Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings Question Answers

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qt: 93. vhaptet = 2 Mattey dn oun Aworounding NCERT INTEXT guESTIONS (fh no+ 3) tahicde Hee fotlourt we mottey 9 chain, abv, love, smelly hate, almonols, houslt , cold, cold abenk, smell of pedume . chon , ain , smell, almonds , cold dutuk and smell of pegume ate matter, Give venson fou the following obsexwation : The smell of bot Afezting food seoaches go deweoial times mete cutay y but to get the smell sf cold foodl you ave fb yo close, j Tt ts becouse at febon tempexativu , te tinette energy of te molecules J Leigh and hence, wale diffusion ds Lighor , utile at” devo tunp ematwre > viele “4 dipution tb dow , bance ore has to 90 clase ts ae te smell V4 colo food. A dive is able to cut Hetoutgle uate in a Suatrauttag peel. Explain, The puretiches 4 every matey bas a famce athaacieg them, This fosee Keehs He pusticles hoethen in a matey, In ease a force of alteraction betueenr porticles is Less in eovmmepaeison to solids. Thus, toler moatecules flow eas.ily glug tay b diva. QU. What awe the chauactedishe Y He pusticles mater 9 Aus i) Mattey ts composed 4 vetey small poxhicles called atom, “i) The pouticles of mater have space betuten Hen. dui) The particles “ matey atlstact each ather. to) The povrticles of matte ane in cousrhaut mohon. NCERT INTENT QUESTIONS (Py no- 6) QL: The mass fur unit volume of a substiice 4s called devsity (density = mass |, Velume), Aoviounge the fotleuntg un axolex Daya eee chtmneys 5 Uhanay 9 tte alk, alten wad iuen, Aus, In wea bay aude i Abr < exhaust fom plist < cole < lUuatew < hone < chalk < jue, 0) Tabulate the oliffenences in He characteristic of the Huiee states ynatley. b) Comment on the follsuiing ¢ Rigiclity , compressibility , putlity , filling a gas container , shape Kinehic eneugy and olens.ity. al fosticles ane fye0ce ¢o| The puri . a | Ajim tact toate - dum freedom of t | | motion and ra maximum en egtes passers te} They possus Lower] They Tues pews te Least liga a density, | density Man solids. density b) y) Rigidity + gels ae te Aslids + maiidtatin sbap Ji) Lompuessi bility + The puopecty clue tr ubich te velume of a substance decteases, usher erteniiel fou is applied. ti) Fluidity + Tr és He puopucty of Louiels and gases by tut che Hey hove w tevcleney to flow. tu) Filling a gos outofiey + when a dewsen gre i bh sted inte oustren empty coutuinen , i Specs avd ocerepies the ushele volume He coutai nen of ate ain due to negligible siutenpouch cle foce V) shape s Tt is He puop ody of oticls. Guten Audaces ga Aotid produces a contain shape, wi) ktuetic euung y + The cout tuent _ poset ches of a maltey oe uot Afedionoscy . They ane found sn cousbant motion, Te positicles sf gases Hove maximun tinetic wey be cme Hein pott’eles move at wigh shed, K.E, > 1 mv? , 'm? ty moss and ty? b velocity, z wis) Density 1 Tt is the properly of a neater. LF iv defined a He mass peo unit volume. y - mM Ce Silent G3 Give sensor for te fellousing observations + “a) A gas completely filly the vessel tn utlitch it is kept. DA gas exeul prose on the walls 4 He counted, c) A wrooden tuble should be called a dobid. d) Ute con 2asily move ou hovel tx oly bed %0 clo He dame Hereregle a betid Hock of utoodlen need a karate expert NW 0) The male cles of a pas