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Data Interpretation (Time, Speed & Distance Based)

A Car and a Bus travel certain distances on five days of the week. The table
shows the distances travel by them and the sum of time taken by them to
cover the respective distances. It also shows the speeds of the Car and the Bus
on each day.

एक कार और एक बस सप्ताह के पााँ च दिन ों में कुछ िू री तय करती हैं । तादिका उनके
द्वारा तय की गई िू री और सोंबोंदित िू री तय करने में उनके द्वारा दिए गए समय का य ग
िर्ाा ती है । यह प्रत्येक दिन कार और बस की गदत क भी िर्ाा ता है ।

Days Distance Speed of car Distance Speed of Total

travelled by (in km/hr) travelled by bus Time
car (in km) bus (in km) (in km/hr) Taken (in
Day 1 A 80 A+80 75 11.4
Day 2 B+60 60 B-80 80 14
Day 3 C-50 90 C+100 60 15
Day 4 D+60 120 D+150 90 8
Day 5 E-20 40 E 50 22

Q1. Find the value of (B × D × E) ÷ (A × C).

(B × D × E) ÷ (A × C) का मान ज्ञात कीदिए।

A. 240
B. 360
C. 400
D. 480
E. Cannot be determined
Q2. Which of the statements given below are False?

I. The distance travel by Car on Day 1 is 480 km.

II. The distance travel by Bus on Day 3 is 600 km.
III. The distance travel by Bus on Day 5 is 500 km.

नीचे दिए गए कौन से कथन गित हैं ?

I. पहिे दिन कार द्वारा तय की गई िू री दकमी है । 480

II. तीसरे दिन बस द्वारा यात्रा की िू री दकमी है । 600
III. पाों चवें दिन बस द्वारा यात्रा की िू री दकमी है । 500

A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both II & III
D. Both I & III
E. None of these are true

Q3. What is the difference between the average distance traveled by Car on all
five days together and the average distance traveled by Bus on all five days

कार द्वारा सभी पाों च दिन ों में तय की गई औसत िू री और बस द्वारा सभी पाों च दिन ों में तय
की गई औसत िू री के बीच क्या अोंतर है ?

A. 25 km
B. 30 km
C. 35 km
D. 40 km
E. None of these

Q4. If on Day 3, Speed of Car decreased by 20% and the speed of Bus increased by
25%, then find the difference between the total time taken by Car and Bus to
cover their respective journey.
यदि तीसरे दिन, कार की गदत 20% कम ह गई और बस की गदत 25% बढ़ गई, त कार
और बस द्वारा अपनीअपनी यात्रा तय करने में दिए गए कुि समय के बीच अोंतर ज्ञात -

A. 1.25 hours
B. 1.50 hours
C. 1.75 hours
D. 2.25
E. None of these

Q5. On Day 4 total time taken to travel same distance as before when speed of
Car is increase by 25% and speed of Bus decrease by 50% is what percentage
more/less than total time taken on Day 5 by Car to travel 'A' km and Bus to travel
'D' km?

चौथे दिन पहिे दितनी ही िू री तय करने में िगा कुि समय, िब कार की गदत 25% बढ़
िाती है और बस की गदत 50% कम ह िाती है , कार द्वारा 'ए' दकमी की यात्रा करने में
और 'डी' दकमी की यात्रा के दिए बस दिन पर दिए गए कुि समय से दकतने प्रदतर्त 5
अदिक/कम है ?

A. 17.5%
B. 22.5%
C. 24.5%
D. 27.5%
E. None of these
Answer key:

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B


For Car A

[A/80] + [(A+80)/75] = 11.4

31A = 12,400

A = 400

Similarly solving,

B = 480, C = 500, D = 300, & E = 500

Day → Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Distance travelled by 400 540 450 360 480
car (in km)
Time taken by car (in 5 9 5 3 12
Distance travelled by 480 400 600 450 500
bus (in km)
Time taken by bus (in 6.4 5 10 5 10


(B × D × E) ÷ (A × C) = (480 × 300 × 500) ÷ (400 × 500) = 36

From Statement I, Distance travelled by Car on Day 1 = 400 km (False)
From Statement II, Distance travelled by Bus on Day 3 = 600 km (True)
From Statement III, Distance travelled by Bus on Day 5 = 500 km (True)
Only I
Average Distance travelled by Car = (400 + 540 + 450 + 360 + 480)/5
= 2230/5 = 446 km
Average Distance travelled by Bus = (480 + 400 + 600 + 450 + 500)/5
= 2430/5 = 486 km
Difference = 486 - 446 = 40 km

On Day 3, Time taken by Car = 5/0.8 = 6.25 hours (since distance is constant, ratio
of time and speed will be inversely proportional)
Time taken by Bus = 10/1.25 = 8 hours
Difference = 8 - 6.25 = 1.75 hours

On Day 4, Time taken by Car & Bus to travel with changed speed
= 3/1.25 + 5/0.5 = 2.4 + 10 = 12.4 hours
On Day 5, Time taken by Car to travel A km & Bus to travel D km
= 400/40 + 300/50 = 10 + 6 = 16 hours
Required % = (16 - 12.4)/16 × 100 = 22.5%

Data Interpretation

Directions: - Study the following information carefully and answer the related
Following information gives the data regarding production and sale of laptops by
three different companies during different months.
January: ―X% laptops remain unsold in company C which is 200 less than the
number of laptops which remained unsold in company B. Y% laptops sold from
company A and 800 laptops remain unsold in same company. Production of
laptops in company A is 500 more than the production of laptops in company C.
1700 laptops sold from company B.

