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Lagoon: A shallow pond where sunlight, oxygen, and

bacteria degrade and transform compounds in manure.
Storage covers are not a manure treatment technology Manure gases: Volatile compounds released from
per se, but provide a barrier between stored manure animal manure that may cause problems ranging from
and the environment. Covers may prevent precipitation- offensive odors to adverse environmental and human
induced overflows and cross-contamination between health impacts.
manure and the environment. Anaerobic: An oxygenfree environment or requiring an
oxygen-free environment to survive. Greenhouse gas: A
Solids separation is a pre-treatment step that divides gas that captures heat emitted from the earth,
the liquid and solid portions of manure. Solids contributing to global climate change.
separation makes storage of the solids easier and safer Biogas: A combustible gas produced during the
by reducing the potential for pollutants to contaminate anaerobic decomposition of organic material. Biogas is
groundwater. Separation may allow the use of further primarily composed of methane, carbon dioxide, and
treatments that would otherwise be hydrogen sulfide.
incompatible with the raw manure.
Ammonia volatilization: A process in which gaseous
Aerobic digestion uses bacteria to break down manure nitrogen- ammonia is released into the atmosphere.
in an oxygen-rich environment. Aerobic digestion can
reduce nutrients, pathogens, and can prepare the Acid rain: Any form of precipitation with a pH less than
manure for other treatment processes, including land 5.6, the normal pH of rain. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
application. Anaerobic digestion uses bacteria to break sulfur dioxide (SO2) released into the atmosphere,
down manure in an oxygen-free environment. generally by anthropogenic sources, turn into acids,
Anaerobic digestion reduces pathogens and manure lowering the pH of precipitation. Acid rain is harmful to
gases while making the manure more stable for storage vegetation, soils, and waterbodies.
and further treatment, but it does not reduce the
nutrient content. Airshed: A geogra- phical area sharing the same air.