passes liigh Knchte and a veuy teak ‘sdbrnodiales poe eateries The yvolecules meve in abl directions, fs a uesut, He psessuue ts exeuted by Hie gas, He vessel ts completely fed usitk ges- b) The motecules f 0 fs posses high kinetic envgy and Yiandenr motion. The molecules Keep littivg He walls of He contulnen, AS a wesult , He purssuue ty ex ected by gus. QA bed prdsess contain puopeuties Ske vuigidlity , definite shape, [xed volume , ditiet dounolany aval dncomprress.ibi ity, A uuooderr table should be cold a sol because JF palsess ol He absve meutioues d) Solids have voy slong icermole clon fasiee of attstachion cmeney taeby pouticles uubile inti mole culos force attiactiour is vey poor in case of gases. Dus to tis season we cme able fo costly move ou dows su aly but caunst oo the seme Heuple a soltd block of utood, 04 Liquids generally ave Jewen censily as compared fo Aslids, But ae gaa dave obseved that ce floak on utaty. Find out why. when water is converted int ice, its volume sxpanols absut 102 tn comparison fo Me volume wuutey . Mus, ce occupis mone space, Aba sesult, ib density decrenses and it floals on wate. | iE MeERT INTEXT OvesTION (% no+ 4) Ot Convent the following temperate to (Celsius scale + a) 300k b)SF3BK Madseok = [aan - 273)°C = 277°C = B)573K > (593 - 173)°C > 300°C 42. Whot is the physiatd dtute of wale att a) 250°C b) }00°C Avda At 260°C , the plysieal alate watey is gas, TD) AL 100°C, the pltysizal slate 4 tit beth liquid avd g 3. Fax aubslance , clo i OO eater doting he Locege ag “eiege “oman fy of D te dempevotune semeins covatunt duning the chawge Alute becuse the heat supplied te tre Substance ws suede up dn evexconing the tnte1 molecules force 4 atluaction between the pouticles, ou, Suggest a metho! to Lyuepy atmosphense ges: Aus Atmosphuc'c gues can be Aiquepted by apblyting puessure and Heducing — Lympuratire. WCERT INTEXT uesTIoNs (f no 10) 04. why dlow a desert coslen coof besten ou a Ant duy olay? Med Oa a hat dey day , Aumbdiny dleowass and the Katey evapouatior tucweases . Thus, JA causes mae cooling. Q2. Hews dow the water kept sn an eanrren pot (mathe ) become cool oluutuy surmmen. Avs An tauthen pot (matka) has poueus wall, uber croton evapoxetes fuoyr fhe outer 4 of thre eanthen toll , Ut fakes tre dahut beat Vupouisedtion fom the doutren pot and Hus Counses cooling, FE 4 woult, the Lempeuctine of tether dulls. Q3. Ulhy dow sur palm fel cold uthen we put some atefve on pdrol au plume on St? Av, Acetone, pebrel and pefume ae highly velatile covapsunely pol , He evaposiate at tuber ule ploce ten on oun igh wate and absouh heat E a pe ject i fem sux bala. fs a wesult, OY, Why are we able to Ab trot ten aw mile faster fuem a doce Hater than « colb ? Aus A saucer (plate ) Ans mane Auuface amen foH evapastiey % ter Han a up, Thus, mone coating Ls observed wr a suucey, QS. what type ef clothes Sheuld we weow in a Avs We sheuld wear pwre colon cleties and preferably of uite Colour , bemuse colle fibues absoxh posi ~pitotion uli'elr causes the cooking feet . Setovrolly y uurite coteured clothes ae poon absanbers YX Lot, NCERT EXERCISES O41, Comyeut the f ollouutg Aemprroivie to He Celsius scale + a) 293k b) Yt0k We a PSR + foeek- CFARE Et fee db) 4eok 2 Cyeok -293R)°C = 197°C 92. Convert the folloun'ng temperature fo tee kelutr scale t a) 28°C b) 393°C Avs ajelerem= (25° + a5) 