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Maya Karkar

October 20, 2022
Dr. Ghania Zgheib


 Introduction

ClassDojo is a widespread and effective instructional technology that is utilized by

schools all over the world. According to Manolev, et al. (2018), ClassDojo is defined as a
classroom management and communication platform, it was initially created as a tool that
provides feedback and behavioral monitoring, but it rapidly developed to have a far larger goal
and range. ClassDojo is considered a school-based online networking tool with a gamified
behavior pattern feature that provides a central virtual network for schools to engage. In their
article Manolev, et al. (2018), mentioned that researchers contend that ClassDojo's punishment
approach as it enhances and normalizes pupil monitoring. Moreover, it fosters an environment of
performance (managing the classroom) and functions as a behavior-control tool. This tool is
intended to be used by instructors, learners, parents/guardians, and administrators. ClassDojo is a
very fun interactive and immersive platform that teachers can use daily, this paper will present
the features, pedagogical use, and my personal experience with ClassDojo.

 Features

ClassDojo is a free application/website, with a basic layout. It enables educators to access

the tool whenever and wherever. First, the instructors should invite the students into class, where
every participant is portrayed with a customizable ClassDojo character. After doing so, teachers
select the skills and behavioral attitudes they want to focus on and improve in their pupils.
Educators can choose among a variety of basic settings or create new ones. ClassDojo includes a
“point system” that helps teachers with classroom management, assessment, creating portfolios
for the students; and teacher-parent interactions. This measurable feedback feature provides data
portrayal of behavior, sometimes referred to as 'Dojo points.' Students can check their dojo
points as they appear above each of their avatars, and the teacher can reset those points. The
parent-teacher assessment reports involve information on students' behaviors or skills that were
awarded, along with the duration and when they were granted, the amount of collected 'positive'
and 'needs work' points, and a green and red diagram indicating the feedback. Based on what I
have seen on ClassDojo, It includes many entertaining and attractive features that leave students
wanting more, such as posting (videos/photos, files, recordings, events), sending messages, over
35 languages, portfolios, think-pair-share activities, noise meter, music (focus and active), group
maker, sharing daily announcement or welcome messages, and the “Big ideas” feature, which is
is an interactive storyline activity with multiple topics. These features were not created or added
randomly to ClassDojo, each feature has a specific pedagogical use, which will unravel in the
next section.

 Pedagogical Use

ClassDojo is a student-teacher-centered technology tool, with a behavioral element feature

that provides educators with instant feedback on each pupil, a group of pupils, or even the whole
classroom concerning their actions and/or competencies that were demonstrated in class over a
specific period of time. Based on Dabbagh, et al. (2019) in their Meaningful Online Learning
article, online technology platforms should follow a set of meaningful learning characteristics, to
properly deliver virtual classes. ClassDojo demonstrates those characteristics, that qualify it to be
integrated into schools. The characteristics mentioned by Dabbagh, et al. (2019) are the
following; Active, Collaboration, Constructive, Authentic, and Intentional. A research study by
Mora (2020), talked about students’ behavioral change and motivation after using ClassDojo for
four weeks. She stated that a couple of students were behaving poorly during classes, they were
not submitting their assignments, and they were being disrespectful to their classmates, teacher,
and the learning environment, but after two weeks of using ClassDojo, these students checked
their points and feedback provided by the instructor, they were shocked by their results. After
that, the next couple of weeks went by smoothly, as these students decided they had to change
their attitudes and behavior as they discovered that these two factors were obstructing their
learning process. They started to make an effort, to earn points and badges, they were motivated,
and ambitious, and they started to cooperate with other students in their class and engage in the
lessons. Lastly, these kids learned how to use ClassDojo’s student-engaging features (such as
creating and posting videos). This example portrayed the five meaningful learning
characteristics: starting with active learning: Instead of idly absorbing material from ClassDojo,
learners are constantly involved in utilizing it as a platform. Moving onto collaborative learning:
ClassDojo allows students to engage alongside other students as opposed to working on their
own all the time. Proceeding with constructive learning: Besides simply receiving material,
learners utilize ClassDojo to link current information to past knowledge. Furthermore, we have
authentic learning: Instead of focusing on abstract tasks, learners utilize ClassDojo to connect
educational activities to the reality outside of the classroom. And finally intentional learning:
Rather than merely finishing tasks without reflection, learners utilize ClassDojo to create
objectives, organize exercises/activities, check performance, and analyze outcomes. ClassDojo
includes all of these characteristics, which is why this tool should not be slept on.

 Personal experience

After using ClassDojo, checking out its features in my demo classroom, and doing research
on the website/application, I discovered that this technological tool is commonly used in schools,
because of its outstanding features and goals. When I was teaching my hypothetical classroom, I
could easily locate the options I was looking for. These are the most interesting features I found
on ClassDojo; First, is “instant messaging”, where I as a teacher could communicate with my
student's parents/guardians, the administration, or my co-teachers. Second, “Dojo Points”, I can
give students points based on their performance and behavior individually and as a whole class,
by earning those Dojo Points pupils can redeem them for awards specified by me the teacher.
Third, “Big Ideas” is a feature where students can commence a discussion among themselves,
about some brain-teasing content, it is an interactive storyline educational activity, but sadly the
topics are limited for now. These are only a few of the features offered by ClassDojo, educators
can start the lesson with a welcoming message or activity, then follow up with a Think-Pair-
Share activity, while using the timer feature as well as the noise meter, students can then record a
video or take a picture of a finished homework that the teacher assigned them, or write a
paragraph. At the end of the session, the teacher can wrap up a growth mindset activity in the
“Big Ideas” section of the website/application. furthermore, I would like to emphasize the fact
that ClassDojo can be used on its own as a learning tool, from the beginning of class till the end.
Finally, I would like to say that ever since I started using ClassDojo I fell in love with it, and I
recommended it to a few of my colleagues inside and outside of my school. In this manner,
ClassDojo serves as a mediator, connecting its primary audience, which includes instructors,
learners, guardians, and administrations. This represents a critical component for the
sustainability of digital platforms.


Dabbagh, N., Marra, R., & Howland, J. (2019). Meaningful Online Learning: Integrating
Strategies, Activities, and Learning Technologies for Effective Designs. Routledge: NY,

Manolev, J., Sullivan, A. & Slee, R. (2018). The datafication of discipline: ClassDojo,
surveillance, and a performative classroom culture, Learning, Media, and Technology.
Routledge. 10.1080/17439884.2018.1558237

Mora, A. B. (2020). Gamification for classroom management: An implementation using

ClassDojo. Sustainability. 12(22):9371.

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