February: Total 3000 laptops sold from company A and B together. (30Y – 300)
laptops sold from company B which are 1200 more than the number of laptops
remain unsold in same company. Z% laptops sold from company C and remaining
1400 remain unsold. The respective ratio of number of laptops produced to sold
from company A is 6 : 5 and 300 laptops remain unsold in same company.

March: (M – 200) laptops sold from company B and (800/19)% laptops remain
unsold. Production of laptops in company A, B and C are in the ratio 22 : 19 : 14
respectively. (500/7)% laptops sold from company C.

April: 1040 laptops remain unsold in company B which are ―6X% of the laptops
sold from same company. (XY + 500) laptops sold from company B which is 400
less than the production of laptops in company A. (M + 200) laptops sold from
company A and 200 laptops remain unsold. Total 3900 laptops produced in
company A and C together.
दनिे र्:- दनम्नदिखित िानकारी का ध्यानपूवाक अध्ययन करें और सोंबोंदित प्रश् ों के उत्तर िें ।

दनम्नदिखित िानकारी अिग-अिग महीन ों के िौरान तीन अिग-अिग कोंपदनय ों द्वारा

िैपटॉप के उत्पािन और दबक्री से सोंबोंदित डे टा िे ती है ।

िनवरी: ―X% िैपटॉप कोंपनी C में दबना दबके रहे , ि दक कोंपनी B में दबना दबके िैपटॉप
की सोंख्या से 200 कम है । कोंपनी A से Y% िैपटॉप बेचे गए और 800 िैपटॉप उसी कोंपनी
में दबना दबके रहे । कोंपनी A में िैपटॉप का उत्पािन कोंपनी C में िैपटॉप के उत्पािन से
500 अदिक है । कोंपनी B से 1700 िैपटॉप बेचे गए।

फरवरी: कोंपनी A और B से कुि 3000 िैपटॉप बेचे गए। कोंपनी B से बेचे गए (30Y –
300) िैपटॉप, ि उसी कोंपनी में दबना दबके िैपटॉप की सोंख्या से 1200 अदिक हैं । कोंपनी
C से Z% िैपटॉप बेचे गए और र्ेष 1400 दबना दबके रह गए। कोंपनी A में उत्पादित
िैपटॉप की सोंख्या और बेचे गए िैपटॉप की सोंख्या का सोंबोंदित अनुपात 6: 5 है और उसी
कोंपनी में 300 िैपटॉप दबना दबके रह गए हैं ।

माचा: कोंपनी बी से (एम - 200) िैपटॉप बेचे गए और (800/19)% िैपटॉप दबना दबके रहे ।
कोंपनी A, B और C में िैपटॉप का उत्पािन क्रमर्ः 22:19:14 के अनुपात में है । कोंपनी C
से (500/7)% िैपटॉप बेचे गए।

अप्रैि: कोंपनी B में 1040 िैपटॉप दबना दबके रहे ि िैपटॉप का ―6X% है एक ही कोंपनी
से बेचा गया. कोंपनी B से (XY + 500) िैपटॉप बेचे गए, ि कोंपनी A में िैपटॉप के
उत्पािन से 400 कम है। कोंपनी A से (M + 200) िैपटॉप बेचे गए और 200 िैपटॉप दबना
दबके रहे । कोंपनी A और C में दमिाकर कुि 3900 िैपटॉप का उत्पािन दकया गया।
Q1. If (Y – 15/4)% laptops in company C remain unsold in February and March
together, then approximately what percent laptops sold from same company in

यदि कोंपनी C में (Y – 15/4)% िैपटॉप फरवरी और माचा में एक साथ नहीों दबके, त
िनवरी में उसी कोंपनी से िगभग दकतने प्रदतर्त िैपटॉप बेचे गए?

A. (Z + 580/9)%
B. (Z – 580/9)%
C. (Z + 370/7)%
D. (Z – 370/7)%
E. None of these

Q2. Approximately what percent laptops will remain unsold in company B (in all
given months taken together)?