8k — 255 E b) 32346 = (3937 2e)R = fase 03. Give weasons fou the pottoculag obdenvech'sug > a) Moprralene balls ddsappern witthe Hime witheut Leawt any dottols. b) We com ge the Amel of puyume sitting sewenal metres RUA» yw chang es Aus a) Mopthalene is a volatile Solid , thee fare ft « Sacbbimection| into vapeur completely and no solid is te 4 noptralene ots, b) Tr ws because perfumes contain volatile osgaufe solver uli cour eadily Lifpuse thuouglh al aud Werte » Corsey the poguance to peeple Aitting Aevetal mets outlay, 04, Asmerge the oleusticg Aubstunce in dnoensiny aden of frsce of atluaction between the pauticles — winter, Sagon 7 ORYGEM + Ans Oxygen < watery < Saeg a GS. thet is the physic shte of winder af % a) 25°C bore : o) 100° Avg, The pluysicol stale of ulate at + : ayoste bb Mgutd boc bs bork sod awl Uyuid BW) 100°C ty both Louie and gad 06. Give tuo viersens to jetty the folleming ebsewations + a) ut of seem tempuutwe ds a ‘putt. b) An tren almivah is Ablid ot som temperature, Avs ajiulater at soom Lempyrotune is a Liquid becouse the dutermoleclam fauce of abbinctorr ame Abiong enous to keep th paicles bound fo each eter, By) Ht Los fixed wlume but wok fixed shafe b) ft) An don almtyal wb solid of soom tempoutune . because dt dos fixed shape anol volume. Hi) TF tanust fev. NOs q7. Uby is ice at 243k mone sfpective in cooling Wan. matey at He dame temperatine. Avs The ite at 273K 4s mane Affedive tn cooling Hin tuater because particles in ice at 273K flusily courted tvty Liquid by cebsox bing datent heat fusiou udheweas no pdase changes takes ploce dn Case of Ayuld + So, _ dete to maxe ccbsoiption of eueney » moe cooly octuns . 48. Ulla? causes mane sevens bung — boiling cater au dteam ? Met then hewt eater clrouges to dtenne , Hf crbsosbs Juturt Aut of vapewiration . hus, Aheam Coutuins moxe beat Han Betltug pated uml. So, Hann taumes mane Aevete bwins ad Compaued to boiling usater, 07. dame A,B; 6,0, € anol F tn He frleuttag dtaguans shouting changes dn ib slate, — Thowase heat and dewease puesdure Ue | —__, ie 8 ween eee orto ~———Aliauro ¢ ons wo A ——| | —— es ____ < Decwense heat and dnotense puessue Aus A’ Fuster om Melifing Et Sublimation Bi Vopowelsat'en an bailiy CE Condens atin | 0: Sobel heation ou fucertug Ft Sublimation VERY SHORT ANSWER BuEsTIONS () manks) ¢LEXTRN] Qt. Ts Hane any sinilatity un mateciorls 9 Ava Ves, cull mefereiads esses mass aud occupy Apace . Seana 609 of sagan di dissslued be 190 ml of inher, OS there Be trivease in volume , eubat chasaceutiels of matey 4 ilustioted by His skservation ? Avs This obsowatenr tucbicates that povticles of tater hove spaces between them ils eubtede bugs pouticles fit. 93+ telat happens when an duflatedl abi balleou Ls fiche aus pk 2 rlame the Asepenty 4 fhe Gasests btate wexbibited by His hgewvation . WS, The balloon bwul and oiffusioe Takes place , QY. Alame phe ppsvocess which vee tuhen o asap of tutater deHs{ is cdled +> winten, He uthen- dete! ss added fo water , diffusion takes place 05- To ube phys Afate matte oo the leeeer stutter apply 9 % ee 9 S) Dacompuessiote, no yivedl shebe a) Cupuessible, no definite valume wwf) Uguid 4H) Gos 08. Nome He state of mater th tsbtelr * 4) Layeus of pausticles Con ship 2 altele aver ene avotot ently JT) bot des slot move aueund saudenly becauie CA Vely week Jauce 6f attuactiou, As