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Câu 1: Thời gian chờ (Lead time) là gì?

Cho ví dụ và đưa ra giải pháp thực tế

để cải thiện thời gian chờ.
Lead time is the amount of time between when an order request is placed and
when it is completed or delivered to the customer. For a manufacturing process or
supply chain, lead time measures the time that stages and activities take to complete
a product or service from start to finish. Waiting time depends on the contractor and
the time taken to produce the product or service. Unreasonably long wait times can
negatively impact customer satisfaction and overall cost efficiency.
For example: Suppose a car manufacturing company has a lead time of 4
weeks from when a customer places an order until the vehicle is delivered. During
that time, the company needs to purchase raw materials, manufacture, assemble
and test the vehicle. The time spent purchasing raw materials, manufacturing,
assembling and testing is included in the lead time of the production process.
However, this car manufacturing company completed and delivered the car to the
customer 1 week later than the committed 4 weeks.
To improve Lead time, this company can apply the following practical
● Effective supply chain management: Ensure ordering of raw materials and
components at the right time and in sufficient quantity. You should choose
distributors that can provide components quickly, ensure quality, and prioritize
being located near the business's warehouse or factory. This can be achieved
by establishing partnerships with trusted suppliers, ensuring delivery
schedules and maintaining a smooth ordering and receiving process.
● Flexible production process: The production process ensures flexibility and is
easy to adjust to meet customer needs. Use agile manufacturing methods
such as Lean Manufacturing or Six Sigma to optimize technology, processes,
and management.
● Optimize information circulation: Improve communication and information
exchange between departments and related parts in the production process.
Use information technology and management software to track work
progress, reduce waiting time and increase transparency.
● Minimize waiting time: Identify and eliminate unnecessary or repetitive
activities in the production process to optimize workflow.

Câu 2: Chiến lược bền vững là gì? Cho ví dụ kèm theo?

A sustainable strategy is a business and development strategy that incorporates
economic, environmental, and social factors into the organization's practical policies
and processes to create long-term benefits for the organization (Shareholders) and
individuals (Employees) in the organization who are affected, directly or indirectly, by
the company's activities. At the same time, sustainable strategy is also concerned
with conservation - maintaining and regenerating resources. An organization's
sustainability strategy is based on the following three basic things to evaluate
businesses through criteria.
- Economic: Sustainable development in economic terms is fast and safe
development. This requires economic development in which the organization's
access to natural resources is facilitated through shared rights to use natural
resources for economic activities. equal way. The focus here is to create
common prosperity for everyone, not just focusing on bringing profits to a few,
within the allowable limits of the ecosystem as well as not infringing on human
rights. basic human. => Creating profits for shareholders, promoting growth,
increasing long-term values ​for shareholders according to profits, bringing
long-term economic benefits to society.
Sustainable economic development includes the following basic contents:
● Reduce energy and other resource consumption through energy efficiency
technology and lifestyle changes
● Changing consumption needs does not harm biodiversity and the environment
● Equality in access to resources, living standards, health services and
● Eliminate hunger and reduce absolute poverty
● Clean technology and industrial ecology (recycling, reuse, waste reduction,
used energy recovery).

- Environment: Environmental sustainability means that when using those

natural elements, the quality of the human living environment must be
guaranteed. That is to ensure the purity of air, water, soil, geographical space,
and landscape. The quality of the above factors always needs to be respected
and regularly evaluated and tested according to national or international
standards. Exploit and rationally use natural resources, protect the
environment and improve the quality of the living environment.
Environmentally sustainable development requires maintaining a balance
between protecting the natural environment while exploiting and regenerating
natural resources to serve human interests. => Need to protect the
environment well - or at least not harm the environment
Environmentally sustainable development includes the following basic contents:
● Firstly, effectively use resources, especially non-renewable resources
● Second, development does not exceed the ecosystem's carrying capacity
● Third, protect biodiversity and protect the ozone layer
● Fourth, control and minimize greenhouse gas emissions
● Fifth, strictly protect sensitive ecosystems;
● Sixth, minimize waste discharge, overcome pollution (water, gas, soil, food),
improve and restore the environment of polluted areas...

