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#1 E-Commerce

Examples How does it work?

● Traditional Products or services are delivered
Dollar Shave Club through online channels.
Dollar Shave Club is only available online through its ● Customers benefit from higher availability and
convenience. The company sells online directly to
website, eliminating the need for physical stores, in-
person sales staff and paying vendor margins.

IKEA presents all its inventory on its website. This
allows customers to both preview products they want to Ask Yourself!
buy in the store as well as to order them to their home. ● Can I offer my entire product/service online?
● If not, what part of my product/service can be
offered online?
#2 Customer Loyalty
Examples How does it work?
● Customers are retained and loyalty assured by
VISA providing value beyond the actual product or
VISA lets its credit card customers collect reward points service itself, i.e., through incentive-based
for each spend. By offering money and in-kind rewards
● It creates an emotional connection and rewards
for a certain amount of collected reward points,
customers with special offers.
customers are incentivized to use the card more.

American Airlines
American Airlines rewards passengers for flying and
Ask Yourself!
spending with the airline. Through their loyalty program, ● How can I create my own customer loyalty
customers can earn status which allows benefits like program?
lounge access, upgrades and priority treatment as well ● How can I tie-up with existing customer loyalty
as spend loyalty points to purchase physical goods. programs?
#3 Lock-In
Examples How does it work?
● Customers are locked into a vendor's world of
Apple products/services.
Apple products work well only with other Apple ● Using another vendor is impossible without
incurring substantial switching costs.
products. Right from the Operating System (OS) to
● Lock-ins are created by technological mechanisms
devices like the mouse and bluetooth devices.
or interdependencies of products or services.

Once a customer owns a Nintendo console, the only
games compatible are the ones licensed by Nintendo Ask Yourself!
itself. This means that Nintendo generates additional ● What world of products/services can I create
revenue with every game sold. It is generally not around my offering?
possible to run 3rd party games on the console which ● How can I limit my customers to my world of
are not certified by Nintendo. products/services and make switching hard?
#4 Affiliation
Examples How does it work?
● The company ties up with individuals or other
Airbnb organizations outside of the main company to
Airbnb offers an affiliate program for gaining new promote the company’s product to the affiliate’s
customers and hosts. Websites that feature an Airbnb audience.
listing or showcase an Airbnb hosting get a commission ● Affiliates are paid a fee per sale or a fixed fee for
for every booking that they drive through their audience. displaying the product.

Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers review/advertise a companies Ask Yourself!
products on their Instagram page or YouTube channels ● Who can my company tie-up with?
and have special limited time period codes that their ● Who can I give free samples to in exchange for
viewers can use to get a discount on the purchase of a product reviews or endorsements?
companies products.
#5 Leverage Customer Data
Examples How does it work?
● New value is created by collecting customer data
Mozilla and preparing it in beneficial ways for internal
Mozilla Firefox is free to use. Mozilla generates money usage or interested third-parties.
through the collection of user behavior inside its ● Revenues are generated by either selling this data
applications. This data can be monetized with 3rd directly to others or leveraging it for your own
parties such as advertisers and search engine company’s purposes, i.e. increasing advertising
operators. effectiveness.

Best Buy
Ask Yourself!
Best Buy collects customer data to make
recommendations based on the customers spending ● What data can I gather about my user and their
behavior. This includes add-ons to certain products or behavior patterns?
discounts or update alerts for products the customer ● Who would be interested in the data I gather from
has looked for previously on the Best Buy website. my customers?
#6 Experience Selling
Examples How does it work?
● The high quality of customer experience offered
Starbucks increases the perceived value of the product.
Starbucks offers an experience to all its customers. The ● This leads to higher customer demand and in turn,
sight of the busy baristas, to the comfortable ambiance, higher prices can be charged.
to the familiar aroma of brewing coffee and the sense of
exclusivity with its own branded cup size name (tall,
grande, venti)

Red Bull
Ask Yourself!
Associations with extreme sports (e.g. Formula One,
motocross, windsurfing, BMX and snowboarding) ● What unique experience can I offer my customers?
combined with the distinctive Red Bull branding ● What kind of lifestyle do I want my product to be
enables the company to charge higher prices for its associated with?
#7 Two-Sided Market
Examples How does it work?
● A two-sided market facilitates interactions between
LinkedIn multiple interdependent groups of customers.
The hiring functions in LinkedIn function as a two-sided ● The value of the platform increase as more groups
or more individuals of each group use it.
market. The value for both recruiters and candidates
increases with the number of jobs and candidates on
the platform.

Uber connects drivers who own/operate a vehicle with Ask Yourself!
riders who are looking for vehicular transportation for a ● What are the various group of stakeholders for my
short duration. product offering?
● How can I connect any of these groups with
another and provide value?
#8 Direct Selling
Examples How does it work?
● A company's products are not sold through
Ryanair intermediary channels but are available directly
Customers are able to book flight fares directly at the from the manufacturer or service provider.
● The final cost of the product can be cheaper since
official Ryanair website. Once the website was
there is no retailer’s margin or any additional costs
launched within a year it accounted for three-quarters of
associated with the intermediates.
total sales. Today, 99% of sales occur on the website.

