BRIEF Note Cyber Campaign

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Cybercrime and the global cyber threat make citizens vulnerable and
cost trillions of dollars each year. Every connected device is a potential
target. The cybersecurity problem is an education problem, from individual
awareness to workforce capacity. Over 90% of attacks succeed not because
of technology, but because of human error. And every private and public
organization suffers from a cybersecurity talent shortage.
What is this Cyber Campaign about?
An audacious call to action — for every Internet user— to protect
ourselves and our devices from the growing threats of online attacks. Timed
to coincide with the global Safer Internet Day campaign in early February and
National Cyber Awareness Month in October of every year, this cybersecurity
campaign unites governments, corporations, nonprofits, universities, and
schools globally, with a particular focus on the Quad countries (US, India,
Japan, Australia).
Quad Cooperation to Promote Responsible Cyber Habits
Quad Nations are launching a public campaign to improve cyber
security across the Quad nations: the Quad Cyber Challenge. The Internet-
users are being invited across the Indo-Pacific and beyond to join the
Challenge ( and pledge to practice safe
and responsible cyber habits. The Challenge reflects the continuing Quad
efforts to strengthen individuals’ and communities’ cyber security awareness
and action, as well as to foster a more secure and resilient cyber ecosystem
to benefit economies and users everywhere.
Internet-users worldwide are targets of cybercrime and other malicious
cyber threats that can cost trillions of dollars each year and compromise
sensitive, personal data. Many successful cyber-attacks can be guarded
against by simple preventative measures. Together, Internet users and
providers can take small steps to significantly improve cybersecurity and
cyber safety. These steps include routinely installing security updates,
enabling enhanced identity checks through multi-factor authentication,
utilizing stronger and regularly changing passphrases, and knowing how to
identify common online scams, like phishing.
Aim of the Quad Cyber Campaign
People in the society are aware about the nuances of getting hacked and
various other risks involved in using the internet carelessly. But few know
how to stay safe online. And even when they do, they don’t make time for
it. Our goal is to get as many people in the country to:
● Take steps to protect their devices (change passwords, enable two-factor
authentication, apply patches, etc.)
● Learn to avoid common scams
● Share online to recruit others to build awareness
● Consider taking a course and possibly pursuing a career in cybersecurity

Make Cyber as the Social Responsibility: Cyber Social Responsibility (CSR)

1. The stakes are too high.

No organization can afford to ignore cybersecurity anymore, and the risks are
too significant, both financial damage and reputational harm. A single data
breach can destroy a company's reputation and bottom line, so everyone in
the organization must take responsibility for cybersecurity.

2. Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT issue.

In the past, cybersecurity was primarily the domain of the IT department.
However, as more and more business is conducted online, cybersecurity has
become everyone's responsibility. Every employee needs to be aware of
potential threats and take steps to protect the company's data.
3. Everyone has a role to play.
While the IT department may have the technical expertise to deal with
cybersecurity threats, they can't do it alone. Everyone in the organization
needs to be vigilant about potential risks and report any suspicious activity.
By working together, we can make our organizations more secure.

4. Cybersecurity is constantly evolving.

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing, so everyone needs to be
on their toes. New threats are continually emerging, so staying up-to-date on
the latest news and developments is essential.
In Cyber Social Responsibility, the following are the stakeholders which will
play a significant role in achieving our aim:
 Consortiums like NASSCOM and individual Companies like: TCS,
WIPRO, Tech Mahindra, Infosys and other small & medium
 Government organizations and Ministries.
 Universities and Schools systems
 Think Tanks and Non-profit organizations
 Banking Sectors
 Critical Health Sectors
 Telecom Service Providers and Internet Service Providers
In this campaign, the office of National Cyber Security Coordinator under
National Security Council Secretariat has partnered with C-DAC-ISEA, Data
Security Council of India (DSCI), National Forensic Science University and
India Future Foundation for implementing the goals associated with the
For this campaign to successfully have major global participation and impact
on cybersecurity awareness and education, we will need support from
governments, corporations, universities, school systems, and nonprofits, all
focused on making a substantial investment in reaching consumers to
participate. We are looking domestically to have:
a. Global awareness events and campaign promotion: Engage high
profile leaders in awareness and events including a kickoff event.
b. Participation and promotion by major partners: Collect commitments
from multinational corporations and local governments in support of
the cybersecurity campaign. Connect multilateral organizations with to be listed on a website and participate in the April event

Cyber Campaign Activities

During the Quad Cyber Campaign, It is expected that participants will
dedicate a day, an hour, or more anytime during April 10-14 to take
action to improve cyber hygiene and learn how to continue to keep
ourselves safe and our devices secure.
The Stakeholders, Organizations, Non-profit organizations, Schools and
Universities are encouraged to take the Quad Cyber Campaign and
increase their awareness in the cyber world and also learn to protect
themselves by following means.
a. Signing Cyber Security Pledge: Online signing of Cyber Security
Pledge by adults, children and women on website
b. Checklist: All the stakeholders are invited to keep themselves safe by
following points on the Checklist (Annexure).
c. Commitments: Ask all stakeholder organizations, corporates,
schools, universities and Non-profit organizations to participate in
the cyber challenge by participating in the User Engagement
programs which includes various National Level Competitions and
User Engagement programs:
1. Online Quiz on "Stay Safe Online"
2. National level competitions will run from February 2023 to October
2023 with monthly specific themes.

 Short Video :
 Drawing and Painting :
 Creating a Cartoon storyboard :
 Slogan Writing on Stay Safe Online :
 Share your reels / shorts :

Collect organizations’ (governments, corporations, nonprofits, universities,

and schools) commitments to participate in the campaign — i.e. take action
for an hour during the week, providing the number of participants by
organizing lectures/workshops, talks and implementing the checklists at the
organization level.
● TCS commits that 100,000 employees will take part in the Cyber campaign
by spending a day protecting their devices and online accounts.
 Government schools like Kendriya Vidyalayas and private schools and
universities committing the participation of maximum students in the
cyber campaign by implementing the Checklist , signing cyber pledge and
reading cyber awareness cartoons
stories and attending quiz at

The activities will be propagated at a mass level which also coincides and
resonates with India’s G20 Stay Safe Online Campaign. This Quad Cyber
Challenge is an effort to increase awareness at a mass level which is being
coordinated by the office of National Cyber Security Coordinator under the
National Security Council Secretariat.

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