J) liquid state L) Gasecus slate Qt. Define density and give i SL unit. Res, Density sf a substance Ls defined as He mais por unt volume , Its SI wot us Kym's B38 uhidr of te felloustug , the pauticles rave highest jot athuact ou? Wates, Nach (solid) , Ice a ulax, Aus Nace ( selia) Has pourticles witht He highest face of allsinctiou', Qe tly do the gaacs exud mane pressure on te antl xf gt” the Contains than the solidls 9 “as Du gases she pauctieles mnsve sandemly at igh speed ound Hey collide wile wack other and ute He walls of He Container, QIO, uthich of He folleuttig diffuses fasten 9 tate uapsu , wax on, eHyl alcohed, Avs ulate Uapeur do toe dee bushi don ou tHe butey suxlace wea glass Conlainrt rag es tuaten 9 wpe Hes, the il vnfous juasend ix the aby cowets dy cneech wiv told surface of the gies 1 doses it enegy aud ge covoed into luoplets of cuate G12. Can matentols exist tr all the due states 9 Avs Ye, matewals Cun erist in al He Hee slates wnoler dittenent Covdli tions of tempotune avd Auedd we . OB. Kinete energy 4 poxrticles 4 water in Hee vessels A,B and C ae Eg, Eg and E, puspectively and & >4E, foyouge the tempenatures , Ty, Te and Te of water wn te tHesec vessels un wacteastug vider. ; . His Te < Ty < Ta , He kinetic enengy of puscticles A pra 7 = heigle Aemperatuse gry, tthe temperate yrrsus time gush of usaler , he belovo, 3 T 1 1 \ Tom ratiote (°C) —> Time ( Mtnutes) ——> chic suagion, covdains all Lipuids 9 Hs Raion C SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (2 Mauks) 3 - O41. when 2 ousted of poliasium por nate bb used placed dno beaks containing cuatey , it cole spscendls ot Me water “what do yeu corclude fiom fais eoualing about the noture of potessiuna ewmaganale aud watery Avs when we Le wu ntesdte ent brale oT a. sata ey ag nee Be et “al olistinet Layens colountess caren ot Hie Ih ond pink” cole at He betes, Alter jew wisuutes , pink col, spreads and whsle solution Tus pink clue ci fhualern . Since potssiun pouncns aunote bp a pottd Aubstarve dt cloes not 635 40 uth shace , tates moleceles due Jo dizusd slate , collide uth solid pasdlicls cud iulinmix cue to aulfickeut Apace betuseerr molecules, Q2. aky oo solids dave o eomebical bbiape 9 Aus In deliols, -he povdieles have Aighly oudeued asauegenrent becouse the sin terrmolecutars fovces of aHuaclion. petween He pedicles one voy abierg, Mhevegaue, Aetids have a weeglo (jomebical shape, {3,lihy awe gases compsessible but not Lywiols ? WA Gases ave “compsessibde becuse the tinteuyreleculay Apace ts vou 2 tn gases; wheueas biquils aue vot conmbsessible pecduse Oi ‘didaiels ” the i tehetaibe Apace £4 Aes cy Coapaued to Jess he, ‘i Qu, Can a yerbben baud chourge 4th shape en Abnetdiing 9 Ls to sold 9 AML tee, o Hubber band chourges shape under force are! megates te sume Abafe utlen te ce ts semsved. IF breaks on af ply bey excessive fore. Yes, # tb a solids, ae , . 5 Atam wt 100'c 3 belfer he ase phan a ot jo0'e 9 a ha At Eteann at (20°C is better fox Aeating purpose than tates af 100°C because the euugy of thy of Sleam at 100°C JED EX 108 jel wldch ts mare tas that of Lky 4 walen at same tomipexativee . Os. Give tuo tuays dn wbich mebbleg feint and beiling pelt Coun be csi % ov oP Aes) To check whether the substance. is poe of nat, b) To soloutify ont charade te dubstuee, 02 Relea wuss making tex in a kettle . Suddenly she felt dntense beat fuom We Meg tf ean gushing aa af Apout % the kettle . She uteudeued tues temperature of the Alea tates deighien Maw that of the cuater boiling tu the KetHle. Comment, Aud The temp nutune bet boiling uate, oud stan is 100°, but Ateoue deed marie enenay decaue 4/ datent seat of Unbourtisation . 