कोंपनी B में िगभग दकतने प्रदतर्त िैपटॉप दबना दबके रहें गे (सभी दिए गए महीन ों क

A. 31.2%
B. 45.4%
C. 22.7%
D. 52.7%
E. None of these

Q3. If the sale of laptops in company A in March has increased by (Y/2)% as

compared to that in previous month, then what is the difference between
number of items remained unsold in company A and B together in March and the
number of items sold by company A and C together in January?
यदि माचा में कोंपनी A में िैपटॉप की दबक्री दपछिे महीने की तुिना में (Y/2)% बढ़ गई है ,
त माचा में कोंपनी A और B में दमिाकर दबना दबके रह गए आइटम ों की सोंख्या और
िैपटॉप की सोंख्या के बीच अोंतर क्या है ? िनवरी में कोंपनी A और C द्वारा एक साथ बेची
गई वस्तुएाँ?

A. 1450
B. 1550
C. 1650
D. 1350
E. None of these

Q4. The average sale of laptops in company B and C together in April is 1400, and
then what is the respective ratio of the number of laptops sold by company C in
April to the number of remaining unsold laptops by the same company in April?

अप्रैि में कोंपनी B और C में िैपटॉप की औसत दबक्री 1400 है , और दफर अप्रैि में कोंपनी
C द्वारा बेचे गए िैपटॉप की सोंख्या और अप्रैि में उसी कोंपनी द्वारा र्ेष दबना दबके िैपटॉप
की सोंख्या का सोंबोंदित अनुपात क्या है ?

A. 15:7
B. 11:5
C. 17:8
D. 19:9
E. None of these

Q5. If the average of production of items by company A from December to

February taken together is 1900 and sale of laptops by company A in January has
increased by (X + 20/3)% as compared to previous month, then the number of
items remained unsold in company A in December and April together are
approximately what percent of the total production of laptops by company B in
यदि कोंपनी A द्वारा दिसोंबर से फरवरी तक वस्तुओों के उत्पािन का औसत 1900 है और
िनवरी में कोंपनी A द्वारा िैपटॉप की दबक्री दपछिे महीने की तुिना में (X + 20/3)% बढ़
गई है , त वस्तुओों की सोंख्या बनी हुई है दिसों बर और अप्रैि में कोंपनी A में दबना दबके, माचा
में कोंपनी B द्वारा िैपटॉप के कुि उत्पािन का िगभग दकतना प्रदतर्त है ?

A. 1100/19%
B. 1300/11%
C. 1500/17%
D. 1700/23%
E. None of these

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A


In February
In Company A, Unsold = 300, Production = 6/(6 – 5) × 300 = 1800, Sold = 1800 –
300 = 1500
In Company B, Sold = 3000 – 1500 = 1500, Unsold = 1500 – 1200 = 300,
Production = 1500 + 300 = 1800
30Y – 300 = 1500
Y = 60
In Company C, Unsold = 1400, Production = 1400/(1 – Z/100 ), Sold = 1400 ×
z/(100 – z)
In April
In Company B, Unsold = 1040, Sold = XY + 500 = (40/3) × 60 + 500 = 1300,
Production = 1040 + 1300 = 2340
(XY + 500) × 6X/100 = 1040
(60X + 500) × 6x/100 = 1040
3.6x2 + 30x – 1040 = 0
9x2 + 75x – 2600 = 0
(3x – 40)(3x + 65) = 0 x = 40/3
In Company A, Production = 1300 + 400 = 1700, Unsold = 200, Sold = 1700 – 200 =
M + 200 = 1500 M = 1300
In Company C, Production = 3900 – 1700 = 2200
In January
In Company A, Unsold = 800, Production = 800/(1 – 0.6) = 2000, Sold = 2000 – 800
= 1200
In Company C, Production = 2000 – 500 = 1500, Unsold = 1500 × 40/300 = 200,
Sold = 1500 – 200 = 1300
In Company B, Sold = 1700, Unsold = 200 + 200 = 400, Production = 1700 + 400 =
In March
In Company B, Sold = 1300 – 200 = 1100, Production = 1100/(1 – 8/19) = 1900,
Unsold = 1900 – 1100 = 800
In Company A, Production = 1900 × 22/19 = 2200
In Company C, Production = 1900 × 14/19 = 1400, Sold = 1400 × 5/7 = 1000,
Unsold = 1400 – 1000 = 400


By Company C, Unsold laptop in February & March = 1400 + 400 = 1800

% of Unsold Laptops = 60 – 15/4 = 56.25%
Total Production in February & March = 1800/0.5625 = 3200
Production in February = 3200 – 1400 = 1800
1400/(1 – Z/100) = 1800
7/9 = 1 – Z/100
Z/100 = 2/9
Z = 200/9
% of Laptop Sold in January = 1300/1500 × 100 = 260/3%
200/9 + a = 260/3
a = 260/3 – 200/9 = 580/9
% of Laptop sold in January = (Z + 580/9)%