- Social: Sustainable social development is the guarantee of harmonious social

life. There is equality between social classes. Like gender equality, the gap
between rich and poor is not too high, and the difference in living standards
between regions is not large. For sustainable development in the social
aspect, businesses need to pay attention to the level of income per capita,
educational level, educational conditions, health, longevity, and satisfaction
with quality of life.
Sustainable development in the social aspect needs to focus on fairness and
create favorable conditions for human development by trying to give everyone
the opportunity to develop themselves and ensure living conditions.=>
Benefiting employees, communities and other social entities affected by the
business's existence.
Social sustainable development includes a number of main contents:
● First, stabilize population and develop rural areas to reduce the pressure of
migration into urban areas
● Second, minimize the negative impact of the environment on urbanization
● Third, improve education and eliminate illiteracy
● Fourth, protect cultural diversity
● Fifth, gender equality, paying attention to gender needs and interests
● Sixth, increase public participation in decision-making processes.

Câu 3: Dự án là gì? Quản lý dự án là gì? Tại sao quản trị dự án lại quan trọng?
● What is a project? A series of related tasks, often directed towards a number
of key outputs and requiring a significant amount of time to perform.
● What is project management? The planning, direction, and control of
resources (people, equipment, materials, etc.) to meet the technical, cost, and
time constraints of a project.
● Why is project management important? At the highest level of an
organization, success in project management is an activity that requires
careful control of critical resources. And the most important resource is still
the working time of workers.

Câu 4: Phương pháp đường găng là gì (Critical path method - CPM)? Cho ví dụ
minh hoạ Đường găng là đường thời gian dài nhất của dự án.
The critical path of a project (Critical Task) is the path through the network
that goes from the time of project commencement (project commencement event) to
the end of the project (project completion event) with a length on the time axis. The
maximum time (i.e. the total execution time of jobs in this line) through jobs (jobs)
with total reserve of 0 is called critical tasks. It helps identify activities that are
important to the project's progress and completion time. In the context of supply
chain management, the critical path method can be used to optimize and streamline
the flow of resources, materials, and information. The critical path method is a
technique in which a business or individual can identify the tasks needed to complete
a project in the supply chain to help determine the flexibility of the production
schedule and process.
The critical path method in project management is a long series of activities
that must be completed on time so that the entire process takes place within the
scheduled time. Any delay in critical tasks will delay the rest of the supply chain.
CPM revolves around discovering the most important tasks in the supply
chain timeline and identifying task dependencies and calculating task duration.
For example, the critical path will tell you the minimum number of months it
will take to produce the product. Similar to a child needing 9 months and 10 days to
be born healthy. If born earlier (premature birth), there will be a risk of defects, if
later, the body will not develop synchronously.

What is Critical Path?

In each project, the critical path is a collection of tasks that are related to each other
and directly affect the project completion date. In other words, if we start from the
project's end date and go back to the project's start date through dependent tasks, it
is the longest path. Therefore, each job on the critical path is very important and
directly affects whether the project is completed on schedule. Determining the critical
path and controlling the delay of work on the critical path will help you control the
project progress well.

For example: A critical path includes tasks A -> D -> H -> I -> K; If D is 2 days behind
schedule, the only way to ensure project progress is to speed up the progress by
shortening H, I, and K by 2 full days.
Câu 6: Quy trình dịch vụ là gì ? Tìm hiểu chuỗi cung ứng dịch vụ.

A service supply chain is a network of suppliers, service integrators, consumers, and

other supporting entities that perform the functions and use the resources necessary
to produce services, transform resources into services that support core services
and deliver these services to customers. Each business service can be divided into a
number of stages/activities.

Characteristics of the service supply chain

- Divided into multiple stages/departments that operate continuously, allowing
service providers to participate in the supply chain for specialization and
efficiency of the chain.
- There is no material flow and storage activities in the service supply chain
- Services are intangible products that cannot be stored - formed mainly by the
connection of information, needs, and supply capabilities.
- The basic resource of the service chain is skilled labor skills
- Chain capacity is demonstrated by satisfying customer needs through the
quality of service provided.
- Depends on the service skills of employees and the management level of
administrators to create appropriate service quality.
- Complex network structure
- In the educational service supply chain, the members are suppliers (providing
educational and research services), service providers (universities) and
customers (using educational and research services). study).
- In the tourism service supply chain, tourists, tour operators and service
providers form a complete supply chain.

