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10 strong goals?

Should I buy it
Your reading resulted in the following hexagrams:

Hexagram 1.1.2 to 33

Hexagram 1, Creative Force

Key Questions
How can you liberate creative energy?
What wants to be created?

'Creative Force.
From the source, creating success.
Constancy bears fruit.'

This is the pure creative spirit that flows through people and events: it drives towards manifestation, an
inspiration that wants to be realized.

It begins with an opening to the source of the creative impulse – not plans or intentions, but the vital energy
that powers them. Then you create success by sustaining a continuous, two-way flow between source and
action. You step into the heart of a process of creation, welcome its momentum and find ways to join and
work with it.

Through constancy, this brings out intrinsic potential and yields a harvest of positive results. To be constant is
to be true to your intent, faithfully aligning all your choices with your original vision, and carrying your
understanding through in practice and over time.

'The heavens move ceaselessly.
A noble one in his own strength does not pause.'

Hexagram 1 is paired and contrasted with Hexagram 2, creative Heaven with the receptive Earth. They are the
cosmic father and mother.
'Creative Force is firm, the Earth is open.'

Changing Lines
Line 1

'Dragon underwater – don't act.'

Line 2

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'See the dragon in the fields.
Fruitful to see great people.'

Hexagram 33, Retreat

Key Questions
What must you do to stay safe and whole?
How can you change your relationships so they support your integrity?

'Retreat, creating success.
Constancy yields a small harvest.'

The old Chinese character for 'retreat' shows a pig and footsteps on the road; perhaps this pig is running away
so as not to be eaten.

Retreat means withdrawing from what can harm you, or what might swallow you up: it is a way to keep
yourself whole. So retreating creates success: it is not defeat, but the way to avoid defeat, like an army that
falls back and stays intact. When you retreat, you hide yourself away – you might disappear into the
landscape altogether – so that you will not lose yourself.

Retreat moves away from threats, and towards wholeness and integrity. It is a way to be constant to principle,
and to yourself, by paying less attention to immediate results. The army that is loyal to a longer-term objective
will retreat in good order rather than linger to gather spoils. The hermit, constant to the truth he perceives,
withdraws from society into an inner space; he is not interested in claiming tangible rewards. Such constancy,
offering no resistance and creating no friction, bears fruit in small, inconspicuous ways.

'Below heaven is the mountain: Retreat.
A noble one keeps small people at a distance,
Not with hatred, but through respect.'

Retreat follows from Hexagram 32, Lasting:
'They cannot last long in the place where they settle, and so retreat follows. Retreat means withdrawing.'

Retreat forms a pair with Hexagram 34, Great Vigour:
'Great Vigour means stopping, Retreat means withdrawing.'

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