By Company B, in all months, Production = 2100 + 1800 + 1900 + 2340 = 8140

Unsold = 400 + 300 + 800 + 1040 = 2540
% = 2540/8140 × 100 = 31.2%


By Company A, Laptop sold in March = 1500 × [1 + (60/2)/100] = 1950

Unsold Laptop in Company A & B in March = (2200 – 1950) + 800 = 1050
Sold Laptop in Company A & C in January = 1200 + 1300 = 2500
Difference = 2500 – 1050 = 1450


By Company C, Sold Laptop in April = 1400 × 2 – 1300 = 1500

Sold Laptop : Unsold Laptop = 1500 : (2200 – 1500) = 1500 : 700 = 15 : 7

By Company A, Production in December = 1900 × 3 – (2000 + 1800) = 1900

Increase in sell in January = 40/3 + 20/3 = 60/3 = 20%
Unsold laptop in December = 1900 – 1200/1.2 = 1900 – 1000 = 900
Unsold laptop in December & April, by Company A = 900 + 200 = 1100
Required % = 1100/1900 × 100 = 1100/19%

Quantity Based questions (Arithmetic)

In the question, two quantities i.e. Quantity I and Quantity II are given. Solve
the given quantities to establish the correct relation between them and choose
the correct option.

प्रश्न में, दो मात्राएँ अर्ाात् मात्रा I और मात्रा II दी गई हैं। उनके बीच सही संबंध स्र्ापित करने के
पिए दी गई मात्राओं को हि करें और सही पिकल्प चुनें।

Q1. A, B and C started a business with initial investment of Rs. 'x + 1500', Rs. 'x'
and Rs. 'x - 1000'.

Quantity I: If the profit earned after one year is Rs. 17760 and profit share of B is
Rs. 5760, then find the initial investment of A.

Quantity II : If A, B and C invested for 'y' months, '2y' months and '3y' months
respectively, then the profit share of C is Rs. 10000 from total profit of Rs. 23750,
then find the amount invested by B.

A, B और C ने रुपये के प्रारों दभक दनवेर् के साथ एक व्यवसाय र्ुरू दकया। 'x + 1500',
रु .'x' और रु .'x - 1000'.

मात्रा I: यदि एक वषा के बाि अदिात िाभ रु .17760 और बी का िाभ दहस्सा रु .5760 है ,
त A का प्रारों दभक दनवेर् ज्ञात कीदिए।

मात्रा II: यदि A, B और C ने क्रमर्ः 'y' महीने, '2y' महीने और '3y' महीने के दिए दनवेर्
दकया है , त C का िाभ दहस्सा रु कुि िाभ .10000 रु .23750 है , त बी द्वारा दनवेर् की
गई रादर् ज्ञात कीदिए।

Q2. P, Q and R can cover 120 meters in 'x' seconds, 'x - 2' seconds and 'x + 3'
seconds respectively. The ratio between speeds of P and R is 5: 4.

Quantity I: In a race of 300 meters between Q and R, what will be the distance
between them when winner will finish the race?

Quantity II: In a race of 320 meters between P and R. What will be the distance
between them when winner will finish the race?

P, Q और R क्रमर्ः 'x' सेकोंड, 'x - 2' सेकोंड और 'x + 3' सेकोंड में 120 मीटर की िू री
तय कर सकते हैं। P और R की गदत के बीच का अनुपात 5:4 है ।

मात्रा I: Q और R के बीच 300 मीटर की िौड़ में, िब दविेता िौड़ पूरी करे गा त उनके
बीच की िू री क्या ह गी?

मात्रा II: P और R के बीच 320 मीटर की िौड़ में। िब दविेता िौड़ पूरी करे गा त उनके
बीच की िू री क्या ह गी?


Quantity I: The digits at unit and hundredth places of a three - digit number 'X' are
interchanged to get another three - digit number 'Y'. If the difference between 'X'
and 'Y' is 198 and the digit at tens place is '8', then how many different values can
'X' take?

Quantity II: A woman takes 15 days to finish a work. A man can do the same work
in 25 days. A child is 50% as efficient as a woman. If 6 children and 5 men take '4X'
days to do the work that 12 women together can finish in 16 days, then find the
value of 'X'.

मात्रा I: तीन अोंक ों की सोंख्या 'X' की इकाई और सौवें स्थान के अोंक ों क एक और तीन
अोंक ों की सोंख्या 'Y' प्राप्त करने के दिए आपस में बिि दिया िाता है । यदि 'X' और 'Y' के
बीच का अोंतर 198 है और िहाई के स्थान पर अोंक '8' है , त 'X' दकतने दभन्न मान िे
सकता है ?