Service supply chain operation process

Service supply chain management activities focus on 6 basic processes:
- Management of information and technical flows
- Management of resources and capacity
- Demand management
- Customer relationship management
- Supplier relationship management
- Manage service provision and order payment.

These processes are closely connected on the information technology platform of

the service supply chain. The components of the basic service supply chain are
professional service providers, service integrators, consumers, end users, and chain
members involved in the entire service process.

Service supply chains can be divided into three types:

- Continuous service supply chain
- Parallel service supply chain
- Integrated service supply chain

Câu 7: Phân biệt chuỗi cung ứng dịch vụ và chuỗi cung ứng sản phẩm? Ưu
điểm và nhược điểm? Cho ví dụ minh hoạ

Service supply chain and product supply chain are two concepts related to supply
chain management but have differences in goals and operating processes.

Service process Production process

Focus on managing the Focuses on managing the

Concept process of providing production, storage and
services from suppliers to distribution of products
customers. There are no from the source to the
physical products final customer. Commonly
produced and shipped, applied in manufacturing
but instead, immaterial and retail industries,
services and values ​are where products are
provided and managed. created and shipped from
factories to consumers.

- Identify and understand - Purchase raw materials

Main activities customer service needs. and components from
- Service design and suppliers.
development. - Production and
- Service provision and processing of products.
quality management. - Check and manage
- Interaction with product quality
customers and after-sales - Storage and warehouse
support management.
- Transport products from
warehouse to point of
- Sales and distribution of
products to final

Characteristics - Product: service, this is - Products: goods,

an intangible product tangible products
- Products and services - Products can be stored
cannot be stored - Suppliers connect with
- There is no threading of each other using raw
connecting material materials and information
between elements - Material source is the
- Suppliers are linked connection between
together by information suppliers and stages in
- Main resources: the process. The output
professional labor skills from this stage will be the
(for example: doctors, input for the next segment
pharmacists, drivers) -> to be able to produce
depends on employee finished products for
skills and management consumers.
level -> good service
quality not good
- Complex network

Advantages - No need to reserve raw - Goods can be stored to

materials, flexible and can serve many customers
easily change to suit - Diversify products to suit
customer needs. customer trends
- No warehouse required - Connect together with
to store goods. materials. One producer's
- Easily change the output will be another
process to suit each producer's input.
customer. - Product satisfaction is
- Suitable for all ages. assessed by sales.
- Suppliers can integrate - Can forecast product
many functions to serve demand to have
customers and satisfy appropriate production
customers. strategies.
- Connect with each other - Diverse resources, not
through information. too dependent on skills
- Satisfaction and and professional
satisfaction is a measure qualifications
of service quality and - No information
number of service uses. interference between
- Do not bury high capital. suppliers

- Requires specialized High capital requirements,
skills and must undergo factories and
training warehouses, offices
- Personalize requests for - Products must meet
each customer common industry
- The number of standards and conform to
customers is limited when consumer safety
the supplier's resources indicators
are limited. - High risk when products
- Unable to predict the are left in stock for a long
quantity of goods time
- Information interference - Product prices are
between suppliers causes affected by exclusivity.
errors in the service - Difficult to change when
provision process requirements change or
external factors impact

For example: A company providing financial consulting services:

- Identify and understand customer needs: Financial consulting firms interact
with customers to understand their financial needs, including periodically
evaluating their personal or business financial situation.
- Service design and development: The company creates financial service
packages, including investment consulting, financial planning, risk
management, and asset management.
- Service provision and quality management: Financial consulting companies
provide professional financial services to customers, including analyzing and
evaluating current financial situations, providing solutions. appropriate
finances, and support customers in implementing financial plans.
- Interaction with customers and after-sales support: Financial consulting
companies interact with customers, receive feedback, and provide after-sales
support, including answering questions, providing additional information, and
adjusting financial plans according to customer needs.

For example: Automobile manufacturing company:

- Raw materials and components: The company purchases raw materials such
as steel, plastic, rubber, components such as engines, electrical systems, and
suspension systems from specialized suppliers.
- Manufacturing and processing: The company carries out the automobile
manufacturing process by assembling components and performing
processing steps such as welding, painting, and assembling electronic
- Quality management: The company conducts quality checks during the
production process to ensure that cars meet quality and safety standards.
- Storage and warehouse management: Completed cars are stored in the
warehouse until requested by customers.
- Transportation: When there is an order from a customer, the car is transported
from the warehouse to the required location through the transportation
- Sales and distribution: Cars are sold through dealers or showrooms and
distributed to final customers.

