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Nigeria's legal framework for addressing domestic violence has evolved over time, reflecting

growing recognition of the issue's severity. In 2004, the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition)

Act (VAPP Act) was enacted, marking a significant step forward in combating domestic

violence. The VAPP Act defines and criminalizes various forms of domestic violence, including

physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse. It also provides for protection orders,

compensation for victims, and support services.

Judicial Decisions and Interpretations

The judiciary has played a crucial role in interpreting and applying the VAPP Act, shaping the

legal landscape for domestic violence cases. Landmark judicial decisions have broadened the

scope of protection orders, recognized the psychological impact of domestic violence, and

emphasized the need for gender-sensitive adjudication.

The judiciary has also addressed the issue of corroboration in domestic violence cases,

recognizing that victims often face challenges in providing corroborating evidence. Courts have

increasingly emphasized the credibility of victims' testimonies and the need to avoid placing an

undue burden on them.

Challenges and Recommendations

Despite significant progress, challenges remain in effectively addressing domestic violence

through the judiciary. These include:

Low reporting rates: Many victims of domestic violence do not report abuse due to fear, stigma,

or lack of awareness of their rights and legal options.

Inadequate police response: Police officers often lack training and sensitivity in handling

domestic violence cases, leading to ineffective investigations and inadequate support for victims.

Inefficient court processes: Court proceedings can be lengthy and complex, discouraging victims

from pursuing legal action.

Limited resources: The judiciary faces resource constraints that hinder its ability to effectively

handle domestic violence cases.

To address these challenges, the following recommendations are proposed:

Public awareness campaigns: Increase public awareness of domestic violence, its forms, and

available legal remedies.

Training for law enforcement: Provide comprehensive training for police officers on domestic

violence, including investigation techniques, victim support, and gender-sensitive approaches.

Streamlined court procedures: Simplify and expedite court procedures for domestic violence

cases to ensure timely access to justice.

Increased funding: Allocate adequate resources to the judiciary to support specialized domestic

violence courts, training programs, and victim support services.


The judiciary plays a vital role in addressing domestic violence in Nigeria. Through its

legislative framework, judicial decisions, and ongoing efforts to address challenges, the judiciary

is working to protect victims, prosecute perpetrators, and promote gender equality. Continued

efforts to strengthen the judiciary's response to domestic violence are essential to creating a

society where women and children can live free from fear and violence.

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