Nitrification-denitrification uses different populations Eutrophication: A pro- cess where a water body
of bacteria to convert ammonia, a potential air and becomes nutrient- enriched and eventually unable to
water pollutant, to dinitrogen (N2) gas which can be sustain plant and animal life.
harmlessly released to the atmosphere. Constructed
wetlands make use of microorganisms and plants to Manure gases: Volatile compounds released from
break down dilute manure, absorb nutrients, settle animal manure. Many cause problems ranging from
solids, and kill pathogens. offensive odors to adverse human health and
environmental impacts.
Black soldier flies consume manure, killing pathogens
and transferring the nutrients to their bodies, Methane: A gas (CH4) produced when anaer- obic
creating a value-added product than can be exported bacteria decompose organic matter. Methane is a
off the farm. strong greenhouse gas. Methane can be used as fuel.
Flare: A method of burning biogas to pre- vent explosive
Vermicomposting uses worms to digest manure, gases from accumulating or entering the atmosphere.
creating pathogen-free, nutrient-rich products that can
be sold and exported off the farm.
The design of a cover system should take into account
Phytoremediation uses plants to absorb nutrients and the local wind, rain, and temperature ranges.
other pollutants from contaminated soils, preventing
polluted runoff and the migration of contaminants to Bank-to-bank covers extend across the entire span of
groundwater. the storage facility. The edges are buried in trenches
around the perimeter of the pond, pit, basin, channel or Geotextile and plastic covers are more durable, but
lagoon. Bank-to-bank covers are continuous with the more expensive and may require special disposal fees.
ground surface or extend only slightly above the ground Wood, concrete, and steel are permanent and durable,
profile. The bank-to-bank design can collect all of the but are expensive.
gases produced during storage and can provide a barrier Straw is the cheapest cover available and is appropriate
to precipitation and air intrusion. This is the only design when odor control and moderate gas containment are
that is capable of creating a completely anaerobic the main goals. Straw covers have several limitations.
environment, if the correct material is used. The straw may be blown from the manure surface by
A balloon cover is a variation of the bank-to-bank cover
design. Balloon covers can contain manure gases and Barley is the most effective straw cover. It floats the
shield the storage facility from precipitation. They are best and lasts the longest. As a general rule, the longer
essentially fabric pulled over the surface of the storage the stalk the better—shorter straw has a greater
facility and kept aloft with fans and blowers. While the tendency to sink.
materials used in balloon covers are more durable than
materials such as straw or foam, they are considerably Like straw covers, floating foam board is relatively
more expensive. However, they are often less expensive inexpensive. It is a common material used for modular
than wood, concrete, or steel covers. Balloon covers covers. The cover is constructed from five centimeter
may be fitted with vents and air traps, depending on (two inch) polyethylene foam made from recycled
other treatment process goals. The vent-air trap system polyethylene chips. Foam boards may be used alone or
allows liquid water to enter the storage area, but does paired with zeolite or a geotextile. Foam board is UV
not resistant and can have a lifespan of ten to 20 years
allow gases to escape to the atmosphere. Balloon under favorable conditions. The foam material is an
covers are not appropriate for creating anaerobic ideal habitat for microorganisms.
conditions as air is pumped into the headspace above
the manure to keep the cover aloft. Geotextile material is made from a non- woven
permeable material like polypropylene. Geotextile is
Modular covers may cover part or all of a storage light- weight, porous, and feels like tough felt.
facility—typically 50 to 100 percent of the facility’s Geotextile material may be used for bank-to-bank,
surface. Modular covers are particularly well suited for modular, or balloon cover designs. Geotextile covers
storage facilities that undergo frequent solids removal require special landfill disposal at the end of their life,
or for facilities with local climate or topographical adding to their cost. Since geotextile covers are
features that demand only partial coverage. The permeable, they are not appropriate for creating
modular units can be secured to the bank by trenching anaerobic conditions. However, they are able to capture
along the perimeter or by tether ropes. Floatation some gases.
devices must be incorporated into the design to keep
the inside edges of the units from tipping and sinking Zeolite: An ammonia- absorbing material.
into the manure.
Aerobic: An oxy- genated environment or requiring an
Capillary action:The movement of a liquid through oxy- genated environment to survive.
small spaces in a porous medium by the forces of
adhesion, cohe- sion, and surface tension. Protozoa: A one- celled animal that is larger and more
com- plex than bacteria.
Hydrogen sulfide: A colorless, flam- mable, toxic gas
(H2S) that smells like rotten eggs, produced during the Plastic covers are impermeable, flexible, and easy to
decomposition of organic matter. remove for facility maintenance. They can be used for
bank-to-bank, balloon, or modular covers; however, if
Straw and polystyrene are cheap, but require annual used as a modular cover, they need floatation devices.
replacement. The plastic used in the covers may be estane
polyurethane or XR-5 (marketed as ShelterRite).
Plastics, such as Hypalon, PVC, chlorinated
polyethylene, and neoprene do not work as well as
estane polyurethane. Plastic covers must be tough and
withstand damage from sunlight, ozone, cold weather,
wind, sulfuric acid, and microbial attack. The strength of
a plastic cover comes from scrim molded within the SOLID SEPARATION
plastic material.
Solids separation is the separation of solids from liquid.
Polyester scrim is resistant to acid, sunlight, water Solids separation is not a manure treatment technology
solutions, and microbial attack. per se—it does not advance biodegradation or change
the nutrient content of the manure as a whole.
Nylon scrims are stronger than polyester, resistant to However, solids separation makes manure handling and
water and soil organisms, but more susceptible to storage easier, and prepares the manure future
damage by acid and sunlight. treatment.