Lego has a network of brand stores, selling only Lego
Ask Yourself!
products and accessories. They are placed in popular ● How can I eliminate existing distribution channels?
locations and include exhibitions of complicated Lego ● What infrastructure or technology do I need to offer
constructions consisting of thousands of Lego parts. my product directly to consumers?
#9 Freemium
Examples How does it work?
● The basic version of an offering is given away for
Spotify free in the hope of persuading the customers to
Spotify is a freemium service; basic features are free pay for the premium version.
● The free version attracts the highest volume of
with advertisements or limitations, while additional
customer. The generally smaller volume of paying
features, such as improved streaming quality and music
downloads, are offered via paid subscriptions. ‘premium customers’ generate the revenue, which
funds the free offering.

A basic version with limited hosting space is offered to Ask Yourself!
customers for free. However, customers then have the ● What version of my offering can I afford to give for
chance to purchase subscriptions for larger amounts of free to attract customers?
storage space. ● What version of my offering can convert free users
to premium customers?
#10 Supermarkets
Examples How does it work?
● A company sells a large variety of readily available
IKEA products and accessories under one roof.
Based on ”Nordic living”, IKEA offers everything related Generally, the assortment of products is large but
the prices are kept low.
to home and living as well as groceries. This includes
● More customers are attracted due to the great
furniture for indoor and outdoor, accessories and food.
range on offer.

Best Buy
Best Buy offers a wide variety of electronics, including
products for various price and quality requirements. Ask Yourself!
This allows them to target customers with varying ● Does your offering allow for many products to be
purchasing power and provide comparisons of products sold at the same place?
prices and qualities. ● How can I tweak my offering so my business can
be a one stop shop for my customers?
#11 Rent Instead of Buy
Examples How does it work?
● The customer does not buy a product, but instead
Hewlett-Packard (HP) rents it.
Hewlett-Packard allowed its business customers to rent ● This reduces the money needed to gain access to
equipment. This allows customers to balance the product.
seasonality in server and storage capacity, data center ● Efficiency of product utilization is increased as time
move or consolidations, or disaster recovery. of non-usage is reduced

Porsche Passport allows customers to rent a car via the
Ask Yourself!
monthly subscription. It consists of an all-access
subscription for $2,000 to $3,000 per month and ● What resources can you rent instead of buy?
includes a variety of car models (e.g. two-door and four- ● What part of your offering can you give to your
door models), from which the customers may flexibly customer to rent over buy?
choose a model of their liking.
#12 Target The Underserved Communities
Examples How does it work?
● The product offering does not target the premium
Walmart customer, but rather, the customer positioned at
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Walmart the base of the pyramid.
● A small profit is generated from each product sold,
introduced banking services, targeting the poor. It
but the company benefits from the higher sales.
provided services to un-banked customers, for instance
in form of prepaid credit cards.

H&M offers all its products at really low prices. This also Ask Yourself!
includes e.g. formal and business wear, allowing to ● Which of my customer segments are at the bottom
target a large group of customers with a low purchasing of the pyramid?
power for clothing. ● What value can I offer to this segment of my
#13 Guaranteed Availability
Examples How does it work?
● The availability of a product or service is
Dropbox guaranteed, resulting in almost zero downtime.
Dropbox file hosting service is available 24/7, allowing ● The customer can use the offering as required,
which minimizes losses resulting from downtime.
customers to access their files anytime and from
The company uses expertise and economies of
scale to lower operation costs and achieve these
availability levels.
Amazon Web Services
AWS guarantees its customers 24/7 availability of cloud
computing capacity. This allows them to price in Ask Yourself!
maintenance and sell their capacity at a premium with ● What service can I offer that is 24x7 available?
full service. ● What systems or infrastructure do I need in place
to make this possible?
#14 Long Tail
Examples How does it work?
● Instead of concentrating on blockbusters, the main bulk
of revenues is generated through a 'long tail' of niche
Facebook products.
Instead of offering advertising solutions to only a few ● Individually, these neither demand high volumes, nor
companies. Facebook offers advertising to all kinds of allow for a high margin.
companies ranging from small to big in advertising ● If a vast variety of these products are offered in
budget. Although individual small customers may not sufficient amounts, the profits from resultant small sales
can add up to a significant amount.
have a big advertising spend, the amount of companies
adds up to significant revenues.

Ask Yourself!
Apple iPod/ iTunes
Apple offers its customers a wide variety of music in its ● What are the several revenue streams for your
iTunes store. Revenue with individual songs might be offering?
small but through the sheer mass of songs users ● What are the ‘niche’ products you offer ?
download it generates a substantial amount of revenue.
#15 Cross Selling
Examples How does it work?
● In this model, services or products from another
Shell industry are added to the offering, leveraging key
Royal Dutch Shell gas stations began selling items skills and resources.
● The products may not be linked to the main
unrelated to petrol already in the 1930s. For instance,
food and beverages, magazines, household goods etc.
This leveraged the network of existing infrastructure to ● Additional revenue can be generated with a few
cross-sell a wide array of various products to the same changes in the infrastructure.
customer base.
Ask Yourself!
CEWE Color ● What other products/services from other industries
Cewe offers all kinds of photo products. These range can I add to my offering?
from photo books and calendars to gifts and phone ● How will it complement my core offering and add
cases. to my revenue?

Business Model Navigator by BML lab

Shamir Joseph

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