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Name: Verano, April Rose F.


Educ 85: Activity 2

Concept Summary
Directions: Create a table to summarize the concepts in each learning theory and principle. Please
use the pattern below.

Learning Theories &

Important Concepts

a. Propose by Edgar Dale and influenced by John Dewey.

b. Dale expanded Dewey’s concept of the continuity of learning through
experience by
developing the “Cone of Experience” or Pinnacle form.
c. Direct, Purposeful Experiences - The base of the cone. Engaging directly
with real-life activities or environments, such as hands-on learning or using
real objects and materials.
d. Contrived Experiences - Just above direct experiences, involving replicas or
simulations that mimic real-life situations closely, allowing learning through a
controlled yet realistic model.
e. Dramatic Participation - Learning through role-playing or dramatization,
which helps in understanding emotional and social dynamics.
f. Demonstration Experiments - At this mid-level, observing demonstrations or
experiments conducted by instructors or experts to understand processes and
g. Field Trips - Visiting sites relevant to the subject matter, such as historical
sites, scientific centers, or industrial facilities, to gain practical insights.
1. Dale's Cone of h. Exhibitions and Museums - Exploring curated displays that offer contextual
Experience and detailed information about specific topics, artifacts, or phenomena.
i. Television - Utilizing educational broadcasts that provide visual and auditory
learning experiences through documentaries, tutorials, or educational shows.
j. Motion Pictures - Watching films or videos that offer a narrative or
documentary approach to learning, engaging viewers emotionally and visually.
k. Radio and Recordings - Listening to audio broadcasts or recorded audio
materials that focus on verbal learning through discussions, lectures, or
narrated content.
l. Still Pictures, Pictures, Illustrations, Stereographs, Slides, Filmstrips, and
Micro Projections - Using various forms of static visual media to support
learning through visual representation and aids.
m. Designed Materials - Employing specially created educational resources like
textbooks, workbooks, or digital content that are structured to facilitate
n. Verbal Symbols - At the pinnacle of the cone, relying on textual or spoken
words alone, such as lectures, books, or articles, which require significant
abstract thinking and in
Learning Theories &
Important Concepts

a. A group of researchers led by Bloom’s colleague David Krathwohl

and one of Bloom’s students, Lorin Anderson, revised the taxonomy in
b. In the new variant, nouns were replaced by action verbs. Also, the
two highest levels of the taxonomy were swapped. The new learning
stages are Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and
c. Remember: Recognizing or recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, or
d. Uderstand: Explaining ideas or concepts, interpreting,
summarizing, paraphrasing, or classifying.
e. Apply: Using information in another familiar situation,
implementing, carrying out, or using a procedure through executing,
or performing.
f. Analyze: Breaking information into parts to explore understandings
and relationships, comparing, organizing, or deconstructing.
2. revised bloom's g. Evaluate: Making judgments based on criteria and standards
taxonomy through checking and critiquing.
h. Create: Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional
whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through
generating, planning, or producing.
i. Verbs for Making Objectives Based on Bloom's Taxonomy:
• Knowledge: list, define, describe, identify, retrieve, name, find,
match, recall.
• Understand: interpret, summarize, infer, paraphrase, classify,
explain, compare, describe.
• Apply: implement, carry out, use, execute, demonstrate, solve,
show, operate.
• Analyze: compare, contrast, categorize, analyze, differentiate,
investigate, breakdown, examine.
• Evaluate: judge, evaluate, critique, decide, rank, rate, choose,
recommend, assess.
• Create: design, construct, plan, produce, invent, create, compose,
generate, develop.

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