5? poy dos the aospertone of a auatence semaine cv ats melting peint ox borlieg point 9 : tus The Lempoutue 4 a Aubdlince uemains constant at iG melting cud befling pecut until al) the Aubsterce melts as boils because » the heat uppbied is couhnursly used up £4 chong ing He Abate y the Aubsteree by evereoniiug the fe 9 atHoetierr between te porctteler , Teds Lead ouexgy absexbed wit showing any suite sa Pempucdute uy gsven the nome Ander? deat of fusion) Lateut Meat of Uap aunirsation CO Guhas de you uusluitand by te Towne | Labisd best of ee duet? Hawa mare the tient heat of fusion og Ace Avs, the anasunt heat thot jy sequived to cha. 4 Astiol int fra at atrnosphenic pucssaue watthoeab ed change ta Lenpercitute ot ib melting petut, bp trou os Aatet het fusion. The alin? heat of furinn of tte in ST unit fy 3.35 ¥ 10° I) Ry. que uth gue 2 Called dy fee 9 ay ? fu Sel’ Co, is Lum as duy ice, Ths ss because ut divecly gh cenveted into (reeous Alate witout padding Hoxougl Jiquid blale ow decreasing the puessute to 1° alosphere, B12. A guess Ausebler inivry hot water fs fept se He Compartment af a Heficig en ala (temperate <0'¢), Ty you could measure the temp Pump erature of the Coutert of te tembles , wlte of the fous Geapla teould cosenedtty tt Lempeucduute as 0 function Ca Hepersent We chauge tn dime 2 i at > > So 3 2 i = e e Tempeuatiyre | ~~) i it ||| @} Tomperntine | °¢ 3 Time (mfx) —> Time (mtn) — Aus, a.) The cole will cool juitially HU if seaches O°C, He freeriig polit. at Huds lage y He pemsperotune will semain custent HU oll He water” will peezee After His Leupere - tive seul ful again « Qn. eg butte to jrut abla of wet cloth ox toe fouelresd a permson Anu ww? 6 lun aw Sue ade ie ns ly Tarbaesetioe becoures mote Han the normal body evap eat une TE we put Abups f wet dot ou te forelend yf x puso suppusiig fron high fever, tre water evapouiates Faking Lot Thus, mast slips ull Lower ks body Aen fom He body. eueturte . 418. Look at the follersing fw and Aauggut LA ushich the gluss contutuens , i.e, A,B, 0, OD the uote y evapusetor taf be He bi gest 9 Explain, —_— = Mowing Fon — oy (Ce (a) (8) (CO . (bd) Aus ¢) The wate % eopaxaton dncveases ute au lncerse LK Audace amea becaue wehnuation ts a sugace plhevenrenrou . Hleo, ust He Ln ease 2h aly speed, He pauticles of winter Wapouss uu move autny uit ath, uel ull) seouease Hee Mode of evaponation . . Ques do wet cbtkes duy quickly hk the sun that sin He He The Hpotapie in the sumy wun ds higher than in the shade aud evapwotionr fa Lutes ploce at a faster sate of high Lamp xatume. Hence , wet hotties duy quickly in te Sun O18. uty do Brees acquine mose Leaves dum men 9 Lot Duniog summer the hmpeotioe is geneually very heigl. . Ly aude +> keep cool, a Lise must transpive Ctravupinodion | cit O phenomevcn oY evapaxcthon wader fiom He Lewes) mroue to keep iby cool, Mone Browspiredionr equines maue Leaves. Hence, 0 thee acquises mare . Leaves alusiny AUN , O16. tah oo We feel conn posite ble mister » fax whew we ase pes piuiny 9 us The stead ib