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Studio Management System

1) Background/ Problem Statement

The Studio Management System is a comprehensive solution
designed to streamline and automate the operations of creative
studios. This project aims to enhance efficiency in managing
administrative tasks, staff, customer relationships, project
workflows, and design assets. The system offers a user-friendly
interface with distinct modules for administrative roles, staff
details, customer information, work management, and design
collaboration. It incorporates features like access control,
project tracking, and file storage, providing a centralised
platform for seamless communication and collaboration within
the studio. The Studio Management System not only simplifies
day-to-day operations but also enhances overall productivity,
ensuring that creative teams can focus more on their craft and
less on administrative overhead. These systems are commonly
used in various types of studios, including fitness studios,
photography studios, dance studios, recording studios, and
In the past, studio management was often handled manually, with
paper-based systems or simple spreadsheets. However, as
studios grow and expand, the need for a more efficient and
comprehensive management solution becomes evident.
Traditional methods are prone to errors, inefficient in terms of
time and resource management, and often lack the scalability
needed to support a growing business.
2) Working of the System

The system comprises 4 modules: Admin, Staff , Vendor, Customer.

The admin can log in using their credentials. They can manage the
Staff, Vendor, Customer and they can add staff and assign work
to them. Also they can view all events that are placed by the
customer, They will have to approve the customer’s event and
create and assign contracts. The admin can view all the orders,
they can also add work categories and they can view all the
sales done till the date.

The Employees may access the system using the user credentials
issued by the administrator. Upon registration, employees
prompt the administrator for access, who subsequently
furnishes them with a username and password. This process
enables employees to sign in using the credentials bestowed
upon them by the administrator. Furthermore, employees have
the capability to review orders placed by customers, and they
possess the authority to either accept or decline such orders.
Additionally, employees have the capacity to engage in
communication with customers and to monitor their
outstanding tasks.

The Customers have the option to register using provided

credentials, browse for products, place orders, and
subsequently track their order status. Payment is required upon
placing an order.

The Vendors can register and update the products they supply, as
well as view the updated order status list provided by the client.
The system involves HTML, CSS and JavaScript and BootStrap in
the front end and Java in the backend. The framework used for
this project is Spring Boot and the database is MySQL. The IDE
used is Spring Tool Suit or Intellij IDEA.

3) Advantages

● Streamlined Operations: Studio management systems automate

repetitive tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and
inventory management, allowing staff to focus on delivering
high-quality services rather than administrative duties.
● Improved Efficiency: With features like online booking, staff
scheduling, and automated reminders, studios can optimise
their resources, reduce downtime, and improve overall
● Enhanced Client Experience: Clients appreciate the convenience
of online booking, automated reminders, and easy access to
their appointment history and payment information. This leads
to improved client satisfaction and loyalty.
● Better Communication: Studio management systems facilitate
communication between staff and clients through features like
automated email and SMS reminders, notifications, and
feedback requests.
4) System Description

The system comprises 4 major modules with their sub-modules as


❖ Admin:
● Login:
­ The admin can log in using their credentials.
● Manage staff
● View Orders
● Distribute work
● View events
● View feedback
● Manage Vendors:
­ The admin can add/update/delete/view vendors.
­ Approve the vendor’s profile.
● Manage Customer:
­ They can view the customers.
­ They will have to approve the customer’s profile.

❖ Staff:
● Login:
The staff can log in using their credentials.
● View Orders:
They can view all the orders.
They can view all the pending works.

● Communication with customers

❖ Customer
● Login:
­ The manufacturer can log in using their credentials.
● Search product
● Place order
● Order status
● Payment
● Feedback and complaints
❖ Vendors
● Login:
­ The vendors can log in using their credentials.
● Update supply products
● View orders placed by admin
● Update status

1) Project Life Cycle

The waterfall model is a classical model used in the system

development life cycle to create a system with a linear and
sequential approach. It is termed a waterfall because the model
develops systematically from one phase to another in a
downward fashion. The waterfall approach does not define the
process to go back to the previous phase to handle changes in
requirements. The waterfall approach is the earliest approach
that was used for software development.

2) System Requirements

I. Hardware Requirement

i. Laptop or PC
● Windows 10 or higher
● I5 processor system or higher
● 8 GB RAM or higher
● 100 GB ROM or higher
II. Software Requirement

ii. Laptop or PC
● Spring Tool Suit
● Intellij IDEA

5) Limitations/Disadvantages

● Cost: Implementing and maintaining a studio management

system can be expensive, particularly for smaller studios with
limited budgets. In addition to upfront costs for software
licences and customization, there may be ongoing fees for
updates, support, and additional features.
● Learning Curve: Learning to use a new studio management
system can be time-consuming, especially for staff who are not
tech-savvy. Training may be necessary to ensure that everyone
can effectively use the system, which can disrupt operations in
the short term.
● Integration Challenges: Integrating a studio management
system with existing software solutions, such as accounting or
marketing tools, can be complex and may require additional
customization or technical expertise. Compatibility issues may
arise, leading to data inconsistencies or workflow disruptions.
● Limited Support: Depending on the provider, the level of
customer support and service offered may vary. Some studio
management systems may have limited support options or
slower response times, which can be frustrating when issues
● User Adoption Challenges: Encouraging staff and clients to
embrace the new system and adapt to new workflows may be
met with resistance, especially if they are accustomed to
traditional methods. Overcoming user adoption challenges
requires effective communication, training, and ongoing

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