मात्रा II: एक मदहिा क एक काम पूरा करने में 15 दिन िगते हैं । एक आिमी उसी काया
क 25 दिन ों में कर सकता है । एक बच्चा एक मदहिा की तुिना में 50% अदिक कुर्ि
ह ता है । यदि 6 बच्चे और 5 पुरुष उस काया क करने में '4X' दिन िेते हैं दिसे 12
मदहिाएाँ दमिकर 16 दिन ों में पूरा कर सकती हैं , त 'X' का मान ज्ञात कीदिए।



Quantity I: Vivek and Vishal entered into a business investing their money in the
ratio of 17: 12, respectively and the respective ratio of time for which they made
their investment is 12: 19. If profit share of Vishal is Rs. 741, then find the total
profit earned by them together.

Quantity II : A shopkeeper bought a chair and marked it 70% above the cost price
and sold it after giving two successive discounts of 20% and 25% respectively for
Rs. 918. Find the cost price of table whose cost price is 35% more than that of

मात्रा I: दववेक और दवर्ाि ने क्रमर्ः 17:12 के अनुपात में अपना पैसा दनवेर् करके एक
व्यवसाय में प्रवेर् दकया और दिस समय के दिए उन् न
ों े अपना दनवेर् दकया उसका
सोंबोंदित अनुपात 12:19 है । यदि दवर्ाि का िाभ दहस्सा रुपये है । 741 है , त उनके द्वारा
अदिात कुि िाभ ज्ञात कीदिए।

मात्रा II: एक िु कानिार ने एक कुसी िरीिी और उस पर िागत मूल्य से 70% अदिक मूल्य
अोंदकत दकया और उसे क्रमर्ः 20% और 25% की ि क्रदमक छूट िे ने के बाि रुपये में
बेच दिया। 918. उस मेि का क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीदिए दिसका क्रय मूल्य कुसी के क्रय मूल्य
से 35% अदिक है ।



Quantity I: A box contains 4 Yellow shirts, 5 Pink shirts and 3 Blue shirts. The
probability of picking two shirts of the same colour from the box at random and
without replacement is 'X'. Find the value of '99X + 1.5'.

Quantity II: 7 friends meet at a party and each friend shakes the hand of every
other friend in the party exactly once. Find the number of handshakes that took
place in the party.
मात्रा I: एक बॉक्स में 4 पीिी र्टा , 5 गुिाबी र्टा और 3 नीिी र्टा हैं। दडब्बे से यादृखिक
रूप से और दबना प्रदतस्थापन के एक ही रों ग की ि र्टा चुनने की सोंभावना 'X' है । '99X +
1.5' का मान ज्ञात कीदिए।

मात्रा II: 7 ि स्त एक पाटी में दमिते हैं और प्रत्येक ि स्त पाटी में हर िू सरे ि स्त से ठीक
एक बार हाथ दमिाता है । पाटी में हुए हाथ दमिाने की सोंख्या ज्ञात कीदिए।



Quantity I: x2z + xy2 - xz2 - yx2 + yz2 – zy + xyz

Quantity II: (xy + yz) (z2 - y2 - x2)


1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. B


Quantity I
x/(3x + 500) = 5760/17760 = 12/37
37x = 36x + 6000
x = 6000
Initial Investment of A = 6000 + 1500 = 7500 Rs.

Quantity II
{(x - 1000) × 3y}/{(x + 1500) × y + x × 2y + (x - 1000) × 3y} = 10000/23750
3(x - 1000)/(x + 1500 + 2x + 3x - 3000) = 8/19
3(x - 1000)/(6x - 1500) = 8/19
19 × (x - 1000) = 8 × (2x - 500)
19x - 19000 = 16x - 4000
3x = 15000
x = 5000
Amount Invested by B = x = 5000 Rs.
Quantity I > Quantity II


120 = 5 × x = 4 × (x + 3)
5x = 4x + 12
x = 12
Speed of P = 120/12 = 10 m/s
Speed of Q = 120/(12 - 2) = 120/10 = 12 m/s
Speed of R = 120/(12 + 3) = 120/15 = 8 m/s

Quantity I
Distance between Q & R, when winner finish the race = 300 – [300/12] × 8 = 300 -
200 = 100 m

Quantity II
Distance between P & R, when winner finish the race = 320 – [320/10] × 8 = 320 -
256 = 64 m
Quantity I > Quantity II


Quantity I
Let X = 100a + 80 + b
Y = 100b + 80 + a
If a > b
X - Y = 198
(100a + 80 + b) - (100b + 80 + a) = 198
99a - 99b = 198
(a, b) = (9, 7), (8, 6), (7, 5), (6, 4), (5, 3), (4, 2), (3, 1)
If a < b
Y - X = 198
(100b + 80 + a) - (100a + 80 + b) = 198
99b - 99a = 198
(b, a) = (9, 7), (8, 6), (7, 5), (6, 4), (5, 3), (4, 2), (3, 1)
Number of Possible values of X = 7 + 7 = 14

Quantity II
Woman - 15 5
} 75 {
Man - 25 3

Efficiency of Child = 5 × 0.5 = 2.5

(6 × 2.5 + 5 × 3) × 4X = 12 × 5 × 16
(15 + 15) × X = 3 × 5 × 16
2X = 16
Quantity I > Quantity II


Quantity I
Profit Ratio, Vivek: Vishal = (17 × 12) : (12 × 19) = 17 : 19
Total Profit = 741 × 36/19 = 1404 Rs.

