visual impression of falling.

Myth: Some people believe the hall doors will open when an elevator is not there.

Truth: The truth is that the elevator car controls whether the hall doors open. If the car is not at
the landing, the hall doors can't open because their opening can only be triggered by the arriving
car engaging an unlocking device after the elevator has stopped at the landing.

Myth: Some people believe that if an elevator is stuck between floors that they are in danger of
falling and should try to get out.

Truth: Absolutely not! Leaving the car on your own could result in injury. Elevator cars are
designed as "safe rooms". The safest place is inside the car. Ring the alarm and wait for help.
Leave the car only with the assistance of professional rescuers.

Myth: Pushing the CALL button repeatedly will make the elevator appear faster.

Truth: The call is registered just once; movement is in response to the elevator controllers.

Myth: Pushing the DOOR CLOSE button closes the doors faster.

Truth: It may cause the doors to close sooner, but not faster. However, if a buzzer sounds, the
doors may close slower, it is important to get out of the doorway as quickly as possible.


1. AC - Alternating Current (a type of power for an elevator machine).

2. DC - Direct Current (a source of power for an elevator machine).

3. Brackets (Guide Rail) - The steel plates, angles, or beams used to attach the rails firmly

to the hoistway.

4. Brake - A spring loaded clamping device that prevents the elevator from moving when
the car is at rest and no power is applied to the hoistway motor.

5. Buffer - A device designed to stop a descending car or counterweight beyond its normal
limit and to soften the force with which the elevator runs into the pit during an

6. Car (elevator) - The load-carrying unit, including its platform, frame, enclosure, and car
door or gate.

7. Cab - The decorative room in which people ride in a passenger elevator.

8. Cable (Rope) - Usually 4 to 6 in number, it is used to support the car and (passing over
the drive sheave to the counterweight) pull the car.

9. Capacity - The load rating, measured in pounds, for which an elevator is designed and
powered. The actual weight on the elevator should never exceed its rated capacity.

10. Hoist Rope - The wire ropes used to raise and lower an elevator car.

11. Hoistway - The space enclosed by fireproof walls and hoistway doors in which the
elevator travels, extending from the pit floor to the roof. (Hoistway is sometimes called
"hatchway" or "hatch".)

12. Car call - Indication of the passenger's destination floor as entered from the car
operating station by pushing the corresponding floor push button.

13. Car Operating Panel - A panel mounted in the car containing the car operating
controls, such as call register buttons, door open and close, alarm, emergency stop and
whatever other buttons or key switches are required for operating.

14. Center Opening Doors - A door type, which consists of two horizontal sliding panels,
which move in opposite directions.

15. Control Valve - The device which on hydraulic elevators controls the oil flow to and
from the jack.

16. Controller - An electrical panel which performs many computer functions by which it
operates an elevator.

17. Counterweight - A weight which counterbalances the weight of an elevator car plus
approximately 50% of the capacity load.

18. Cylinder - The outermost lining of a hydraulic jack.

19. Door Operator - A motor-driven device mounted on the car which opens and closes the
car doors.

20. Drive - The pulley or wheel, grooved for each hoist cable, which drives the elevator up
or down.

21. Drive Sheave - The grooved wheel of a traction-type hoisting machine over which the
hoist ropes pass, and by which motion is imparted to the car and counterweight by the
hoist ropes.

22. Gear - A toothed wheel designed to mesh or engage with another wheel or part for
transmitting or changing motion.

23. Hydraulic Valve - In the construction of hydraulic elevators, a valve used to regulate the
flow of the fluid used to raise and lower the elevator, usually a low viscosity oil.

24. Machine Room - The space in which the driving machine for an elevator or group of
elevators, dumbwaiter, escalator or group of escalators is located.

25. Nudging - A system used with automatic door operation which, if the door is held open
by the door protective devices or the door open button for more than a predetermined
time, will sound a warning signal and close the doors at a reduced speed and torque.

26. Pit - That portion of the hoistway extending from the sill level of the lowest landing to
the floor at the bottom of the hoistway.

27. Overhead - The upper portion of the elevator hoistway. Overhead is determined by the
elevator application.

28. Overhead machine - Standard machine room location on a traction elevator, the
machine room is located above the elevator hoistway

29. Power Unit - That device on hydraulic elevators which supplies the motive force to run
the car.

30. Valve - A hydraulic elevator mechanism that regulates the motion of the elevator by
regulating the flow of oil.

31. Worm - A shaft on which a spiral groove is cut.

32. Worm Gear - The gear wheel which engages the revolving worm. The rotating motion
of the worm is transmitted through the worm gear to the drive sheave.