Question 8: 3 điểm cho thấy thiết kế quy trình dịch vụ khó khăn hơn so với
quy trình sản xuất và đưa ví dụ ?
Service process design is often more difficult than manufacturing processes because
of the heterogeneity and unpredictability of customer requirements and expectations.
Here are three points that demonstrate the difficulty in designing service processes
compared to manufacturing processes:
1. Heterogeneity in customer requirements: In services, customer requirements are
often diverse and heterogeneous. Each client has unique requirements and expects
different results. This creates a challenge in designing service processes that are
flexible and customizable to meet different customer requirements.
For example: In the tourism industry, each customer has unique requirements for
location, service and experience.
2. Level of complexity when processing service information: Service processes often
encounter unpredictable problems in processing customer requests. Each service
request can vary in complexity, timing and other factors. This makes service process
design more difficult and complex, as different variations of service requirements
must be identified and prepared for.
For example, in the healthcare industry, patients may have different health needs
and issues, requiring customized and flexible care.
3. Continuous change in interactions between parties: Involves interactions between
employees and customers during the service provision process that can change
depending on each situation based on customer requirements . This also creates a
challenge in designing flexible and adaptable service processes.
For example: In the restaurant industry, service staff must interact directly with
customers and handle requests for party decorations.

From the above factors, it shows that designing a service process is quite difficult
and complicated. To design a service process, businesses need to have certain core
values to process information and services and provide the best service to
- Resources need to be trained and professionally trained.
- Products and services are personalized according to customer requirements
-> need experienced resources, appropriate service skills and quick
- Service providers need to integrate multiple services and require competent
managers to collaborate and coordinate different activities to effectively
deliver services to customers at the time of need, Save costs and be flexible
for any changes from customers or external influences.

Question 9: What is Logistics?

Logistics is a set of activities to ensure the provision of necessary components for
the production, business and consumption of goods in a timely and effective manner.
Previously, the objects of logistics were only tangible goods and products. However,
nowadays people also use logistics for objects such as services, information,
On the manager's side, logistics is always associated with choosing the optimal
solution to effectively control time and costs throughout the circulation of goods.

The role of logistics in the supply chain and examples?

Logistics is a small part of the supply chain and is one of the important steps to bring
products from point A to point B. The role of logistics in the supply chain is to ensure
the process of movement, storage and management. Manage goods, information
and resources from the source to the end customer efficiently and on time.
For example, Amazon uses a global network of distribution, sorting, and fulfillment
centers to distribute products. The company fulfills same-day and next-day delivery
orders using a sophisticated logistics framework.
Before being shipped to sortation facilities, products are first shipped to Amazon's
e-commerce fulfillment center. When goods arrive at sorting facilities, they are
loaded onto various transport vehicles, sometimes the company's fleet of delivery
trucks and planes.

Câu 9: Tầm quan trọng của Logistics trong việc vận hành doanh nghiệp như
thế nào ? Nêu 3 lý do
The importance of Logistics in business operations can be explained through the
following 3 reasons:
- Optimize operations and reduce costs: Logistics plays an important role in
optimizing business operations. By managing and coordinating the
transportation, storage, packaging, and warehouse management processes,
Logistics helps increase efficiency and reduce waste in business operations.
Optimizing logistics operations can reduce transportation costs, reduce order
processing times, maximize warehouse space utilization, and enhance
inventory management. This contributes significantly to improving business
profits and competitiveness.
- Ensuring the provision of service value that satisfies customers:
Logistics plays an important role in ensuring customer satisfaction. By
providing reliable, on-time, and safe shipping services. On-time delivery,
ensuring product quality, and providing accurate order tracking information are
important factors in building trust and customer satisfaction. This satisfaction
not only retains current customers, but also creates favorable conditions to
attract new customers and build long-term relationships with customers.
- Risk management and crisis response: Logistics plays an important role in
risk management and crisis response in business operations. When problems
occur, such as shortages of goods, slow deliveries, or shipping problems,
Logistics is tasked with finding quick and effective solutions. Logistics has the
ability to handle emergency situations, look for other options, and apply new
solutions or routes to ensure continued production and transportation
operations. Logistics also plays a role in assessing and managing potential
risks in the supply chain, such as supply shortages, price fluctuations, or
changes in regulations and policies. By providing preventative measures and
response plans, Logistics helps minimize the impact of risks and crises on
business operations.

