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1.Ahmad falls silent as he looks………………..……at his cigar.

A. thought B. thoughtful C. thoughtfully D. think

2…………………………guests are treated as house owners.
A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalize
3.I advise you to……………………………………your money wisely.
A. investing B. investment C. invest D. invested
4. Each young person is expected to……………in four activities.
A. participate B. participated C. participant D. participation
5.The…………………between the two parties will begin next month.
A. negotiated B. negotiations C. negotiable D. negotiate
6.The boy was so……………………to know what had happened.
A. curiously B. curious C. curiosity

7……………..…, a man proposes to a woman, not the other way round.

A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionalize D. traditionally

8.My grandfather lives in an……………………………house.
A. isolated B. isolate C. isolation
9.Food prices have risen……………………over the last few days.
A. sharp B. sharply C. sharpness D. sharpen
10.You can…………………………………………on me to help you.
A. rely B. reliable C. reliably D. reliance
11. Don’t make much noise, I am trying to…………………………………
A. concentrate B. concentration C. concentrated
12……………………………………leads to success in every way of life.
A. concentration B. concentrated C. concentrate
13.After a long………………the two parties reached an agreement .
A. negotiable B. negotiate C. negotiated D. negotiation

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