seeadily evapanated the body by te ott fusin the for Ab % seasult » uve fee! compatable cole a fur AI. why oo pesple sputukle water wn thre son attr a het sunny day 9 Aus laren Apitiukleol au the sory evapauats by thing te datent heot ag y opasreisatiorr fom Hee gusuud. Thi mukw Hie place cos! and tompestable . iB. Tr ds a bot summer day , Pachy ousted aud AU que wear/t Cotten and nylon clothes wuspectively . tlto do yeu Hefik would be mane comfauteble and uy 2 es, Patiy cons weuld be mawe composctable beconne cole dt & good absavbeor Himn nylon, TH wbbonbs wwemt pom the body curd rsufeles e Aace awen fo evaporation unlicr datlaes costing effect + Ab a Luu , body frees ctl aud compar G19, Uy solids ane -sipid 9 / The intermoteculan “fosice of athuactior is Might and tntinmotecuten space t dewest an se’ , 40 Hey may hueak under fouce but i difficult 40 charge Hew Ahape, 49 Hey ame suyid. 920, Hew do ayuatte animals Aueathe unoley wratey 9 hes, The aguatic ontmal cau bseathe undeyuraten due fo the Aucsence of alissolved oxygen Ln water, 021. Dappenenttate between CVA avd LP, OTe re 11 compressed natural gar | 4|Lyuefted petroleum gas 2.| Th uth matily covnpeted of | 2+! Ir ts mainly composed af | methane || PHopene, butane avd othe guseds Be} tt Ls aed os fuel | B+] Lr in used os fuel du our home eleteles ot fos oxygen supplied fa lospttal SHORT ANSWER QuesTIONS (3 Mmaxks) +- O4. Substance $R? had hi Compaeasitt tty aval Con be easily Aiquefied » It can fake up He shape of auy coutainet, Ruediet Me natu of te subbtanee . Enlist pupuittes sf ts slate of malts. ws fA? ty a gas, Prop erties of gases t di) They oto net howe feed shape ay Velunte . 4) They have ee tuter molecule Apter, ij) They howe Least favers athunch’sn betverr the metecules, dy) Tey ave bi gdaliy combacesdible . | | Q2. Sugyet an octtulty t abou that He vate of diffusion 4 Mquils decuedses with sncuease in density of the Ligud, Hus » Take tuo beakens fed wit wal, Ouro dnep of Bue Ink luly alevg the asioles x te féust beaker tnd honey im Hw sane sig i avotien beake, o lowe St unditivrbed, 6 ule chsrwe Hot honey diffuses Aleuly a compared tr ink , This expeumment shou that Leusen the density puter tre ode 4 obi furiou . 3, Classify the following duty esmaats / diffuston a) Suuelling up of 0 viadsin on keeping vin mater. b) Spreading of winus om sneezing. C) Earth euaum olyting en coming din contort wif Common elt 4) Stuutnktng of guapes kept de tick augeun dy. t) Pceseuuing pickles ta sob, §) Spucnaling 4 amell uf cake being baked Hoeughaut te house. 9) Aquatic animals watag oxygen oisselved in wate dusting Hespbredt “mM. Aus 0) Osmosis b) OF Yurton J Obmodts d) Osmosis &) obmosis fb) Diffusion y) Diffusion. QU Explain what happens to He molecule motion ond energy 4 ik yf ualx of 293 cuhen Ht ds changed side See ot Some Pemprratine , How ts the Latent heat 4 fualev weloted Me euey exchange that takes place Aung Hs chase 44 state 9 Hus 0 Moleculln motion decxeases as water geli osnvented inl See. Olatiut heat wf solidification is giver off. latent next of sotidifteabirr Ly egual to latent deat of lust. 05. Design an expeutment + shoo that avamonium chosfole uncleeye sublimation. Au o Take vuystel ammenfune clude in 0 clu'va lish, 0 Put He eluira oli ou 0 tuipod sand with ise gauze, @ fut an duverted funnel or tee dina obit aud jusext a Cotten