An example of the importance of logistics in business operations can be seen

through the operations of a restaurant:
- Logistics helps ensure that raw materials and production components are
provided at the right time and in sufficient quantities to ensure uninterrupted
production and meet customer needs. For a restaurant, quality raw materials
always come first. Restaurant owners want to be able to receive fresh food to
ensure the preparation of the most delicious dishes to give customers the best
- Logistics helps manage warehouses effectively by using advanced
warehouse management methods and technology to avoid shortages or
waste and optimize costs. For a restaurant, they want to be provided with
fresh products regularly rather than storing too much in the warehouse,
avoiding the situation of not having enough raw materials for processing or
spoiling because of not using them in time, etc. ...
- Logistics helps transport goods from manufacturing plants to customers
quickly and safely to meet customer needs, increase satisfaction and create
long-term relationships. For a restaurant, they can provide additional home
food delivery services to customers. Logistics helps restaurants meet the
desire to experience food at home in the fastest time possible, while still
ensuring the deliciousness of the food.
- Logistics provides information and effective order management processes.
Restaurants can use an order management system to determine customer
needs, process orders, and track deliveries. This helps the company provide
better customer service, respond to special requests, and strengthen
relationships with customers.

Question 10: Mô hình Score gồm những mục gì ? Nêu ví dụ của từng chức
năng (Plan, source, make, deliver, return)
SCOR is the Supply Chain Operation Reference Model. This model identifies the
best applications, performance metrics, and software functional requirements for
each core process in supply chain operations.
The SCOR model provides a foundational structure and standard terminology to help
companies develop and manage supply chains effectively by unifying many
management tools, such as business process reconstruction and benchmarking. ,
and practice analysis. The SCOR model includes five main processes: Plan, Source,
Make, Distribution, and Return. Each process plays an important role in improving
supply chain operations.
The planning process (Plan) involves creating a strategic plan to manage all the
resources that support the supply chain. This process includes tasks such as
demand management, production planning, inventory management and capacity
management. The effectiveness of the supply chain planning method ensures that
the supply chain operates efficiently and meets customer expectations. Planning
brings certain benefits to businesses such as:
+ Products and services for customers are improved better.
+ Market demand for the company's products.
+ What are the advantages and disadvantages of comparing your company's
products with competitors?
+ Improve the efficiency of production and supply processes to meet customer
+ Expand relationships with partners such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors
and customers.
+ Make strategic decisions appropriate to the business situation.
+ Have a specific and accurate view on the storage and reserve of inventory for a
certain period of time.

The sourcing process focuses on procuring the materials and services needed to
meet the production needs of goods. This process includes identifying and selecting
a reputable supplier, negotiating a contract between the business and the supplier
regarding (Quality, technique, time, delivery location, payment time, etc.). ..), monitor
operations and establish good relationships with suppliers. A successful sourcing
strategy can reduce costs, enhance supply chain risk, and ensure the availability of
quality materials.
Activities that help maintain relationships with suppliers: information sharing,
technical support for them, incentives when signing contracts, supply of goods,
long-term commitments, mutual benefits, relationships long-term sustainable system.

The Make process includes all activities involved in creating products and services
and producing goods, manufacturing, assembly, testing and packaging. This process
needs to be clear and specific to minimize production and service costs, reduce time
as well as ensure product and service quality. An effective manufacturing or service
design process is essential to meet customer requirements and maintain a
competitive advantage among businesses in the market.
The delivery process involves managing the transportation, storage, and
distribution of finished products to customers. This process includes order
management and shipping method selection to ensure products are delivered on
time, in the right quantity and at the desired location. In addition, there is inbound
tracking. Effective delivery management can increase customer satisfaction, reduce
shipping costs, and improve overall supply chain performance.

The Return process involves managing returned products, including defective

items, excess inventory, and expired products. This process involves reverse
logistics, handling returned items and recycling or disposing of products when
necessary. Effective return management can minimize costs, reduce waste and
support sustainability initiatives.

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