Examen Ingles. Esquemas

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TEMA 1. Living life to the fullest

Unit 10 — p. 132
 Starting a presentation
 Substitution and ellipsis
 Contrast and concession
 Verb prefixes and suffixes
 Words with similar meanings
 C2 Sports Idioms
 Understanding the rules of games

TEMA 2. A steady job

 Justifying opinions
 Emphasis
 Work and careers
 Multi-word verbns
 C2 Expressions with line
 Applying for a job

TEMA 3. Progress check p. 156

TEMA 4. Mind over matter

 Exemplification
 Participle and to + infinitive clauses
 Nominalisation
 Verbs related to mental processes
 Mood and feelings
 C2 think and thought idioms
 Dealing with stress

TEMA 5. Lifestyle choices

 Pausing or chunking in natural speech.
 Pronouns (1) - it and there clauses
 Pronouns (2)
 Safety and risk
 Adjective + noun collocations
 C2 Expressions with time
 Staying safe whilst travelling

TEMA 6. Looking after yourself

 Speculating
 Review (1)
 Review (2)
 Word families relating to health
 Health
 C2 Health Idioms
 Discussing food preparation

TEMA 7. Progress check p.196



Starting a presentation

1. giving an interesting or surprising statistic or fact

2. giving a 'what-if hypothetical scenario
3. using a quotation that sets up what you are going to talk about
4. asking a rhetorical question
5. beginning with a survey of the audience's opinions or experiences
6. giving an overview of what you are planning to say

 Substitution and ellipsis


 Contrast and concession


Verb prefixes and suffixes

Lengthened: made longer

Enforce: apply
Sweeten: make sweeter
Enraged: made someone angry
Encircles: goes around
Strengthened: made stronger
Tightening: apretar
Qualified: calificado
Classified: clasificado
Deepen: profundizar
Endangering: poner en peligro
Enlargement: ampliación

Words with similar meanings

Witness> The police want to take a statement from me about a car crash which I was
a ___ to last week.

Fans> ___ of American football team the Sealtle Seahawks set a world record for
creating the most noise ever recorded (136.6 decibels) at a sporting event, in a
victory over the San Francisco 49ers in 2013.

Viewers> The third episode of the series featured a blooper in which the microphone is
visible in the frame, but the vast majority of____ didn’t notice.

Audience> The ___ found the final scene of the play, in which Romeo and Juliet both
die, intensely moving; there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Spectators> ___ at a 1962 World Cup match in Chile belween Brazil and England had a
surprise when a dog came onto the pitch to chase the ball; play was stopped for
several minutes until a player got down on all fours to get the dog's altention.
Opponents > Boxer Muhammad Ali usually managed to defeat his ___ within the first
few rounds.

Rivals > Tennis stars Andy Murray and Rafa Nadal have spent many years as ___ on the
court, and as friends off it.

Opposition > The team tend to vary their tactics from match to match, so that the ___
teams don't know what to expect.

Competitors > Two ___ were disqualified from the race after failing a drug test.

Dominated> New Zealand ___ the first half of the match, and yet were unable to score
a try thanks to South Africa's formidable defending.

Outplayed> It was a great game, but throughout the match, the Montreal Canadiens
___ the Ottawa Senators and fully deserved their win at the end of the day.

Defeated> In 1997, a computer called Deep Blue ___ world chess champion Garry
Kasparov on its second altempt.

Eliminated> Iceland became the smallest country ever to qualify for the World Cup in
2017, but were ___
in the group stage and went home after playing three matches.

C2 Sports Idioms

1. Par for the course: what can normally be expected

2. Touch base: get in contact
3. On the home stretch: approaching the end o a task, project, etc.
4. The ball is in their court: it’s their turn to decide what to do
5. Below the belt: cruel and unfair
6. Jump the gun : do something too early

Understanding the rules of games


 Justifying opinions

 Emphasis

Work and careers synonyms

Recruit: hire, appoint

Dismiss: sack, let sb go, fire
Pay rise: increase, raise
Perks: benefits, extras
Promote sb: move up, advance
Superior: boss, supervisor
Income: salary, wages
Role: position, post
Vocation: career, calling, occupation
Redundancies: lay offs, job losses
Annual leave: time off, holiday
Staff: personnel, work force, workers

Multi-word verbs

Hold down: mantener/ conservar

Taken over: absorber/controlar
Cut back on: reducir
Laid off: despedido
Taking on: contratar
Turn up: ir/ llegar a un sitio
Burnt out: muy cansado
Carrying out: hacer algo
End up: terminar haciendo algo
Sorting out: resolver
Helping out: hacer el trabajo de otro
Staying behind: quedarse más tiempo
Working on: seguir trabajando
Get through: lograr hacerlo bien
Let down: decepcionar
Carry on: seguir/ continuar

C2 Expressions with line

1. On the front line: close to the enemy position
2. Out of line: demonstrate unacceptable behavior
3. On the line: at risk
4. Reading between the lines: infer meaning
5. The bottom line: the most important fact
6. Take a tough line: adopt a strict approach
7. Line of reasoning: thought process
8. Draw the line at: reach the point at which something becomes unacceptable
9. Toe the line: do what is expected

 Applying for a job

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