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absence absent absently
access access accessible accessibly
aim aim aimed -
benefit benefit beneficial beneficially
commerce trade commercial commercially
conservation conserve conservative conservatively
distribution distribute distributive -
donation/ donor donate - -
intention intend intentional intentionally
ownership own own -
persuasion persuade persuasive persuasively
petition petition - -
proposal propose proposed -
protest protest protestive
rejection reject rejected -
signature sign signed -
support support supportive supportively
volunteering volunteer voluntary -

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Câu 1. The contract was (signature) _________ by both parties.
Câu 2. His application was (rejection) _________ by the university.
Câu 3. The trailer was designed to (persuasive) _________ people to see the movie.
Câu 4. The producer just (proposal) _________ a new idea for a movie franchise.
Câu 5. His (intentional) _________ was to finish the project by the end of the week.
Câu 6. The studio (rejection) _________ the director's initial cut of the movie.
Câu 7. His (absent) _________ from the meeting was noticed by everyone.
Câu 8. The building is (access) _________ to people with disabilities.
Câu 9. The advertisement was very (commerce) _________ in nature.
Câu 10. She spends her weekends (volunteer) _________ at the local animal shelter.
Câu 11. The team was very (supporter) _________ of their teammate during his recovery.
Câu 12. Her (reject) _________ of his offer surprised everyone.
Câu 13. The mistake was not (intend) _________.
Câu 14. The (distribute) _________ of wealth in the world is unequal.
Câu 15. The (own) _________ of the land is still disputed.
Câu 16. Eating vegetables is (benefit) _________ for your health.
Câu 17. You need a password to gain (accessible) _________ to the computer.
Câu 18. She used her powers of (persuade) _________ to convince him to join the team.
Câu 19. She is the proud (own) _________ of a vintage car.
Câu 20. The idea was (proposal) _________ at the meeting but was not accepted.
Câu 21. The organization relies on (donate) _________ from its supporters.
Câu 22. The film was (commerce) _________ successful at the box office.
Câu 23. The rise of online shopping has changed the face of (commercial) _________.
Câu 24. There was a (protestant) _________ against the casting of a controversial actor in the lead
Câu 25. They started a (petition) _________ to save the local park from being developed.
Câu 26. Fans started a (petition) _________ to have their favorite actor cast in the sequel.
Câu 27. The actors (support) _________ promoted each other's performances during interviews.
Câu 28. He was (absence) _________ from school due to illness.
Câu 29. Please sign your name on the dotted line to add your (sign) _________.
Câu 30. The film studio tries to (conservation) _________ its resources by reusing sets and
Câu 31. The team needs your (supportive) _________ to win the game.
Câu 32. The movie received overwhelming (supporting) _________ from critics and audiences alike.
Câu 33. Please (signature) _________ up for our newsletter to receive updates about upcoming
Câu 34. One (beneficial) _________ of watching movies is that it can be a form of relaxation.
Câu 35. The actor decided to (donative) _________ a portion of his earnings to charity.
Câu 36. She is the proud (own) _________ of an extensive movie collection.
Câu 37. The (protestant) _________ against the new law was peaceful but determined.
Câu 38. The director (intentional) _________ the movie to have a strong message about social
Câu 39. She made a generous (donate) _________ to the charity.
Câu 40. The group was (protest) _________ the new policy of environment.
Câu 41. He made a (propose) _________ to merge the two companies.
Câu 42. You need a subscription to gain (accessible) _________ to the streaming service.
Câu 43. The (aim) _________ of the game is to score as many points as possible.
Câu 44. The salesman was very (persuade) _________ in his pitch.
Câu 45. She decided to (voluntary) _________ at the local film festival.
Câu 46. The (conserve) _________ of natural resources is important for future generations.
Câu 47. The (aim) _________ of the film festival is to showcase independent films.
Câu 48. The (beneficial) _________ of regular exercise is better health.
Câu 49. The movie was (distribution) _________ worldwide by a major studio.
Câu 50. The movie was (benefit) _________ educational as well as entertaining.


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