Quantity II
CP of Chair = 918/ (0.75 × 0.8 × 1.7) = 918/1.02 = 900 Rs.
CP of Table = 900 × 1.35 = 1215 Rs.
Quantity I > Quantity II


Quantity I
X = (4C2 + 5C2 + 3C2)/12C2 = (6 + 10 + 3)/66 = 19/66
99X + 1.5 = 99 × 19/6 + 1.5 = 28.5 + 1.5 = 30

Quantity II
Number of Handshakes = 7C2 = 21
Quantity I > Quantity II


Quantity I
x2z + xy2 - xz2 - yx2 + yz2 - zy2 + xyz
(x - y)(y - z)(z - x) + xyz
Minimum value,
(2 - 5)(5 - 8)(8 - 2) + 2 × 5 × 8 = (- 3)(- 3) × 6 + 80 = 54 + 80 = 134
Maximum value,
(4 - 7)(7 - 10)(10 - 4) + 4 × 7 × 10 = (- 3)(- 3) × 6 + 280 = 54 + 280 = 334
Quantity II
(xy + yz)(z2 - y2 - z2)
Minimum value,
(2 × 5 + 5 × 8) × (82 - 52 - 22) = (10 + 40) × (64 - 25 - 4) = 50 × 35 = 1750
Maximum value,
(4 × 7 + 7 × 10) × (102 - 72 - 42) = (28 + 70) × (100 - 49 - 16) = 98 × 35 = 3430
Quantity I < Quantity II .

Data Interpretation (caselet)

Data given below about five vessels A, B, C, D & E contains mixture of different
liquid read the data carefully and answer the questions.
Vessel A contains mixture of milk and water, vessel B contains mixture of
water and tea, vessel C contains mixture of tea and Alcohol, vessel D contains
mixture of Alcohol and Coffee and vessel E contains mixture of Coffee and
Juice. Mixture of milk and water in vessel A in the ratio of 7 : 2 and quantity of
water in vessel B is equal to quantity of milk in vessel A. Mixture of tea and
Alcohol in the vessel C is in the ratio of 5 : 3 and total quantity of mixture in
vessel C is 60 litres more than total quantity of mixture in vessel B. Total
quantity of mixture in vessel E is 2/3 of total quantity of mixture in vessel A.
Total quantity of mixture in vessel C is 50% more than total quantity of
mixture in vessel D. Ratio of tea in vessel B and C is 7 : 15, while ratio of
Alcohol in vessel C and D is 3 : 2. Total quantity of Juice in vessel E is 60 litres
and total quantity of water in vessel A is 80 litres. Quantity of tea in vessel B is
140 litres.

पाों च बतान ों A, B, C, D और E के बारे में नीचे दिए गए डे टा में दवदभन्न तरि पिाथों का
दमश्रण है , डे टा क ध्यान से पढ़ें और प्रश् ों के उत्तर िें । बतान A में िू ि और पानी का दमश्रण
है , बतान B में पानी और चाय का दमश्रण है , बतान C में चाय और अल्क हि का दमश्रण है ,
बतान D में अल्क हि और कॉफी का दमश्रण है और बतान E में कॉफी और िूस का दमश्रण
है । बतान A में िू ि और पानी का दमश्रण 7:2 के अनुपात में है और बतान B में पानी की मात्रा
बतान A में िू ि की मात्रा के बराबर है । बतान C में चाय और अल्क हि का दमश्रण 5:3 के
अनुपात में है और बतान C में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा, बतान B में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा से 60
िीटर अदिक है । बतान E में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा, बतान A में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा का 2/3
है । बतान C में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा 50% है बतान D में दमश्रण की कुि मात्रा से अदिक।
बतान B और C में चाय का अनुपात 7:15 है , िबदक बतान C और D में अल्क हि का
अनुपात 3:2 है । बतान E में िूस की कुि मात्रा 60 िीटर है और कुि मात्रा बतान A में पानी
80 िीटर है । बतान B में चाय की मात्रा 140 िीटर है ।

Q1. If 144 litres of mixture from vessel A and 72 litres mixture from vessel B taken
out and mixed in another vessel F, then what will be ratio of milk, water and tea
in vessel F?

यदि बतान A से 144 िीटर दमश्रण और बतान B से 72 िीटर दमश्रण दनकािकर िू सरे बतान
F में दमिाया िाए, त बतान F में िू ि, पानी और चाय का अनुपात क्या ह गा?