plug dn Hre ston the funnel. p Heat the elduo dik on o Low flame, 0 Tu the dinide of He funnel elite deport of ammon/une clawide ts seek ube olive chy covwot int gases state avd Her solidifies , Chess ation (betta ) “Giklivatign 4% 02. A student eats a beaker toutaiing ice and woter, He menses He tembuasuue of the content of the benker 2s a fonction of Hime. urhiclh of the follsudtng Cahswon sn figuse gtven bel?) ruewld eosmectly yuepument ine seowlh? Tustity your droite 100) vd ao Temp atime —d_ Time (wata) > Time (mtn) —> Tinie Luu) > ae = (a (a) () 2) fod Since ice and tmatey ae in equilibtum , the temp vat utsuld be zoo. when we eat te mixtunes, euetay Aupp Ged! ds utilised ix eli We sc3e ond the semmpenabies oes net change AU all He ico melts because C4 Aatent Aeot 4 furion. Oa fwrtey denting » the temip erative q. the usuley would inenease , Thenefane, the caumect ophou ss ld). GS beploin so he sate f eumpasallenr of a Liquid is affected mn va uti: 4) Tnovedse in tempeirrue of the Lguid. di) Dectease in exposed Surface aun. ii!) Inounse in mabye se the surscounding ais, Ju) Tnotense in utd Apeed. fr J) Rote 4 euaporation cnorenses ust Jube su dentponahuse i) Evaporator is Jed usher exposed” puifate quea ” decwenses . ait!) tess evo Hie 4 moshore content fs Lug un te aly, dv) Role of weposationr increnses tp ued Apeed Lnclenses. 09. Yeu utent 4 teat yee favowiite slit to a poelly , but the puoblenn ib tat if ts SHI wet ee ao uiadh , ubat Ateps would you dake to douy it Aus Conditions Yat can sncease he ‘wate 4 espe of csciton Oe gm 0) An snewense in Hee Aurferce amen by Apacecrcling he. abet b) AA duenense x He fompenativte by putting tre slut uvelen Hue sun. ) Tncwease tn the usud dpeed by Apacecicling 2 under the fou at 2.| Tempexatuues changes duchy |). The Hempooture does net change! eumposodinnr . dusting betlig. gf THbo very slew puocess fg} tt 2 a fast process. 4] Evapostation takes place ely [y,] Betling takes place tn He { t i sf the Uguid. LONG ANSWER guesTIONS (5 mauks) t - 01. Desuribe the continuous motion of pauticles 4 matter tut Hie help 4 an octulty, a) To demonstrate metion paouticles sin aiu + bus J) Ploce uno Lighted ftuconse sticks sm ox commen of a Heom, Ji) move absuf he Yeo ano she firgunnce of He theese Aties. The punguance produced due Lo burns 4 incense sticks ds due to movement of vapeuxs puoduced wuapilly ie all alinection b) To dewmoustiale moter of pauticles of dtd mater t i) Buch o cuystel 4 Copper sutbhate “ax pntasssiun per meuganale inte a glass f Lot ualey, Ji) Do wot Atty the Aelubion avd alloy au cuystels Jo settle af the bottom, UN) The colew o He gelid ws seen spending Alsvoly . Ths becuse tre solid poxticles afuse du the walex, 02. Desewhe an autulty to deteumtne He beiling pelt of water ond melting pefut dee, Hud, Delomination ct boiling petit of wale : @ Tn a beaker fake some watey and iweut a deomeneten au Jt uiith He help % a damp, 0 fut the beaker on a uipods stord and heat te appartus cttle we help % Keohane buxnet Alevaly. O cbse what Happens to water aud mote deur He Jem voture in the tenmoneten, . ee ; You utlll phsenue a Atecdy Abieam 4 bubbles, ls temprcahice ss fhe bailing potut a) utater, Deter mi nation. va melting pofut Y fee: o Take cubed wee iu a beaker and duset a Hennes wn te beakew by bay it prom the clamp tre Abenrol! sy duck a utey “that LD sis By He daeneoreabe bs completely turtle He see. Ulai# fax sone time and keeh wecardling He tupeahie after Amal intervals of Hime. me) * Vate daain be emspoxahane sthenr ie out aeth mab, Wlet the bulb of He Hrumometen Jannat mix ue tee and water fot some time and keep seceding yle tench outs Tis Temperate is ee melting polit y see, 3. While heating dee in a beakers ute a Her mometer suse -nded Li tt, a Stuolent secoreled He frilestieg obsewatinrss fmetix wid} O1 4/213] 4] 5] 614] 8 vale 26] 30] 35 patzaf off [ojé [ain ae 2230 | 60] 43)100|100 Based su the above obsewations , ausier the foUouilng guesh'enss ) dtate the changes dbseuved between 2-3min. and name Me puocess Lnvelved, b) Between 80-35 min, Me fempouatuue Hemotn coustant . State the leas ove { wd. Mame the beat favelved du thre poocess and define ar. : fs 0) Belween 2-3 min, Jee couverts jnto water. Ts process | ty Kron os fusion . b) Between 30- 35 min, we Jeucperotuue Hemains coustaut because He heat Supplied used up tn over coudng te dulevmolecter forces Atqutd +o change tuto Unfors. The heat tnvyelved Lu Ye fpuocess ts dateuc beat of . vopciabiorr . It ae cows ubned to I Liquid i aw lO ee Gt j | bafta bet OY, Dibewss she Vantous faclat affectiig Hn ate af evaposation.) latent Jeat of ewapoation of Huo Lauld f and B £2 (00-1 /ky and 150T) Kg Hespectively » uli hu °, efgece and daly - a Cee ee contig 4s fatter oyfecting te sate of euapoxaliow + o Swyace wea s The wate of evaporation ineteases wits buries dn sunfoce aren, © Temperatioe s The wate uA evapestatiorr Lumenses Ute Fuorecues dn bmp etre . OHuniclity ¢ The wate evopesotion devieme urile Fuwenses En nunetelty» outivd speed 3 The wate of euaporationr increase - se dx uttud speed, @ Mate of He Liquid ¢ the volatile compeunols evaporate feotin Han Wes volatile Compound (Myutd), B udl psoduce mone cooling bsob moue heat pus He sworoundings 05. Comment on He foelleuttng atute ments ? a) Evaperationr causes cooling - . b) Rote of eunbouation f an og wees polutivr olecueases uit Frorecse ak umtdrty . d Spouge trough cova ptessible ba Laut. A Tee is a gelid af O° , while water is Wauid af von temperate , €) Sugom tols oléssolve faster dn bot weater Hams told widen, use Lu etect because uw ow for evaposotion » b) Ais ausund us caret old more Han a deffuite oy mount of wate Vapour at a givert temperate woutale eur a4 bumddlity «So, df the ott is obendy woh in utatty vapours , {U pot duke up mae water, rhempure , sate of evubosation 5 utatey will decease. OA sponge Mod minute holes iu wich aly is Srapped . Also 3 ; . phe material Ls not wag » when we press Er y Ie ab eiled out avd we axe able to tompsiess Tt. But IF ts a exp vd wot fould because fk od deftuite shape oud volume a depintre changes ih AMebe wuless compsiessed. a) tte db peti at 0°C because it Mod o dephut re volume and definite Alpe due fo slhony Jute mote ceborss pose athxacton wore ds Loutl gt neom pompouture becwse jt lo olefiutte volume ord yo diffuite shape due ro weak ix den melecuton fouce of atiuach'ou » e) Sugos coups olisselue foador wn hot water youn cole! wade because het urate meteules have move kinetic onuigye Due te His, Hey Abiike forte wr He pautoles oY sugeLH Hour cold wrote molecules. Aso uoult, het water wir dissolve Prem faste Horr tool urate «

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