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Intuition For
Everyday Life
30 questions | 30 moments
Intuition Speaks Directly to You
You are already intuitive. You are always guided by and
connected to intuition but you may have been blocking or
doubting your inner guidance.

The insight, perspectives, information, and inner support

we need from our intuition comes from our soul (higher)
self, our subconscious and it speaks in the subtle
languages that we tend to ignore in this fast-paced,
analytical world. We just need to re-learn the language
and remove the blocks of doubt and fear that muddy the

This guide will give you more than 30 days worth of

questions and topics to connect with your intuitive
guidance. If you use even just half of these ideas you will
be amazed at just how accessible and helpful your
intuition can be in day to day life. It is ready and waiting to
help guide the way to that bright vibrant life that you were
meant to live.

How Intuition Speaks
Intuition speaks in gentle whispers, quiet nudges, gut feelings, emotions and bodily
sensations. Intuition can also speak in images, our own inner voice, repeating signs,
inner impulses, and on, and on, and on.

The language of the intuition and soul self is different for everyone, but there are
certain paths that lead to more direct messages. My favorite paths to intuition are:

Walking Intuitive art making

Journaling Visualization

Learning the language...

You only need to follow 3 basic steps to learn your intuitive language and begin
to follow your guidance.
1. Permission : This is not given by anyone other than yourself. You must claim your inherit
right to access your own inner wisdom.
2. Pause : When you are out of practice hearing your own inner guidance you need to re-
learn how to hear, sense and understand your messages. This requires slowing down and
tuning in.
3. Persist : We are in a world of logic, analysis and proof, stay too long in this world and you
can’t hear the language of intuition anymore. You need to connect regularly to build your
skills, practice and attune to the subtleties of your intuition.

Intuition will...
• hint at where you might find new info or a way to change your subconscious
• point you to something you are doing or need to do within yourself
• gives you a gentle understanding of your present condition
• tells you what you need to know for your highest good

Intuition will not...

• give you only one option (its always about personal choice and free will)
• make it about someone else and what they need to do
• bring up mistakes in the past to create doubt or guilt
• tell you what you want to hear - ego boost

We have direct access to intuition
30 Questions for your Intuition and the guidance from our higher
selves. Learning to pause is our first
What does my purpose look like? hurdle. Learning to ask the right
What forms can my life purpose take? questions is the second.
How can I feel more purpose in my daily life?
What does my life purpose connect to?
What can you show me about my purpose? We are asking our intuition and
subconscious for guidance on
Where is this job leading me? these areas of your life to go
What do I need to learn in my current position?
deeper, get clearer and find
What do I need to know about my career right now?
How can I shift my view of my career or job? support where it matters most,
Where do I need to focus my efforts? from within.
How can I improve my relationship with ___?
What am I meant to learn from this relationship?
Why is this relationship currently challenging?
If this relationship improved, how would it look?
What do I need to know about this How to Ask

Personal Growth
How has my past served me? Pause your thoughts so
What area of myself can I grow into?
you can hear.
How can I show up as a greater version of myself?
What shift would make the most fulfilling change in
my life?
What would it look like to be… healed/past this/my
2 Intend to receive an answer
best self?
Open your mind to all
Emotions 3
How can I let go of these fears or negative emotions?
possibilities & how the
Where are these feelings coming from? answer comes
What am I suppose to learn from this feeling?
How can I shift my perspective on this feeling?
I am struggling with ___, what will help me right now?
Ask the question & hear, see
4 or know the answer as it
I don’t know what I need, what would support me? arrives
I feel lost, who is here to guide me?
Where am I going with this?
Is there a right way to do this?
Why am I struggling with this (person, place, thing,

Tune in, ask questions, &
access guidance when...
You feel held back by a fear

You feel like circumstances aren’t in your control

Intuition will lead you to a life You feel like nothing is working
fueled by passion, soul
You feel ignored or invisible
connection and belief in yourself.
Experience complete disappointment in an
We tend to forget that we have a outcome

source for answers and support Comparison has you beat down
for ALL areas of our lives. Intuition
Overwhelmed by to-do list
can guide us toward healing,
forgiveness, belief, and self-trust. You feel abandoned

You feel like you don’t have the answers

You are searching for new ideas

You can’t make sense of a vague idea percolating

You feel pulled in different directions

You keep looking for validation

You feel like you lost your chance or time is

You keep waiting for permission
running out

There is a bunch of unsorted feelings - brain cloud

You feel like you are in the wrong place, wrong
path, but don’t know where to start
Just plain anxiety

You feel like you just want to know the future.

You feel like you are searching for meaning

The pain of the past keeps sabotaging you

You feel lost on your life purpose

You feel like you have to do it right the first time

You have different options making you confused

You feel like you don’t know who you are anymore
You’ve gotten caught up in drama

You just keep circling in thought and not moving

You’ve fallen into old habits that disempower you

The news, the world, the grief...

You want someone to hold your hand and guide
you forward.

Go Deeper, Get Clearer

I am Jane Buresh, an integrative life coach. I

help people find and follow their own
guidance toward their dreams and purpose.

My courses and products, available at,

have helped clients to recover their self-worth after years of
hiding, stop doubting their creative dreams to take big leaps
forward, and heal deep wounds leaving them feeling
empowered and confident.

If you want to learn how to connect with your intuition for

clear guidance, and move beyond doubt and fear to self-
trust, get started with 1-to-1 coaching, a group coaching
course, or DIY tools.

Find me on Instagram. @create-sparks

or on my website


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