A. 14:9:5
B. 14:10:3
C. 5:14:3
D. 2:5:7
E. None of these

Q2. 72 litres of mixture from vessel E taken out and mixed in a vessel G, which
contains 42 litres juice, what quantity of coffee should mixed in vessel G to obtain
ratio of coffee and juice 2 : 1?

बतान E से 72 िीटर दमश्रण दनकािकर बतान G में दमिाया िाता है , दिसमें 42 िीटर िूस
है , कॉफी और िूस का अनुपात 2:1 प्राप्त करने के दिए बतान G में दकतनी मात्रा में कॉफी
दमिाई िानी चादहए?

A. 55L
B. 66L
C. 77L
D. 88L
E. Cannot be determined

Q3. If vessel B and C are mixed together in a big vessel Z and 45 litres of mixture is
taken out from vessel Z, then find quantity of Alcohol in 45 litres of mixture.
यदि बतान B और C क एक बड़े बतान Z में एक साथ दमिाया िाता है और बतान Z से 45
िीटर दमश्रण दनकािा िाता है , त 45 िीटर दमश्रण में अल्क हि की मात्रा ज्ञात कीदिये।

A. 3L
B. 6L
C. 9L
D. 11L
E. None of these

Q4. If 128 litres of mixture from vessel C, 96 litres of mixture from D and 120
litres of mixture from vessel E taken out and mixed together in vessel Y, find the
ratio of tea, alcohol, coffee and juice in vessel Y.

यदि बतान C से 128 िीटर दमश्रण, D से 96 िीटर दमश्रण और बतान E से 120 िीटर दमश्रण
दनकािकर बतान Y में एक साथ दमिाया िाता है , त बतान Y में चाय, र्राब, कॉफी और
िूस का अनुपात ज्ञात कीदिए।

A. 40:42:75:15
B. 41:76::42:15
C. 15:39:37:17
D. 40:42:75:17
E. None of these

Q5. If vessel D and E mixed together in a big vessel W and 56 litres of this mixture
taken out from vessel W, then find quantity of juice in 56 litres of mixture.

यदि बतान D और E क एक बड़े बतान W में एक साथ दमिाया िाए और बतान W से 56

िीटर दमश्रण दनकािा िाए, त 56 िीटर दमश्रण में रस की मात्रा ज्ञात कीदिए।

A. 2L
B. 4L
C. 6L
D. 8L
E. None of these
Answer key:

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C


Vessel A
Water = 80 L
So, Milk = 80 × 7/2 = 280 L
Total = 360 L
Thus, Water: Milk = 2: 7

Vessel B
Water = 280 L
Tea = 140 L
Total = 420 L,
Water: Tea = 2: 1

Vessel C
Total = 420 + 60 = 480 L
Tea = 480 × 5/8 = 300 L
Alcohol = 180 L
Tea: Alcohol = 5: 3

Vessel D
Total = 480/1.5 = 320 L
Alcohol = 180 × 2/3 = 120 L
Coffee = 200 L
Alcohol: Coffee = 3: 5

Vessel E
Total = 360 × 2/3 = 240 L
Juice = 60 L, Coffee = 180 L
Juice: Coffee = 60: 180 = 1: 3
In Vessel F
Milk: Water: Tea = (144 × 7/9): (144 × 2/9 + 72 × 2/3): (72 × 1/3)
= 112: 80: 24
= 14: 10: 3


Let x L coffee required to mixed then

(72 × 3/4 + x)/ (72 × 1/4 + 42) = 2/1
54 + x = 2(18 + 42)
x = 2 × 60 – 54 = 120 – 54 = 66


In Vessel Z
Water: Tea: Alcohol = 280: (140 + 300): 180
= 280: 440: 180
= 14: 22: 9
In 45 L, Quantity of Alcohol = 45 × 9/45 = 9 L


In Vessel Y
Tea: Alcohol: Coffee: Juice
= (128 × 5/8): (128 × 3/8 + 96 × 3/8): (96 × 5/8 + 120 × 3/4): (120 × 1/4)

= 80: 84: 150: 30

= 40: 42: 75: 15


In Vessel W
Alcohol : Coffee : Juice = 120 : (200 + 180) : 60
= 120 : 380 : 60
= 6 : 19 : 3

In 56 L, Quantity of Juice = 56 × 3/28 = 6 L


Miscellaneous Type Question

Q1. Three series are given below. You have to find the values of X, Y and Z, then
establish a relationship among them.

I: 210, X, 233, 64, 260, 35

II: Y, 66, 110, 170, 254, 370

III: 42, 54, 74, Z, 146, 202

A. X + Z = Y + 20
B. Z + X = Y – 20
C. X + Y = Z + 15
D. Y + Z = X – 40
E. None of these

Q2. Below given are three quadratic equations numbered as 1, 2 and 3. Read the
data carefully and find the Sum of the roots of all three equations which are
greater than other root.

