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Name : Metasebiyaw Asfaw

ID : UGR/25574/14
Section: 1 , Group : 1
※ Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) : was commonly used in older television and computer
monitor displays. Beam Penetration: In a CRT, electron beams are used to generate
images on the screen.
o In the beam penetration method, the electron beams are directed towards the
screen and penetrate through a perforated mask called the shadow mask.
o The mask is positioned between the electron gun and the phosphor-coated
o The holes in the mask are aligned with phosphor dots on the screen. By
controlling the intensity and focus of the electron beams, the beams penetrate
the holes in the mask and illuminate specific phosphor dots, creating the desired

Shadow Mask: The shadow mask is a thin metal sheet with tiny holes punched in it.
It's positioned inside the CRT screen between the electron guns and the phosphor-
coated glass screen.
o The purpose of the shadow mask is to ensure that each electron beam (one for
each primary color: red, green, and blue) only hits the phosphor dots of the
corresponding color on the screen.
o This prevents the colors from bleeding into each other and ensures accurate
color reproduction.
o The shadow mask essentially acts as a mask to block the electron beams from
hitting the wrong phosphor dots.

Note: Both methods are crucial for producing accurate and vibrant images on a CRT
display. However, with advancements in display technology, CRT displays have
largely been replaced by newer technologies such as LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED
(Light Emitting Diode), and OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays, which offer
thinner profiles, lighter weight, and better energy efficiency

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