Fiberglass may also be used, but is sensitive to water Emulsion: A mixture of two liquids that do not form a
and subject to microbial degradation. true solution, but are instead held together by a
surfactant, keeping droplets of one liquid dispersed
Air intrusion can contaminate and lower the quality of throughout the other.
the biogas produced and cause failure of the gas
combustion equipment. Anaerobic: An oxygen-free environment or requiring an
oxygen-free environment to survive.
Concrete is a common and economically accepted
building material. Good quality concrete is essential for Nitrification: The conversion of ammo- nia to nitrite and
durability and must be reinforced with rebar. then to nitrate by the autotrophic aerobic bacteria
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, respectively.
Wood is readily available, even from trees harvested on
the farm. However, wood deteriorates over time. While Denitrification:The conversion of nitrate to dinitrogen
steel is more costly than concrete or wood, it is more gas by heterotrophic facultative bacteria.
resistant to corrosion if coated with a polymer.
Unprotected steel will corrode rapidly in the presence Inert: A material or compound that does not chemically
of biogas; galvanization does not protect against this react with other elements.
kind of corrosion.
Lagoon: A shallow pond where sunlight, oxygen, and
Scrim: Woven fabric. bacteria degrade and trans- form compounds in
Aerobic: An oxygenated environment or requiring an
Storage covers can be used to isolate manure and oxygenated environment to survive.
biogas from the environment—reducing air and water
quality hazards. Covers can be either impermeable and Soil amendment: Compounds used to build and
prevent all gas and liquid transfer with the external maintain the physical properties of soil.
environment or be permeable and allow some
controllable transfer. Storage covers may be bank-to- Fertigation: The irrigation of nutrient- rich water for fer-
bank, balloon, or modular in design and can be tilizer using irrigation equipment.
constructed from straw, foam, geotextile, plastic,
concrete, wood, or metal. Cover costs depend on the Tilth: The physical condition of a soil in relation to its
material as well as the design. ability to sustain plant growth.
Macropore: Large opening in unsaturated soils formed Larvae: (pl. of larva) Insects that are in the immature,
by the shrinking and cracking of soils, plant roots, soil worm-like stage after hatching from the egg.
fauna, or by tillage operations. The presence of
macropores may en- courage preferential flow of water Delayed separation processes occur after the urine and
and contaminants to groundwater. the fecal matter have been mixed or diluted with flush
Tile drain: Also called a pipe drain; a buried pipe that There are two physical traits of the manure that
conveys drainage water to a central drain or outflow to determine the effectiveness of the methods used to
a stream. Flow from tile drains may be considered separate the solids from the mixture.
point- source pollution.
The first is the density of the solids in relation to the
There are two categories of solids separations systems density of the liquid. If the solids are less dense than the
—source separation systems and delayed separation liquid, they will float. Skimming devices may then be
systems. used to remove the solids. If the solids are denser than
the liquid, they will sink. Gravity separation, such as
Source separation divides the liquid and solids fractions settling basins, may be best suited in this case.
before they have had time to combine.
The second characteristic is the particle size of the
Gravity and mechanical systems are used for source solids. Screening may be used to selectively remove
separation. solids of certain sizes.

Delayed separation partitions the fractions after they There are three kinds of delayed solids separation
have been mixed. Delayed separation may be driven by processes—gravity, mechanical, and chemical.
gravitational, mechanical, or chemical means.
There are three main types of settling patterns.
The enzyme responsible for converting the urea in urine 1. The first situation usually occurs when the
to ammonia is found in fecal matter. If the urine and manure has a high concentration of solids in
the fecal matter are kept separate the enzymatic action suspension. These suspended solids are often bedding
will not occur. and waste food.

Belt separation is the most common type of source 2. The second situation occurs when the solids
separation. Belts are relatively easy to integrate into have a greater density than that of water. Swine
existing infrastructure, especially housing with slatted manure often falls into that category.
floors. Swine housing often uses slatted floors for
manure collection. Conveyor belts are placed beneath 3. The third situation is often seen with cattle
the slatted floor. The belt should either be concave or manure. A crust composed of solid particles less dense
positioned at an angle, allowing the urine to flow into a than water forms on top of the liquid.
gutter, and away from the solids dropping onto the belt.
The liquids flow down the gutter by gravity and into a Gravity systems can be settling channels, settling
collection tank. The manure solids are scraped off the basins, or settling ponds; these systems all require
belt and into a separation collection area. additional storage for the separated liquid as well as
periodic removal of the settled solids. Care must be
Acid rain: Any form of precipitation with a pH less than taken to prevent catastrophic spills caused by
5.6, the normal pH of rain. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and inadequate freeboard or from a breach of the
sulfur dioxide (SO2) released into the atmosphere, embankments and leaching of contaminants to
generally by anthro- pogenic sources, turn into acids, groundwater.
lowering the pH of precipi- tation. Acid rain is harmful to
vegetation, soils, and water- bodies. Freeboard: The vertical space between the surface of a
water body and the top of the surrounding

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