1.3ax = 40 – ay
2. b2 = 2b + p
3. c2 + c = q
One root of equation 1 is - 8.
One root is common in equation 1 and 2, whose value is more than zero.
One root is common in equation 2 and 3.
Difference between the roots of the equation 3 is less than 6.
All the roots are real numbers and integers.
A. Sum is a negative integer
B. Sum is a prime number
C. Sum is 12
D. Sum is a perfect square
E. None of these

Q3. Three series are given below. You have to find the values of X, Y and Z, then
establish a relationship among them.

I: 840, X, 584, 456, 520, 488

II: 750, 21, 264, (X/2 + 19), 210, Y

III: 225, 250, Y, 282, 161, Z

A. X<Z<Y
B. Z>X>Y
C. X<Y<Z
D. Y>X>Z
E. None of these

Q4. Solve all three equations and form a new equation in variable 'z' (reduce to
lowest possible factor) using roots of equation I, II and III as per instructions given
I: 4 - 20/x + 28/x2 = 4/x2 + 9/x - 3
II: y2 - 4y + 2 = 1/8 (2y - 5)
III: z2 + 10.5 = 17z/2

p = sum of highest root of equations I and Ill

q = product of lowest root of equation I and highest root of equation II
What will be new equation, If roots of this are p and q.
A. a2 - 18a + 56 = 0
B. a2 - 16a + 48 = 0
C. a2 - 14a + 40 = 0
D. a2 - 15a + 50 = 0
E. None of these
Answer Key:

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C



Series I,
210 - 112 = 89
89 + 122 = 233
233 - 132 = 64
64 + 142 = 260
260 - 152 = 35
X = 89

Series II,
66 - 30 = 36
110 - 66 = 44 (36 + 8)
170 - 110 = 60 (44 + 16)
254 - 170 = 84 (60 + 24)
370 - 254 = 116 (84 + 32)
Y = 30

Series III,
42 + 3 × 4 = 54
54 + 4 × 5 = 74
74 + 5 × 6 = 104
104 + 6 × 7 = 146
146 + 7 × 8 = 202
Z = 104

Of all given options, these values fit in option C i.e., X + Y = Z + 15

=89 + 30 = 119 = 104 + 15

Equation 1, 3ax = 40 - ay
Case 1) x = 1, y = 2
3a = 40 - a2
a2 + 3a - 40 = 0
At a = - 8
(- 8)3 + 3 × (- 8) - 40 = 0
64 - 24 - 40 = 0

Other root of Eq. 1 = (- 40)/(- 8) = 5

Greater root = 5
Case 2) x = 2, y = 1
3a2 = 40 - a
3a2 + a - 40 = 0
At a = - 8
3 × (- 8)2 + (- 8) - 40 = 0
3 × 64 - 8 - 40 = 0
192 - 48 = 0
144 ≠ 0

Equation 2, b2 = 2b + p
b2 - 2b - p = 0
1 root of equation = 5 (common root of equation 1 & 2 and greater than 0)
Other root = 2 - 5 = - 3

- p = 5 × (- 3)
p = 15
Greater root = 5
Equation 3, c2 + c = q
c2 + c - q = 0
If common root of equation 2 & 3 is 5, then other root of equation 3 = (- 1) - 5 = -
Difference = 5 - (- 6) = 11 > 6 (Not possible)
If common root of equation 2 & 3 is - 3, then other root of equation 3 = (- 1) - (- 3)
Difference = 2 - (- 3) = 5 < 6 (Possible)
Root of equation 3 = 2, - 3
Greater root = 2
Sum of Greater root of 3 equation = 5 + 5 + 2 = 12
Sum is 12


Series (i),
840 - 29 = 328
328 + 28 = 584
584 - 27 = 456
456 + 26 = 520
520 - 25 = 488
X = 328

Series (ii),
X/2 + 19 = 328/2 + 19 = 164 + 19 = 183
750 - 36 = 21
21 + 35 = 264
264 - 34 = 183
183 + 33 = 210
210 - 32 = 201
Y = 201

Series (iii),
225 + 52 = 250
250 - 72 = 201
201 + 92 = 282
282 - 112 = 161
161 + 132 = 330
Z = 330
Z > X > Y.


Equation I
4 - 20/x + 28/x2 = 4/x2 + 9/x - 3
7 - 29/x + 24/x2 = 0
7x2 - 29x + 24 = 0
(7x - 8)(x - 3) = 0
x = 8/7, 3

Equation II
y2 - 4y + 2 = 1/8 × (2y - 5)
8y2 - 32y + 16 = 2y - 5
8y2 - 34y + 21 = 0
(4y - 3)(2y - 7) = 0
y = 3/4, 7/2

Equation III,
z2 + 10.5 = 17z/2
2z2 - 17z + 21 = 0
(2z - 3)(z - 7) = 0
z = 3/2, 7
p = 3 + 7 = 10
q = 8/7 × 7/2 = 4

New Equation
(a - 10)(a - 4) = 0
a2 - 14a + 40 = 0

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