33. Drive Machine - The power unit which applies the energy necessary to raise and lower
an elevator, material lift, or dumb waiter car or to drive an escalator, an inclined lift or a
moving walk.

34. Drive Sheave - The grooved wheel of a traction-type hoisting machine over which the
hoist ropes pass, and by which motion is imparted to the car and counterweight by the
hoist ropes.




During my internship period I faced the following challenges:

 I had difficulties to get familiar with the technical terms used on the construction site
 Working under harsh climatic conditions: at times the sun was too harsh and working
under this sun becomes more difficult and in those type of days I got tired rapidly.
 Working under rain: in the course of my internship the rainy season started and at times I
arrived at work late due to rain. Some other times rain will start when we are working
and if the rain was a light rain, then we will continue working but when it was heavy rain
we stop the work hoping that the rain will cease for the work to continue.
 Difficulties to reach the construction site because it was far from my house, and I had to
pay high transport fair daily and the state of the road also was not the best especially on
rainy days.


At the level of the company the following problems affected the rate of work:

 Effects of heavy rainfall: though a natural phenomenon, often disturbed the work
progress as some tasks like batching of concrete could not be carried out under the rain
and this turned to slow the process of concreting beams, pillar, and slowed the process of
 Accidents: when working at times a worker can match a nail, and get seriously injured,
this worker can no more work being in that state and has to leave the site. This makes the
company o loose a worker for that day and the task to be done by that worker is slowed
thereby slowing the working process. Or more grievous accidents happen when a broken

block from a floor falls on someone who is in the floor below. All these working
accidents actually happened in our construction site
 The incompetency of some workers employed by the company lead to some mistakes
such as pillars not aligning as it was in the plan, walls which were not straight, wrong
alignment of windows on the walls, and these mistakes made the engineering of the
company to at times modify the initial plans.
 Shortage of materials: this turn to slow down the work as the workers are to wait for the
plumber to buy the remaining materials finish his work before the workers could
continue to prepare the first floor for decking.
 Unavailability of some workers as the electrician not being available when he was
called to install the different tubes where the electric cables will pass, so the company
had to called for another electrician to come and to start the work instead the following


I will recommend the following to the company.

 To provide a minimum of safety equipment’s like to all their workers such as protective
gloves, helmets, and protective shoes in order to reduce the occurrence of working
 The company should propose the addition of elevator systems to clients with projects to
build from 3 storey buildings and above.
 To always make sure to buy good decking blocks in order to avoid on stie accidents
where a worker, walking on decking blocks falls from there to the floor below and also
avoids accidents where the block breaks and fall on the person working in the floor
 To always make sure to provide enough and good working materials like hammers,
grips, measuring tape, to the workers in order for the work to be carried out smoothly
and faster.
 To always employ competent technicians who will be able to follow the plan from the
engineer and do what is require very well.

 To find means to always respect the payments dates for all the workers so the works will
be comfortable and give in their best.
 To establish a break period during the working days and continue to provide a something
for them to eat.
 To reestablish the working hours for the workers especially the closing time in order to
avoid the workers to be working angrily due to the late closing time.


To conclude, the internship period is a very important period in the professional training
of the student. As for me it permitted me to start blending theoretical part of engineering which
is been thought in school to the practical part of engineering which I had the opportunity to learn
while being at the CAD CONSTRUCTION company as an intern.

Talking about building I believe and propose that buildings especially those with 3
storey buildings should have an elevator system more precisely a hydraulic elevator because it
suits best for these types of buildings. The elevator is to bring a solution for people with
disabilities and the people having knees problem to have the possibility to move across the
different floors of a building with ease. Also for people living in storey buildings the elevator
will be a suitable and comfortable means to reach home after a tiring day of work.

Elevators should not just be seen as a luxury, but it should be seen as a necessity for transporting
people and good vertically through the different floors of the building.

In final analysis, despite the difficulties and challenges faced, CAD CONSTRUCTION
is really a good company where everyone does his best to see thing going on well as it is
supposed to be and to the work and deliver the building on time as agreed with the client.


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