RUBRICS Writen Report

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TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

STUDENT NAME & ID: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Written Assignment (Knowledge)

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Marks

1. Knowledge & Exhibits accurate and Exhibits breadth and depth of Encyclopedic knowledge and Limited understanding of
Understanding (20%) elaborated breath and understanding of concepts in can reproduce accurately required concepts and
depth of understanding of the knowledge domain. Can required facts and definitions. knowledge.
concepts in the knowledge use terminology accurately in
domain. new contexts and has Has adequate breadth, but Inaccurate reproduction of
transformed the ideas so that limited depth of text and lectures
Knows how particular facts they can express them understanding of basic
came to be. appropriately in their own concepts. Cannot discuss concepts in
Demonstrates an words. their own words
appreciation of the
limitations and temporary Demonstrates an appreciation
nature of conceptual of the limits of their own
knowledge in the discipline understanding.
or field.
2. Content (40%) All main points given with At least five main points given Three main points given but Only one point given with
• Introduction complete elaboration. but poor elaboration or four poor in elaboration or only elaboration or no obvious
• Procedures main points given with two main points given with point provided
• Advantages and Thorough, strong analysis. complete elaboration
complete elaboration
limitations of the Does not meet
techniques Fulfills assignment, uses assignment
Fulfills assignment, uses few
• Negligence or appropriate sources and
sources and reasonable requirements
errors during the reasonable analysis
• Conclusion
3. Quality of Information Information clearly relates Information clearly relates to Information clearly relates to Information has little or
and related to topic to the main topic. the main topic. the main topic. nothing to do with the main
(10%) topic.
It includes several It provides 1-2 supporting It includes several supporting
supporting details and/or details and/or examples. details and/or examples.

4. Organization and Information is very Information is organized with Information is not organized, The information is
Writing Skills (10%) organized with well- well-constructed paragraphs. no paragraphs and no disorganized.
constructed paragraphs subheadings.
and subheadings. There are few spelling or There are many spelling
grammatical errors. Writing is consist of grammar errors and grammatical
Writing is totally free of and spelling errors. mistakes. Ideas are hard to
grammar and spelling Most ideas are clearly follow.
errors. presented. The writing is not clear.

Clear, concise and creative

5. Attractiveness and The assignment is The assignment is attractive in The assignment is acceptably The assignment is
format (10%) exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and attractive though it may be a distractingly messy or very
terms of design, layout, and neatness. bit messy. poorly designed. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Three of the formats followed Two of the formats followed
All the formats followed perfectly. perfectly. One of the formats followed
perfectly. perfectly.

6. Sources. (10%) All sources (information All sources (information and Few sources (information and Only ONE source is
and graphics) are graphics) are documented, graphics) are documented. documented or NOT properly
accurately documented. - but has a 1-2 errors. documented
following APA styles

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